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May 30, 1933 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-30

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C B uls

S0 CI E "Y

I -

Martha Cook
S hehoI sheP Is
M adePutb i

Sub-Deb Party Froc l For Warm Evenings

Sale Of Tickets PIed incr And


)ormitory Student oard
Is Feted By Directors
Members of the $tudent Board of
[artha Cook Building were enter-
tined at a luncheon Saturday at the
rosse Pointe Yacht club. The lunch-
on was given by the governors and
irectors of the.dormitory-"
Those women who were enter-
ined were Helen Helilmuth, Grad.
resident; Jean Perron, '33, vice-
iesident; Helen Campbell, '33, treas-
ier; Dorothy Albitt, '3, Winifred
iliitt, '33, Margaret Sabom, Grad.
lendora Gosling, '33, and Frances
orick, '34.

Charlotte Slmjson Wins
Award; Other Winner
To Be Announced Soon
Charlotte Simpson; '34Ed., will re-
ceive the scholarship offered by
Martha Cook Building to a promi-
nent woman on campus who is not
at present living in the dormitory,
it has been announced by Dean Alice
C. Lloyd recently.
The recipient of the scholarship is
to receive board and room in Martha
Cook next year. A similar scholar-
ship is being offered to a woman al-
ready in the dormitory, according to
Miss Margaret Smith, social director.
The winner of the latter will be an-
nounced soon, Miss Smith said.
Miss Simpson is a transfer from
Grand Rapids Junior College. She
entered Michigan with 61 hours ad-
vanced credit and, although she has
been on campus only a year she has
.been prominent in campus activities
-as well as in scholarship. She played
the masculine lead in "Love on The
"We consider Miss Simpson a very
worthy candidate for the scholar-
ship," Miss Lloyd said.
Betsy Barbour
Tea Etertains
Dramatic Stars
Many prominent members of the
laculty, were guests Sunday at the
Betsy Barbour tea, which was held
in honor of Robert Henderson and
the Dramatic Season stars. Those of
the dramatic company who were
present were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pow-
ers-Miss Doris Rich, Miss Peggy Ho-
venden, Ainsworth Arnold, Francis
Compton, and Robert Walsten.
Assisting Mrs. Leona B. Diekema,
social director of Betsy Barbour, and
the house president, Miriam Root,
'33, in the receiving line were Re-
gent and Mrs. J E. Beal, Dr. and
Mrs. Dean Myers, Dean and Mrs.
CarlG. Huber, and Miss Mercy J.
Hayes. °
_Miss edith A. Barnard, social di-
rector of Alumnae House, was in
charge of the pouring and was aided
by the following: Mrs. Shirley Smith,
Mrs.. Ma Winkler, Mrs. W. D. Hen-
derson, Mrs. J. A. Bursley, Mrs. T. J.
Walser, Mrs. J. S, Worley, Mrs. C. A.
Yoakurhi, Mrs. John Sundwall, Mrs.
A. H, White, and Mrs. A. S. Whitney.'
Iu ing the tea musical entertain-
ment was offered by several members
of Betsy Barbour.. Ha'rp solos were
played by Dorothy Batchelor, '34, and
Elizabeth Bell, '36, and the following
womnen played selections on the
piano: , Mary Ann MacDoWell, '33,
Helen Clarke, '34, Jane Carlton, '35,
Jane Reed, '36, and Elizabeth Nicol,
"6p idatk. Sandals Vary
In Pattern And Color
Sandals are increasing their own
popularity by becoming more and
more clever in cut and strap arrange-
ment. One kid T-strap follows the
mode with performations massed on
heel and toe; and toes, incidentally,
are becoming rounded again this sea-'
son. Also interlaced fabric straps
leave a cooler impression in warm
weather, as do the "bare foot" san-
For campus and general street
wear, pig-skin and adrucca leath-
ers are smart, whether cut in a pump,
an ultra-low tie, or a "flap" oxford.
The newer flaps are being snapped
down to keep them from annoying
the wearer. And sports dresses call
loudly for crepe-soled sport oxfords,
with contrasting saddle or toe.

