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May 30, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-30

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Wt= ML. ' w" r
Published every morning except Monday during the
University yearand Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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Sf Y .EDTOR'0, ,...............BRACIXLEY SHAW
WOMEN'S EDITOR.......... ..........CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris,
John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George Van Vleck,
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tried, Virginia McComb, Meria Abbot, Betty Chapman,
Lillain Fine, Minna Giffen, Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wose.
TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1933
Memorial Day.
LAGS FLYING, drums beating, sol-.
diers marching.
"Honored dead have not died in vain." "Foght
to make the world safe for democracy." "In de-
fense of a great ideal." "It was a war to end war.",
Thus, with the usual claptrap and speech-making
the nation celebrates Memorial Day, belying the
very title which the holiday bears.
If we really stopped to refresh our memories on
May 30, we would see: the propaganda which
flooded the country before our entrance into the
war; "children murdered by the bloody Boche";
the hysteria which these frightful lies raised in
the national mind; the millions of lives consumed
in useless holocaust; the maimed and shell-
shocked figures which emerged from the slime
and filth of the trenches; the anxious days of
waiting in thousands of American homes; the
heartaches of parents, sweethearts, children.
Instead of trying to remember on Memorial Day
we try to deceive ourselves. We try to think that'
the flag-covered graves represent a forward step
in the march of progress, that their occupants
took part in a noble crusade-when we know that
all this is not true.
We need only to look at the world of today to
realize that the ideals of yesterday were fan-
tasies, cruel falsehoods created for a selfish pur-
pose. We can see now that these "honored dead"
did die in vain, that they burned themselves up
in the fires of a war that accomplished nothing,
when they might have rendered constructive serv-
ice to their nation and to their world. We can
see that democracy was not preserved, that, in-
stead, new forms of autocracy were born in the
war. We can see that war was not abolished, for
it rages upon the Asiatic continent today, while
it threatens ominously to appear- again upon the
soil of Europe.

From the day of armistice, we have seen that
the supposedly high ideals of our allies were noth-
ing but shams. At the treaty of Versallies, we saw
them jump in to divide the spoils. We saw them
quench their greed upon the prostrate German
nation. Have we learned? Or do we continue the
false ideals of that war, of all war, in the very
ritual of Memorial Day?
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than
300 words if possible,
In his comment on my communication in The
Michigan Daily on Hitler, Mr. Wehausen ques-
tions the reliability of my information. As I stated
in my communication my information comes from
eye-witnesses and from the reports of those who
wa r A m.uth hdi Q1-ir.ieneltv h fthe Na.i Tn

