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May 30, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-30

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I I - -- - -

2 States Go Wet
By Large Votes;
Name Delegates
Delaware, Nevada Give
Approval To Twenty-
First Amentdmenit
Plan Conventions
Formality Of Voting b
Needed Before Proposal
Is Officially Ratified
WILMINGTON, Del., May 29.--/P)
-By an overwhelming majority, Del-
aware today was on record as favor-
ing repeal of the Eighteenth Amend-
Voters Saturday elected 17 dele-
gates-at-large to the state conven-
tion on Prohibition repeal, complete
unofficial returns giving the "wet"
candidates 45,396 votes and the
others 13,236.
In Wilmington, long the strong-
hold of the state's wet sentiment,
the vote was more than 5 to 1 in
favor of repeal.
With the exception of Wilmington,
the entire state has been dry by local
option since before national Prohi-
bition went into effect.
The drys carried only four districts
in Saturday's balloting, three in Sus-
sex County and one in Kent. The
v o t e in Wilmington, Newcastle
County, was 25,798 for repeal and
5,069 against.
The repeal convention is to be held
at Dover June 24.
RENO, Nev., May 29.-(A')-Ne-
vada was in the ranks of states fa-
voring repeal of the Eighteenth
Amendment today as almost com-
plete returns from precinct mass
meetings indicated virtually unani-
mous anti-Prohibition sentiment.
Noteven one Prohibition delegate
to county conventions, in more than
600 elected Saturday, was named,
the unofficial returns showed. A
number of isolated precincts had not
yet reported.
At the county conventions, set for
June 10, delegates will be elected to
the state convention Sept. 5 at
which ratification of a Congres-
sional resolution proposing repeal of
the Eighteenth Amendment, will be
formally voted.
Woodi To Stay
I nHis Present
Cabinet Position

World's Fair Crowds Throng Miniature City

This view of crowds at the opening day of A Centu -y of Progress in Chicago,.
midway, shows a glimpse of several major projects at tie cxpcsiticn, including

-Associated Press Photo
looking north from the fair's
a miniature Belgian village

(left), and one tower of the skyride in the center back ;round.

Article Charges Hitchins With
Favoritism In Appointing Faculty

CHICAGO, May 29. - (Special) -
Dissatisfaction over the regime of
the University of Chicago's "boy
president," Robert Maynard Hutch-
ins, is rampant among the faculty,
alumni and even the board of trus-
tees, it is charged in a critical re-
view of his administration published
in the July issue of Real American
magazine. The article relates that
"reports are now circulating that he
has but a year to go."
Written by Elizabeth Walker, who
1930-"I've Found a Million Dol-
lar Baby."
1931-"I Got Five Dollars."
1932-"Here It Is Monday and I've
Still Got a Dollar."
1933-"Brother Can-You Sparc a
-University of Kentucky Daily.
And -as if to answer the question
marks, the Baylor College publica-
tion offers the following:
8 to 9-Bread Line.
9 to 12-Park Bench.
12 to 1-Soup Kitchen.
I1 to .6-Park Bench (Laboratory).
6 to 7-Elective.
1. Chinatown Mission.
2. Salvation Army.
8 to ???-Flophouse.
Add these to your list of similies--
Busier than Gandhi slapping at flys
-Reluctant as a newspaper retrac-
tion-Rare as a paving contract
scandal in Venice-Impossible as to
catch upn with yesterday's shave--As

