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November 13, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-13

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Established 1890

5 - ZZ.

tive passage work. This whole procedure is re-
peated, and a final orchestral tutti brings it to a
fortissimo close.
"Elsa's Dream" from "Lohengrin" . . .Wagner
With Wagner the orchestra was freed of its
classical limitations as an accompaniment and be-
came an actual part of the musical texture itself.
Instead of a merely chordal support for the voice
it has a definite melodic function and the vocal
parts now become "orchestral." This characteristic
is very evident in this aria-here the instruments
prophesy the actual song and the two are woven


e...~ -
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
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The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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CI EDITOR...................... KARL SEIFFERT
SPORTS EDITOR.....................JOHN W. THOMAS
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft.
John W. Pritchard, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw'
Glenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman.
REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles
G. Barndt, James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald P.
Blankerts, Charles B. Brownson, Albert L. Burrows,
Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, Robert Engel,
William G. Ferris, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B.
Hewett, George M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, George
Vn Veck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White.
Eleanor B. Blum,, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan
Frances Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C.
Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Weston, Harriet
Telephone 2-1214
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ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward.
Betty Aigler, Doris Gmmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy
Laylin, Helen Olson, Helen Schunme, May Seefried,
Kathryn Stork.
SATURDAY, NOV. 12, 1932

subtly together into a coherent unity.
Excerpts from "Die Wakure" ...... Wagner
The impetuous, exultant vitality and the glow-
ing beauty of the music of this opera have made
it justly popular, not only in its original form but
also in the concert style in which it is performed
today. While selections can never be more than
a glimpse of the real thing, this music is interest-
ing enough from an instrumental standpoint to
more than justify its presentation in this manner.
Concerto for Piano, Op. 16 (First Move-
ment)................... ......Grieg
Beginning with a short piano cadenza, the
sharp, march-like first subject is given out by the
woodwinds with accompanying figurations in the
strings, decidedly contrasting to the legato second
phrase which is heard in the clarinet and bassoon,
repeated by the firsts. The piano then takes up
this material and it is developed and extended,
leading through a transitional Animato to the
second theme, a lovely cantabile, first heard in the
cellos, and then taken up and embellished by the
piano, crescendoing into a tutti fortissimo coda
built out of the staccato motif. This is followed
by a working out of the themes among the or-
chestra with continued arpeggios in the piano.
From this developmental section the return of
the chief theme is evolved and al lthe matelall
is repeated much as before, leading to an elabo-
rate piano cadenza, after which an orchestral
entry caps the whole with a brilliant ending.'
Capriccio Espagnole ......Rimsky-Korsakoff
Tschiakovsky once wrote to the composer say-
ing, "I must add that your Spanish Caprice is a
colossal masterpiece of instrumentation," and an
enthusiastic public has continued to voice its
approval ever since then. In it Rimsky-Korsakoff
has made a feature of the instrumental solo, as
though striving to show of what stuff the orches-
tral body consists and of what its units are sep-
arately capable. The fascinating rhythms on
which this composition is built make the percus-
sion especially outstanding, a comparatively rare
procedure at that time.
Fashionable Detroit turned out Friday night to
give a packed-house support to the brilliait open-
ing of the Bonstelle Civic Theatre's nw season.
Mr. Robert Henderson's finished production of the
latest Philip Barry play, "The Animal Kingdom,'
captivated his first audience. One feels that his
season will continue on the same distinctive plane
of Friday night's performance. Ann Arbor audi-
ences know this to be Mr. Henderson's policy.
It is interesting to see the Detroit presentation
of "The Animal Kingdom," after the production
given it in Ann Arbor this past spring. One
feels that Mr. Henderson gives the best possible
production with the material at his use, whether
in Ann Arbor or Detroit. Certainly the new
presentation is a more colorful, a more important
one than that offered in Ann Arbor. Whether
or not it is as truly a Barry show as the one
we had an earlier opportunity to see is a ques-
tion. This difference was mainly through the
interpretation of characters. It is particularly
true of the portrayals of Cecelia Henry, played by
Miss Sondergaard, and Daisy Sage, played by
Jessie Royce Landis. Miss Landis makes the hon-
est, compatible Daisy a more emotional, appeal-
ingly tingent mistress-wife than did Miss Loomis
in the spring production. This, of course, brings
more sympathy to the character, something I am
not sure Daisy would want. However, it does
make her more important as a woman and that
certainly is her position in "The Animal Kingdom."
Miss Sondergaard makes Cecelia, the wife, a cal-
culating and shrewd woman, aware of her attrac-
tion to her husband, and quick to take advantage
of its possibilities for her satisfaction.
Of the Detroit cast there are four members who
played in the Ann Arbor production this spring-
Walter Vaughn, Francis Compton, Francis Dade,
and Ainsworth Arnold. Mr. Arnold, as Richard
Regan, the bibacious and companionable ex-pug-
ilist butler, gave a performance that brought con-
tinuous applause from the audience. He will be
remembered in Ann Arbor for this role, and now
it appears that Detroit has also taken him to its
heart. This is particularly fitting since Miss Bon-
stelle wished that he take the place of Walter
Sherwin as the company's character man. Marie