Clock Back, and Hitler, Menace to Mankind, by
Sidney Wallach. Mr. Wehausen considers it an
honor for Herr Hitler to be the most hated in-
dividual. Just what meaning Mr. Wehausen at-
taches to the word honor, I do not know.
According to Mr. Wehausen, Hitler ranks with
Napoleon, Bismarck, Lenin, etc. Yes, the Nazis
rank him with those men-no sane person does.
I think it is Brailsford, the brilliant English
writer, who called Hitler a criminal lunatic. Dur-
ing his recent visit to the United States, George
Bernard Shaw likened Hitler to an officer in the
army who defeats his career by cheating at
cards. Here it is worth while quoting a conversa-
tion that recently took place in London between
the Countess of Oxford and Asquith, the widow of
the late Prime Minister, and Hitler's personal rep-
resentative Dr. Alfred Rosenberg. "We have been
too occupied," said Mrs. Asquith, "with our own
troubles and affairs to realize all that has been
taking place, but with the advent of Adolf Hit-
ler's government, there has been the most com-
plete change of opinion that I have ever known
in the political history of this country. Every one
knows what Herr Hitler has accomplished in less
than three months, but what none of us knows
is how much the Germans approve the Jew bait-
ing and quite unnecessary follies and cruelties
that have happened in their country."-Mrs. As-
quith continues, "I asked Dr. Rosenberg if Chan-
cellor Hitler had no God, and if that was so,
why he could not leave those who had alone."
Upon the remark by Dr. Rosenberg that the men
in Germany today were all in line-busy, happy,
and full of zeal, Lady Asquith replied that this
was not true of Germany's great men, only of
her, sheep. What about her men of science, med-
icine, law, music and literature-in fact, all that
had made Germany the great nation she was?-
"I said fear was not unification," continues Lady
Asquith, "and I should tremble if I were in Ger-
many today."_* * "I said brains, after all, were
what made a country great, and if Germany got
rid of all of her brains just to shout 'Hail Hitler!'
she would make herself ridiculous." * * * Again "I
said that of all the contemptible things I knew,
beating, baiting, and imprisoning men because of
their religion was the lowest. I said I hoped to be
invited when Heine's works, among other great
Jewish books, were burnt, and that putting stu-
dents against their teachers and turning men out
to starve or commit suicide would never convert
any one to Hitlerism." She also said, "Merciless
persecution of big and small men because of
their faith can never be a step forward, and, as I
told Dr. Rosenberg, will isolate Germany forever
from countries who do not want to 'hail' any man,
but only to pray for peace and good-will among
the nations of the world." (The New York Times,
May 13, 1933).
In connection with the beating, maiming, killing
and imprisoning of thousands and thousands, Mr.
Wehausen wishing to make a point with reference
to fellow-Aryans, gets away from his subject by
talking about the Jews.
Next Mr. Wehausen places implicit reliance
upon a report of an acquaintance in Berlin. Ac-
cording to that all is quiet in the best of German
cities. Evidently that acquaintance has not seen
the blood-stained walls in certain secret places in
the Friederichsbrasse and elsewhere!
Mr. Wehausen refers to the discharge from their
pcsitions of numerous eminent Jews without giv-
ing the reason why they were discharged. The rea-
son is well-known. It is that Hitler's henchmen
were promised 'work and bread' and so this fa-
mous (!) man ousted practically all competent
Jews and handed their positions over to the
hungry Nazi's. Mr. Wehausen tries to bolster up
his point by referring to the treatment of the
Negroes in the United States. The difference be-
tween the situation of the Negroes in the United
States and the Jews in Germany is that in Ger-
many it is the government which has inaugurated
these cruelties. Mr. Wehausen makes mention of
the burning of books by German students as of
small consequence. Among prominent Americans
whose books were burnt there is Miss Helen Keller
who when she learned of the honor to be bestowed
upon her, addressed the German students as fol-
lows: "Better were it for you to have a millstone
hung around your neck and sink into the sea
than to be hated and despised of all men." (Mr.
Wehausen considers it an honor to-be so hated)!
When Mr. Franz Boas, professor of anthropology
at Columbia, was to undergo the same consecra-?
tion, all he said was this: "When people want to
be crazy, let them be crazy." And yet this man

Hitler talks about liberty while establishing what
amounts to an Index Hitlerians! Mr. Wehausen
dwells upon what he calls the useless (?) System
of Calisthenics used by the Germans. It is well
known that all Germany was getting ready for
another day when, fortunately, just in the nick of
time, President Roosevelt threw a bombshell into
German militarism.
Mr. Wehausen dwells upon the necessity of pre-
serving German civilization. What he probably
means is that the civilization has. sunk to the
lowest depths under Hitlerism and consequently is
in imminent danger of complete collapse. Let us
all work to save it from Hitlerism!
No country can boast of greater freedom than
France and there is no country today in which
there is les freedom than in Germany, where all
human rights are being trampled under foot by
an Austrian upstart and his henchmen. Instead
of being ranked with Bismark, Hitler should be
ranked with Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Attila,
Ivan the Terrible, and some other dark charac-
ters which have impeded the progress of man-
--M. Levi.