Roosevelt Returns
Cruise, Says lie
Keep All Advisers


was vice-president of the class of
1920, the Real American article criti-
cizes in particular the youthful pres-
ident's handling of old-time faculty
members, holding that the profes-
sors "have ben metamorphosed from
a body of serene scholars contented-
ly pursuing their individual studies,
into an organization of malcon-
Two chief reasons fo rthe dissatis-
faction, relates the Real American
article, are the new rule for com-
pulsory retirement at 65, for which,
Dr. Hutchins is held personally re-
sponsible, and his method of making
faculty appointments. It is charged
that he has abandoned the tradi-
tional policy of permitting heads of
departments to pass on new profes-
sors, forcing them to accept men of
his own choice. The article cites the
incident in 1930 when all but one
member of the philosophy depart-
ment walked out over the appoint-
ment of Dr. Mortimer Adler, who was
given a greater salary than that
paid some of the oldest faculty mem-
bers. Dr. Adler is the professor who
collaborated with the president's wife
in the book "Diagrammatics."
Dr. Hutchins' treatment of former
Athletic Director Alonzo A. Stagg,
the university's "Grand Old Man,"
comes in for special criticism. The
article avers that Stagg was asked
to resign in a cold-blooded manner,
despite his service of more than 40
years and the custom of former pres-
idents of assuring him that he could
remain as long as he wished. De-
scribing the scene, the article says:
"There were no soothing words of
regret, no pretty speeches of appre-
ciation. For the moment he was
simply Robert M. Hutchins, the effi-
cient young executive, doing an un-
pleasant task in a minimum of
tune." While Dr. Hutchins was re-
ported agreeable later to having
Stagg remain as football coach under
the new athletic director, the article
says that "persons in the know as-
sert that Nelson T. Metcalfe, former
Oberlin friend of Hutchins whom he
named as the Old Man's successor,
was told that he might choose for
football coach, 'Anyone but Stagg.'"
The article concludes with the ob-{
servation that Dr. Hutchins' tenure
depends on one man, Harold H.
Swift, meat packer and president of
the board of trustees. It says: "From
the first, Mr. Swift has been recog-
nized as President Hutchins' cham-
pion. Of late, however, people claim-
ing his confidence have said that Mr.
Swift is not pleased with his pro-
Head Of Ohio U. English
Departient Visits Here
.Of interest to faculty members
and alumni is the visit here yester-
day of Prof. George Starr Lasher,
'11, A.M.'17, now'head of the English
department at Ohio University, and
editor of the Rattle, Theta Xi fra-
ternity publication.

Erect Wooden Cross
To Contmteninorate
German War Hero
DUSSELDORF, Germany, May 29.
-.(/P)-A gaunt, black wooden cross
stood today on Golzheim Heath,
symbolizing to the German nation
the death of Albert Schlageter, ex-
ecuted by the French 10 years ago
during the Ruhr occupation and now
proclaimed the Nazi national hero.
A monster throng, including 300,-
000 Nazi Brown Shirts and membersj
of the Steel Helmet War veterans or-'
ganization, gathered Sunday at the
foot of the memorial as the final
event of a three-day series of ob-
Capt. Hermann Goering, right-
hand cabinet associate of Chancellor
Adolf Hitler, memorialized the 29-
year-old officer as "the last soldier
of the World War and the first sol-
diei of the Third Reich."
Schlageter organized and directed
so-called "destruction committees"
during the French occupation of the
CASPER, Wyo., May 29.--Six hu-
man skcletons, discovered in the bed
of a dry gulch near the North Platete
River, were believed to have solved
the problem confronting historians!
attempting to locate the burial place
of cavalrymen massacred by Indians
in 1865.

