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October 30, 1932 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-30

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Established 1890


He has at last been induced to speak his mind
on the question of the soldiers' bonus; his atti-
tude here is precisely that of President Hoover.
He has opened his heart on the question of
public utilities; his decision here is wise, and
.ane. .ehas proposed a rogran of reforest.-
tion, which, as he says, would be a boost to
employment; this is conceivable, for out of the
millions and millions of unemployed in this na-
tion it should be possible to find enough men to
form a "bucket brigade," which would pass axes,
seedlings, saws, young saplings, decayed branches,
etc., from hang to hand until the materials
reached the desired location. Otherwise, it is
difficult to conceive of a reforestation program{
being any important Aid to employment


uMrnh Hoovero t other hand is kain no
Published every morning except Monday during t oep
University year and Summer Session 'by the Board' n have to do so. He has spent the campaign in
Control ofStudent, Publications.
Ie riber of u Western iference Editorial AssoOIa- rebuttal, pure and simple. He refuses to waste
tion ,and the Big Ten Mews Service. valuable time in reviewing the work he has done
The Asoeiated PressT Sexclusivey entitled t the use in office; he spoke of it once, he considers once
for republ ationofPne tches eredited t? eto enough. The Reconstruction Finance Co'rpora-
published herein. All rights of repubication of special tion; the efforts to reduce tax burdens through
rdispratches are reserved.
E ntered at the Pst Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as armament limitation; the public construction
class n tter Special rate of postage granted by program; his unselfish opposition of such selfish
rhIrd Assistant Postmaster-General.
3ubscription during summer ,by carrier, $1.00; by. mat, :interests as the influential American Legion when
During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by it backed the payment of the bonus; such monu-
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, mental labors for his country are discounted by
Ann Arbor, .Mihligan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publishers , Representatives, him in his campaign, because he realized that
Lnc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New Yor; City $p the American people will not appreciate their
Boylston Street, Boston; (12 Nort, Michigan Avenue, repetition.
Telephone 41
l ANAGING EDITOR...........FRANK B. .I 8=
TY EDIITOR........................KAR 5PI 2'
niORT5 EDITO....................JOHN W. TIOviM '1h e ii.e ae
t'OMEN'$ EDITOR............. A GARET O'BRI
60ISTAT WOMEN'S EDITOR............Miriam CGre?
IE EDITORS: ThomCas.onneln, Norman F. ra, By GEORGE SPELVIN
JG Wnni. PWdnters. arcPlay Production came tirough with a fast-
PORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newmaa. nmoving production of Elmer Rice's expressionistic:
play, "The Adding Machine," at the Laboratory
EPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles theatre Friday night.
G. Barndt, James Bauchat. Donald R. Bird, Donald- 1"T .
Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson. Arthur W. Caistens, The Adding Machine is the type of script
Robert Egel ric Hal, JohnC.'Healey, Robert B. that Mr. Windt is most excellent in directing;
IHewett, George Van Veck, Guy M. Whippe, Jr., W.
Stoddard White. its dream-play qualities demand careful rythms,
Eleanor B. Blum, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan, precise mass movements, and enthusiastic acting.
Frances Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C. Friday's show had all of these.
Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Western and Har-
riet Speiss. The evenings leading event was undoubtedly
BUSINESS STAFF Miss Vivian Cohen's debut in campus dramatics
UsITSeeAR e..........BY= .ras Daisy, secretarial drudge in the office where
MANAE.........HARRY G Y Mr. Zero, the play's hero, slaves his life away-
vOiMEN'$BUSINESSMANAGER .......DONNA B9C tOn the strength of this one performance it is
EPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; safe to say that Miss Cohen may easily become
Advertising Cotracts, Orvi Aronson; Advertising &rV-
fce, Noel Turne; Accounts, Bernard E. Schna is C- one of the best actresses Play Production has
culation, Gilbert E lursley; Publications, Robert E.adfrsm tie Hrbauflymoltd
Finn, ' had for some time Her beautifully modulated
SSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon voice, which catches and points up the lines with
Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, unusual intelligence, and her always-correct pres-
Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skin-
ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward. entation of the visual image from the stage indi-
Betty Aigler, Doris Gimmy, Blie Griffiths, Doroth cate fine training. Miss Cohen brings excitement
V rlin, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, MNay Seefried, toa rather drab part.
yS--Our opinion of Leonard Stocker as Mr. Zero,
SUNDAY, OCT. 30, 1932 te pitifully insignificant prototype of white-
collar slavery, is a mixed one, and somewhat diff-
For Oblivion: Class cult to analyze. In the first place it must be
remembered that the part is one no young man
Gamies, "Black Friday". . . of Mr. Stocker's traiing could be expected to do
. m , lFwith distinction. It demands a complete stock of
N the year 1806 Napoleon Bona- failure-at-fifty mannerisms and tricks of speech,
parte gave the already tottering and the ability to transcend them with a strong
roly Roman Empire a push which sent it into its interpretation of the inner man. Mr. Stocker
ichly deserved grave; richly deserved because lets a great deal of the Zero character slip by
he Holy Roman Empire was not oply, was not him.
oman, and was not an Empire. However, in Zero's more naive moments, or at
There is now, on the Michigan campus, a mod- those times when the sneaking cunning of the
rn "Holy Roman Empire," which is in need of a- man comes through, or when his cheap coy smile
3onaparte to push it into the grave. We refer to indicates "I'm a regular guy, just like you birds"
he "traditions" of class games and their con -then Mr. Stocker is good. The moments are
'anion in folly, "Black Friday." These anachron- infrequent and go as swiftly as they come, but
$tic, puerile, reign-of-simpleton "traditions" they lift an otherwise mediocre performance to
tand awaiting their doom. And rightly so. a point where it does not interfere with the
To the -unenlightened underclassman there general effect of the play. Perhaps that doesn't
xists no such' tling as the "class spirit" exetnpli- sound like a great compliment; under the cir-
ed in class games and "Black Friday," for he Cemistances it may be considered one.
ealizes that the true unit is Michigan, not "frosh" Jean Rosenthal drew a big hand from Friday
r "soph" and that chasing rival underclassmen night's audience for her amusing monologue which
rom the West Medical Building to Hill Audit.o- comprises the first scene. She gave a lusty read-
ium and back again is just as much a rank ing of Mrs. Zero, making herself as disgusting
bsurdity in a modern university as is the buffet-. as anyone could wish in the part of the woman
ng of the rival underclassman with pillows and who proved so inadequate a sharer of Zero's
he wresting of canes from one another. troubles. Edward Freed, Charles Harrell, and
It is high time that the freshmen realize their -arlan Bloomer were also outstanding in the cast.
idiculous conduct, and it is likewise high time -Mr. Windt's interpretation of the play is one
hat the flabbiness of "Black Friday" and the that the reviewer cannot quite agree with. He
lass games are made grounds for their complete directs for the greatest possible comedy effect,
xtinction. and gets it-perhaps at the expense 'f the play's
When the Student Council president oversleeps serious undercurrent. But his production, prob-
Wndso cannot start the games; when the pot has ably, is a sufficient justification of itself, and
neglimmering; when cap night has faded n stands on its own legs. At least it gives y6u an
etrospect; and when 75 freshmen and no sopio- evening of hearty and somewhat reflective en-
nores show interestin the proceedings, the hou tertainment.
ias come to insist that our University Holly Ro-
tan Emipire should be buried for all time.

