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October 25, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-25

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Established 1890



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TiKH G ANNARMI w,.9 an ru nwiuo+a+r+nxv

Published every morning except Monday during the
Uiersty year and Summer Session by the Board in
Cematro1. of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
t1in" and the Big Ten News :Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
iot otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
pfubli ed herein.All.rights of republication of special
dispa, cheg, are reserved.
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10D. uring regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
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Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann- Arbor, -Miehigan. -Phone: 2-1214.- .
Representatives: College Publishers Representatives,
Bo st^ Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925:
CITY EDITOR......................KARL 'SEIFFERT
SPORTS rEDITOR...................JOHN W. THOMAS
ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR..........Miriam Carver
NIGHT- EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
Jomn . ritel td,. C. Hart Schaaf; Brackley -ShaWv
TGlepin'R. Winters.
SPOR'S ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman.
REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles.
G. Barndt. James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald F.
Blaikertz; Charles B. Brownso, Arthur W. Carstens,
DonW Elder, Robert Engel, Eric Hall, John C Healey,
Robert B. Hewett, George Van VMeck, Guy M. Whippe,
Jr., W Stoddard White
Eleanor B Mum, Louise Crandall, Carol J Hannan,
Frances Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C.
Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Western and Har-
riet Speiss.
Telephone 2-1214
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Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
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ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward.
Betty Aigler, Doris Gimmy, Billie Grffiths, Dorothy
Laylin, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May Seefried,
Kathryn Stork.
TUESDAY, OCT. 25, 1932
The Council Tries
Out Of Date Magic..
N EVER have we seen a more versatile
body than the Student Council.
This group, in the last year, has demonstrated its
ability time and time again by proposing ingenious
and varied methods of enforcing the so-called
pot tradition. And, although every proposal has
been almost universally criticized and has com-
ple1ely failed, the Council has hung on with a
butl-doggish persistency, unexpected in any stu-
dent group. Frankly, we are amazed,
One must. admit that the Council has been so
involved in the technicalities of the pot situation
that it has had little time to do any construc-
tive work. Nevertheless, one can scarcely accuse
the members of the body of a lack of initiative.
If they have made a mountain, out of a mole-
hill, we can but congratulate them for their sin-
Led by head magicians McCormick and Zias,
the Council has pulled trick after trick on the
freshman classes in an attempt to enforce a tradi-
tion. We wonder if perhaps they are not attempt-
ing the impossible. A tradition, according to Web-
ster, is a "custom that prevails by itself."
At any rate, the tricks have failed. Evidently,
the magic is out of date. The freshmen are looking
for something up the Council's sleeve.
Trick number one was pulled last year. The
freshmen were told that if they did not wear caps
they would be "severely punished." They refused
to be bluffed. There were no punishments.
The second hocus-pocus was in the nature of a
threat. Names of first year men seen without their
pots were to be printed in the Daily Official
Bulletin. The freshmen smiled; the names were
printed; the freshmen smiled; the trick failed.
Magic numnber three was tried this fall and met
with customary success. Freshmen were told that
they would have to wear their pots for only a

month. They were cynically amused and looked
about for mirrors.
When the Council saw that they could not
make a compromise with the first year men by
shortening the period of time required, they decid-
ed to try number four, reversing their position,
and rescind the ruling. This was done for two
reasons, first, the Council wanted to shift some
of the responsibility off on to the fraternities,
which they did at the last meeting of the Inter-
fraternity Council, and, second, because the Coun-
cil discovered that it could not hold a cap night
in the spring if there were no caps to be burned.
As one Council member stated, "We would look
sort of silly holding a cap night without any
caps, wouldn't we?"
And we are forced to admit, "Yes."
And now, the Council has reached down into its
bag of tricks and pulled out number five, undoubt-
..t.. 44.c. x,+f- ,,a' +ia-. 11 hiitoLain the hand wa

We Commend The
Interfraterntty Council.
A PINE EXAMPLE of what student
organization can do when it really
settles down to work has been demonstrated by
the accomplishments of the Interfraternity Coun-
cil during the last year and particulhrly since last
spring. Other student organizitions may learn a
lesson from the Council's success.
That body has raised itself from a position of
student contempt to one of respect and dignity.
The position has been gained simply because the
officers of the Council realized last spring that
something must' be done about the fraternity
rush system, and they set about to do it. They
urged the University officials and alumni organi-
zations to help them, and when these groups
found that the members of the Council were sin-
cere and willing to take on some of the responsi-
bility, they listened to their plan.
The student gave its support to the Council, for
it was a situation which vitally involved its wel-
fare. We find that in times gone by the students
have always been willing to support any organi-
zation which has shown ambition, leadership and
common sense.
We congratulate the Interfraternity Council
on the work it has done. The officers of the Coun-
cil have had to work hard and keep their ground
against criticism, which in most cases has been
unjust. They have handled the recent rushing
program admirably, and deserve commendation,
The Theatre .