400,000 Visit
World's Fair In
First Two Days
Million Will Aucud The
Show In Five ilonths
CHICAGO, May 29. - W) -- The
Century of Progress Exposition set-
tied into the routine of its 157-day
life today when officials moved to
erase minor operation flaws appar-
ent during the first 48 hours of the
This seventh international exposi-
tion in the history of the Unitedj
States opened by dignitaries of na-
tions and states and by the light of
a distant star, became the mecca of
a steady flow of visitors who de-
scended upon Chicago from all di-
Attendance figures, although in-
complete and unofficial, showed more
than a third of a million persons
witnessed the World's Fair during
its first two days. Balmy weather
and spectacular opening ceremonies
brought nearly 200,000 to the grounds
the opening day and almost as many
during Sunday.
Actual paid admissions for the
opening day were revealed to have
been about 175,000. This figure,
however, was incomplete because
electrical tabulators on turnstiles in
each of the six large entrances could
not be connected.
The fair has been constructed to
accommodate a grand total of 50,-
000,000 visitors during its five-month
run. Figures from other world's
fairs, however, have led the manage-
ment to expect as many as 75,000,-
000 admissions. A gate of a little
more than a third of this huge total
would insure the financial success of
the venture, officials estimate.
Seventh GradeI
Ofn ih Shool
Presents Circus
A circus, complete as to ringmas-
ter, clowns, animals, and antics, was
presented by the seventh grade boys
of the University High School yes-
terday morning in the high school
The "Big Top," which was in two
scenes, had many odd and interest-
ing acts, including a harmonica-
playing, musical "horse," and the
wedding of a giraffe and a mule.
Miss Catherine Cudlip, the grade's
home teacher, directed the show, as-
sisted by Mr. Leonard Andrews, and
several senior high school students.

Mahatma Eats
Atyain After 21'
Day Abstinence
POONA, India, May 29.-(RP)-"In
God's name I began this fast, and
in God's name end it," said the Ma-
hatma Gandhi today as he broke a
three-weeks' voluntary abstention
from food in the cause of the "un-
touchables" by sipping a glass of or-
ange juice.
He began the fast at noon, May 8.
The end of the fast was as impres-
sive as its beginning.
Residence Besieged
Long before the hour at which the
ordeal was ended, 8:30 a. m. (2:20
a. m. E. S. T.) the residence of Mme.
Sarojini Naidu, poet and lecturer,
where the fast was carried out, was
besieged by the Mahatma's friends
of all castes Hindus, Mohammedans,
Parsees and Europeans.w
Madame Naidu stood at the top
of the stairway, relentlessly selecting
those to be admitted. No credentials
and no amount of money could ob-
tain entrance.
Finally 150 men and women
friends and a score of newspaper
men were admitted into a big white
hall. In a smaller room behind open
glass doors, the mahatma lay mo-
tionless on a bed with wet cloths on
his head.
Beside him was a half glass of
yellow fruit juice. A faint cloud of
incense rolled over the assembly.
Acknowledges Greetings
Gandhis bed then was brought
into the larger room, where he
voicelessly acknowledged the greet-
ings of all present.
On declaring that his fact was
ended as it was begun, "in God's
name," the mahatma continued:
"My faith is not less, but more, on
this occasion, and It sing the glory
of God.
"I cannot forget the doctors and
my other friends who poured atten-
tion on me during the days of my
privilege and my grace. I cannot but
refer to them in these words because
their kind service was part of God's
NEW YORK, May 29.-(1P)-Twcn-
ty-six years of murders, theatre fires,
drives to clean up burlesque, gam-
bling raids, and whatnot have left
Police Captain Amander O. Hayes1
cold. Resigning from command of the
white lights district, he said he was