Campus Opinion
Leiters published in ONi column should 'not be
conit xie1 a eressing .e eiorial opinion o Te
Daily. Anonymous conMnmncat:ons will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however be re-
garded as cfidential upon request. Contributors are
aedtobbe brief,eonnirin t eminselves to less than
303twords if p~ssble.
To The Editor:
As soon itsthe Doak Resoluti, which affects
foreign students who earn their education either
in part or in whole, was put into effect, the status,
of the Filipino students in this c1untry has bee
questioned. To anyone who attempts to definel
the status of the Filipinos in this country the
following question usually come to mind: Are
the Filipinos American citizens? The answer i
no, because they (the Filipinos) do not enjoy
political rights such as the rignt to vote and
to hold office.
After the Treaty of Paris (198), the United
States Senate passed the following resolution:
"Resolved by the Senate and House of the
United States of America in Congress Assembled.
that by the ratification of the Treaty of peace
with Spain, it is not intended to incorporate the
inhabitants of the Philippine Islands into citi-
zenship of the United States. "
R. Regala of the University of the Philippines.
quoting an opinion of the Attorney General of
the Philippine Islands dated Sept. 4, 1906, finds:
"The inhabitants of these islands are not citi-
zens of the United States in respect to rights,
privileges and immunities guaranteed by the con-
stitution to the citizens of the several states of
the American union, but it is equally clear that
they are citizens of the United States in an
international sense, and as such are entitled a
right to the protection of the United States in
their rights of property and person whether at
home or in foreign lands."
Although the Filipinos are not American citi-
zens in a constitutional point of view, yet they
are not "aliens" because they owe allegiance to
the government of the United States-they are
"subjects" of the same according to the Attor-
ney-General of the United States in arguing in
the famous Insular cases. According to Justice
Malcom of the Philippine supreme court, the
Filipinos are American nationals and Filipino
citizens-"American nationals because they are
not aliens to the United States, although they
are not full citizens of the same." But from the
international point of view, the Filipinos are
citizens of the United States. In fact, when they
(the Filipinos) travel in foreign lands, they prac-
tically lose their identity as Filipino citizens be-
cause they travel on American passports.
Therefore, the Filipino students in this coun-
try are not at all affected by the Doak resolu-
tion because they are "subjects" of the United
S. I. Cabanatan, Grad.
A 0YT 1
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
WASHINGTON-Alice Roosevelt Longworth,
speaking as one with experience, has said her say,
among other things, about the vice-presidency.
And by her testimony anent the "shelving" of
her distinguished father in what sometimes has
proved to be a political graveyard, the office will
hardly gain in general esteem. Even the daugh-
ter of a vice-president, it seems, found the office
a side track in Washington political life, how-
ever it may have served to introduce her to the
official social life of the nation's capital.
Mrs. Longworth, in those far off days, was
not the politically minded person of today, it is
to be assumed.
The files are full of her doings around the. time
when her father succeeded to the presidency-
to the'consternation of the strategists of his party
who had engineered the shelving process. But as

