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Teport Large
T"ie4ket Sale For
Amt'erican Girls To Be Presented At Court ( 1V - p * Dr. and Mr's. Adolf Loveman, anc
Lantern Dance
Max Gail's Orchestra To
Play At Spring Formal
Dance Tomorrow
Pleased with the large general
campus sale made already, Jean See-
ley, ticket chairman, announced that
the few tickets left for the all-cam-
pus Freshman Lantern Dance will
continue on open sale today. The
dance is the official activity of fresh-
men women this spring and takes
the place of the 'Freshman Pageant
of former years. It will be held to-
morrow in the League, with Max
Gail's 10-piece band providing the
music. Dress will be spring formal.
Tickets are on open sale in Angell
Hall lobby, at the main desk of the
League, in the West Engineering
Building, and by every member of
the general committee, as well as
,numerous freshman men and women.
The tickets, priced at $1, include
dancing in the ballroom from 9 p. M.
to midnight, with refreshments
served in the garden. At 11 p. m., to
enable the Dramatic Festival audi-
ence to see it, a program of enter-
tainment will be preseneted on the
balcony overlooking the garden.
This entertainment will consist of
a tap chorus, a waltz chorus led by
Jane Fletcher and accompanied by
Betty Bell on the harp, and a singing
chorus under the direction of Mary
Ann Mathewson, '34. The choruses
are made up of freshman women en-
tirely. Although the garden will ac-
commodate many people, the fea-
tures may also be witnessed from
the north windows of the ballroom,
which face the garden, and from the
windows of the main dining room
on the second floor.
An unusual and striking system of
lighting will be carried out to play
on the choruses. Vari-colored spots
will be used in addition to lanterns
that will hang over the garden. It
is an unusual feature that this is
the first time in the history of the
League that its formal garden will
be open to men. In addition to thel
garden the entire second floor of the1
League will be at the disposal of the
The Freshman Pageant formerly
cost about $200, this amount being
assessed upon first-year women and'
taken from the League funds. This
year the activity is entirely self-sup-
porting and the proceeds from it will
be put in the Undergraduate Fund
of the League. .
The central committee in charge
of the dance is composed of Mar-c
garet Ballard, generel chairman;c
Miss Seeley; Hazel Hanlon, finance
chairman; Winifred Bell, refresh-1
ment and musica chairman, and
Nina Pollock, publicity chairman.c
Miss Ethel McCormick, social direc-c
tor of the League, acts as adviser.,
-Associated Press Photo
Here are some of the American girls to be presented at the British
royal court at Buckingham Palace this season: Upper right: Miss
Charlotte Lyman, of Boston; left, Miss Mollie Flagg, of Far Hills, N. J.
(Photo by Baroness Tony Von Horn); lower right, Miss Virginia Kent
of Ardmore, Pa.
International Good Will Shown
,YCosmopoitan Club Dance
To the many foreign students who
are leaving the University for good
this June, bound for distant home-
lands and new careers, tonight will
be a long-remembered occasion. The
Cosmopolitan Club is giving a fare-
well dance in their honor, inviting
at the same time their American
friends, to make the occasion one of
international friendship and good
"We want it to serve as an
acknowledgment of our indebtedness
and a cementing of our bond of
loyalty to Michigan," said Sher}
Warm W eather Is
Incentive To Wear
White Accessories
8-WARM pg 5 M1 burt
Warm weather calls for a change
in accessories. Naturally white is the
"most practicable, and the most easily
combined color to choose.
We have been observing the per-
feet sea of white hats that confronts
our eyes as we walk in the lecture
room. At our left is a parky pique
one, with scarcely no crown and im-
pudent brim. At the back of the
room is a shiny rough straw with a
huge brim and a wide band of blue
grosgrain ribbon. The Schiaparelli
high-crowned effects are gaining
prominence made up in numerous
kinds of fabrics and styles.
As for white gloves, there is a total !
dearth of anything resembling a
doeskin thus far, or any other leather
at all. There are silk piques, cotton
piques, organdie, suede, gloves with
polka dot cuffs, and more gloves with
cuffs to match a floppy picture hat
and a purse. There is a choice in
length, from the tailored plain va-
riety to the dressy short gloves,
which, worn in combination with
sport bracelets, are charming.
We can't resist the new purses so
much in evidence, which have white
linen covers embroidered with cross-
stitch or eye-hole work which slip
off and are easily laundered. The
idea is practical and we can breath
a sigh of relief in knowing that no
longer do we have throw away our
favorite white purse at the end of
the season.
If you are the unfortunate indi-
vidual with a very narrow foot
which calls for expensive shoes, first,
last and always, perhaps one pair of
white shoes will be enough for the
season. Be sure it is a shoe suitable
for campus wear with a boulevard
heel that can be worn for dressier
occasions, rtoo. The new buckskin
shoes with the built-up heels are ex-
cellent for school or any sport outfit
and may be augmented by dressier
kid for longer dresses.
Quraishi, Grad., president of the
club. The affair will begin at 9 p. m.
in Lane Hall, and American students
are urged to attend. Features of the
program will include Russian dances
and musical numbers by a Filipino
woman student. Refreshments will
be served.
The students who are leaving are:
Joseph Alli, Juna Pian, Kyueh Yang,
Wallace Liu, Robert Suez, and Chut-
ing Wang, all of China; Tumiko
Saisho and Fumi Oi of Japan; Kar-
tar S. Gill, Kondathil Idiculla, Ma-
thurae Nadkarni, and Bakhtawar
Samra, all of India; Sirri Markkanen
and Doris Loo, of Hawaii.
Maria Kalaw, Purita Kalaw, Cris-
pin Matta, Avelino Nagtalcr, and
Pura Santillar, will return to the
Philippines; Yeh Yen to Java;
Haana Khalaf to Palestine; Mary
Kil, Evelyn Koh and Pong Lim to
Korea; Kamil Toonian to Iraq; and
Arsham Stephens to Persia. Other
graduating students present will be
Guillermo Castrence, Gregorio Mar-
quez, Jorge Jimenez, Ramon Mer-
cado, Edouardo Guardia, S. S. As-
garzadi, and Dr. Peter Soudah.
Martha Cook Dormitory
Will Give Spring Dance
Martha Cook Building is enter-
taining tonight at its spring formal
dinner-dance, the decorations to
carry out the maple-leaf motif with
Japanese lanterns adorning the ter-
race. Ken Lundquist's orchestra is to
Michigan League Ballroom
MAY 27 9-12
Tickets $1.00 at League Desk
and Angell Hall
Into a Pair of Connies and
Out-of-Doors for a Glorious
Decoration Day means
WHITE . . . and in
shoes such as these. A
dashing "Fifty-Fifty" Tie
.waffle pique in a slim
sandal, and a smart
pigskin "Kiltie" with
"oodles"of perforations.
You'll love their lightness:
on your feet, and you'll
hardly believe they're
only $3.95t