* *

GaIn Idhi Ends Fast

ealti Service Gives Eye Test
To One Out Of Ten Every Year

Need For Real
Philosophy Of
Education Cited

Howard M. Jones Tells Of
Intellectual Poverty In
Magazine Article
Because the United States has "no
real philosophy of education, but
only an intricate machine managed
by educational 'experts,' the vast ex-
penditures of the American people
for schools and colleges do not pro-
duce effective intellectual results,"
writes Howard Mumford Jones in
the June issue of Scribnner's Maga-
Dr. Jones' main attack on the
present educational system is direct-
ed against the attempt to "train
young America t o w a r d general
thinking by methods which are
wholly or mainly specific and imme-
diate." As examples of the emphasis
on "specific" rather than general
and broader phases of culture, he
points out the popularity of "out-
line" books, growth of baby clinics
and other practical forms of wom-
en's club work, the "meaningless-
ness" of our political parties, and
the "absurdities" of tariff-making.
Creed Attacked
The over-emphasis on vocational
training, Dr. Jones believes, is due
to the specific creed-"of means
rather than ends"-of modern edu-
cationalists. The practice of visual
education for children, "creative
dramatization," and "disappearance"
of grammar study was deplored.
"In the last decades the adult
population of the United States has
been for the first time mainly the
product of school systems dominated
by the educational 'expert' and his
theory," Dr. Jones writes.
From this system, he says, comes
"the shoddy thinking of our democ-
racy, the national disrespect for gen-
eral law, the infantile appeal of
bright-colored magazines in our
street stands, the inability of public
men to be coherent, the failure of
our churches to know what they
stand for, and the inability of Amer-
ican invention to look beyond inven-
tion to use."
Precision Needed
Intellectual precision is missing,
Dr. Jones declares, and gives as the
reason the lack of attention paid to
the development of chronological
perspective-or knowledge of dates.
The development of science has
only served to push the student fur-
ther along the path in the direction
of specific thinking, the article con-
tinues. In the majority of laboratory
courses, Dr. Jones writes, the main
concern of the student is on a series
of specific problems-"techniques not
values" are taught.
Educator Sole Judge
In concluding Dr. Jones says that
the crux of the entire problem lies
in the fact that the educationalist
has been the sole judge of what con-
stitutes "professional training." The
two chief obstacles to reform, he
writes, are the deficiencies in con-
tent of teachers' schools and normal
colleges, and the fact that educa-
tionalists have captured most of the
strategic points in the American
school system.
"There can be little hope of
amendment," Dr. Jones believes,
"until the American people see
through the superficial professional-
ism of most of our teacher training,
and demand that our schools be put
in charge, not merely of 'profes-
sional' educationalists, but of trained
cultivated men."

WASHINGTON, May 29.-P)--
President Roosevelt is going to keep
William H. Woodin at the treasury
despite the clamor for his ouster,
since his name was found on a list
of J. P. Morgan & Co. preferred cue-1

Furthermore, the President in- k A.0 - U
tends to keep intact his whole ofli- graceful as a waltzing camel--As
cial family, cabinet and assistants, busmitory as the phone in the girls dor-
to administer the unparalleled pow-
ers conferred on him and them to -Various College Publications.
combat the economic emergency. A battle of the sexes waged at
Mr. Roosevelt views the immediate Temple University. A male critic
future as the crucial time as far as
the government's own anti-depres- charges that co-eds are inconsistent
sion steps go. He trusts his present husband hunters; also they fawn
aids to administer the vast regula- hnters. an stldmnnere a
tion or control of industry, business, hunters, fops and ill-mannered, a
railroads, banking and agriculture co-ed retorts.
which is gradually being forged, and The prize tongue twister of all
does not want to make shifts. headlines comes from the Duke
All this ,and specifically the newsChC ncle: Seniors Slowly SubmitkSo
on Mr. Woodin, developed at the end Chronicle:ySeSubmitgSo
of Mr. Roosevelt's week-end cruise nly Scuffle. Ad it took all that to


The Eye Department of the Uni-
versity Health Service, one of the
very few departments of this kind in
the colleges of the country, regularly
gives complete tests for glasses, ac-
commodating one out of every ten
students a year for such tests, ac-
cording to Dr. Warren E. Forsythe,
The need for a department to test
eyes for glasses in the Health Serv-
ice was recognized shortly after thel
start of the service and it was soonj
adopted as a regular feature. Its
value to the students is now fully
recognized, as glasses are supplied to
them at a great saving over market
prices but with a small percentage

by the physical impossibility of see-
ing distant objects clearly. The
errors in vision in order of their fre-
quency are compounded far-sighted
astigmatism, 40 per cent; simple far-
sighted astigmatism, 20 per cent;
compound near-sighted astigmatism,
13 per cent; simple near-sightedness,
11 per cent; mixed astigmatism, 8
per cent; simple-far-sighted astig-
matism, 5 per cc:t; and near-sighted
astigmatism, 12 per cent, according
to Health Service figures.
A report prepared by the Health
Service gives some interesting data
on the work of the department. Of
the 503 records studied, 393 or 74
per cent were male, and 110 or 26

