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October 30, 1932 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-30

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Pan - H ellenic
Annual Banquet
Will Be11e0d
Many Women]Expected
To Attend Banquet On
Monday Night At League
Final .plans for the annual Pan-
Hellenic banquet to be held at 6:15.
p. m. tomorrow night have been com-
pleted. The banquet is held every
year in honor of sorority women.
This year about 650 are expected to
attend, according to Lenore Snyder,'
'33, general chairman of the dinner.
Other committee chairmen and
their committees, assisting Miss Sny-
der are: Decorations committee, Jean
Rosenthal, '33, chairman, Mabel;
Mercer, '34SM, Charlotte Anderson,
'35, Laura Finley ,'33, Marian Foley,
'34, Miriam Carver, '33; tickets com-
mittee, Adele Ewing, '33, chairman,
Barbara Rose, '34, Eleanor 'Welsh,
'33, Elizabeth Eaglesfield, '33; pro-
gram committee, Martha Littleton,
'34, chairman, Stella Glass, '35; Menu
committee, Carol Savery, '33, chair-
man; finance committee, Ann Neb-
erle, '33, chairman.
Ira M. Smith, registrar, wild. an-
nounce the winner of the scholar-
ship cup. Other speakers on the pro-
gram are Dean Alice Lloyd, Doctor
Margaret Bell, Professor Louis A.
Strauss, Evelyn Neilson, president of
the Pan-Hellepic organization will

In Charge Of1Banquet

Many Houses
Celebrate For
Fratern iies Gie Many
Informal, Formal, And
Tea Dances This Week

4J(IkCSi'tFin tl Plans

Leonore Snyder, '33, chairman of
the annual Pan-Hellenic banquet, ,
which will be held tomorrow night
in the League -ballroom.
Yacht Club Orchestra
Entertains At Law Club
The Lawyers' Club held a dance
last night. Prof. and Mrs. L. K. Jones,
Prof. and Mrs. J. P. Dawson, and
Prof. J. E. Tracy were the chaperones.
Music was furnished by Bob Chester.
and his band froi the Grosse Pointe
Yacht Club in Detroit.

Decorations for the -banquet will be ------___ ---- ----- -
carried out in Hallowe'en style. that the guests assemble in the ball-
Lighted pumpkins will be placed on room as soon as they arrive. When
each table and cornstalks and au- every one is in place the women will
tumn leaves will complete the dec- rise and the speakers and honorary
orations, according to Jean Rosen- guests will enter.
thal '33, chairman of decorations. Music during dinner will be fur-
Each sorority will sing one of its nished by AlCowen and his ,orches.
own songs. The houses will be seated tra, according to Miss Littleton, pro-
according to the scholastic record gri ch'airman. Mr. Cowen's orches-
that they have maintained during :tra regularly plays in the League
the past year. Miss Snyder also asks Grill room.