The Theatre
The first of Angna Enters' two recitals, given
before a capacity house at the Lydia Mendelssohn
last night, proved what might be mildly termed a
revelation to those who had not seen her before,
ourselves included.
It was pleasing to find in Miss Enters the here-
tofore unknown sense of humor in dancers. Mar-
thaGraham in her Four Insincerities presented
an amusing interlude-amusing largely by con-
trast to the severity of her other numbers. Kreutz-
berg was gay and bouyant at times. But Miss
Enters is our first experience with a dancer who
knows how to be really funny. Perhaps most danc-
ers are inclined to grit their teeth a bit too much.
A logical reaction to this is doubt as to whether
Miss Enters can be serious or not. And in that re-
spect, it is very difficult for the critic to decide
where her satire leaves off and her seriousness
begins. Her Pavana, Feline, and Boy Cardinal,
while powerful and macabre, still are ironical;
probably the Auto de Fe and the two Madonna
dances are sincere. As far as meaning goes, the
excellence of those numbers prove that Miss En-
ters is a serious dancer too. If there is any adverse
criticism to be made of the recital, it is that those
serious numbers were at the same time the most
inactive ones; that the recital, as an introduction
to Miss Enters, was incomplete in that there was
very little real dancing of the sober type.
Miss Enters' recital was, in short, a triumph in
the comic field. She has a fine eye for types and
mannerisms, her pantomimic technique is subtle
and yet absolutely expresive. It was also a triumph
of versatility. The realization, after it was over,
that this one person had kept an audience com-
pletely amused and satisfied for two hours, alone
on the stage and without the aid of her voice,
was rather staggering. No other dancer we know
has quite done that. -P. M.
Surely any season which would bring us a com-
edy by Molnar must be termed particularly lively.
So it is with the delight of great anticipations that
,xe look forward to this first play of the Michigan
Repertory Players' season.
Molnar is a genius when set loose on a comic
idea. He sees in a situation a wealth of comic im-
plications which to a person of less insight would
be totally unnoticed. He has such a flare for
twisting a comic sally that it becomes in his hand
a perfect champagne of bubble and brilliance.
Simply, his wit consists in taking a sentimental
idea, and carrying that sentimental idea, play-
fully, to the ridiculous consequences that no one
else in the world would ever think of carrying it
to. That the attitude be easily cynical, the idea
sentimental, and the treatment playful, are points
of importance; they are the manner of Molnar in
a nutshell.
If he is not sentimentalizing about "the play" as
he does in "The Play's The Thing," he's senti-
mentalizing about something else. But always cyn-
ically remember! In "The Good Fairy," which
made such a tremendous hit a year ago with
Walter Connolly and Helen Hayes, he was senti-
mentalizing about a poor little work-a-day girl
who "wanted to make everybody happy," and a
muddle-headed old lawyer who had "principles."
In "The Guardsman" he's sentimental about mar-
ried love; in "The Swan" and "Olympia" about
royalty; in "Liliom" about the rough-neck. And
these ideas are always expanded like a conceit
to a ridiculous and comical far-fetchedness.
His plays have been among the most interesting
produced in America in the past ten years. The
Guild, Miss LeGallienne, Gilbert Miller have pro-
duced them successfully on Broadway; and they
have found a tremendous reception from local
theatres in the provinces.
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.

As an enterprising, hard-working man who
steps from a small private store proprietorship
into the role of wealthy merchant prince, Lionel
Barrymore does an excellent piece of character
portrayal in "Sweepings." It is always interesting
to follow the appearances of characters in a show
such as "Cavalcade," wherein years aie but screen
months and age comes rapidly. Barymore does
his "ageing" in "Sweepings" just about as smooth-
ly as it is possible to imagine.
The balance of the cast in "Sweepings" are not
lacking in their respective positions. Alan Dine-
hart is as good as usual and Gloria Stuart, though
she has a terribly poor part, is not to be espe-
cially criticized. Eric Linden is himself, as we fear
he always will be. Nevertheless, something is miss-
ing from "Sweepings." It may be that the story
is not strong enough for Mr. Barrymore's talents,
or perhaps it is because it is such a slow-moving
tale, that we were not swept off our feet by the
picture. Certainly it is not up to the calibre of
the usual Barrymore vehicle.
We very much suspect that "Sweepings" is an
attempt at an American version of "Cavalcade'
and this may be one of the reasons why it is not
a better movie. "Cavalcade" was a picture in a
separate realm; producers should leave it and
"The Birth of a Nation" alone for awhile.
"Sweepings" is an entertaining picture though
and you should enjoy it. The Zasu Pitts-Thelma
Todd comedy, which is billed with it, is a little
sillier than usual but the cartoon is amusing. The
news reel, for some strange reason, is out of the
question. And with so many important things
happening in the world too! -E. J. P.
If the new legal beer seems weak, as it does to



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Musical Events

Miss Margaret Siewers, Grad., pianist, pupil of
Professor Joseph Brinkman, of the School of
Music, will give the following graduation recital,
at 8:15 p. m. Wednesday in the School of Music
Auditorium, to which the general public with the
exception of small children is invited:
Chromatic Fantasie and Fugue .......... Bach
Snnata .nOuR1A----------------------Beethoven

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