"Princess Alice," the future wife of a speaker of
the house was evidently enjoying her youth, not
bothering herself about politics. That all came
still, there is even better evidence as to the
Roosevelt family view of the vice-presidency than
Mrs. Longworth's memories. Theodore Roosevelt
himiself spoke out on the subject after having
been vice-president and President and in the
midst of his 1912 campaign for another Republi-
can presidential nomination which still influences
the course of American political history.
In a primary campaign address in Chicago ^in
March, 1912, Mr. Roosevelt said:
"Occasionally my gloomy foes -have said that
I wanted to be king. I want to answer that they
did not know kings as I did.
"I like the kings I have met; but I don't want
to be one because the functions of these kings
expressed in the terms of democracy would be
the position of vice-president for life with leader-
ship of the '400' thrown in."


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i J.r. Roosevelt MouthsCAU ES
Ioieyed Phrases.. CAMPUSES
N A RECENT issue of the Detroit) By WOOD .CONWAY
Saturday Night appears 'one of the k HEALTH SERVICE excuses are a thing of the
everest cartoons that has been seen in several past at the University of Maryland since the
ionths. First it hearkens back to 1930, and pre- inauguration of a three dollar fine for class cut-
ents a picture of Frank Murphy during his ting. When a student misses a class he pays the
iayoral campaign. Mr. Murphy is in one of his fine before he is again admitted. Only serious
lost deleteriously sweet poses; his eyebrows are illness is sufficient excuse for "bolting."
elicately raised; he voices sweet words of beauty, *
ope, and faith to the accompaniment of a sing- T dqesn't take long to get acquainted at the
ig bird in the background. University of Wichita (Kansas). Both men and
Next it presents a graphic representation of women of the Freshman class are compelled to
he Democratic presidential campaign of 1932. smile and speak to all upperclassmen and faculty
i precisely the same pose is Franklin Delano members.
oosevelt; he, too, rapturously mouths phrases * *
f milk and honey; he, too, is favored by the LAST year The Columbia Spectator created a
ielodies of a songbird in the background. . furore by charging the Columbia football
The cartoon is labelled, "Dew and Sunshine." team with "professionalism." This year they are
.nd the burden of the two candidates is: "We can attempting to cause trouble again by making the
ring back prosperity, but we won't tell you how." snme charges against their band. An article in
There are thousands of voters in the city of the paper declares that the band hires "ringers'
etroit who realize only too well the danger of for every concert. "We would prefer the band off
lecting a candidate who seeks to thrill with his key if we could be certain that the sour notes
..+-. +hri-nn.a maa1'P nf hnne ni anheer . rnminq from Colbnhii men ." aVs The










Mrs. Longworth, however, has had intimate
family experience with both the vice-presidency
and the speakership. Her thought as to the rela-
tive importance of the two jobs seems to run
along with that of Speaker Garner.
He reaffirmed, in his first major speech of his
own vice-presidential campaign, that the speaker-
ship stood next to the presidency. The fact that
he was, in effect, running for both the vice-
npreidencv and the speakershin as he spoke, added




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