(town the Potomac, during wnien the
two held earnest converse.
As he stepped ashore, Woodin was
met by newspaper men, who had just
one question. He answered them: "I
have not resigned."
It did not take long to learn that
he had not been "fired" either, and
was not going to be.
Delinquent Tax
Situaiton Told
By Journalist
An analysis of Ann Arbor's delin-
quent tax situation which is the re-
sult of several weeks' research by
journalism students was printed re-
cently in the last issue of the Michi-
gan Journalist, official publication of
the Department of Journalism.
Delinquent taxes totaling $315,-
780.85 are owed by 1,690 persons, ac-
cording to the investigators. The taxI
delinquency for 1932 was found to be
nearly twice that of the preceding
five years combined. Despite the
lrnnAOC if the rheinnczan-v Ann

tell us that the faculty beat the
seniors in their annual baseball
Washingto .and Jefferson College
students recently were surprised to
find signs ,on the campus stating
"please walk on the grass." The
president of the university says he
means it. The campus belongs to the
students, and. if. they like to walk on
the grass as well as their president,
go to it, he was reported to have said.
Observings -from here and there-
According to custom established last
spring, all track officials at Allegheny
College wear tuxedos when officiat-
ing . . . The University of Maine has
started a course in ice cream making
. . The chaplain at the University
of Chicago says college students are
the most conventional people in the
world . . . Freshmen at Gunnison
College are required to walk back-
wards while on the campus . . . The
captain of the boxing team at the
University of Florida earns his way
through college by running a barber
shop-for co-eds only.
f - " n .*.,

over wholesale cost, making possible per cent were female. Of the 171 or
free changes in style and lens re- 34 per cent "refractions" who were
fraction for dissatisfied purchasers. calling for the first time, 7 or 4,1 per
The best lenses and materials are cent had no symptoms and 20 or 11.7
used, prescriptions sent to wholesale per cent received no glasses. One
houses being filled within two days hundred sixty-four or 95.9 per cent
after receipt of the orders. had symptoms and 151 or 88.3 per
A large variety of styles are pro- cent got prescriptions for them.
vided for those of the eight or ten Of the 332 or 66 per cent of those
students a day who require glasses, who had been examined before, 77
The approximate cost per pair for or 23.2 per cent had no symptoms
those of the 1,161 individuals who with 255 or 76.8 per cent complain-
purchased them in the school year ing of them. Two or .6 per cent
1931-1932 was $6.50. Some students needed no glasses and of the glasses
buy the glasses immediately after which the remaining 330 possessed,
being examined, while others let it only 42 or 12.7 per cent were correct.
go entirely or purchase them later The age scale of those who were ex-
in the year. amined for glasses ran from 16 to 54
All eye tests are made with the years with the ages of 18 to 20 years
use of drops to temporarily relax the having the most refractions.
4 musc1es necessitating a 36 to 48 1--__-

The Farmers and Mechanics Bank
This bank has been serving its clients for
over fifty years, covering the fields of
savings, trust, and commercial banking
with an efficiency and courtesy that is
second to none.

State St. at Nick

cis Arcade Main and Huron Sts.

IProfssor Tsasher- who is teaching

this summer at Bates College, taught hour vacation from books. Eye-
in the rhetoric department here in strain, the general complaint, has
1916-17 and in 1919-21, and was in such symptoms as head-aches, pain
the Graduate School in 1919-20. in the eyes, blurring a vision, dizzi-
During the War he was a Y. M. C. A. ness, and an affected nervous con-
secretary and educational director dition. Near-sightedness has no ap-
of the A. E. F., in 1918-19. parent symptoms, being noticed only

-mm" " PNWOR I 11111,11 1

Free an's
One Block North from Hill Auditorium

Hm 1A't D for your,
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