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October 25, 1932 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-25

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Writes Ford With Hoover at Detroit Address Students Study Medicine and Law Most Profitable Professions
eeking Criminals For Three- Year Research By Columbia Man Sho

5, 1932

. ermp R orts Medicine and law are the two most
profitable professions, a three-year
study extending through practically
Classes Are Meeting Men every profession and trade in the
In Prisons; To Visit In United States by Dr. Harold F. Clark,
Teachers College, Columbia Univer-
Local and Detroit Jails sity, indicates. The average annual
earnings of members of both the
For the term paper in criminology medical and legal professions is
'tudents are trying to supplement $5,250.
class and library work by obtaining Figuring the average working life-
first-hand contact with delinquents time of professional men as between
and institutions dealing with delin- 40 and 45 years, Dr. Clark reached
quents, Clark Tibbitts, who is taking the figure of 117,000 as the present
over Professor A. E. Wood's classes in value of the average lifetime earn-
Criminology this semester, said in an ings of doctors, and arrived at the1
interview. same figure for lawyers. He also dis-
A number of the students are meet- covered that a large number of doc-
ing delinquents in Ann Arbor and tors practicing in the United States
Detroit in attempting to get complete are not graduates of college medical
life histories, better to understand schools, and it is this group which
development of criminal careers. lowers the average. Similarly, a large
"One student is making a complete percentage of lawyers did not attend
historical study of bootleggers in the law school, it was revealed.
border town where she was brought Lifetime Records Studied.
up. In' making this study she expects Dr. Clark was aided in his research
to meet federal prohibition officers, by several professional and trade
bootleggers, and people of the com- journals, insurance companies, and
munity to get their reactions," Tib- by the United States Government.
bitt. caid_


(Associated Press Photo)
Henry Ford (left) is shown as he stood on the stage in the Olympia
arena, Detroit, with President Hoover Saturday night, when the Repub-
lican nominee made the principal address of his third campaign trip
to the midwest. In the center is Mrs. Wilbur M. Brucker, wife of Gov-
ernor Brucker.

The figures for each profession are
reached by examining the records of
men who enter a profession and re-
main in it until they retire or die,
rather than by examining the in-
comes of men who stay in a profes-
sion for only a few years and then
transfer to some other means of liv-
Not only do the annual average
earnings of the doctors exceed all
others - except that of the lawyers
-but Dr. Clark believes the young
medical graduate of today may earn
considerably more income 30 years
from now than the present medical
man with 30 years practice.
Colleges on Decrease
There has been a consistent de-
crease in the number of medical col-
leges accompanied by an ever-grow-
ing demand for medical treatment
due to greater public health activities
and greater general knowledge of
health measures.
Forty Students Initiated
Into Cosmopolitan Club
Opening the year's activities, 40
students of American and foreign
nationality were formally initiated
into the Cosmopolitan Club Saturday
night at Lane Hall before 100 mem-
John Khalaf, chairman of the or-
ganization, presided over the cere-
mony. Prof. Charles E. Koella of the
Romance Languages department wel-
comed the new members and ex-
plained the meaning of the Cosmo-
politan Club and its aims.
Due to the absence of Mrs. Freder-
ick B. Fisher, Mrs. Helen Halsteda,
whose husband is Dean of Lucknow
College, India, delivered the main ad-
dress of the evening, speaking on
"The Responsibilities of the Return-
ing Student and His Attitude Toward
the Mother Country."


