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February 28, 1933 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-28

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Many Houses
Plan Aeivitkies
For This Week
P edging and Initiation
Ceremonies To le Held;
Several Dinners Planned
Sororities and fraternities are busy
this week with a variety of activities,
including rushing, and pledging and
initiation ceremonies.
Alpha Omicron Pi wishes to an-
nounce the pledging of Mary Alice
Bauter, '36, of Philadelphia.
Mrs. Moritz Levi, Mrs. Raphael
I1saacs, and Mrs. Philip Jay, pat-
ronesses, assisted at the Alpha Epsi-
loh Phi chaperons' tea Sunday.
Last night a. George Washington
costume party was held at Gamma
Phi Beta. The decorations were red,
white and blue. Entertainment was
furnished by the pledges.
Marcelline Welte, '32, of Owosso,
was a house guest over the week-end.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon initiated last
week-end Carl Feiner, '36, Sturges;
Karl W. Giller, '36, Shelby O., George
Tourtellot, '36, Kansas City, Mo.; and
James Wiles, '36, Battle Creek.
Alpha Lambda, international Chin-
ese student fraternity, inaugurated a
series of weekly teas .Sunday after-
noon at the chapter house. Guests
were Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson and Mrs.
Nelson, Prof. Walter J. Emmons and
Mrs. Emmons, Prof. Walter C. Sadler
and Mrs. Sadler, Loena M. Craw-
ford, '33, Faith L. Ralph, '33, and
Marvin A. Chapman, '36E.
Lambda Chi Omega, national so-
rority for business and professional
women, entertained at a rushing tea
from 4 until 6 p. m. Sunday at the
League. M4rs. F. Roy Holmes and
Mrs. A. R. Bailey poured. The com-
mittee in charge of the affair includ-
ed Miss June Armstrong, Miss Lu-
cille Keller, and Miss Edith Walz.
Decorations in the sorority colors,
yellow and blue, were carried out
in yellow roses, blue snapdragons,
ind harmonizing tapers.
Plans have been completed for a
rushing bridge to be held at 8 p. m.
Monday, March 6, in the Russian Tea
Room of the League. Marguerite
Walz is chairman in charge of the
Union Offers Prizes
For Half-Price Night
Prizes of free trade in the Union
tap room will be offered to winners
of the billiard tournaments to be held
as a feature of the first Union half-
price night this evening, it was an-
nounced yesterday by John W.
Lederle, '33, president of the Union.
Free bowling will be the reward
for the winners in the bowling tour-
naments. Prizes will go to the high-
est first score and highest evening
score in billiards and to the winners
in pocket pool, three rail and straight
rail billiards and ping-pong.
Half-price night is to become a
regular feature of the Union acivi-
ties, it was said. Beginning with the
second week of the affair, an inde-
pendent men's bridge tournament will
be started for which play-offs will
be held during the remaining weeks
of the semester.

To Cheer Cermak

Art Exchanoe
Opens Costume
Designing Shop

Frma s At Law club Dance
Are Striking In Cut And Color

'He Came Seeing'
Presented Sunday
A large audience attended the play
"He Came Seeing," produced Sun-
day night in the auditorium of the
First Methodist church. It was the
first of a series of pre-lenten plays
to be produced on six consecutive
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Pancost Gos-
lin, directors of the plays have been
brought to Ann Arbor from New
York through the co-operation of va-
rious churches on the campus. All
the talent in the plays is to be taken
from the campus body, and particu-
larly from the student organizations.
The next production will be
March 12, when "Friends and En-
emies of Jesus," will be given.

Where To Go
Motion Pictures: Michigan. "She
Done Him Wrong;" Majestic, "The
Mummy;" Wuerth, "Me and My
Lectures: Mrs. Ruth Moffett of
Chicago, 8 p. m.,.League; Capt. Rob-
ert Bartlett, on "Along the Trail of
Peary" 4:15 p. m., Natural Science
Exhibits: Student art exchange,
Hostess Room, League ;Persian ar-
chitecture photographs, Architecture
Building; "Women as Authors," Gen-
eral Library; Leather book bindings,
William Clements Library.
Dances: Tea dancing, 3 to 5 p. m.,
League grill; informal dancing, 9 to
10:30 p: m., League grill.

