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October 26, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-26

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The Weather
Rain, colder; Thursday part-
ly cloudy.

Yl r e

Sir iga



The President
Himself. I



VOL XIMI. No. 27



S. U -

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Asserts Italy
Will Fight For
Old Authority
Mussolini Tells Milanese
Italians Will Battle To
Regain Leadership

Railroad Jack Scorns Stage
Offers; Has $50,000 Fortune

Inaugurates Turin,
Milan Auto-Strada
Makes Address On Eve Of
Tenth Anniversary Of
Fascist March On Rome
MILAN, Italy, Oct. 25.-()-Pre-
mier Benito Mussolini told half a
million persons gathered in a great
public square here today that Italy
was ready to fight anyone who at-
tempts to prevent her from regain-
ing the leadership of civilization
whichnwas ancient Rome's.
He inaugurated the new auto-stra-
da between Turin and Milan, arriv-
ing here exactly on the appointed
minute, although tens of thousands
of country folk halted his automo-
bile at Novara.
Crowd Blocks Road
A crowd blocked the road and re-
fused to budge until the Premier
spoke. After a half hour's delay he
personally appealed to the crowd be-
fore it made a path for his automo-
bile caravan.
His address here was made on the
eve of the tenth anniversary of the
Fascist triumph in Rome which has
been preceded by preliminary cele-
brations most of this month. He was
cheered enthusiastically by citizens
of this city which formerly was his
It was at a Milan meeting 10 years
ago, earlier this month, that the
present Premier said he ordered the
Fascist "insurrection."
Signor Mussolini completed his tour
of industrial plants in Turin earlier
today and crowds lined the streets
to bid him farewell when he left
Attends Ossuary Opening
Before leaving he attended the
opening of the new ossuary for World
War dead, where he crossed himself
and bowed his head.
He gave a lesson in brevity to long-
winded speakers at the inauguration
of Monferrato aqueduct, 1,000 feet
high, among hills 40 miles from Tur-
The first speaker addressed the
crowd 15 minutes and the second
orator was frequently interrupted by
his audience. The Premier, who came
next, said only:
"I congratulate the builders and
workers, everyone who did this, but
words serve nothing where there are
facts. Now watch this-."
He pressed a button which sent a
column of water shooting hundreds
of feet in the air from an adjacent
hill and opened a valve pip which
will carry water to a million people.
Stocker Given
Leading Role In
Adding Machine
Rosenthal, Cohen, Harrell
Take Supporting Parts;
May Have Ticket Sellout
The cast of "The Adding Machine"
to be presented by Play Production at
the Laboratory theater this week end
and next week, was announced yes-
terday by Valentine B. Windt, direc-
Leonard Stocker, '33, will play the
part of Mr. Zero while the part of
his wife, Mrs. Zero, will b taken by
Jean Rosenthal, '33. Vivian Cohen,
'33, will have the role of Daisy, the
office girl and secret love of Zero.
"Shrdlu" will be played by Charles
Harrell, '34, and the part of Charles
will be taken by Harlan Bloomer,
Grad. Edward Freed, Grad., will play
the character of "The Boss."

Jack Nestle, '33, will be "The
Head" and will also play the part of
Mr. One. Jerry Rosenthal, '33, will
have the part of Joe. Wayne Dick-
ens, '34, David Decker, '33, Harlan
Bloomer, Donald Brackett, '34, and
Paul Williams, Grad., will have the
parts of Mr. Two, Three, Four, Five
and Six, respectively. Their wives will
be played by Zeta Barbour, Spec.,
Eleanor Riker, Grad., Frances Man-

There is at least one person who
has not had to worry about the de-
pression and that is old "Railroad
Jack." Jack claims that he has "$50,-
000 salted away" and is still taking in
enough on his roadside philosophy
business to take care of running ex-
When offered a job of $5,000 for
this coming year, Jack says he re-
fused it because he did not want to be
known as an entertainer but rather
as an instructor. "I have had many
offers to go on the stage but have
refused them all," he said.
He holds the great distinction of
never having paid for a night's lodg-
ing since he started out on his own.
Although he has a room at the Stat-
ler Hotel in Detroit whenever he
wants it, and many other hotels
Symphony Gets
Large Ovation;
4,000 Present
Moore Calls Performance
Of Boston Orchestra
Finest Ever Heard Here

