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October 25, 1932 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-25

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Chairmen Are
Announced For
Annual Dance
Committee Heads To Meet
For Naming Of Various
Assistant Members
Committee chairmen for the an-
nual Panhellenic Ball to be held No-
vember, were announced today by
Myrtle Cooper, '34, general chairman
of the ball. Miss Cooper is a mem-
ber of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. The
committee chairmen are: chairman
of the program committee, Dorothy
Van Riper, '34, Alpha Xi Delta;
Marjorie Arnold, '34, Delta Gamma;
chairman of the refreshments com-,
chairman of the tickets committee,
mittee, Eleanor Riker, '33, Kappa
Delta; chairman of decorations com-
mittee, Ruth Campbell, '34, Pi Beta
Phi; chairman of the music commit-
tee, Pauline Scott, '35, Delta Delta
Delta; treasurer's chairman, Elinor
Allen, '34, Alpha' Chi Omega; chair-
man of publicity committee, Grace
Mayer, '34, Kappa Kappa Gamma;
chairman of floor committee, Helen
Gray, '34, Alpha Omicron Pi; chair-
man of chaperones committee, Ruth
Kurtz, '34Ed., Chi Omega.
A meeting of these committee
heads has been called and their as-
sistants will be named within the
next few days, according to Miss
Cooper. Negotiations have already
begun for the band although none
has been decided upon as yet.
Student Magician Will
Entertain at League Tea
June Warsaw, '33, magician, will
entertain at the first of the annual
series, of League teas to be.held from
4 to 6a p. m, Friday October 28 in
the ballroom of the League building.
This tea is a social affair held for
the benefit and entertainment of all
women on campus, and is sponsored[
by Martha Cook dormitory.
June Warsaw has practiced magic
professionally at her home in Grand
Rapids, before many of the most im-
portant organizations of Michigan,
and for the entertainment of Presi-
dent Herber C. Hoover. She has be-
come so adept at the art that she has
the unique honor of being the only
woman member of the International
Brotherhood of Magicians, of which
Houdini and Blackstone were notable

Head of Annual Bal

I Guests Are Feted At Weekend
Parties Given By Fraternitie



-Photo by Dey
Myrtle Cooper, '34, who is general
ehairman of the Panhellenic Ball to
be held November 25.
Homecoming To
Be Celebrated
At The League
Hallowe'en Decorations,
Favors and Entertainers
To Furnish Amusement
In honor of the homecoming game,
the League will hold novelty dances,
to be carried out in Halloween colors
and decorations, Friday and Satur-
day night, Oct. 28 and 29.
The decorations will consist of corn
stalks, pumpkins, apples on the string
and other characteristic features of
Halloween. Colors will be the tradi-
tional yellow, orange and black. Pa-
iper hats, blowers, and confetti will
be given to each couple.
Outside entertainment from De-
troit, including blue singers and tap
dancers, will be provided. Mike Falk
and his orchestra will furnish the
The price for admission will re-
main the same as for the ordinary
Friday and Saturday night dances,
Elaborate plans are being made to
insure pleasant surprises. Arrange-
ments are being made by Miss Ethel
McCormick and Jane Pecheimer.

Both formal and informal dances,
honoring the pledges, were given by
fraternities over the week-end.
An informal dance was given by
the members of the Phi Mu Alpha
fraternity in honor of their pledges
Saturday night. The chaperones were
Professor Walter 0. Menge and Mrs.
Menge and Mr. and Mrs., Nelson Wa-
In the guest list were included
Marjorie Moll, June Moll, Portia
Webb, Gladys Griffen, Jean McLain,
Eugenis Auikeef, Dorothy Riek, Jane
Williamson, Elizabeth Snyder, Fran-
ces Butler, Lillian WeWrinman, Hel-
ene Gram, Emma J. Ross, Helen
Holder, Dorothy Vorr Avery, Dorothy
Roubert, Marjorie Rriegoff, Charlotte
Whitman, Kathrine Anning, Virginia
Hutzel, and Carol Savery.
Miss Thelma Lewis of the School
of Music, was also there. Other guests
were Mrs. Donald McDonald, Mrs.
Wendal Smith, and ars. Lyle Smith.
The pledges of the Phi Sigma Delta
fraternity were honored with an in-
formal dance Saturday night. Among
the women who were present were
Dorothy A. Aronson,'33,dBeverley
Starke, '33, Eleanor Broderson, '33,
Muriel Atron, '34, Dora Ellison, '35,
Rowena Goldstein, '35, Lillian Rosen,
'36, Mary Kapanacki, '34, Florence
Kemp, '36, Phylis Stewart, '36, Flor-
ence Travis, '35, Miriam Starke, '36,
and Frances Burnstine, '36.
Over the week-end the fraternity
entertained Gene and Fred Sims, '27,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Prudy of De-
troit, Howard Desenberg, Leonard
Maser, and Lawrence Kebelski. There
were also present Mr. and Mrs. Roger
Bloom of Cleveland, Ohio; Miss Ethel
Ziff of Chicago, Miss Lilyan Green-
berg, of Detroit; Miss Fay Wech-'
ler of Flint, Mich.; Miss Phyllis Orn-'
stern of Appleton, Wis.; Maurice