News from the big town has kindly been for-
warded to us by that Mr. William J. Gorman, and
we're turning our space over to him today. Dailes
Frantz, with whom the dispatch, is concerned, was
a special student in the School of Music last
Dalies Frantz made his debut in Town Hall, New
York, Monday afternoon. The musically-minded
of Ann Arbor have known for some time that Mr.
Frantz was a serious, hardworking pianist of fine
talent who has given many fine programs and
gives every promise of giving many more and finer
programs. However, because of the curious metro-
politan monopoly on musical reputations, Ann
Arbor convictions represent nothing but the senti-
mental predictions of fond relatives about a new-
comer in the pre-natal stage. Thus, Mr. Frantz
had to win the Naumberg Musical Foundation
prize to be eligible for birth.
This Foundation sponsored and paid for Mr.
Frantz' debut and presumably saw to it that a
good selection of the weirdly important critics
were there. Mr. Frantz took care of the rest. First
of all, he chose to present an uncompromisingly
serious program: proving himself not only in a
little Bach but in a lot of Bach, in Bach of varied
styles (the F Minor Prelude and Fugue, the Gigue
from the Fifth French Suite, two Bach-Busoni
and Fugue); not only in a Beethoven Sonata, but
in one of the late Beethoven Sonatas, f he one in
A flat, Op. 110. In addition, he displayed his
sensitivity to the romantic style in the Liszt Son-
netta Petrarca 104, and his technical strength and
brilliance beyond dispute in the "March" and
"The Juggler," and DeFalla's "'Ritual Fire Dance."
The critics were unanimously agreed that the
way this program was commanded gave evidence
of a talent to be reckoned with. There were two
chiefs and two first assistants there. One of the
chiefs, W. J. Henderson of The Sn wrote:
"Every year the recorders of musical activities
search for -talent and every season they shake
their heads because there is not more of it. There-
fore it brings joy to the recorder to make a re-
port of a new talent . .. We say he is a pianist,
not merely that he plays upon the piano. Mr.
Frantz's debut revealed the presence of a genuine
talent for the instrument and a musical person-
ality."- going on to give unqualified praise of the
Bach numbers.
The other chief - tts Sanborn of The World-
Telegram - praised Mr. Frantz' technical equip-
ment, feared that his performance of the F minor
Prelude and Fugue tended to be sentimental, and
commended his "carefully considered perform-
ance" of the Beethoven Sonata.
The reviews of the two first assistants (H. H. of
The Times and J. D. B. of the Herald-Tribune)
were both more enthusiastic and more carefully
considered. J. D. B. wrote:
"Unusually poised for his years, Mr. Frant
disclosed himself as a pianist of solid technical
attainments and thoughtful musicianship."
H. H. said the same thing more enthusiastically.
Both found the Bach Gigue splendid. Both found
one technical fault: "the fortissimo tones .de-
veloped at the top into hardness rather than
breadth," "the quality of his tone in fortissimo
was brittle and wanting in true sonority," H. H.
adding that it was a "fault hardly conspicuous
among so many virtues."
The final impression of all four reviews was ex-
tremely favorable. So. the opinions of the province
are echoed by the metropolitan midwives and the
way is clear for Mr. Frantz to have the kind
of career he deserves.
CaMpu.s Opinion

