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October 22, 1932 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-22

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SATURDAY, OCT. 22, 1932

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Champaign Editor


Real Scrap


This Afternoon's Battle

Cu? __..


Return Of Star
Halfback Raises
HopesOf Ilini
Frank Froschauer, Hurt
In Tilt With Freshmen,
Is Expected To Start
Walser At New Post
Illinois Squad Comprises
Newcomers; Has Pair
Of Veteran Backs
(Daily Illini Sports Editor)
The return of Frank Froschauer to
active duty and the improved playing
of several members of Illinois' var-
sity squad were outstanding develop-
ments in the last scrimmage against
the freshmen before the Michigan
tilt. Memory of that first half against
Northwestern, when the Illini carried
the fight to the Wildcats and had
them on the run, served to inspire
Zuppke's men.
At 7:15 o'clock this morning, some
33 players together with "Zup,"
Manager Stephens, and Trainer Matt
Bullock, entrained for the lair of the
Wolverines. Returning to Ann Arbor
from Dearborn at four o'clock this
afternoon, the team took a light
workout in preparation for tomor-
roW's game.
Froschauer Scrimmage
It is now almost certain that Frank
Froschauer, sophomore halfback,
will be able to play against Harry
Kipke's pennant-bound Michigan
eleven. The Lincoln boy scrimmaged
both Wednesday and Thursday
nights with no apparent ill effects
to his shoulder bruise. It was hurt
in the Varsity-Freshman encounter
at the start of the season, and has
kept him on the bench the better
part of four weeks. There is no ques-
tion that the addition of Froschauer1
to the Illini backfield will add speed
and drive to the attack.
Forest Craven and Dave Cook have
been dividing the work at the left
halfback post, but if Froschauer re-
turns, they may have to share it with
him, too. What little substituting
Zuppke has had to do for Pete Yan-
uskus at right half, has been taken
care of by Paul Carson. Capt. Gil
Berry and Jack Beynon will continue
to handle the signal-calling and safe-
ty assignments.
Walser at Full'
Herman Walser, although a quar-
terback last year, still rates among
the best of the fullbacks on the squad
this fall. His defensive work in thet
first half of the Northwestern game
left little to be desired; admittedly no
brilliant ball-carrier, he has left most
of that work to supporting backs,
while doing more than his share of
the blocking and tackling. Mike
Snavely and Zeke Seamans have been
Walser's chief relief mates.
The work of Casey Straw at end
this week has drawn attention. ThisE
Moline junior won a letter last yearr
playing center and fullback, but het
has been a wingman since practice<
started this fall. Straw, Vincent Van
Meter, and Julius Hoeft are contest-
ing of the honor of starting against
Michigan at left end. Ivan Schustek
will be at the other extremity of the
line. The rest of the forward wall will
probably consist of Cummings and
Gragg at tackles, Kowalski and Bod-
man guards, and Bob Bloom center.
The Zupmen expect their hardest
game of the season against the Wol-
verines, but they also recall when an
ordinary Michigan team, not so long
ago, all but wrecked their champion-
ship drive, by a 3 to 0 score. Who
knows but what Illinois may prove to

be the thorn in Michigan's victory
path this fall?
'Mural Swim Meets To
Take Place On Oct. 21
The Intramural Sports Depart-
ment has announced that dual meets
for fraternities are to begin on Oct.
21. These meets will include the fol-
lowing events: 25-yard sprints in the
free style, backstroke, and breast-
stroke, also diving and relay. Water
polo games will be played after the
swimming meets.
Theta Chi, water polo champs for
the last four years, and Lambda Chi
Alpha, last year's swim winners, are
both expected to enter strong teams.
The winners for both sports are to
be determined by a straight elimina-
tion plan.

Illini Veterans Who Are Expected To Star Against Wolves

Harriers Open
Season Today

Wolverine Captain
Be Out Of Action
Detroit Y. M. C. A.


(Associated Press Photo)
While the majority of the members of the Illinois grid squad who will face Michigan this afternoon are
sophomores, Coach Bob Zuppke has three dependable veterans to fall back on. Captain Gil Berry and Pete
Yanuskus, the best of the ball-carriers, and Al Bondman, a stellar lineman, have not been replaced by new
-. f- .

Keene Fitzpatrick, Princeton's
Veteran Coach, To Retire Soon.

PRINCETON, N. J., Oct. 21.-
(Special)-Keene Fitzpatrick, who
has devoted half of his coaching ca-
reer of 44 years to the development
of Princeton track and football ath-
letics, willt retire at the end of the
present football season. His resigna-
tion which has been before the
Board of Athletic Control since last
June was accepted "with reluctance"
at its meeting here tonight. No ac-
tion was taken upon a successor.
Mr. Fitzpatrick's withdrawal was
announced tonight by Thurston J.
Davies, -'16, Acting Chairman of the
Board and Supervisor of Sports. "For
several years Mr. Fitzpatrick has in-
dicated to members of the Board that
he was contemplating' his retire-
ment," Mr. Davies said. "Last June
he laid his resignation before us, to
become effective at the end of the
present football season, and request-
ed the Board to consider it as final.
In accordance with Mr. Fitzpatrick's
desire, the Board accepted his resig-
nation. It was accepted, however,
with reluctance and great regret.
While at Michigan Mr. Fitzpatrick
developed four Olympic team mem-
bers: Rose, shot-putter; Hahn,
sprinter; McLean, hurdler and broad-
jumper; and Duorak, pole vaulter.
Other prominent Michigan track-
men whom Mr. Fitzpatrick coached
As an added inducement a pack-
age of cigarettes was presented to
every man student attending the pep
meeting at Stanford University in
preparation for the annual Southern
California clash.