To Create Accessories,
Mending, Remodel;
Architect In Charge



Furthering their plans to make the{
Student Art Exchange include all
forms of student art, the central
committee has now widened the scope
of its activities to include a design
shop, now open on the third floor
of the League. The shop will be run$
by Frances Young, a student in the
school of architecture. She will in-
-lude in her work not only costume
iesigning and dressmaking, but re-
pairing anid remodeling.
Miss Young will be assisted by
Edith Higbie, who will sketch her de-
3igns, and Dorothe White, '31A, who
will specialize in dress accessories.
Buttons and buckles will be done in
mood and metal, and Miss White will
also do all the embroidery work.
The shop, which is located in what
was formerly Lounge 2, will be open'
from about 10 a. m. to noon and
from 2 to 5 p. m. At any other time,
messages may be left at the desk,
Miss Young said.
"Boys who want buttons sewed on
or girls who can't mend their dresses
are urged to bring their work to the'
shop," according to Ethel McCor-
mick, social director of the League,
and a member of the committee in,
charge of the Student Art Exchange.
Money earned in the shop will be
divided on a percentage basis: 10
per cent to the League Undergradu-
ate Campaign Fund, 20 per cent to
the Art Exchange, and 70 per cent to
the artists. Designs already com-
pleted are on display at the Art Ex-
change room on the second floor.

The J-Hop week-end couldn't over-
shadow all February formal dances,
especially that at the Law Club Sat-
urday. The crowd was fairly large,
the orchestra good, and the gowns'
most outstanding in cut and color.
Phyllis Swift, '34, wore an unusual
velvet in pale lavender, caught on the
left shoulder with a huge rhinestone
I clasp. Barbara Bates, '35, who sang1
several selections with the orchestra,
was in a deep red crepe, trimmed
with a diagonal strip of brown lapinI
across the front, ending on the
shoulder. Katherine Leopold, '34SM,
was attired in white satin, her gown
being relieved by a beaded motif
around the high neckline.
Martha Carpenter, '35, wore black'

transparent velvet. Several white
gardenias contrasted effectively as
decorative relief. Marie Metzger, '35,
chose a gray flat crepe, modeled with
a high neckline that featured nar-
row slits in front and back. Mary
Pray, '34, ingenue of Play Produc-
tion's "Hedda Gabler," selected) a
modern costume in dainty blue lace
this time.
Josephine Woodhams, '34, was
gowned in burgundy velvet with a
white beaded top. The back was in-
tricately cut, having a piece of velvet
reaching from neck to waist, caught
with a rhinestone buckle. Jane
Fecheimer, '33, chose black as the
background color of her gown.

-Associated Press Photo
Vivian Graham, favorite grand-
daughter of Mayor Anton Cermak of
Chicago, takes flowers to his hos-
pital bedside in Miami, Fla.

Vivian F. Cohen'
Crit iiesOwn
"I feel that my interpretation of
Hedda Gabler is inadequate in view
of the unlimited possibilities whicht
the role offers," said Vivian F. Cohen,
'33, star and- leading lady of the cur-
rent Play Production presentation,}
"Hedda Gabler." The glamorous ar-
tificiality of Hedda as created by
Ibsen makes the role such that the
novelty of playing the part increases
with each performance. "The play has
been criticized for artificiality, but I
believe that this is because the char-
acters are of another period," she
went on to say.
Miss Cohen feels that Eve LeGal-
lienne's portrayal of Hedda Gabler is
the most effective she has ever seen,
in spite of the discordant note struck