having a background of High School English and
one, two, or three years of this same subject in
the University should have a firm grasp of at least
the fundamentals of the English grammar and
spelling. Yet, almost every issue or number of any
one of our campus publications discloses a re-
futation of this hypothesis.
While glancing through the pages of our esti-
mable campus humor magazine the writer dis-
covered the following clause: "Their's is a worthy
cause . . . ". An even more glaring witness to the
illiteracy of one or more of the employes of our
only campus newspaper was noticed last spring.
The following was printed in exceptionally large
type as a portion of a full-page advertisement:
"So-and-so announces It's Such-and-such Sale."
The writer has cited but two examples. However,
any number of others of similar atrocity can be
found only too frequently.
For fear that even now the error may be ti -
by some, the writer wishes to comment that any
English-speaking individual of college standing,
excepting one of abysmal ignorance, is aware that
the possessive forms of personal pronouns are
never spelled with an apostrophe.
In closing, the writer wishes to request that his
letter, in the doubtful event that it be published,
be accorded a careful proof reading, so that he
may not be charged with more than those errors
he himself has committed.
George E. Szekey, '33E.
I have been. reading with interest the "essay on
economic issues in the coming presidential cam-
paign" by Kamil Toonian. The presentation of
facts and logical treatment of tariffs is good., Mr.
Toonian's article leaves with me the impression
that the Republicans are solely responsible for
these tariffs. Where then do the D e m o c r a t s
In the final analysis of any tariff legislation or
policies we must remember that the president can
only recommend tariff measures and veto those
which he does not approve For this reason we
must not look to the general statements of the
nominees of the parties, but to the rank and file
of their congressional members for the true work-
ing sentiment of the party.
In the normally Republican state of Michigan
you can see the evils of the party in power. In
the same manner we of the South have come to
know that the same evils exist in the Democratic
Party. I have heard many political speeches by
leading Democrats and have yet to hear one of
them advocate lowering the tariff on any product
produced in the district from' which they were
elected. On the other hand I have heard bitter
disputes within their ranks as to which should get
the most credit for advancingg the tariffs on pro-
ducts which compete with our farmers' crops.
What is the difference? Only a matter of local-
ity. Most members of congress will trade the
welfare of the whole country for his chance to be
re-elected. The tariff bills are not formed by eco-
nomists or even by one party. They are formed by
trades among men whose only thought is to retain
their office for another term. What can a presi-
dent do? If he vetoes a tariff bill he will receive
another made in the same way after another
three to six months wait.
The solution is with the voters. Until men are
willing to make personal sacrifices for national
good and vote accordingly the situation is hope-
Hoping this may be of some interest to you,
Mr. Toonian, and perhaps your readers; I remain,
Sincerely yours,
Formerly of Augusta, Ga. J. R. Akerman
Screen Reflections
Four stars means a super-pcture; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.

Admission, $1.00
$1.50, $200 $250

(10 Concerts) $6.00
$8.00, 100, 12,00

Will Conduct His Famous
Boston Symphony Orchestra
of 110 Artist Players
In Their Only Michigan Concert This Season


October 25-
November 2-
November 30-
December 12-
January 16-

January 27-
February 15 -
March 15-

Kathleen Sheridan ......Norma Shearer
Kenneth Wayne ........Frederic March
John Carteret ...... ..... Leslie Howard
Dr. Owen ................0..O. P. Heggie
The program in brief: The phrase "As sweet and
poignant as "Smilin' Through'," a phrase which
critics use in making pointed comparisons, is prov-
en true to a most high degree in the talking ver-
sion of this famous work of pathos, drama, and
A superb cast, each member of which seems at
one moment to eclipse the work of the other, fair-
ly abounds in lavish talent-dual and even treble
roles are taken by all three principles, Norma
Shearer, Frederic March, and Leslie Howard:
surely this can lead to only one conclusion--a
work of art that dwarfs the Jane Cowl stage pro-
duction, handicapped as it was by the obvious re-
strictions of the stage.
To Leslie Howard for his "man with three faces"
role are due the honors; honors which shade those
accorded to Miss Shearer and Frederic March only
by a trifle. Through the successive stages of youth,
middle age, and old age, we watch the struggle of
love against hate, the struggle of his love for
Moonyeen Clare, his betrothed who was killed on
the altar by a despairing rival. Mr. Howard's act-
ing has a benign touch at times; a hard, glint-
ing, touch at others, and finally a pitifully
acquiescent touch in the concluding moments. It is
around him, certainly, that the story revolves, and
he makes the most of his manifest opportunities.
To Norma Shearer as the nominal star must be
given her due, for she has stepped out of her cus-
tomary sophistication and donned a romantic
cloak and a vesture of sentimentality in her dual

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