Adelo playing Franc Schmidt, the young German
violinist, gave a major performance of a minor
role. She was a real German with the good old
German fire,
Certainly, from the familiar faces in Friday
night's audience, Ann Arbor is going to give Mr.
Henderson the same loyal support it gives his
Spring Festival. We can certainly be proud that
one of our former students, who not so long agc
was writing this column, is now the director ol
what is fast becoming one of our most important
civic theatres.

world is mostly united in a sane system of meas-
urements and weights, while we retain our fool-
ish, absolute and arbitrary standards." Accord-
ing to the All-America Standards Council, the
general adoption of decimal weights and measures
will save billions of dollars each year by increas-
ing national efficiency. Those favoring metric
legislation should write to the chairman, commit-
tee on coinage, weights and measures, House of
Representatives, Washington, D. C.
-F. S. Onderdonk
Screen Reflections
Four stars means a super-picture; threestars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
Mike ............Edward G. Robinson
Quita ............ .........Zita Johann
Pipes.................Richard Arlen
Muggsey ................Leila Bennett
Engineer .................Vince Barnett
Manuel.............William Ricciardi
A Man ................ J. Carroll Naish
"Tiger Shark" is a roaring melodrama that will
freeze your back-bone at times. A Pacific ocean
tuna-fisher with a spike for a left hand; man eat-
ing sharks; gory battle scenes with these huge
fish; sinister, sardonic jokes; Richard Arlen; and
Edward G. Robinson are all bundled together in
an epic of the seas. There is good work by the
comic Vince Barnett as the engineer, while Zita
Johann, a new one to us, is appealing enough as
the daughter of Manuel, a victim of the sharks.
The result is fine entertainment, if, as the say-
ing goes, "you can take it." Parts of this show
are more graphic in their horror than the talking
edition of "Moby Dick.
It is highly probable that more pictures of this
type would go well with the movie fan. "Tiger
Shark" is a far cry from the artificial problem
play, sex triangle, pent-house saga, or Janet Gay-
nor sweetness. If there was an sweetness in "Tiger
Shark," Howard Hawks, the director struck it out
before it left the studio.
it's even blood-thirsty in spots. To see a shark
harpooned, then drag the harpooner into the
water to his death as the rope ensnares the man
I. awe-nsprin
is an awe-inspirg sight. From point of view of
interest, if you aren't too hopelessly educated to
the blase and the usual, the "educational" views
of tuna fishing are just as gripping.
Two dissertations by Mike on St. Peter, Heaven
and hell,are stretched out a bit far. And that's
all we could find wrong with "Tiger Shark."
Added attractions: A breath of the past is
Charlie Chaplin (and we don't mean Chase) in a
chunk of "Easy Street," an old silent which is
honestly funny. The action is speeded up until it's
positively ludicrous. But still good. Shot to watch
for: Charlie getting a job from the police cap-
tain. Also Hearst news, and a short concerning an
African native's hunting day. -G. M. W. Jr.!
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It pays to read the classified columns
Sf the Michigan Daily.


How Will Roosevelt
Tackle The Depressi on..