Dr. Clark pointed but that another
field in which certain indications of
change are apparent is that of public-
school teaching. The salary schedules
were devised for a system in which
only a small percentage of workers
reaching the maximum rates, due to
a high turnover. With the increasing
tendancy for workers to remain for
life in the field, the percentage of
workers reaching the maximum rates
is consistently growing and will quite
likely prove a tax burden.
In regard to journalism, Dr. Clark
found that the majority of persons
who were graduated from schools of
journalism did not remain in that,
particular field, but branched off into
advertising and publishing.
Summary Given
The summary of average annual
earnings is. as follows:
Medicine ...............$5,250
Engineering .............5,000
Architecture .............5,000
College Teaching........ 3,260
Social Work . .......... .,2,517
Library Work ............2,250
Journalism ..............2,250
Skilled Trades........... 1,700
Unskilled Labor...........945
Farming............ ....650
Sets New Glider Record
With Motorless Loops
AKRON, 0., Oct. 24.-(/P)-E. B.
Sutherland, of Akron, went "up and
over" in his motorless plane 35 times
at a glider meet Sunday to establish
himself as a claimant of a record for
glider loops.
Pilots from glider clubs throughout
the midwest, including organizations
from Pittsburgh and Ann Arbor,
Mich., watched Sutherland's feat.


Planning a program which will in-
clude features of interest to the gen-
eral student body as well as to its
own members is one of the aims this
year of the Russian Student Club,
according to Paul D. Kalachov, Grad.,
"There are more than 20 Russian-
born students attending the Univer-
sity this year," Kalachov said. "Last
year an organization known as the,
Russian Student Club of the Univer-
sity of Michigan was created through
the efforts of a few energetic Rus-
sian students."
Probably the most worthwhile and
one of the most interesting features
of the Russian Student Club is the
fact that it is organized on the prin-
ciple of nationality and language
rather than on political beliefs, Kal-
achov said. The difficulty of uniting
royalist sympathizers of the present
regime Was formerly considered in-
superable,\but placing the club's or-
ganization on the basis of nativity
removed this obstacle. Because of
this fact, the club has been able to
unite under its leadership the major-
ity of Russian students on campus,
Kalachov stated.
"The club has stimulated a friend-
ly understanding of its members'
quite colorful pasts and in general
a better acquaintance has been pro-
moted among the Russians," the
president declared.

Another student visited a number
of Russian training schools, prisons,
and prison camps last summer.
"This project should prove of great
interest to the students," Tibbitts de-
clared, "and brnig to light informa-
tion which will possibly aid in further
study and correction of delinquents."
Campus Kissing Scored
As Unhealthy But Certain
SEATTLE, Oct. 24.-Kissing is be-
lieved to be an inevitable part of stu-
dent life by Dr. D. C. Hall of the
University of Washington health
service. Although it is unhygeinic and
a very possible means of, transmit-
ting serious diseases, Dr. Hall thinks
it is futile to try to do anything
about it.
"The habit is above the power of
man-made rules to modify," he de-
clared. He is, however, strongly
against kissing between patients and
visitors in the University hospital and
strives to prevent it there.
For the first time since its com-
pletion, toll is being collected from
vehicles crossing the Mississippi at
St. Louis. Receipts are used for un-
employment relief.
The oldest road in Ohio is in Sum-
mit county where its use is traced
back to Indian days.

Dr. Crane Honored
'By M. A. Degree In
Medical Exercises
August W. Crane, '94, was the re-
cipient of an honorary master of arts
degree at the eighty-third annual
opening evercises of the Medical
School, according to an announce-
ment in the current issue of the
Michigan Alumnus.
Dr. Crane delivered an address on
the subject of the X-Ray, a field in
which he has devoted much time
since 1897. Upon graduation, Dr.
Crane opened offices in Kalamazoo.
In 1905, he dropped his general prac-
tice and since that time has special-
ized in diagnostics. During the World
War he served on both the local and
state medical advisory boards.
Many other honors have been con-
fered upon Dr. Crane in the course
of his distinguished career. In 1898
he was made a member of the Lon-
don Roentgen Ray Society, He has
been past president ,of the American
Roentgen Ray Society and has, been
acting editor of the American Jour-
nal of Roentgenology. In 1921 the
Radiology Society of North America
awarded Dr. Crane its Gold Medal
"in recognition of achievement in the
science of radiology."

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Your banker can help you in solving your financial
problems. In business he may show you the way to
safer operation and greater profits . . . and in your
personal affairs he can be your guiding star to
financial security. This bank's officers are always
glad to be of service to every depositor.
Member of Federal Reserve System
State St. at Nickels Arcade Main and Huron Sts.





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