Four thousand people nearly filled
Hill Auditorium last night to give the
Boston Symphony Orchestra a long
ovation in its second concert here in
two years.
The .program, opening the 1932-33
Choral Union Concert Series, was
characterized by Earl V. Moore, mu-
sicalrdirector, as "the finest that has
ever been heard in Ann Arbor, even
finer than the performance of the
same orchestra last year."
In robvious agreement with Mr.
Moore, the audience gave Dr. Serge
Koussevitzky and his 110 musicians
applause almost unprecedented for
an orchestra concert in Hill Audi-
torium. The Tschaikovsky symphony
was especially appreciated.
Mr. Moore assigned three reasons
to the brilliance of the performance:
the quality of the music, the fact that
each individual chord was perfect,
and the long association of the mu-
sicians with the orchestra.
"The musicians of the Boston Sym-
phony," he said, "no longer need to
bother about technique; that is a
worry for amateurs. Instead, they can
concentrate all their attention upon
exact tone shading, and responsive-
ness to Dr. Koussevitzky, so that a
perfect interpretation of the number
may be given."
Extreme gratification at the size
of the orchestra was expressed after
the concert by Pres. Charles A. Sink
of the music school. "Orders for
tickets have been pouring in all day,"
he said, "and the number present to-
night, in.view of the financial situa-
tion, was truly surprising.
"I consider that the response to-
night was sufficient reward for the
effort we put into securing a fine
program for this year's concert
Western Colleges
To Play Football
With Teams Of 12
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 25.-(P)
-Football enthusiasts have talked
about 12-man teams, but it remains
for Occidental College of Eagle Rock
and the Santa Barbara State grid-
sters to put the plan in vogue.
Announcement wasmade today
that each team will put 12 men on
the field when they meet at the Rose
Bowl, Pasadena, on the night of Nov.
The 12th player will be termed a
field general. On the offense he will
go into a huddle with the other 11
players to decide what plays will be
employed. When the formation moves
forward he will drop back with the
referee to see just how his brainchild
works out and to detect weaknesses
of the opposition.
On defense, he will stand with the
head linesman, taking no active part
in the functions of his team. The
plan is to have the field general
dressed in a distinguishing uniform.
The step is considered by Occiden-
tal athletic authorities as another in
their plan to give the game back to

throughout the country, he prefers
to sleep in his little cart which is
slightly larger than the size of a cot.
Jack is 68 years old and a bachelor.
It is not because he dislikes those
of the opposite sex that he has re-
mained a bachelor, he claims, but
rather because he likes them too well
and has never been able to make up
his mind.
Jack at one time ran a newspaper
in Chicago. In regard to the profes-
sion, he said, "The newspaper profes-
sion is one that enables those that
follow it to come into contact with all
classes of people in all sorts of condi-
tions. It is a very worthwhile life
The making of his little fortune
was due to the fact he saved most
of what he has earned. He has aver-
aged a net income of $1,000 a year
since he started his unique business
in which, he claims, he is the great-
est in the country. He inherited $20,-
000 during his life from his mother
and father."
He has never been sick a day in his
life, he claims, and has always been
happy. When asked what he intend-
ed to do with the wealth that he has
amassed, he said that it was a per-
sonal matter and never has nor never
will be answered as long as he is
During the course of his travels, he
has met several presidents, many
representatives of Congress and other
men well-known in this country.
Remias Elected
Games Leader.
For Freshmen
Much Enthusiasm Shown;
Yearlings Without Pots
Will Not Be Recognized
Over 200 freshmen met at the Un-
ion last. nit to elect a class game
,leader, Steve Remias, and to issue
their first threats to the sophomore
Plans are already made for the
first year men to gather at the pep
meeting on Friday night and to de-
fend their prestige against any soph-
omores who "dare show face."
"Only men with 'pots' on will be
recognized as members of our class,"
said Remias, "and all upper classmen
better bring their identification
cards, if they don't want to get into
Lieutenants to work under Remias
are Marvin Chapman and George
Renaud. 'When asked what he
thought the prospects of winning the
games were, Chapman replied, "We
mean business this year." Renaud
agreed with him, and warned The
Daily reporter that he, too, had bet-
ter carry his identification card with
Much enthusiasm was shown over
the election of captain. Boos and cat-
calls were made by opposing factions
as each man was nominated. After
the results were announced, however,'
the first year men got together and
gave their newly elected leader a
"big hand." Remias, in return, ap-
pointed his two opponents for cap-
tain as lieutenants.
According to statements by the
captain and lieutenants, the first
year men are going to start business
Friday. "We are going to meet at the
pep meeting," Remias said, "and all
freshmen must come with imple-
ments of warfare. There isn't going
to be any fooling this year."
The meeting was addressed by
Prof. John Muyskens who charged
the freshmen with their duties. He
explained to them the benefits of
such things as class games, and
warned them that they had "better
be prepared for the class of '35."

