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February 28, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-28

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4 %

LY feasible to any extent, the University in general
and the sociology department in particular should
4 follow the trend toward education in sex rela-
tionships. So vital indeed, is this subject, that an
entire social system can stand only with an ade-
quate knowledge of the underlying principles.
a Marital relationships, psychological and physi-
ological problems, eugenics, and child guidance,
all thickly veiled in the past under the stigma of
"sex," need to come into prominence in the edu-
cational world typified by the university. The Stu-
dent Christian Association may have taken a most
r i significant step in this direction.

flation is bound to be squeezed out. Unfortunately
the grip on non-essentials is so strong that some
of the vital necessities of education may go in-
stead of the better protected bilgewater of "brain"
bureaucrats. -Daily Iowai.
Scre e n Re fl e ctfion~s
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.



every morning except Monday during the
ear and Summer .Session by the Board in
tudent Publications.
the Western Conference Editorial Assocla-
eBig Ten N'ews Service.
ated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
tion of all news dispatches credited to It or
e credited in this paper and the local news
rein. All rights of republication of special
e reserved.
the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
matter. Special rate of postage granted by"
ant Postmaster-General.
n during summer by carrier, $1.00; by' mail,
g regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
ident Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Michigan. Phone: 2-1314.
tives: College Publications Representatives,
t Thirty-Fourth Street, New Yoric City; 80
'eet, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
TOR..................JOHN W. THOMAS
DITOR.................MARGARET O'BRIEN
'ORS: Thomas Connelan, John W. Pritchard,
Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw,

One-Way Round
Trips To Europe

* *


T HOUGH the days of easy money
seem to have passed for most of
us, the lure of getting something for nothing con-'
tinues to attract gentlemen of light fingers and
lighter ethics into competition with every legiti-
mate business.
We are often inclined to regard world travel
as the soundest investments, but now the fly-
by-nights have extended their operations even to
this field. Before the travel season opens, dozens
of questionable bureaus and spurious transporta-
tion lines spring up.
Even experienced tourists will tell you occasion-
ally of arriving at the dock equipped with pass-
ports, reservations, and all the necessary para-
phernalia, only to find themselves without trans-
portation. So the students, who are regarded as
legitimate game for almost any kind of racket,
should be especially wary of frauds.
Students have in some cases unwittingly be-
come even agents for dishonest transportation
firms. Promised fat commissions for selling
tickets, they help to defraud their acquaintances
and friends of the cost of an ocean trip. Whether
you're buying or selling, be careful !
And it isn't necessarily the travel bureau that
tries to put wings on your almighty dollar: some-
times an honest dealer in transportation finds
himself at the last minute holding the bag for a
fraudulent steamship company.
So, if you're planning a tour for next summer,
or going home to China or Hungary or any of the
numerous places one might be going home to,
make sure of your travel bureau and check up
on the firms it is representing. A dollar in the
pocket is worth any number of steamship tickets
if there isn't any steamer.
Editorial Comment


ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber,
Newman, Harmon Wolfe.
RS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball. Charles G.'
Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William
is, Sidney Frankel, John C. Healey, Robert B.
George M. Holmes. Edwin W. Richardson,
Van Vleck, GuV M. Whipple. Jr.
Bates, Marjorle E. Beck, Eleanor B. Plum, Ellen
^ooley, Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman,
Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi
trle J. Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan, Marjorie

