y f
ation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
sity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until
11:30 a. in. Saturday.
No. 27.
University Broadcasting: "Jonathan Swift" by Professor Louis L Bred-
1. Requested by Lincoln Park Junior College. 2 p. m. WJR.
All women, old' and new students, who are eligible to become active
nbers of W.A.A. are asked to report to the W.A.A. office in the League
may membership dues for 1932-33. Office hours: Monday, Friday 3:30,
); Tuesday, Thursday from 1:30-5 inclusive; Wednesday from 2-4..
All women who have previously earned W.A.A. points are requested to
Eck up on the number of their points with the Point Recorder in the
LA. office in the League, Tuesday or Thursday from 3-5 on or before
7ember 3. Any unrecorded points from last year not reported by this
will become void.
University Men and Women: Bridge lessons will begin Wednesday,
ober 26, at 8 p. m., Michigan League Building. 10 lessons for $2.25. For
ther information call Miss McCormick, Michigan League.
Faculty and Wives: Bridge lessons will begin Wednesday, October 26,
8 p. m., Michigan League Building. 10 lessons for $2.25. For further in-
nation call Miss McCormick, Michigan League.
Black Quill will continue to accept manuscripts for tryouts (from
but first semester freshmen) until Thursday of this week. Time cannot
extended further. Please put phone number on your paper. Manuscripts
y be sent to 1236 Washtenaw Ave., (or) left at League desk.
ing, at 7:30 Wednesday vcning, Oc-
tober 26.
Mich iganDames: The child study
group will meet tonight. October 26,
at the home of Mrs. H. C. Tapprich,
1339 Washcnaw Avenue, at eight.
o'clock. Mrs. F. W. Peterson, group
adviser, will be in charge. Any mem-
ber of the organization may att"en.
Michigan Dames: Book Section
will meet at the Michigan League
Wednesday, Oct. 26, at 8:00 p. m.
Room will be posted on the bulletin I
board. This meeting is for the pur-
pose of making plans for the year,
so bring your ideas. All wives and
mothers of students are welcome.
Exhibition of European Sketches
by Lorne E. Marshall '31A, holder of
the Booth Travelling Fellowship in
Architecture. On ground floor of the
Architecture Building; open daily ex-
cepting Sunday, 9 to 5, through Oc-
tober 31.
Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at three
o'clock previous to day of Insertion.
Dox numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-4lc per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
10c per reading line for three or more
Telephone"rate -15c per reeding line
for one or two insertions.,
14c per reading line for three or
more insertions,
100' discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract per line-2 lines daily, one
4 lines E. 0. D.. 2 months .......
2 lines daily, college year c
4 lines E. 0. D., college year ......... if,
100 lines used as desired............)
300 lines used as desired...........8c
1,000 lines used as desired.........7c
2.000 lines used as desired .........6c
The above rates are per reading iLie,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capi-
tal letters. Add 6c pe rline to above
for bold face, upper and lower case.
Add 10c per line to above rates for bold
face capital letters.
The above rates are for 71 point
LOST-Small red leather lighter, be-
tween Mosher-Jordan and Angell
Hall. Return to Jordan Hall. 89
FOR RENT-Large front room with
four windows. 1125 White St. Near
campus. Very reasonable. Phone
8587. 85
FO? RENT -LSrgC hiot room, three
wid , 1 1.:3ocks from campus,
$3.50. 602 Monroc, Phone 2-1502.
FOR, RENT~ Near campus and Hos-
pital. '1hrce-room apartment beau-
Sifully furnished including lights,
gas, ecIdri c refrigeration, garage.
Pric greatly r'duccd. Phone 3713
or 5792. 86
CLOSE TO CAMPUS-Very nice un-
furnished apartment Living room
with r laway bed, dinette, kitchen
with gas stove and refrigerator,
private bath and shiower, with hot
soft water, bedroom, steam heat
uLhed, laitdry oom in base-
ment. Phone 774. 426 Packard.
WANTL'D- inA1dent 1 'Zuttry. Good
e at reasobe rates. Mendin g
free. Called for and delivered. Dial
4929. 81
WANTE~D- Iosit'oon as porter in fra-
ternily. EL ]i '11 ed. Phone 2-1007.
WASHING and ironing. Called for
and delivered. Silks and woolens
guaranteed satisfactory . 23478
611 Hoover. 15c
water. Will call for and deliver.
Sure satisfaction. Telephone 4863.
W A N T E D--Student and family
washing, rough dry or ironed. Rea-
sonable, call for and deliver. Phone
5118. 14c
WANTED Mudent and family
washing. Phone 3006. 6e
L ATU N DR Y- Soft water, 21044,
Towels free. Socks darned, 13c
Maynard. Free mending and darn-
ing. Collars and cuffs reversed.'
Opening special, 12c a shirt cash
aid carry. Dial 8894. 8ic
STUDENTS' Laundry by experienced
Laundress. Prices reasonable. Will
call for and deliver. Stockings done
free. Call 116 and ask for 769F13.
WALKER'S Home Laundry-Student
laundry a specialty. Terms very
reasonable. Dial 4776. We call for
and deliver. 7c
University of Washington
charges Extra At Games
SEATTLE, Oct. 25.-The necessi-
ties of economy have lod the Univer-
sity of Washington to impose a sur-
charge of 25 cents on students at-
tending the school's athletic events.
The attendance fee has usually been-
included wholly in the tuition charges
but this year's budget deficit made it
imperative to find new revenues, the
expenses having already been pared
to the home.
It is thought that the additional
charge will not, deter students from
attending the games but the board
of control hopes the measure will
only have to be a temporalry one.
