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October 22, 1932 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-22

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Pledges Feted
A Teas; ouSe
Guests Arrive
Formals, Teas, And Open
Houses Characterize So-
ciety Of This Week
There will be a buffet supper to-
night at 6 o'clock for guests and
alumnae, at the Alpha Omicron Pi
house. Miss Jane Boswell, '31, of
Flint will be a week end guest, as
will Miss Florence Brady of Kala-
There is to be open house after the
game from 5 to 6 o'clock for the
members of Alpha Xi Delta sorority
and their friends Week-end guests in-
clude: Miss Ruth Otto, '32, Miss Mary
Helen Tyre, '32, Miss Betty Shenk,
Miss Frances Botsford and Mrs
Charles Greenizdge, all from Detroit;
Miss Daisy Connell, '32, Belding,
Mich.; and Miss Mary Jane Compton,
former student, of Philadelphia.
Decorations used at the pledge for-
-mal last night were fall flowers and
leaves. Music was furnished by one
of Ken Lundquist's orchestras. .
Open house for the new pledges
will be held from 7 Ito 10 o'clock
Sunday night. Miss Pinky Ehrlich of
Detroit will be a week-end guest at
the Alpha Epsilon Phi house.
Tea wil be served after the game
for the members of Alpha Phi and
their guests. Week-end guests in-
clude: Miss Katherine Turner, '32,
of Battle Creek; Miss Louise Wood-
ward, '32, of Port Huron; and Miss
Lucile McClelland, 31, of Detroit.
Alpha Delta Pi entertained last
Sunday at a tea in honor of their
new chaperone, Mrs. Shepard of Ann
Arbor. The tea table was attractively
decorated with white roses and green
tapers. Other decorations consisted o
arrangements of autumn leaves.
They also gave a rushing dinner
Monday, Oct. 17 at which the de-
pression was used for a background.
Paper tablecloths and vari-colored
candles helped to carry out this
Alpha Gamma Delta held a recep-
tion yesterday in honor of their new
chaperone, Miss Agnes Barker, and
their national inspector, Miss Julia
Riser of New York. N. Y.
Chrysanthemums and ivory tapers
decorated the tea tables.
Patronesses who were present were
Reta McComber of Peoria, Ill., Mrs.;
Clinton Ford of Ann Arbor, and Mrs.
Robert Hugh Keeler, also of Ann Ar-
Alpha Gamma Delta also expects to"
have four guests from their Illinois
chapter for the game today.
The members of CollegiateSo-
rosis held their first pledge-tea yes-
terday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock
Mrs. Herman Kleene poured. Thet
house also wishes to announce the
pledge formal to be held Nov. 5. }
Delta Delta Delta held their pledgeI
formal last night, at which the pa-i
tronv and patronesses were Dr. and
Mrs. E. L. Whitman, and Dr. and
Mrs. A. J. Hall. Autumn decorations
were used.
Katherine Sitton, '32, Kentucky;
Hortense Gooding, '32, Cleveland,.
Ohio; and SusannenMcKinney, '32
Illinois are week end guests of Pi1
Beta Phi.

The Phi Sigma Sigma sorority is
expecting many alumnae back for the1
Illinois game. Those who will be
house guests of the chapter are Jo- ;

Wives Of Democratic Candidates Meet

(Associated Press Photo)
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt (left), wife of the Democratic presiden-
tial candidate, and Mrs. Herbert Lehman, whose husband is running on
the Democratic ticket in the coming New York gubernatorial elections,
are shown at a reception of the King's County women's forum, in New