Lady Lou ................ .Mae West
Cummings ................ Cary Grant
Chick.................Owen Moore
Dan Flynn..............David Landau
Gus...................Noah Beery
Spider ................Dewey Robinson
Serge ...................Gilbert Roland
Do you remember the days when being a street-
cleaner was a real job? The days of the old sa-
loon, with its free lunches, pictures in the nude,
Frankie and Johnnie renditions, and gilded ladies
with narrow waists and accentuated busts? If you
remember these days with a tearful sigh, "She
Done Him Wrong" and Mae West as Lady Lou
will provide a roseate hour and a quarter; but if
those years just before the naughty naughts bring
a reproving frown, keep yourself and the children
away from Mae.
"She Done Him Wrong" has a flavor half way
between hock beer and pretzels-that is, those
who are in the know about such things say so. It
presents ward heelers, a dope fiend, many ladies
of the ensemble, counterfeiters, and most of all,
Mae West, who symbolizes both quantity and
quality, But then, in the nineties, quantity was a
Mae West's vehicle is about as elevating as the
barroom floor on which the characters spend their
time. For that same reason it is appealing to
The story is that of Lady Lou, whohas a dia-
mond souvenir for each male conquest, but be-
yond Lou and her singing of "Frankie and
Johnnie" there is little but the aforementioned
counterfeiting and a detective round-up to keep
"She Done Him Wrong" thematically alive. The
closing moments are accelerated to a high degree,
possibly a bit too much for the rather slow unrav-
eling of the greater part of what little plot there
is. Suggestive humor, which seems a perennial
success in Ann Arbor, puts an otherwise shaky
drama over-and here there are plenty of pointed
jokes, smiles, and eye-rollings, executed by Mae
West to the manifest delight of the audience.
Added attractions: Wille Hoppe in "Chalk Up"
-a pleasing short of championship three-cushion
billiards; Paul Tompkins, a success at the organ;
and Paramount News. --G. M. W. Jr.







Telephone 2-1214
.RRC............ ..B O0 VEDDER
AGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp
acts, Orvil Arouson; Advertising Ser-
Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
E LBursley; Publication%, Robert E.



SISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon .Boylan, Allen Cleve-
And, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroyinson, FrelHerrick,
oseph Ifume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers,
ester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward.
lizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Dors
iroy, BillyCGriffiths, Catherine McHenry. May See-
mjed. Virginia McContb.
Union Ilaircuts
The Union is still charging 45 cents for hair-
uts. Every other shop in town is charging 35,
ents. The Union, a student club, is a non-
rofit organization and exists solely for the
tudents. Yet the Union will not meet the town

nester Plan
Tuition. .


F OR THE PRESENT at least, thet
problem of the "sixty-forty" de-
ferred tuition notes has been solved. By declaring
a moratorium on debts due, the Regents have al-
lowed approximately 300 students to remain in
the University for the rest of the year.
The Regents now should consider, as they
doubtless will, some new plan of procedure to fol-
low in the future. The "sixty-forty" notes are a
poor business proposition from the standpoint of
the University because they do not pay for them-
selves, there is excessive clerical work necessary in
the granting of the loans, and the number of stu-.
dents applying for them is rapidly increasing.
The 1,541 students ,taking advantage of the
"sixty-forty" plan this fall represent a 100 per
cent increase over last year's number, and it i
entirely possible that this number will show an
equal increase next year.
The logical step, then, is the payment of tuition
in semester installments. This plan is thought by
some to be impractical because there are many
costs included in the tuition which are unequal
during the two semesters. .,
However, the majority of other state institu-
tions are employing the plan with reasonable suc-
cess and there is no reason why Michigan could
not work out some similar scheme.
Payment of tuition in semester installments
would not only be a godsend to economically
pressed students but would be an intelligent and
businesslike move. Its adoption might require add-
ing a dollar to the total tuition, but this would
be a small price compared to the benefits received.
Students planning to be in school for only one
semester in the year would get much fairer treat-
ment than they do under the present plan since
they would not be required to pay 10 per cent
more than half of the year's tuition.
Finaly, and perhaps most important, there
would be no deferred tuition notes falling due in
the middle of the year.