DAILY AT 2:00 - 3:40 - 7:00 - 9:00 P.M.
examination in English 91 will be held in Room 1025,
gush 91. The
31. My classes will meet today.
Paul Leedy
ert Williams' classes in English will not meet today.
Polish literature class meets each Tuesday at 7 p. m. in room 1300 of
the East Engineering Building. Polish language class meets each Wednes-
day at 7 p. m. in the same room. A. P. Gwiazdowski
University Lecture: Professor Ojvind Winge, of the Royal Veterinary
Agricultural College, Copenhagen, Denmark, will lecture on the subject
"The Genetics of the Millionsfish," Friday, October 28, at 4:15., Natural
Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited.
Mr. Allardyce Nicoll will give University Lectures at 4:15 p. m., Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, Wednesday, October 26 on Sentimental Comedy, and
Thursday, October 27 on Eighteenth Century Comedy, the Licensing Act
and the Newspapers..
International Relations Club will meet Wednesday, Oct. 26, 8 p. m. in
the Political Science Seminar Room, 2036 A.H. The discussion will be on
Inter-allied and International Debts.
Interpretive Arts Club: Important meeting of the Interpretive Arts
Club, Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. m. Room 302, Mason Hall.
Michiganensian Business Staff: Meeting at 4:00 Wednesday. Salespeo-
ple are requested to bring their sales books and money at this time.
Michigan Socialist Club: Important meeting tonight, at the Union,
8:Q0 sharp. Important matters will be taken up; all members are urged
to be present.
harris Hall: Open house at the Hall this afternoon from four to six.
at which time tea will be served.
Sigma Rho Tau: Engineer's Stump Speaker's Society will meet at the
Union this evening, 7:30. Professor Worley will speak on "Facts and the
Press." Training in circles will include discussion on "Point Proving."
Graduate Students' Dinner Club: The Russian Tea Room at the Michi-
gan League will be reserved this evening during the dinner hour for the
use of graduate students. Cafeteria service. Bring tray across hall.
Chemical Engineering Seminar: Dr. L. Thomassen will speak at the
Seminar today at 4 o'clock in room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg., on the subject,
"Some Aspects of the Cold Working of Metals." Alfred H. White
Organ Recital by Palmer Christian, 4:15 p. m., Hill Auditorium.
University Girls' Glee Club usual weekly rehearsal from 7:30 p. m. to
8:30 p. m., Glee Club room at the League.
Dapce Club for Women Students: The Dance Club will meet on Wed-
nesday evening from 7:30 to 9:00 in Barbour Gymnasium. Those interested
are invited to come or to communicate with Mary Pray, Mosher-Jordan
Dormitory. A tap dancing group will be organized later.
Women Graduate Students: A swimming class for graduate women will
meet at the Barbour Gymnasium pool on Wednesday evening at 7:30. Gray
Play Production's initial presenta-
tion of the season, "The A. ding Ma-
chine," Copen-cs r' day. , 0,,tor,28, at
8:30 p. m. Box oilce will be open at
the Laboratory Theatre from 10 a. m.
to 5:30 p. m. this week.
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet in the Observatory lecture room
at 4:15 on Thursday, October 27. Tea1
will be served at 3:45. Dr. Heber D.
Curtis will speak on-"The Spirals
and Expanding Universes."
Seabbard and Blade: Meeting at
Union, Thursday, Oct. 27 at 7:30 p.
m. for observance of National Scab-
bard and Blade Day. Please wear
Le Circle Francais: The first meet-
ing of the school year will be held
Thursday, October 27 at 7:30 p. m.
in Room 408 Romance Language
Michigan Da ;es: The home mak-
ing group will1 meet Thursday eve-
ning, October 27, at eight o'clock at
the Michigan League. Mr. L. L. Laing
of the Economics Department will
speak on the operation of a personal
budget. This will be followed by
questions and general discussion.
All 'Women in Education: A very
important meeting for all women,
graduate and undergraduate, enroll-
ed in or interested in EDUCATIQN.
will be held Thursday evening, Octo-
ber 27, 1932 from 7:30 to 8:45 in the
library of the University Elementary
School, corner of Monroe and E. Uni-
versity, Streets, At this meeting, the
first of a series,. a social time will
be enjoyed and important informa-
tion will be brought byMrs. Beach
Conger and Mr. Tra Smith.
Athena: There will be a meeting
Wednesday at 8:00 p. i. in the
Athena room. All member: out for
Hey Look!
Hot Music for That Party
Coombe Orchestra Service
Laurel ond Hordy
in "SCRAM"
World News
Organized Bands from the Campus
Phones: 6367, 4636
818 Oakland Avenge
The Parrot
Coming Saturday- --
"THE ALL-AMERICAN -Richard Arlen
,$ '
hat oIn earth
are you up
to no20' "
Clinton County Aay Ban
All Hunting On SUnday
LANSING, Oct. 25.-The fate of
Sunday hunting in Clinton County
will hang; in the balance when the
voters go to the polls on Nov. 8. Sun-
day hunting is now permitted in that
county, but should anact of the 1931
legislature be adopted, it will im-
mediately be banned.
The act of the last legislature en-
tirely forbids hunting or possession
of firearms on any premises in Clin-
ton County on Sunday, but it will
have no effect unless given the sanc-
tion of the voters at the general elec-
tion this year.
>n swimming suits are required.
iarterdeck Society will meet in
1 340, West Engineering Build-
University of Michigan Oratorical Ass'n
A picture that stirs moonlight
Mickey Mouse Cartoon
2:i:gg 3:*:4:=:
4 rllgiisiil