In honor of te alumni who re-
turned for the homecoming game the
Alpha Rho Chi fraternity held an
informal dance last night. Among
those present were Mr. James D. Sea-
ton of Flint, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Kuhn of Daden, New York,
Mr. Jack Williams of Boston, Mass.;
Mr. E. R. -Bogt and Mr. Charles
Humeston of Battle Creek, Mich. and
Miss Ann Tobin, of Niles.
From Detroit there were Mr. Karl
Kuhn, '25, and Mr. Harper Towley,
'29. Miss Elizabeth Wheeler of GrandI
Rapids, Mich., also attended the
dance as the guest of one of the
The women attending the tea
dance at the Chi Psi fraternity house
Saturday afternoon were Virginia
Shellman of Grand Rapids; Eleanor
Krull of Buffalo, N. Y.; Mary Starr
of Birmingham, Mich.; Elizabeth
Haskins, Maxine Smith, of Detroit,
and Virginia Roberts, '35, of Detroit;
Ella Louise Skeleton, Eileen Bowman,
Mary Lou Hollinger, of Dayton; Bar-
bara .Smith of Pontiac, Mich.; Edith
Forsyth, '36, Sally Baker, Betty Do-
stal and Jean Haskins of Winnetka,
11.; Mildred Bosma, '34, and Florence
Bingham, '36.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Randall of
Ann Arbor were the chaperones.
The Kappa Nu fraternity enter-
tained at a tea dance after the game
yesterday at which Mike Falk's or-
chestra played.
The chaperones were Professor I. L.
Sharfman of the economics depart-
ment, Mr. Samuel Brank of Detroit,
and Mr. A. Goulson of Detroit.
Guests at the Lambda Chi Alpha
fraternity informal dance last night
were Adele Ewing, '33, Lucille John-
son, '35, Elizabeth Welsh, '33, Jane
Clary, '34, Helen Holden, '33, Marion
Durphy of Detroit, Margaret Palfrey,
'35, Margaret Cobb of Ann Arbor, and
Hetty Williams, '85.
Others present were Dorothy Lock-
wood of Detroit; Norma Hicks, '33,
Eileel Jenkins, '35, Margaret Wine-
man, '35, Francis Kantor of Michigan
State College; Alice De Cou andl Dor-
othy Anderson of Detroit; Tillie Hill,
'36, Helen Bandrofif, '35, Helen White,
'36, Ruth Bradner, '35, Rachel Bow-
man of Butte, Montana; and Jean
Cramer, '33.
Doctor and Mrs. Harry Lockwood
of Detroit were the chaperones. Doc-
tor Lockwood was the first member
of the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity
to be initiated at this chapter.
The orchestra was from the King
Wah Lo restaurant, Detroit.
Phi Beta Pi gave an informal dance
open only to alumni, members, and
pledges Friday night. Dr. and Mrs. A.
C. Furstenberg and Dr. and Mrs.
George Slocum were chaperones. Mu-
sic was furnished by Murton Peer's
Guests from out of town were
Helen White and Dorothy Bohrer,
Toledo; Maureen Krause, Ypsilanti,
Charlotte Balsinger, K it a n n i n g,
Penn.; Mrs. Dick Wagener, St. Louis,
Mich.; Borotha Stahl, Fremont,
Ohio; Elizabeth Goggin, Alma, Mich.;
Lillian Landers, Grand Rapids; and
Helen Finnegan and Bunnie Locy,
Sigma Phi fraternity entertained

Answers an Age-Old Question

Arrangements Completed
For Uliion Formal Dance
Arrangements for the Union for-
mal dance, to be given Nov. 4, are
practically completed, Charles Bur-
gess, '34E, chairman of the Union
dance committee and head of -the
plans for the affair announced yes-
Lloyd Huntley's orchestra, which
is to play for the dance was founded
-at Colgate University in 1923. The
next year they got their first big en-
gagement at the Point Chautauqua
Country Club.
with a dance Saturday night. Many
friends and alumni returned for the
homecoming week-end and several
attended the affair.
Among the women who were pres-
ent Saturday night were Betty Sank
of Grand Rapids, Virginia Chapman,
'35, Ann Edmunds, '36, Margaret
Cowie, '36, Julie Kane, '33, Phyliss
Sargeant of Grand Rapids, Virginia
Treen, of Pontiac, Mich.; Jean Voor-
hies, '34, and Pauline Voorhies of De-
Miriam Schmidt, '33, Florence
Odell of Grosse Pointe, Mich.; Mary
Turner of Casper. Wyoming; Agnes
Davis of Indianapolis, Ind.; Mary
Neil, '36, Ernestine Richter, '36, Mary
Bursley, '36 Gretchen Todd, of
Grand Rapids; Ann Sherwood of
Grand Rapids. and Connie Giefel, '33.
Sigma Phi Epsilon had a house-
party and dance Saturday night. Mr.:
and Mrs. Ralph Rohrbach of Detroit
were the chaperones. There were Hal-I
lowe'en decorations and the music1
was furnished by Ted Kopke's Or-
chestra. The guests attending were
Ella Mae Broome, '35, Alice Nelson,
Marian Blanik, '36, Dorothy Bunce,
'33, Helen Scott, '34, Jane Kauffman,
'35, Ileene Peters, '36, Helen Sulli-
-van, '33, Lucille Rugg, '33, Florence
Leich, '34, Polly Walker, '33, Vavalyn
Blrask, '34, Rita Hebert, '34, Dorothy
Hammersley, '34, Constance Beery,
'33, Ann Osborne, '35, Betty Lyons,
'34, Greta Wessborg, '34, Carolyn
Higgins, '33, Dorothy Kemp of Port
Huron, Helene 'Garvey and Jean
Eckert, both of Detroit-
Eight frogs imported from Arkan-
sas for the Salt Lake City zoo meas-
ured 12 to 20 inches in length.
Last Big Day!
Of Our Month-End