To Senior Ball utition Keen
M Aoves apidly ouses -3 s
eS- p(11 llOSD1S y
Seniors Gi~ en Preference ALPHA XI DELTA
XThe members of Alpha Xi Delta
Until june 1; Or6es4ra soority announce the pledging of
Will I l de Non i - Frances Barnett, '36, of Detroit.
WllIncl e N e! ies KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA
~oc t e 3 n Margaret Moyer, '32, of Erie, Pa.,
Sale of tickets to the 193 Scnor visited the Kappa Kappa Gamma so-
Ball, scheduled for June 14. is pro- 1 rority house last week-end.
grossing with unusual rapidity, ac- j KAPPA DELTA RHO
cording to Co-chairmen John Huss Kappa Delta Rho fraternity enter-
and John Fuoss. With only two days tained at a spring formal Saturday
of the sale behind them, they ex- night. The chaperons were Profes-
pressed the belief that by the begin- sor and Mrs. W. E. Lay. Out-of-town
ning of the examination period a guests included Mrs. Rolland Severy,
substantial percentage of the total firs, George B. Ahn, Jr., and Mrs.
number of tickets will be taken. Kenneth Wigle, all of Detroit; Mrs.
Seniors will have exclusive prefer- Milton E. Staub, of Westfield, N. J.;
ence in ticket purchases until Thurs- Miss Kathryn Everett, of Kalamazoo;
day, June 1, after which time the sale Miss Mildred Wotrang, of Wyan-
will be opened to the campus in gen- dotte; Miss Eniz Holben, of Ypsi-
eral. Yesterday it was said that one- lanti; Miss Lucille Boynton and Miss
third of the tickets have been taken Gail Patton, of Pontiac and Miss
by seniors already. Carol Towner and Miss Jacqueline
Ace Brigode's Orchestra have been Towner, of Grand Rapids.
.*. e. engaged to play for the party. They Ann Arbor guests were Betty Sny-
will come here direct from the Merry der, '33, Helen Brobeck, '34, Dorothy
. .. :::r: :::::::::>Garden Ballroom in Chicago, where Luther, '36, Virginia McComb, '33,
:::~:"..... they have been playing for some Vivian McCarty, Gad., Dorothy
otime. Critics say that theyhave Ford, '34, Mary Alice Thomas, Spec.,
:"<.is;ritics sa Kathryn Yaw, '36, Betty Switzer, '34,
(established ani enviable reputation MagrtNias,'5 ayTlr
while there, resulting in their being angAreeis,', '34.
scheduled for an extensive tour of'Sndadnoontern'34. d
soeoftemoepomnn bl- Sunday noon the Annual Found-
...;:; ;o mth e m ore p- er's D ay banquet w as held, th e
-Associated Press Photos diately after leaving here they will speakers being Prof. Louis M. Eich of
"As you desire me" is the name of this summer dance frock of white proceed to the Hotel Pitt in Pitts- the speech department, Eldred Da-
organdie. It has pleated ruffles and a plaid sash, the "jeune fille" effect burgh for a one-night engagement, vis 1fDetroit, Erwin R. Boynton, '33;
made more pronounced by the high neck, front and back. Ruffles and and from there they are to move to and Martin M. Holben,'34.
Fauntleroy collar add the broad shoulder-line. the Hotel New Yorker in New York THETA..I
Citfr__shrtenageen. Donald C. Cook, Grad., was mit-
iated into Theta Xi fraternity at
Fourteen pieces compose the trav- week-end ceremonies.
ketches nd Sl r D slUy cling size of the band, and in addi-
tion to the straight music which this
p g * *part of the orchestra will provide Org~andies Popular At
Added TO Student Art ._xhibt they are expected to render a number r .
__of novelty numbers that have been ThetaI h Apha Forl
The works of two new artists have sian For example "Circassian an important factor in the building Pique and organdie were very pop-
been added to the exhibits at the a ra le,"n up of their present popularity Their ula at Theta Phi Alpha sorority's
Student Art Exchange. The artists Dingees and Russian Slne estrn entourage will also include singers- spring formal Saturday. Eleanor
are Wayne Mead, '31A, and Alexis in green glaze, are two of the best | according to the committeemen their Blum, '35, chose a red pique gown
' nieces nn dis lav complete orchestra is in this classifi- B+;,f -choe -ared pique gon

Where To Go
Dramatic Season: Tuesday, Miss
Augna Enters, 8:15 p. m.; Wednes-
day, "Springtime for Henry," 3:15
ad 8:15 p. m., Lydia Mendelssohn
Action Pictures: Majestic, "The
i Barbarian;" Michigan, "Sweepings;"
Wuerth, "Woman Accused."
Concert: Graduation recital, Mar-
garet Siewers, pianist, Wednesday,
8:15 p. m.. School of Music Audito-
iium; Varsity Band, 7:15 p. m., Wed-
nesday, bandstand i center of the
Exhibifti m: Sculpture, by students
of Prot. Avard Fairbanks, closes
Wednesday, the League; water colors
and pencil drawings, by Prof. Roger
Bailey, 9 a. im. to 5 p. m., Architc-
ture Building.
Many GruesIs PreLseit At


