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SATURDAY, OCT. 22, 1932
Tax Ainendnents
InVolve Questons..
IT IS not always true that matters
of great importance are decided in
elections. When voters go to the polls to choose
a candidate or a policy, it frequently occurs that
nothing affecting them directly or vitally is de-
cided. This is not true of the coming election in
Michigan. Two proposed amendments to the state
constitution are to be submitted to the people for
ratification or rejection, and the outcome will
affect everyone in the state.
These proposed changes in the state constitution
ai known as the "Fifteen Mill Limitation Amend-
nient" and the "Homestead Exemption Amend-
meit." : The first proposes to limit the property
tax, which is far and away the chief source of
state revenue at present, to $15 per thousand of
assessed valuation. The second would exempt
from the property tax all properties assessed at
less than $3000, and would exempt the first three
thousand dollars' worth of property worth more
than $3,000 ,provided in each case that the owner
of the p r o p e r t y in question occupies it. The
amendments provide for a few exceptions in their
application,but in the main they would operate
as we outline them.
The proponents of the amendments are able to
a d v a n c e some amazingly effective arguments.
Their plea is directed to the small taxpayer, and
is in the nature of a promise to free him from a
Targe part of the burden he now bears. As is fre-
quently the case, however,it is doubtful whether
the arguments are basisically valid.
We do not set ourselves up as experts in the
science of taxation. Determining how the revenues
of this state are to be raised is not and never will
be our business. We believe, however, that some
of the questions that have been raised anent these
amendments are reasonable, and we urge the
voters concerned to consider them.
We have set forth below some of these ques-
tions. The list could be much longer; short as it
is, it furishes food for thought.
Since the l i m i t a t i o n proposed in the first
nrnrlvinisfn all sesfi which Lgovern-
Supreme Court interpretation that they would
throw the taxing machinery of the state into
We have advised the voters to think before
casting their ballots in November. We again urge
that they heed this counsel.
"Political" Ecno7y
With A
EDITOR'S NOTE: Following in the last install-
ment of an essay on economic issues in the coming
presidential campaign, written for The Daily by
Kamil Toonian, senior in the School of Business
FOR the sake of not more than
100,000 beet sugar producers
who forced congress to raise the duty to 2c
per pound the entire population was forced
to bear the expense. For whereas the total
amount of sugar produced in this country is about
one million tons, the people consume annually a
total of 62 million tons. Evidentally the people
are being forced to subsidize a small industry for
the benefit of a few. But that is not all for, ac-
cording to the Business Week, Cuba raised its
duties in retaliation from 50% to 300% affecting
$30,000,006 of American exports and practically
cutting off "a well developed market near home
for 30 million dollars of farm products". Among
the principal agricultural imports of Cuba from
the U. S. are pork, beef, lard, bacon, ham, fresh
eggs, butter and powdered milk.
Likewise the tariff on unmanufactured wool
does benefit few hundred farmers who were
strong enough to force their demand down the
throat of the congressmen who disgorged it in
Congress and (after lots of bargaining) had it
finally digested in the tariffhact. But what a
burden it has been on all the nation, and how
disastrous have been the tariffs on chemical pro-
ducts, leather goods, watches, shoes, straw hats,
oils, iron and, steel products, zinc aluminum and
copper all of which have been in effect subsidized
at the expense of the people.
Out of the first twenty most important markets,
the exports from the U. S. to them bear close re-
lationship to the imports (65% of) from, those
markets. Hence the new tariff rates of England,
Canada France, Japan, and Germany affect the
export business of the U. S. materially and other
nations listed above. Canadian retaliation above
is supposed to affect the exports of the U. S. by
200 million dollars, American exports to the Br.
empire wil be further reduced as result of the
Empire Conference agreements. Moreover, if we
take into account the principal exports of the U.
S. we find that cotton ranks first and automobiles
second, while auto parts, electrical supplies, type-
writers, motorcycles, machinery and wheat are
among the important export items. Does this
suggest who is going to suffer because of foreign
retaliation? To the people of Detroit, Flint, and
other manufacturing cities of Michigan the Re-
publican tariff has been a curse rather than a
blessing because directly and indirectly it has led
to curtailment of production and an increasein
Didn't anybody forsee the tragic consequences
of a such detrimental measure as the Hawley-
Smoot tariff? Yes the thinking people predicted
the harmful effects of the tariff but nobody paid
attention to them. At least not the President
for more than 1000 economists members of the
American Economic Association representing 179
collegesand universities including Michigan, pro-
tested against the passage of the Smoot-Hawley
Bill. These economists were not only professors
but also advisers engaged by business and banking
houses. They represent the best brains on eco-
nomic issues in the U. S. who should be the real
leaders of the economic life of America. But un-
fortunately these expert men don't control the
reins of government which seemingly thinks to be
too good to listen to these theories. But mind you
we are all getting a licking, and a tough one too,
because governmental politics are not in the hands
of such men who refuse to impar their self re-
spect by going into politics. It is only when such
men become the bosses that the U. S. can expect
an efficient governmental machinery.