are Carrello, in the hurdles and dis-
cus throw; Craig and Ligley, in the
sprints; Horner and Dunlap in the
shot-put; Hammer in the hurdles;
Snow in the high jump; Rowe and
Coe in the middle distance races; and
Dellogg, two miler.
Iowa Coach anes
1932 All-American
Team Of Trackmen
IOWA CITY; Ia.,--P)-Midwestern
performers are favored by George T.
Bresnahan, University of Iowa coach,
in his "All-America" college track
and field team for 1932.
Eleven Olympic performers are in-
cluded in his selections, which are as
Pole vault, William Graber of
Southern California; high jump, Wil-
lis Ward of Michigan; broad jump,
Lambert Redd of Bradley Tech;
hammer throw, Peter Zaremba, of
New York university; javelin, Mal-
colm Metcalf of Dartmouth; discus,
Robert Jones of Stanford; shot put,
Hugh Rhea of Nebraska.
One-mile relay, Carr, Eastman,
Warner and Fuqua; 220-yard low
hurdles, George Saling of Iowa; 120-
yard high hurdles, Saling; two-mile
run, Charles Shugert of Miami uni-
versity; one-mile run, Glenn Cun-
ningham of Kansas; 880-yard run,
Ben Eastman of Stanford; 440-yard
dash, William Carr of Pennsylvania;
220-yard and 100-yard dashes, Ralph
Metcalfe of Marquette.

Seniors Vanquish
Sophomores, 3-0,
In Hockey Opener
Rambling over the freshmen for an
early victory, the senior women's
hockey team started their title drive
by trouncing their opponents 3-0 in
the opening game of the Interclass
tourney. Helen Brenner and a
smoothly operating forward line ac-
counted for the tallys.
The Juniors and Sophomores bat-
tled to a 1-1 tie in the other game
on the opening date. Beatrice Masst-
man and Margaret Morris were the
scorers, the former for the juniors,
the latter for the sophomores.
The next games are scheduled for
Oct. 27, with the seniors down to play
the sophomores, and the freshmen
matched with the juniors.
Wilbur Says Studeints
Needed In Government
MONTICELLO, Ill., Oct. 21.-(Big
Ten)-"Our government is coming
to need more and more college-train-
ed men, and unless we get students
interested in political affairs, we
shall have to turn them over to the
untrained,'' Ray Lyman Wilbur, sec-
retary of the interior and president
of Leland Stanford University, told
an Illini reporter in an interview
following an address here.
"I think a change is coming over
students," the cabinet member and
educator declared. "Formerly they
devoted much of their time to frater-
nities, an exuberance of athletics,
and social life; but today they want
more substantial food."

On the morning of the opening
cross country meet of the season,
Michigan's harrier squad finds itself
with the status of its captain doubt-
ful. Roger Howel, veteran Wolverine
leader, has been out of action all
week and may not start in the run
scheduled against the Detroit Y. M.
C. A., at 10 a. m. this morning on
the University course.
Despite the possible absence of
Howell, the Maize-and-Blue team will
enter their initial meet with an ex-
perienced lineup. Bill Hill; Bob Os-
trander and Dick McManus all saw
considerable action in last season's
hill-and-dale races.
In addition to these three experi-
enced runners, the Wolverine squad
will have a number of promising
young men running their first race.
These men include Bob Howell, bril-
liant younger brother of the Wolve-
rine captain and Archie McMillan.
who, although a 'senior, has no pre-
vious varsity experience.
Other sophomores who will make
their debut in the meet are Jake Bed-
enik, J.. W. Childs, Johnnie Clarke,
G. M. Horton, J. F. Smith, and W.
J. Simons.
Coach Charlie Hoyt characterizes
the Michigan team as being only
fair and refuses to make any definite
predictions for the outcome of the
meet. The team is better balanced
than was last year's, but is not in-
dividually any stronger, according to
Andrew Lewis, veteran distance
man, will lead the Detroit contingent.
The other men on the Y. M. C. A.
outfit are: Rudolph Schaeffer, Eric
Nielson, Peter Miller, Ernest Smith.
and Paul Miner. Nothing is known
of these men.
In a time trial held by the fresh-
man cross country team yesterday.
Paul Gorman finished first in a field
of 20. He won by a margin of a
quarter lap from Morgan. The time
of the winner was 11:26.5. Compara-
tively, the time for the two mile run
was only average, stated Coach Ker
Doherty. Another tine trial will be
held by' the freshman squad in the
near future. As yet the material of
the yearlings has not shown nearly
so much promise as did the 1931
Varsity basketball practice will
start next Monday afternoon at the
Intramural Building, it was announc-
ed yesterday by Coach Franklyn Cap-
pon. All candidates are requested to
report at that time.
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