Members of the boxing and fenc-
ing teams gave exhibition matches
for the freshmen at the beginning of
the meeting.
Sophomores will meet at the Union
at 8 p. m. tomorrow to elect their
captain. Prof. John L. Brumm will
address the group.
Nicoll Will Speak Today
On 'Sentimental Comedy'
"Sentimental Comedy" will be the
subject of the lecture which Prof. Al-
lardyce Nicoll, of the University of
London, will deliver at 4:15 p. m.
today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.

Conduct Poll
Of Town Men
In Who' sWho
150 Ann Arbor Residents
Listed To Be Questioned
On National Politics
68 Answers Have
Stated Preferences
Friday Morning Is Date
Set For Publication Of
Opinions Obtained
As a preliminary to the all-campus
student and faculty straw vote to
be conducted next Tuesday and Wed-
nesday by the Union and The Daily,
the city staff of The Daily is this
week completing a poll of the 150
Ann Arbor personages listed in the
1932-33 edition of "Who's Who in
America," the final result to be an-
nounced Friday morning.
The persons questioned in the
"Who's Who" poll are being asked
to state their choices on the presi-
dency and the governorship and their
opinions on the matters of prohibi-
tion repeal and the immediate cash
payment of the soldiers' bonus.
68 Replies Received
Up to today, 68 persons had been
reached in the poll, 66 stating presi-
dential preferences, and 53 giving
their choices for the office of gov-
ernor. All but one of the persons in-
terviewed have repliedon the prohi-
bition and bonus questions. The al-
campus vote on Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, however, will touch only on
the presidency.
Ann Arbor has one of the largest
percentages of persons listed in
"Who's Who" among the cities of the
country. Most of the celebrities are
members of the University faculty.
In abrecent national "Who's Who"
poll conducted by the Republican
National Committee President Hoo-
6ver was givep r i *6ad over Gov-
ernor Roos velt, Norman Thomas
running a poor third. Alfred E.
Smith received 10 votes in this poll,
although this preceded his advocacy
of the Roosevelt candidacy.
Have Had Two Plls
Two polls have been taken in Ann
Arbor, one by the Literary Digest as
a part of its nation-wide straw vote,
the other by the Washtenaw Veteran,
local organ of the Veterans of For-
eign Wars. In the Digest poll, Hoo-
ver received 573 votes to 563 for
The Veteran poll gave Roosevelt a
four to one majority. Horatio J. Ab-
bott, Democratic national committee-
man, asserted that the Digest drew
its votes mainly from the Republican
strongholds on the east side of the
Disarmament Plan Given
By Japan, Details Secret
TOKIO, Oct. 25.-WP)-A new dis-
armament plan is to be advanced by
the Japanese representative when the
disarmament conference resumes
next February at Geneva, the Asso-
ciated Press learned today.
Its details are a closely guarded
secret, and not even an idea of its
general character was offered. A high
official, said, however, that the plan
will embrace all naval categories and
will be sufficiently complete to stand
alongside the proposals of President
Hoover and Stanley Baldwin of Great
It has not been decided whether
the plan will be made public before

the disarmament conference resumes.