Meeting Of Polonia
Held To Elect New
Officers For Club
At a recent meeting of the Polonia
Literary Society, club of those stu-
dents who are Polish or of Polish
descent, officers were elected for the
coming year. They are Joh A. Cet-
narowski, '33, president; John F. Ko-
walik, '34Ed, vice president; Witold
1ialeki, '33E, treasurer; Claire M.
Glowacki, '34, secretary; Edward Cis-
lo, corresponding secretary.
The purpose of the club is the get-
together on a friendly basis of stu-
dents who have this common tie, to
study Polish and Polish literature,
in classes given by Professor Alex-
ander P. Gwiazdowski of the Engi-
neering department. Professor Felix
W. Pawlowski of the aeronautics de-
partment is also advisor to the group.
Social affairs, parties, and dances
are planned for the year.
Inda-ivida Awards On
Points Made By W.A.A.
Awards are made by the Women's
Athletic Association for participation
in sports, depending upon the total
number of points received. Women
who have earned points in previous
years may check up their total by
consulting Elizabeth Gribble, '34,
point recorder, at the W.A.A. office
in the Michigan League, on any
'Iuesday or Thursday, from 3 to 5
A class numeral is awarded for
participation on a class team, and a
small "M" is awarded for a total of
300 points. 'Those who have earned
600 points are privileged to wear a
W.A.A. pin, and for a total of 1,000
points, a large "M" is awarded. If
any woman failed to receive her
proper award last year, she may see
the point recorder, Elizabeth Gribble,
who will make necessary adjust-
A complete chart of the point sys-
tem of the Women's Athletic Asso-
ciation may be obtained from the
W.A.A. office, if desired. Active mem-
bership in the organization is open
to those who have earned five points
in any W.A.A. activity.
sephine Convisser, New York City.
Ilo Freydberg of Mount Vernon, New
York, Rose Modell, Detroit, Anne
Morrison and Rose Morrison, '28.
Buffalo, New York.
Theta Phi Alpha will entertain as
house guests this week end Margaret
Brady, '29, Detroit; Ruth Brady, '27,
Detroit, Ann Robb, '31, Howell,
Michigan; Mary Costello, '31, De-
troit; Morayne Podesta, '31, Detroit;
fosepiine Kriser, '31, Dexter, and
Mrs. John O'Hara of Detroit.

Panhellenic Dinner
Price, Guests Will
Be Announced Soon
Plans for the Panhellenic banquet
to be held Monday, October 31 were
discussed by committee heads in con-
ference with Miss Ethel A. McCor-
mick, social director in the office of
the Dean of women, yesterday after-
The price of the dinner will be an-
nounced tomorrow according to
Leonore Snyder, '33, chairman of the
banquet . Names of speakers and
guests will also be announced within
a few days.
Sororities will follow the usual
custom of sitting in groups; the
places will be marked with cards
bearing the name of each sorority.
Miss Snyder also stressed the fact
that the date for the dinner is Octo-
ber 31 so that sororities should know
the exact number that plan to attend
from their houses, and should notify
the committee.
Committee workers for the Pan-
hellenic ball to be held November 26
are now being considered and their.
names and positions will probably be
ready within a couple of days.'
Helen Newberry Gives
Play, 'Helen Of Sparta'
Due to the unusual number of girls
this year at Helen Newberry Resi-
dence whose first name is Helen
one of the "Pro" week groups is call-
ed the Troy Club. It is under the
direction of Helen Travis, '33, Helen
Louis Corwin, '33, and Helen Knight,
'34. The Troy Club presented a play,
"Helen of Sparta" Thursday, Oct. 20.
The following girls took part in the
entertainment: Helen Brandt, '36,
Helen Louise Clark, '36, Helen Hax-
ton,'36, Helen Marcenkowska, '36,
Helen McManus, '36, Helen Rankin,
'36, Helen Schwarz, '35, Helen Stram,
'36, Helen Thome, '34, and Helen
Waldstein, '34.