Isaacs, '35, of Toronto, Canada; and
Howard Brett of Detroit.
Among the guests at the Trigon in-
formal dance Friday night were Jean
Braidwood, of Detroit, Ann Mitchell,
'35, Jane Thalman, '33, Katherine
Anning, '35, Jeanette Albracht, '33,
Jane Mitchell, '33, Mary Morrison,
'35, Mary Lou Hannel, '33, Mary
O'Brien, '35, Madelyn Coe, '36, Ethel
Howard, '35, Virginia Roberts, '35,
FFlorence Bingham, '36, Alice Mor-
gan, '35, Jane Fletcher, '36, Dorothy
Kopf, '33, Betty Scherling, '36, Helen
MacDonald, '35, Laura Finley, '33,
Adele Ewing, '33, and Doris Clarke,
'33, Leola Marx, '33, Marie Heide, '35,
Helen McGregor, '33, Eloise Moore,
'36, and Florence Harper, '36.
Phi Rho Sigma entertained Satur-
day night at a formal party which
was closed to all but fraternity mem-
bers. A simple but effective lighting
scheme was carried out on a mod-
ernistic theme. Lamps turned up at
an exaggerated angle from the floor
in the corners of the rooms reserved
for dancing, produced an indirectI
lighting idea.
Among University and Ann Arbor
women present were Phyllis Swift,
'34, Katherine. Koch, '32; Dorothy
Birdzell, '32; Eldreida John, '33; Mrs.
George Stewart; Mrs. George Slagle,
'30, and Katherine Perrin, '31.
Out of town guests were Miss Co-
sette Merril of Detroit; Miss Betty
Peltier of Detroit, and Miss Mary
Jane Schoffstal of Huntington, West
Virginia, who was a week end guest
in Ann Arbor.
Phi Beta Delta held its fall lHouse-
party last week-end. Alumni guests
were Lew Goltz, '29, Boston, Mass.;
Maxwell Reuben, '31 law, Chicago,
Edward Robinson, '30. Detroit;
Maurice Schiller, '31, Detroit; Ben

Lloyd Huntley
Will Eitertain
At Union Formal
Dance Musle For Novem-
ber Affair Will Be Pro-
vided ByPopular Band
Lloyd Huntley and his orchestra
will play for the Union formal in-
stead of "Slatz" Randall, it was an-
nounced yesterday by John W.
Lederle, '33, Union president.
Huntley is now playing in the May-
fair room at the Book-Cadillac hotel
in Detroit, and is broadcasting every
afternoon and evening over station
WJR. This bandF has made several
Brmnswick recordings.
According to Lederle, the Union
was fortunate in obtaining this band
because on Nov. 4 they have one
night free before returning to Pitts-
burgh for anotherengagement there
due to popular demand.
Tickets for the dance will go on
sale on Wednesday at the. Union
desk. The dance is to be given on
Nov: 4. Tickets are $2,00.
At the head of arrangements ,for
the affair, is Charles Burgess, '34E,
chairman of the Union dance com-
mittee. The chaperones are to be the
married members of the Board of Di-
rectors of the Union and their wives.
Fishman, '29, Detroit; Max Fisher,
Detroit; Button Marks,, '31 law, De-
troit. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Goldsmith, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Mo-
dell, and Mr. and Mrs. Schwarz, all
from Detroit. There was a dance
Saturday night with music furnished
by Gail Corbett's orchestra.



Everyone (-'an Now Afeford
To Learni to Swiml- Corr-Iectly

Throug~h flA
---ivi/h jOANNEs

12 L..ESSONS $6.00
Inqireat t. e Pool D~esk
IAlichigan Unioti

6 y .