It seems likely that Japan will withdraw from
the League of Nations and continue her endeavor
to bite off as large a chunk of North China as she
can get. As we indicated in a recent editorial on
the subject, United States is less interested in the
violation of its rights as a neutral (which will in-
evitably take place) than in observing the
strength of the world's peace machinery under the
strain of the Japanese aggression.
The danger is that we will continue to "ob-
serve" the peace machinery in this crisis, rather
than lend our strength to its successful operation.
Kirby Page, when he spoke on the campus not
long ago, stated explicitly the steps which we can
take in halting Japan. If Japan withdraws from
the League when that body orders it to cease its
advance into China, the members of the League
and United States can withdraw their diplomatic'
representatives from Tokyo. This would affect the
Japanese yen adversely on the foreign exchange,
increase the strain on governmental finances, and
bring to a fore the opponents of the government
It is very likely that this step, because of the
actual pressure it would involve and because of
the firm attitude it would indicate, might cause
the downfall of the militarist clique in the Jap-
anese government. If it did not succeed, the na-
tions would still have at their disposal a more
effective weapon. The oft-proposed economic
blockade, i. e., a refusal to ship any goods to
Japan or receive any Japanese exports, would
quickly bring the island empire to terms. It would
cause intense suffering within Japan, and the au-
thorities would have to treat with the other na-
tions in order to prevent revolution.
There is a great deal of loose talk about the
weakness of our peace machinery. If one thinks
of peace machinery as nothing more than, written
or oral admonitions, such contempt may be jus-
tified. But peace machinery should consist of va-
rious steps of non-military coercion, progressing
in severity. The mere threat of the final step, eco-
nomic boycott, would check the invasion of north
China and would force Japan to treat peacably
with the rest of the world. If the United States
and Russia will co-operate with the League in
threatening Japan with such a measure, the world
will have a convincing demonstration of its own
power to preserve peace. And unless the Japanese
people have the same quality popularly ascribed
to the Bourbon dynasty, inability to learn, one
demonstration should be enough.

- - .,



By Karl Seiff er
A strange old retention
Of outworn convention
This business called "hell week" is
still going strong
With no explanation
Except the deflation
Of freshmen whose playfulness
gets them in wrong.






A soph is regarded
A trifle retarded
In spirit if he doesn't
follow the rest
And leap to the battle
With deftly-aimed paddle.
Ferocious abandon, and
unbounded zest.



It's not to be doubted-
No question about it
A student at times seems to
need a good nurse,
But why so beleaguer
The neophyte's meager
Conceit when his seniors are
all so much worse?
At last the freshmen are getting their in-
nings, which will bear several interpretations,
by the way, but anyway we had just affixed
the final interrogation point to the above
when the mailman left the at our door:
Dear Uncle Karl-
If you ever get extra hard up, here 'tis . .
Our kitty sometimes catches mice;
I watched her with one yesterday,
And didn't think it very nice,
The game she seemed disposed to play.


S. C. A. Married
Life C ou .rse.. .

CIATION'S move to further the.
psychological, physical, and sexual well-being of
the student body is deserving of commendation.
Under the Association's plan a series of eight lec-
tures, designed to enlighten certain "serious stu-
dents" both married and unmarried, will be de-
livered here by guest speakers who are acknowl-
edged experts in their line.
A good turnout may be well expected for the
lecture series. Just what the student reaction
would be to inclusion of a "sex course" in the so-

-Minnesota Daily
It is not bad luck to spill copious quantities
of salt while reading Henry Louis Mencken-like
nuts, his writing is better digested with grains of
This applies to his American Mercury attack
on the high cost of public education. He contends
that "the pedagogues began to fall upon the tax-
payer in real earnest, and presently they had him
down and were turning his pockets inside out"--
all for "an immeasurable ocean of buncombe."
But even when salted down the exaggeration of'
caustic Mr. Mencken remains an impressive chal-
lenge to education, which in its aping of Big Busi-
ness has become as inflated as many another
brand of mass production. There exists an edu-
cational hierarchy which assures its self-perpet-
uation by prescribing requirements for teachers
and teaching, from principles of measuirement to.

I see, at quite another time and place,
That very same expression on your face.
Well, you can be just as poetic about the
thing as you like, Christopher, but all the
lady-freshmen (and we presume that's what
you mean)- we've noticed this year remind
us somehow very strikingly of Easter bunnies
rather than cats. Have you ever noticed,
Imerely as a zoological observation, that the
cat is really rather an intelligent beast? And
by the way, come out and reveal yourself:
all this anonymity makes us nervous.
NEWS ITEM: Twenty-six men aboard the $15,-

.Call Al the Ad -Taker

She'd almost let him go, and then,
Recapturing her errant prize,
She'd sweep him off his feet again-
A curious look was in her eyes.


and Let Him Find Valuable Trades for
Your Unwanted Articles


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