Dormitory Women
Visit For Week-End
Many Mosher-Jordan women spent
last week-end in Detroit, while others
journeyed farther away. From Mo-
sher, Mary Ferris, '35, Sue Calcutt,
'35, Pearl Bernhard, '36, Dorothy
Goldsmith, '35, Helen Harman,
Grad., Mary Spencer, '35, Mary Mc-
t Intosh, '34, and Jean Hanmer, '36,
all went to Detroit. Lucille Lucas
spent the week-end in Fremont, 0.,
and Myrtle Trunk, '36, went to
Grosse Pointe.
Theresa Fein, '33, of Holly, Helen
DeWitt, '36, of Detroit, Katherine
Macks, '35, of Detroit, Mary Tossy,
'35, of Detroit, Virginia Solomon, '36,
of Detroit, Mary Savage, '35, of De-
troit, Betty King, '35, of Flint, Edna
Houck, '36, of Manchester, and Grace
Esther Schroeder, '36, of Toledo, all
spent the week-end at their homes.
by the modern dress and blonde wig
which Miss LeGallienne affected in
I her presentation.

Michigan League
Beauty op
Telephone 2-32.51 for Your Appointment



Sororities Will
Trade Guests
On Wednesday
The fifth group of exchange din-,
ners between sororities will be heldj
tomorrow. These dinners were begun
by members of Panhellenic a year
ago in order to break down the cli-
quish feeling among campus social
To prevent any feeling of partial-
ity, the sororities were arranged in
order of their founding and then
taken in pairs. For the next dinner
the order was shifted down the list
by one name, and this plan was fol-
lowed throughout the list. In this
way it is expected that every house
will meet every other house.
"Although it has been difficult to
set a time agreeable to all sororities,
we feel these dinners are developing
a neighborly feeling between houses,"
Evelyn Neilson, '35L, past president
of Panhellenic, said yesterday.
House presidents have already re-
ceived notice of the houses with
which they will exchange tomorrow.
The house that will exchange
guests are: Kappa Alpha Theta and
Delta Gamma; Gamma Phi Beta and
Collegiate Sorosis; Pi Beta Phi and
Alpha Phi; Kappa Kappa Gamma
and Delta Delta Delta; Alpha Chi
Omega and Theta Phi Alpha; Chi
Omega and Alpha Xi Delta; Zeta
Tau Alpha and Alpha Epsilon Phi;
Kappa Delta and Alpha Omicron Pi:
Delta Zeta and Sigma Kappa; Phi
Sigma Sigma and Alpha Delta Pi.
and PLATE $2.25
--Andy tyrl'
109-1 1EaA VuWashington st.
Phone 8132 Second Floor


These Little
Couldn't Be Cuter!

Flippantly casual or
pleasantly rowdy .
you'll adore every one

. d)
v ,-,.-.
' .. . y /y~t# I'A


The Oriental girl reclines on a sheet of plate
glass supported by two slaves. The magician
waves a white sheet sin front of the pretty
maiden,,. pronounces a few magic words ...
Presto! She has disafp eared in thin air.

"Disappearing" acts are among the most popu-
lar in the repertory of the magician. Dogs,
horses, girls, whole rooms disappear-whisked
into wings, dropped through trapdoors, hidden
by mirrors. But this "disappearance" is a bit
different.One of the "slaves" is a hollo'w dummy.
When the magician holds up the sheet the lithe
little lady disappears completely-into the con-
venient figure of the dummy.

There is also a trick of cigarette adver-
tising, whereby a few magic words are
used to create the illusion of "Coolness."
EXPLANATION: Coolness is determined

.I.s MORE P1/N TO A vow

Improperly wrapped cigarettes begin to
dry out as soon as packed.
Camels are cooler because they come
in the famous Humidor Pack of welded,
three-ply, MOISTURE-PROOF cello-
phane. ..and because they contain better
A cigarette that is fresh, full of natural
moisture, and blended from choice, ripe
tobaccos tastes cooler than one that is
harsh and acrid. For coolness, choose
a fresh cigarette, made from costlier
it is a fact, well known by
leaf tobacco experts, that
Camels are made from finer,
MORE EXPENSIVE tobaccos than
any other popular brand.
Try Camels ... . give your taste a chance
to sense the difference. You'll apprcei-
ate itI


ry .. + . --

j f


Plaids, Checks
Plain Colors
Voiles, Organdies
Ginghams, Dimities
Cunning Ties
Puffed Sleeves
Metal Buttons
17 XT .. L- -- 1 7..X7.


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