Lanter n NivY#it
Profits SWell
Leage Fund

A crowd of about 275:couples at- Annual 'Tribe' Dance
tended the Freshman Lantern Dance,
which the first - year women spon- Members of Michigamua held a
sored as their class activity Saturday dance Saturday night at the Phi
night in the Leag ie. Inasmuch as the G a im m a Delta house. Among the
affair was planned .as an economy guests who attended were Mary Lou
measure in the place of the Fresh- Hamel, '34, Margaret O'Brien, '33,
man Pageant, it was a decided suc- Mary O'Brien, '35, Molly Temple, '35,
cess from a financial point of view, Eloise Moore, '36, Heien Mason, '34,
its planners declared. According to Constance Giefel, '33, Mary Jean
Hazel Hanlon, finance chairman, the C White. '34, Jeannette Detwiler, '34,
profit which will be put into the Marie Murphy, '35, Ann Edmunds,
League Undergraduate Fund is esti- '33, Mary Jean Webster, '34, and
mated at about $100. Grace Mayer, '34Ed.
The Lantern Dance lived up to its -
name, with multi - colored Chinese
lanterns hung throughoAt the halls
of the League and hanging over the IiUDOLPH'S
formal garden, which was filled to
capacity during the presentation. of 0BE UTOP
entertainment at 11 p.m. Special
freshman talent was displayed in the Shampoo & Fingerwove 5'c
singing, waltz and tap choruses, Fol-
lowing the garden entertainment, PERMANENTS
Betty Bell gave several harp solos in Crig . .50
the ballroom, where. Max Gail's. or- Cou i'gno le $3.5
chestra provided the music for danc- Gabrieleen 5.00
ing. r dc ..... 5.00
Margaret Ballard, general chair- Eugene 5.00
man, expressed appreciation for the Artistol. .. .. .. 3.00
efflicent work of the central com-
mittee, composed of Winifred Bell, All permanents guaranteed
who had charge of the refi-eshments:
Jean Seely, ticket chairman; Nina Ph e2 7
Pollock, Miss Hanlon, and to Miss
Ethel McCormick, who contributed 207-8 Mich. Theatre ldg.
greatly to the success of the party,
the chairman said.


Lapteff, '32A.
Mr. Mead's exhibit consists chiefly
of pencil sketches, most of them done
while he was on the university cruise
through the West.Indies last summer.
One particularly interesting piece is
called "Sunrise" and was done while
Mead was at Martiniqua.
Mr. Mead is now teaching art in
Washington, D. C. He was well-
known while he was on campus for
his etchings of campus buildings and
also did outstanding work on the '30
'Ensian. During the time that he was
here he studied under Prof. Jean
Paul Slusser, and Prof. Myron Cha-
A ceramic sculpture display is Mr.
Lapteff's contribution. One piece on
exhibit, called "The Pigeon," won
first prize in sculpture in the Mich-
igan Artists Show recently.
Mr. Lapteff is now at the Pewabic
Pottery in Detroit, working with A.
B. Stratton. Although he has been
here for six or seven years, Mr. Lap-
teff is a native of Russia; conse-
quently many of his works are Rus-

jjILC u~ utp ay.
Other works noticed at the exhibit
were some water colors done by Earl
W. Pellevin, '27A. One rural picture
of oxen hauling a cart had very fresh
coloring. Jonathan Taylor, who was
recently honored at an Art Exchange
tea, is showing several etchings of
campus buildings. One of the Law-
yers Club and another of Angell Hall
are of particular interest.
Meetin To Discuss
Changes hV . C.P
18R S 1J. y.. .
Substantial changes in the plans
for next year's Junior Girls Play are
to be discussed at a general meeting
of sophomore women to be held at
4:15 p. m. Thursday in the League,
Barbara Sutherland, '35, chairman,
announced last night.
Dean Alice Lloyd and Russel Mc-
Cracken will speak on the possibili-
ties of not using student manuscripts
for the basis of the play. The ques-


featuring a stiff white Queen Eliza-
cation, for they play some numbers beth collar. Miss Agnes Schneider, of
in which the entire band sings. Bellevue, Pa., who was the house-
''ickets are priced at $3 and are on guest of her sister, Jane, wore a
sale at the Union, the League, and straight-lined black satin dress
from committee members, including trimmed in white satin.
Huss, Fuoss, Ross Bain, Rehn Nelson, Another guest, Miss Alberta Heid,
Ray Bolcher, Oscar Perkinson, My- of Perrysville, Pa., who was staying
ron Blank, Roberta Henry, Margaret at the house as the guest of her sis-
O'Brien, Margaret Keal, Paul Kings- ter Marie, appeared in a stunning
ley, Walter Bell, Kenneth Hartwell. red-and-white blocked crinkled or-
and Henry Schaefer. gandi- with a brilliant red jacket.
Mary Jane Crockett, '33, wore pink
tion of the locale of the play will also ; pique trimmed with brown buttons;
be discussed. a short jacket with leg-o'-mutton
"Not only the future success of our sleeves and a turban of the same ma-
play, but of those which are to follow terial completed the ensemble. Mar-
us, will depend on the outcome of garet Phalan, '35, achieved an effect
this meeting," Miss Sutherland de- of slender, flowing lines in a white
clared. "It is imperative that every pique gown with peppermint stripes,
sorority house and dormitory be rep- cut with low shoulders and a low
resented, at least." I square neckline.



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