What Others Sa
The outlook for the collegian is poorer than
that for the non-collegian according to William
McAndrew, f o r m e r superintendent of Chicago
schools. Only a small number of colleges in the
country can benefit any person, and these are al-
ready crowded to the limits he says.
Other College
" EER College", formally known as the Wahl-
Henius Institute of Fermentation, opened re-
cently for its first, sesion of school since 1915.
The college is located in Chicago and at present
has an enrollment of 19. Max Henius, president
of the institute, stated in his opening ,ddress that
the revival of the brewing industry in this country
necessitated the reopening of the school. Courses
in chemistry, physics, bacteriology, yeast culture,
refrigeration, and botany are offered in the cur-
SIGNS telling students to "Please Walk On The
Grass" have replaced the customary "Keep Off"
placards on the campus of Washington and Jef-
ferson College. President Ralph C. Hutchinson
explained that he himself enjoyed walking on the
grass and that he was "more interested in the stu-
dents than the lawn."
TWO professors at Boston Tech have invented a
machine which will shuffle and deal out four
bridge hands in four seconds.
CO-EDS at the University of California are al-
lowed to stay out until 2:15 a. m. every night
of the year, with the exception of "Big Game"
night (the night before the Stanford - U. of C.
game) wh'en no rules at all are followed.
AT Southern California, a group of co-eds have
agreed to pay the full cost of dates providing
that their escorts can measure up to their stand-
ard of "the perfect man". This super man is
judged according to a system of percentages that
go something like this: Intelligence, 20 per cent;
Cultural Background, 15 per cent; Courtesy, 10
per cent; Physical Fitness, 5 per cent; clear un-
derstanding of the meaning of the word "no", 5
per cent; Social Poise, 5 per cent; Dancing Abili-
ty, 5 per cent.
SYRACUSE University has this year the "most
energetic" group of Freshmen they have ever
housed. During a recent football game, the class
of '36 amused the fans by bombarding the sopho-
more class with rotten eggs and soft tomatoes.
Even though school officials asked the police .to
prevent a repetition of such a riot, recent reports
are to the effect that the frosh are storing and
collecting "ammunition" for another battle with
the sophomores.
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WASHINGTON - Surveying the a t t i t u d e in
this presidential campaign of the senators seated
>n the republican side of the chamber but gen-
erally referred to as liberals--when not being cal-
led hard names by party qld
guardsmen -one finds an un-
r °"' paralled situation.
At mid-campaign, ten of the
48 senators on that side of the
center aisle are hostile to the
national ticket or still silent.
They represent more than a
fifth of total party strength in
the ' senate. Their states cast
an aggregate of more than 90
electoral votes.
There is no recordcin modern
times certainly, of another such intra-party sena-
torial clevage during a presidential year.
The degree of disaffection varies from the out-
right campaigning program of Norris of Nebraska
for the democratic ticket through the range of
flirting with the democrats by Johnson of Cal-
ifornia and Cutting of New Mexico, to the dec-
laration of Frazier of North Dakota against both
presidential candidates, and finally, to the pro-
longed silence of Couzens of Michigan.
Somewhere in between are LaFollette and Blame
of Wisconsin, Brookhart of Iowa, Borah of Idaho
and the lone senate farmer-laborite, Shipstead of
No man reaches the senate these days without
an important following in his state. No man serves
six years in the senate without having influence'
upon the votes of a substantial number of his
constituents. What share the attitude of these
senators is to have in determining the outcome of
the election would be hard to calculate in advance.
* * *
The senatorial situation suggests the thought,
however, that had the Roosevelt-Johnson Bull
Moose ticket of 1912 been benefited by anything
like the amount of active or negative assistance
the 1932 democratic appear to be deriving from
the liberal republicans of the senate, the whole
course of American political history of the last
two decades might have been different.
President Wilson that year, in a three-way bat.
tle, carried many states by margins so narrow
that it would not have taken much to have given
Theodore Roosevelt these electoral votes.