This Associated Press telephoto shows Samuel Insull (left), former
Chicago utilities magnate, as he was photographed in Athens, Greece,
shortly after he was indicted in Chicago on charges of embezzlement
and larceny.

Seniors Name
Class Officers
In Vote Today

Both Parties Wage
Minute Campaign
Lukewarm Voters

Samuel Insull In Ath ens After Indictment


Senior Literary elections will take
place tomorrow in room 25 Angell
Hall instead of the Natural Science
auditorium as previously announced,
Joseph Zias, '33, president of the Stu-
dent Council, said last night. The
class meeting will begin at 4 p. m.
and will be followed by balloting
which will continue until 5:45 p. m.
SJohn 'Townsend, Sigma Phi Ep-
silon, heads the Washtenaw ticket,
while Charles Rush, Phi Kappa Psi,
is the presidential nominee for the
State Street party.
Other candidates on the State
Street party are Barbara Braun, Del-
ta Delta Delta, vice president; Mar-
jorie Johnston, Independent, secre-
tary; and John Schmieler, Indepen-
dent, treasurer.
The Washtenaw party slated Polly
Walker, Mosher-Jordan, for vice-
president; Constance Beery, Alpha
Chi Omega, for secretary, and Wil-
liam B. Dibble, Trigon, treasurer.
Political leaders of both parties
were busy last night lining up the re-
maining undecided votes. Included in
the Washtenaw group are Joseph
Zias, Morton Frank, Allan Schmal-
zriedt. If the V, ashtenaw party is
successful, all threw of these men will
receive class jobs, according to ru-
mor: from reliable sources.
John Huss and Robert Fouss are
the political bosses of the State
Street party and they, too, are slated
for positions, if their party is suc-
cessful at the polls tomorrow.
Senior Medical elections will be
held at 5:30 p. m. Thursday, Oct. 27,
in the University Hospital ampithea-
ter,. it was announced last night by
Richard Norris, '33, councilman in
charge of the Medical elections.
Identification cards will be neces-
sary for all voters to pbtain a ballot.
Electioneering and pluggers will be
prohibited in the balloting room, Zias

Police Agree
To econsider
Edict On Stand
Socialists Await VerdictI
From Commission; Hope1
For Re-Opening
In their fight for the re-opening
of the radical literature stand, the{
Michigan Socialist Club has succeed-
ed in having the matter brought upt
for reconsideration by the Policek
Commission, a member of the com-
mittee told The Daily last night.-
The club is waiting for a decision-
from the Police Commission before
taking any further steps in the mat-t
ter. The question of whether or not
the erection of the stand last Thurs-
day was a violation of the city ordi-
nance wil be decided by the commis-t
sion, the member stated.
In the event of a decision against
the Socialists, the club feels that it
has sufficient grounds to bring the
case up for hearing, not with a pur-
pose to recover the money invested in
the stand, but to secure its re-open-
ing, the member said.
Pres. Alexander G. Ruthven, whenj
consulted on the matter yesterday
stated that, "the matter is outside
the jurisdiction of the University, in-
volving as it does, a city ordinance."1
But in his opinion, "no question
should arise as to the characer of the
literature on sale, as I understand it,
since it represents. a line of think-
ing on social problems."
Dr. Ruthven stood by the state-
ment of Shirley Smith, secretary ofj
the University, who told a member
of the stand committee day before
yesterday that there was no possibil-
ity of the stand being opened on the
campus side of North University ave-
nue, as there was a ruling against the!
operation of student stands on the
Sink To Address G.O.P.
Group Tomorrow Night
Former Senator Charles A. Sink,
president of the music school here
will be the principal speaker at a
meeting of the University of Mich-
igan Republican club tomorrow night
at the Union. At the same time plans
will be made by the club for a cam-
pus drive during the last week of the
This drive will probably include a
student rally late in the week. The
subject of the Sink talk will be the
"Young Man's Place in Politics."
Other speeches are planned for the
meeting which will begin at 8 p. m.
Members of the University of
Michigan club have been active in
the state campaign. Martin J. Mol,
president of the club, and Ernest
Scharmer have made speeches in va-
rious parts of the state advocating
the re-election of Gov. Wilber M.