University of Michigan Oratorical Ass'n

It was at the Women's Exchange,
7 Nickel's Arcade, 'that I found
just the hooked rug pattern that I
wanted for an odd chair. You will
find the one you want there, I'm
sure, as they have a most complete
assortment of unusual patterns, or
if you like, they will make a design
to fit the idea you have in mind.
* * *
Have your felt hat cleaned and
blocked this week at Greene's
Cleaners and Dyers. All felts are
given exacting care under the
skillful fingers of an experienced
hatter on the very best hat equip-
ment obtainable. The price is 25c.
Greene's cater to practically all of
the fashionable milliners in town
and are able to offer such expert
workmanship at such a low price
through the quantity of hats they
clean daily. There are three con-
veniently located Greene shops on
the campus - 1119 S. University;
802 S. State; and 516 E. Liberty.
Drop into the one nearest you, or
dial 2-3231 for free pick-up and
delivery service.
"I'll see you this noon at the
Betsy Ross Shop" is a well-known
expression on the Michigan cam-
pus, and why not, when they serve
special noon-day luncheons for
25c. And, too, the daily menu in-
cludes one higher priced sandwich
for 10c and a higher priced sundae
for 10c. Their chocolate sodas and
sundaes are particularly delicious
as they are prepared with their
very own special blend of home-
made sauce. Get the Betsy Ross
habit. It will be an enjoyable one
as well as an economical one. .
(13-15 Nickel's Arcade).
A Yardley's toilet set comprised
of three large cakes of lavender
soap and a medium-size bottle of
lavender perfume makes up the
toilet special of the week for $1.05,
at Quarry's Drug Store, corner
N. U. and State. If you are famil-
iar with Yardley's products you
will realize the trenmendous value
this set contains, for the soap alone
retails at 35c a cake. If you do not

The formal season will soon be
in full swing and those of us who
are on the alert for fashion details
will welcome this
tip from Jacobson's
Millinery Depart-
ment which says,
"The ultra - smart
miss of today wears
a formal dance and dinner turban
fashioned of moline." Moline, you
know, is a very sheer net material
that can be worn from many
angles to flatter the beauty of the
coiffure. When your moline hat is
designed by Miss Grey of Jacob-
son's custom-made department,
you have the last word in style.
Models are made especially for you
from $6.50 up. In the east, this
headdress is very popular for for-
mal wear and is worn by the elite
at the Park Casino; the Waldorf;
the Rita; and all fashionable re-
The Michigan League is featur-
ing Thursday evening family din-
ners in the Main Dining Room. On
the maid's night out bring the
whole family andtry our delicious
seventy-five cent dinner. Faculty
members and their wives are espe-
cially invited to form this Thurs-
day evening habit. These special
family dinners include a tempting
iced fruit cup or a savory soupland
tasty relishes, meat done to a turn,
potatoes and a vegetableccooked
just right, a crisp salad, hot
breads, beverage, and by no means
least, choice of a satisfying dessert.
The Powder Pufi Beauty Shop,
120 S. State, is making a most
startling offer on steam oil waves
Wednesday and Thursday of this
week. On those days only, you
will be able to receive one of their
popular $8.00 oil waves for $3.00.
It's an offer worth accepting. Dial
6442 early for appointments.
The popular "Dainty Lady" cig-
arette holders that you have been
asking for arrived recently at The
Caravan Token Shop. Their order
included a large number finished
in satin black with the most at-
tractive cases to match. Black
cigarette holders, it seems, rank




AreR The ire WebhS
Over YurDoorol
Those stores through whose doors more people
pass each day are the ones who faithfully present
their products to the pUblie. This is true in.Ann
Arbor as in Oshkosh or Newark.
Mark Twain, the famous humorist, in support of the ibl i
p roclaimning of merchandise once wrote
"When I was a newspaper editor, a subscriber wrote
me, saying he had found a spider in his newspaper.
Il (Isked if it was a good or bad omen. I replied that
it ewas neither a good or bad omen. The spider was
there in his own interests. He was looking through
the adverMiser ents intent on1 finding out who did niot
adverlise. When. ie discovered a tradesman who did
not advertise, he was going straight to his shop to spiny
c aWeb across his front door, and for evermore live an
ii atinterripted life.
In Ann Arbor the Best Way to Avoid
These Webs of Inaetivity
is V rollgl


: :: <




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