HE NEXT THING for the Amer-
T ican people to puzzle over is just
exactly what method Franklin D. Roosevelt, when
he becomes President, will use for the promotion
of prosperity,
That Mr. Roosevelt is eager for the return off
financial comfort to the nation goes without say-
He would promote reforestation, and he would
bring back beer. These, of course, are admirable
emergency methods. But are they anything more
than superficial?
Will the President confine himself to emergency
treatment of the depression, or will he seek to
rebuild and reinforce the nation's financial struc-
ture from the bottom up? Will he retain the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation for a few
months and then dissolve it, or will he retain it,
in some form, as a necessary supplement to the
Federal Reserve System? Will he fiddle with
currency values, or will he keep the dollar stabil-
ized? Will he, in other words, work from the top
to restore affluence quickly, or will he work from
the bottom to insure it permanently.
It is characteristic of Americans that as soon
as a depression is finished, it also is forgotten.
Nevertheless it becomes more and more obvious
that, if our financial system is not firmly bolster-
ed with immovable props, the next depression will
practically ruin the country.
These are a few things that the people must
puzzle over for a few months. Soon after March
5, the new President's course will be apparent.
Music and Drama
The University Symphony Orchestra, under the
direction of Prof. David Mattern, will present the
following program this afternoon at Hill Audi-
torium, in connection with which analytical notes
are offered.
Academic Festival Overture ......Brahms
This overture, a work of the utmost jollity, was
written as an acknowledgement of the degree of
doctor of philosophy which was conferred upon
the composer by the University of Breslau in 1880.
Anything less "academic" in the usual pedantic
sense of the work can scarcely be thought of. It
is university life presented from a characteris-
tically student point of view, and contains four
of their best known songs, which are used with
extraordinary ingenuous effects.
Concerta for Piano No. 2, Op. 21 . , . .Chopin
Chopin's adherence to the strict concerto form
is an all too obvious vault, even in the compara-
tively compact and concisely instrumented F
minor. There is a constant alternation of solc
.Anri nrh~ a that almost destroys any feeling

WASHINGTON-Since the day when Lincoln's
tall, lanky, stooping figure strode first into the
White House to begin the writing of that glowing
page history reserved for him, the Republican
party has been generally the most powerful poli-
tical force in the nation.
Momentary defeats down the .years apparently
have meant little to its chosen party leaders.
Time has been when they have let control of Con-
gress, the presidency itself, pass from their hands
rather than brook challenge of old guard com-
It was so in 1912, when Theodore Roosevelt
surged into a Republican national convention,
confident of a new nomination, bursting with
plans for making over the whole intimate struc-
ture of his party on lines of social progress.
The old guard met him with thumbs down. By
ruthless parliamentary procedure, it banned him,
precipitating the Bull Moose third party break
that spelled eight years of Democratic rule in
The old guard stalwarts of those days knew
what that decision would cost. A Pennsylvania
cynic of their high command was reported to
have met pleas that it would wreck the party with
the grim observation:
"What of it, so long as we control the wreck-
Eight years later the soundness of that dictum
seemed proven as Warren Harding of Ohio, despite
a fierce convention deadlock from which his cam-
paign was launched, was swept to the presidency
by a huge majority.
It had taken eight years to salvage the G.
o. P. wreckage of 1912, refit it for service and
steer it again to victory. Three Republican ad-
ministrations marched in succession through the
White D ouse with only the bickering intra-party
conflicts in the Senate to mark the scars of
But.what now of 1932 and the years just ahead?
Again the party ship lies on the rocks of defeat,
more severely buffeted than ever before in its
Veteran leaders like Watson of Indiana, who
have withstood all attack for years, have been
swept away. President Hoover and the cabinet
circle upon which he chiefly relied in his desperate
losing battle must in the very nature of things
pass off the quarterdeck.

DoQ the whereabouts,
the incidental activities
and general movements
of. certain members of
this great uniuversity ever
make you pause? There
is one way of having
these valuable bits of in-
formation at hand with-
out going to a clairvoy-
ant. Spend a dollar for a
student directory and
stop sleuthing.
ON sale on the cram-
pus and at the Union
desk and Publications


Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communcations will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will. however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining thLemscves to less than
300 words if possible.
In Europe every person of average intelligence
knows the measures and weights by heart, for the

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