M arylander
Cheer Wildi
As Roos evel
Assails G 0
Democratic Leader Sa
He Fights 'Four Hors
men,' Destruction, I
lay, Deceit And Despa
Crowd Adpplaud
Remarks On Be
Nominee . Asserts P a r1
Will Not Delay
People A r e Starvin
Millions Unemployed
BALTIMORE, Md., Oct. 25.-( 2
Franklin D. Roosevelt told thousar
of Marylanders amid boos for t
Republican administration and che
for himself, that he was fighti
against the four horsemen of theF
publican leadership-destructio,
lay, deceit, despair.
In an assault upon Republican p
icies and assertions on the tai
farm relief, governmental financ
prohibition, economy and relief, t
Democratic presidential candida
brought to Maryland an appeal I
the support of that border state
his quest for the key to the Wh
Advocates Saleh oBeer
His one mention of the word "bee'
set theacrowd that the police es
mated at 25,000 into a 'one-min
demonstration that set the rafters
ringing. His exposition of his vie
calling for modification of the Vu
stead Act to permit the sale of be
brought two more interruptions b
fore 'he could finish. the 'less thi
half-dozen sentences in which it '
On prohibition, h .sai ,te stan
taken by President Hoover and Vic
President Curtis had resulted in
"dizzy exhibition of uncertainty" a
that "no honest wet and no honi
dry can approve of such tactics,"
Deplores Delay
Discussing what he called t
horsemen of destruction and del
Mr. Roosevelt said:
"There is no time for delay wb
we have been led by these people ir
quicksand. It is no time for del
when nearly half of our people ca
not purchase the bare necessities
their existence.
"It is no time for delay when 1
000,000 of honest, industrious a
willing men and women are trampi
the streets and roads of our coun
looking for work.
."And we, of the Democratic par
will not wait."
Time and again the hall revert
rated with shrieking, shouting, ye
ing applause as he recited the list
ills he said Republican policies h
brought upon the country and oi
lined anew some of the policies
has proposed during the course of :
Gov. Brucker
Will Speak A
Local Committee Expe

Large Crowd; Michen
Also To Address G.O.

Tests Show Smoking Raises
Blood Pressure, Cools Toes,

When you smoke you cool your fin-
gers and toes from one to nine de-
grees while at the same time your
blood pressure and pulse rate in-
This seemingly paradoxical finding
showed very definitely in experiments
carried on during the last six months
by Dr. W. G. Maddock and Dr. Fred-
erick A. Coller, of the University Hos-
The experiments were conducted in
order to determine the effects of to-
bacco on the circulation of the blood
in the extremities and the advisabil-

vessels of the skin to regulate circus
lation and so temperature.
The report relates that in the tests
the smokers were placed at rest in a
room of even temperature and their
pulse rate, blood pressure, and body
temperature tested before and after
smoking. Pressure and pulse findings
were expected, but the marked drop
in heat of the toes and fingers was
somewhat unexpected. The normal
fall was about three or four degrees.
Control tests which in the surface
nerves of one side were temporarily
put out of action with an anaesthe-
tic showed that only the side un-
treated showed temperature drops on

Ann Arbor Republicans will h
Gov. Wilber M. Brucker and F
Earl Michener of Adrian at a- r
in Masonic temple at 8 p. m. toe
The local Republican committee
pects the largest crowd of the c;
paign for the event. Brucker
speak on state issues, while M:
ener's address will be concerned v
national politics.
Rudolph Reichert, county ch
man for the G. 0. P. and state ba
ing commissioner, will preside at
meeting while Mayor H. Wirt N8
kirk will present the speakers.
Preceding the public rally, a c
ner will be tendered Governor Bri
er and Representative Michener
the local campaign committee at
Temple, beginning at 6 p. m. Al
3,000 persons are expected to ati
the dinner. Tickets may be obta
at the county campaign headquai

Heber Curtis Discusses
Astronomy in Religion

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