Alumnae Return'
To Sororities
For cek-End
Teas, IDlIces, Held To
Honor Former Members
Of Lo0cal Groi ps
Mrs. Waldo M. Abbott will enter-
tain the Alpha Phi Mothers' Club at
luncheon Tuesday in her home.
Alumnae at Kappa Delta for this
week-end are Dorothy Felske, '33,
of Detroit, and Gr,-ce Prentiss, '34, of
Detroit. Other guests will be Betty
Cooper of Detroit, and Dorothy Cook'
of Birmingham.
Kappa Kappa Gamma gave a
novel pledge tea last Thursday. A
large key of yellow button chrysan-
themums on the table when taken
apart proved to be made of small
corsages which were given to . the
pledges. Mrs. L. C. Doggett poured.
Hallowe'en decorations will be used
at a tea and buffet dinner after the
Princeton game in honor of the
-guests. Women entertained will be
Edith Moyer of Mr. Pleasant, Michi-
gan, Frances White of Jonesville,
Michigan, Betty .Frank of Jackson,
and Frieda Brownstetter of Mt.
Pleasant. Returning alumnae are
Jean 'Cudlip, '32, of Iron Mountain,
Michigan, and Mary Albright, '35,
of Flint.
Pi Beta Phi wishes to announce the
pledging of Mary Katherine Snyder,
'34, of Lakewood, Ohio, on Monday,
October i24.
Hortense Goodingt, '32, of Cicinr-
nati, is amiong the alumnnae returnr-
ing for the week-end. Other house
guests are Virginia Hart, of St. Clair,
Michigan; Helen West of Grand Ra-
pids and Mary Elizabeth Collyer of
the Illinois chapter of the sorority.
Sigma Kappa will honor its week-I
end guests at a buffet supper Satur-
day after the game. The folowing
guests and alumnae will be at they
chapter house: Mrs. William Ruten,
'25, Mrs. Harwood Rundell, '31, Miss
Frances Cope, '31, Helen Moore, '31,
Mrs. William Van Fleet, '30, all of
Detroit, and Dorothy Clark, '28, of
Theta Phi Alpha entertains at tea
today for the patronesses and alum-
nae members of the sorority. Among
the guests are Mrs. George J. Moe,'

Luncheon Honors
Week-End Guests
At Waidron Home
Miss Fredericka Waldron enter-
tained several Detroit and Princeton
friends at a buiffet luncheon given
in her home yesterday. The party in-
cluded several of her former school
mates at Dobbs Ferry.
After the luncheon the guests all
attended the game.
Among the guests present were
Miss Elaine Thomas, of Detroit, Miss
Eleanor Torrey, Miss Katherine
Baker, Miss Barbara Baker, Miss Vir-
ginia Ford, and Miss Marjorie Man-
son, all of Detroit.
Miss Thomas was an overnight
guest of Miss Waldron and remained
today to attend the game with the
rest of the party. Miss Helen Hicks,
leading woman golfer, and a number
of Princeton students were also mem-
bers of the party that accompanied
the Detroit guests of Miss Waldron
to the game. Miss Hicks is in Ann
Arbor to visit her brother who is a
member of the Psi Upsilon frater-
Notables At Lunhleon

Students Wil
Meet Soejl1
Administration laiiui
Reception; 40 Nail
To Be Represented
Michigan's foreign students wi
entertained -by the University
Thursday at a reception to be
at the League.
The reception, sponsored by P
dent Ruthven, the deans of the
eral colleges, and the advisors on
eign students, is designed to pro
an official welcome to students
foreign nations and to give ther
opportunity for making contacts
the officials of the University and
administrative body set up to
their needs and their problems,
Invitations for all foreign stud
on the campus are now in the -
and according to sponsors of
event more than 40 distinct na
alities will be represented at thi
An informal program will be
ranged for the event early next
mV~o Ann" of n~Ar +n ..ac'

Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg, Jri.e£wanU ofUudents offce, t
~~ ~ ~ ~~~ r enffwme'fofc iadte, a
Mrs. Vandenberg and their daughter, ean of women's offic nde th se
Miss Betty Vandenberg were enter- charge of plans for the reception
tamed at luncheon, yesterday at
Betsy Barbour House. The guests for"
the occasion were President Alexan- Musical Sorority
der G. Ruthven and Mrs. Ruthven,
Regent Perry Short and Mrs. Short, Entertains W i t
of Saginaw, -Regent Ralph Stone and,
Mrs. Stone, Professor Jesse S. Reeves Informal A ff a i
and Mrs. Reeves, Professor Joseph,
Hayden and Mrs. Hayden and Miss Delta Omicron, national music s
Jeannette Perry. rority, opened its social seas
Mrs. Allan F. Sherzer, Mrs. Arthur Thursday night with an inforn
W. Stace, Mrs. W. W. Wedemyer, nusicale in the Alumnae room of t
Mrs. William A. McLaughlin, Mrs. League. Patronesses, alumnae a
Orville A. Moe, Mrs. Frank Devine, members of the active chapter we
Miss Julia Wilcox. present.
Alumnae here for the week-end in-' Mrs. E. L. Whitman, Mrs. B. D. E
elude Margaret Robb of Detroit, wards, Mrs. C. A. Vershoor, and M
Helen McCarthy, '32, of Grosse J. J. T:ravis wer~e the hostesses a-
Pointe, Kathleen Donovan, '30, Beat- Mrs. Russel Hussey, sorority ioth(
rice Cowan, Jean Dressler, '38, of De-. and Mrs. 0. E. Hunt, potiredl. t
troit, Morayne Podesta, '32, Ruth decorations carried out a silver a
Brady, '28, Margaret Brady, '29, Mrs. rose motif, in red chrysanthemur
John O'Hara, Mrs. Roy Batie, '32, rose tapers, and silver holders.
Marion Ferency, '30, all of Detroit. Mona Hutchings, '34SM, violini
Claribel Ratterman a member of entertained with several solos, a
the University of Cincinnati chapter Lois Zimmerman, '35SM gave two i
is also a week-end guest. terpretations in dance. Edna Hoit
ZETA TAU ALPHA '35SM, accompanied at the piano.
Several alumnae and other chapter Last Saturday, October 22, Del
members will be house guests of Zeta Omicron held their fall rumma
Tau Alpha this week-end. Marjorie sale. The proceeds were put in t
Ellsworth, '32, of Albany New York, Delta Omicron Scholarship fund
Mildred Cassidy, '30, of Detroit, Alice the School of Music.

The Exquisite JANE KAY Preparations
(The assurance of a lovely complexion)
will assist you in answering this question for yourself
Miss Janet Kanouse, expert cosmetician, is
giving individual consultation and complete
treatment in a private booth, teaching the new
scientific methods of facial treatment and
to all those taking advantage of this unusual offer this week,
beginning Oct. 31

Bird of Traverse City, Margaret
Kline of Albion, and Mrs. E. C. Pro-
phet of East Lansing are among the
alumnae. The women from the Lans-
ing chapter of the sorority who are
guests are Carol Brody, Zelda Fow-
ler, Arlene Werden, and Thelma



y en RAPHIy
P~Our 0=ysop b ~y doet
Oiraoris at1ry Oone t1
. D.M0RRa~ ~&I'~e
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-- .



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Big Game


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Values to $5.95

a stunning




huge collar and cuff trim
of raccoon, wolf, badger,
martin or fitch will be a
great weapon, especially
when you can pick them
in the colors to suit yot-
a sIpecial showing at 69.50

r 1{t
, ; ., a
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of the smart outfits that
the Rubley Shop handles,
but since it is the end of
the month, a special lot
of dresses is being offered
on Monday.



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