Democratic disaffection to the extent of from
10,000 to 25,000 votes in any one of a number of
Season Tickets: Prices (Six Lectures) $3.00, $2.75, $2.50
'Counter Sl t ARSToda
Oct. 29- LOWELL THOMAS, "From Singapore to Mandalay" (Motion Pictures)
EPISCOPAL E. W. Blakeman, Director H ILLEL
CHURCH 9:30 A.M. - Classes, Freshmen on FOU NDAT ION
"European and American Christi-
State and Washington Streets anity." Prof. del Toro. Cor. E. Univ. Ave. and Oakland
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
Ministers Upperclassmen. "Personality and
nis ersReligion." Dr. Blakeman
Frederick B. Fisher Regular Sunday Services at the
Peter F. Stair 3:30 P.M.-Oriental-American Forum. Women's League Chapel 11:00 AM.
Mr. J. Kiang Dunn is leader. Rabbi Heller will speak.
10:45-Morning Worship Subject: "RELIGION AND JOY"
6:30 P.M-Graduate Forum.
Dr. Fisher
Dr. Fisher will speak on "Essen-
:30 -- Evening worship tials and Non-Essentials of Chris- Sunday Evening-Open forum.
Evenig Woshiptianity."°
"YOUTH IN THE MAKING Theme of discussion, Internation-
OF A NEW WORLD" :30 P.M.-Student Guild. Prof. G. E. al anti-war movement. Eugene N.
Professor S. L. Joshi of Dartmouth Carrothers will speak on the "Peril Shafarman.
College of Uselessness."
~ CHURCH NEast Huron, West of State
Huron and Division Streets DO OT R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Merle H. Anderson, Minister Howard R. Chapman. University
Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Minister NEGLECT Pastor
YOUR D 10:45 A.M. - Mr. Raymond Currier.
9:30 A.M. - Student Classes at the Y R formerly of Rangoon College. now
Church House, 1432 Washtenaw Editor FAR HORIZONS, will speak.
10:45 A.M. -Morning Worship. 12:00 Noon -Students at Ouild
Sermon: "Optimism-the Spiritual House for forty minutes. Mr.
Sunshine of Life" ACT IV T I ESChapman on "Building a Home"
5:30 P.M. Social Hlour for- Young
People 6:00 P.M.--Students at Guild House.
Mr. John Khalaf, president of Cos-
6:30 P.M.-Young People's Meeting "Mohmman Club, will seak o
Speaker: Raymond Courrie, w"oh "eas ." S r iw.
"Weavers of a New World." with "eats" will follow.
(Missouri Synod) Washington St. at 5th Ave.
Third and West Liberty pastor (Evangelical Synod)
EC.StelihornpSouth Fourth Avenue
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
October 16 Theodore Schmale, Pastor
9 A.M.-Bible School. Lesson Topie:
"The Problems of the Home"
f 9:30 A.M.-Church School 9:00 A.M.-Bible School
In- ')fnA 1V. -. , irPwih sermonl by
amendment is for an purpo s, WHICLI gttvb" '
mental units will have priority of levy? Cities and This statement was made in answer to a ques-
villages usually make their levies first in order-of tion placed before the readers of the "Journal of.
time, but assuming that the state as a superior Education," a Boston publication. The query,
power makes its levy first, in what order will previously made by the London "Evening Stand-
other units make their levies? Further thanthis, ard," concerned the advisability of sending to col-
who will have power to decide this question? If lege the son or daughter of a widow of limited
the legislature is granted the power of allotment, means. Both were of average intellectual ability
how can it opperate efficiently and fairly9 or better, but the mother could afford to send onlyd
lx7;#l, t#. n h-,-,,,.fAY in rjv fnnurnishing one.
witn the propery Lax no wgull -11
them with the present amount of revenue, could
municipalities borrow needed funds in the future?
Would the tax burden, under the second pro-
posed amendment, be fairly distributed? Is it
desirable to grant the wealthy home-owner an
exemption and simultaneously to increase the'
load carried by the middle class renter?
Are not the two amendments, considered to-
gether, inconsistent in that the second could
function only with the aid of the property tax
At the present time the outlook for a college
trained person may be as dismal as that for the
untrained, however, more prosperous times will
undoubtedly increase the demand f or college
graduates. Expanding commerce. industry, social
and political life demand the services of the well-
trained over the poorly-trained. Whether or not
a definite call comes for college men and women,
such persons will be able to anticipate the needs
of society and, with their better intellectual back-