Fraternities To
Iooe Guests
At Iformals
Alumni, Guests To Return
To Local Chapters For
Illinois Football Game
Trigon and Alpha Tau Omega held
informal dances last night as a fea-
ture of the Illinois week-end.
Several of the fraternities are also
entertaining tonight with informal
parties. Those celebrating after the
game today are Phi Mu Alpha, Phi
Beta Delta, and Phi Kappa Psi.
Delta Tau Delta, Lambda Chi
Alpha, Delta Sigma Pi, and Kappa
Nu are already making plans for
dances to be given in celebration of
the homecoming game with Prince-
ton next week-end.
The following alumni and guests
will return for the game to the Sigma
Alpha Epsilon house this week-end.
They are as follows: Howard T. Wor-
den, '32, Detroit, Mich.; Donald Bell,
'30, Birmingham, Mich.; Norris John-
son, '32, South Haven, Mich.; Jerome
Emling, Erie, Penn.; Robert Worrell,
'32, Danville, Ill.; Robert Mobus,
Adrian, Mich.; Robert Sherman,
Adrian, Mich.; Miss Vadne Scott, of
Birmingham, Mich.; Willard Fish. '30,
Battle Creek, Mich.; William Co-
burn, '32, Battle Creek,, Mich.; Rich-
ard Whalen, '29, Battle Creek, Mich.;
Joseph Crotser, Detroit, Mich.; Gor-
don, Draeger, Adrian, Mich.; and
Robert Norris, Grosse Pointe, Mich.
Several members of the Illinois
chapter including Freddy Frink, who
plays end on the Illinois team, are
also expected.
The fraternity will entertain the
following guests and alumni this
week-end for the Illinois game: Jus-
tin Weaver, James Barger, of Detroit,
and Leslie Butler of Detroit, Paul
Goebel, David Forbes, and Pauline
Gulliford, of Grand Rapids, Fred
Lyon of Royal Oak, and Fred
Schweitzer of Milwaukee, Wis.
Pi Lamba Phi wishes to announce
'the pledging of Howard Wolton '36,
of Detroit, Mich., and Howard Bres-
sler, '35, of Chicago, Ill.
Triangle wil hld its honiecomin'
dance tonight instead of next week
as the majority of other fraternities
are doing. Prof. and Mrs. Thomas
J. Mitchell and Prof. and Mrs. Harry
Bouchard will be the chaperones.
There will be many alumni and mili-
don Draeger, Adrian, Mich.; and
as guests. Music will be furnished by
the Toledo Cavaliers.
'Dr. anud Mrs. lithven To
Entertain Guests Today
Dr. and Mrs. Ruthven are enter-
taining Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kahn
of Detroit at luncheon today; and
will go to Detroit tonight to hear
President Hoover.

Popular Coats For
Fall Wear Will Be
Fur, Fur-Trimmed
With the mellowness of Indian
summer about to turn into the bleak-
ness of winter, warm coats of fur
or trimmed with fur are becoming
more and more essential to the
"double-barreled" purpose of fashion,
that of being comforatble and look-
ing well at the same time.
For sports wear we say a tender
farewell (as a leading fur) to the re-
liable racoon that served its purpose
so faithfully and well these many
seasons passed, and herald the new
comers, beaver and lynx. Although
these two furs are the favorites, we
cannot bear the idea of parting to-
taly with the racoon and every now
and then it does, make its appear-
ance, if not quite so much in favor,
at least in the running. The lynx-
trimmed tweed coat is vieing with
importance with the three-quarter
length beaver swagger coat in im-
portance, as leader in the sports field.
Fox furs are the first choice in the
dressier coat, with silver fox first and
black a close second. These furs ar-
ranged in luxurious lei or cape treat-
ments have all the elegance that
fashion decrees.
Persian lamb will again lead the
all-fur coats this season. Black is,
of course, first where Persian lamb
is concerned, although gray Persian
is taking well on both black and
bronzy green. An occasional gray
coat with brown Persian appears at
times that both emphasises the im-
portance of the gray and brown com-
bination and the importance of the
lamb furs this year. Black Persian
is being used as border effects and
in various types of capes and small
collars on cloth coats.
Brown coats, which are second in
importance to black, are trimmed
with the aristocratic mink. While
kolinsky, also of the animal nobility,
is used on the cloth coat for large
shawls, or for bodice and sleeve
taeatment. Kolinsky is gaining favor
dyed in various hues to either match
the coat, or contrast with it.
Caracul is still popular and is sell-
ing well in black. But gray versions
of this fur is very smart on black
coats. Also gray on gray has met
with a favorable response.

Batchelor and Miss.
will pour.

Mary LATEST DESIGNS for Formal
and Afternoon Wear
iaker of own Remodelng a Specialty Reduced prices for all work
Alterations 506 East Liberty Dial 3468
it has a Saucy little brim and an impudent
dip'over one eye, it's a Fall 1932 chapeau.
See them at
Robert's Sho.p
604 East Liberty

Men's Riding Group.
Plas Supper-Ride
ith W nneb's Club
A supper-ride wvil be held Sunday
evening by the nembers of the rid-
ing club of the omen's Athletic Asso-
ciation, and the men's riding' group
under the directLion of Gordon Jen-
sen, instructor in the School of Engi-
All women on the campus who are
interested in attending must call
Elizabeth Cooper, '34, beforehand,
and meet in front of Barbour gym-
nasium at 4:30 o'clock on Sunday.
Betsy Barbour Dorm
Will Hold Open House
Betsy Barbour Dormitory plans to
hold open house after the illinois
game this- afternoon. Miss Dorothy

U. Of Washington Begins
Annual Beard-Raising
SEATTLE, Oct. 21.-The annual
beard-raising classic at the Univer-
sity of Washington has begun with
the sophomores of the campus pre-
paring for a big harvest of chin and
jaw fuzz. Prizes offered twill make it.
eminently worthwhile for the sec-
ond-year men to cultivate beards.
There will be 10 heats in which the
contestants may enter their unshorn
countenances. Prizes will be given
for: the longest, the best-groomed,
the reddest, the curliest, the blondest,
the softest, the stiffest, the "gosh-
awfulest," and the smallest beards.
Rewards range from Stetson hats,
dinners, and theatre tickets to shav-
ing cream, razors, shaves, and hair-
cuts. All the prize-winning whiskers
are to be judged by a committee of
sophomore women at the end of 35
The ratio of teachers ot pupils
increased in Michigan last year.

Margot Wallacef

i ,




SOn Sale at School of Music

continues for six more days. Only an event of this importance
enables us to offer you such values as you find here! Plan to
shop Early! Such bargains cannot last long!

' 1


Glamorous Frocks
i lamorous Nights
In Mack's
You just can't keep from having
grand tines in the distinguished
fashions which have been given
a place by themselves in our


NEW FALL DRESSES. . . . . . . . $11.88
in fine quality velvets, wdolens, silk crepes and flat silks.
wine .. . black. . . and brown.
Suede Woolen . . . Diagonal Woolen .. . Rough Woolen.
These are .the more formal type of daytime coat, not to
be confused with coats that ordinarily sell at $25.00.
They are trimmed with Marmink, Fitch, Caracul, Ma-
churian Wolf, Mendosa Beaver, Martin.


10 All-Star Concerts
$6.00 -$8.00- $10.00 -$12.00

Serge Kougsevitzky, Conductor
Nov. 2 LAWRENCE TIBBETT, Distinguished Baritone
Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Conductor
Dec. 12 EFREM ZIMBALIST, Distinguished Violinist
Jan. 16 NATHAN MILSTEIN, Russian Violinist

$1.00 -$1.50 $2.00 - $2.50

Jan. 27

MYRA HESS, British Pianist

rench Room,
DANCE FROCKS . . . $16.75,%$25.00
Velvet or rough crepe.
EVENING WRAPS . . $10.50, $16.50
Black velvet, short and % lengths.
EVENING DRESSES . . $9.95, '16.75
Sheers, crepes, satins

In one and two pieces and in all the new Fall shades,
suitable for Campus wear.
FUR-TRIMMED SUITS, 2-piece . . . . $25.00
For late Fall and early Winter wear. In all the latest
styles, deserving a place in your wardrobe.

Jose Roisman, first violin
Alexander Schneider, second violin
Stephan Ipolyi, viola
Mischa Schneider, 'cello

Feb. 15 SIGRID ONEGIN, Leadin(







t,gin Picrci,-r

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