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May 26, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-26

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Anti-Hitler Riots
Greet Arrival Of
German Visitor
Policcien Battle Group
Protesting Nazi 'Murder,
And Terror' Reginie

Chicago World's Fair Scheduled To Open Tomorrow


Scores Are



Germaiin Representative To
Exposition Quits Vessel
NEW YORK, May 25.--IP")-Riot-
ing broke out today at the North
Germany Lloyd line pier in Brook-
lyn in connection with the arrival in
America of Hans Weidemann, rep-
resentative of Adolf Hitler's German
government at the forthcoming
World's Fair in Chicago.
A crowd of 1,000 men and women
anti-Hitlerites, awaiting the arrival
of the Nazi official, became enraged
when it was learned that Wiede-
mann and an aid accompanying him
to the expositoin had been trans-
ferred from the liner Columbus to a
tug and taken to the battery in Man-
Displaying bannersncondemning
"the Nazi murder and terror re-
gime," the crowds turned on the 50
uniformed police and 30 plain-
clothes men, throwing bricks and
bottles at them.
Police engaged in hand-to-hand
combat with the rioters and after a
struggle arrested 13 men and women,
the latter wearing red hats.
The prisoners were locked up in a
garage near the pier. Rioting broke
out' afresh with the imprisonment of
the 13. With police standing guard in
front of the garage door, the crowd
again charged them.
Reserves were called out and in a.
short time additional police forces
arrived on foot, on horseback and
in automobiles. Order was restored
only after police drew their guns and
levelled them at the crowd.
During the melee more than a
score were injured, including four
policemen, one of whom received a
fractured right arm.
Physics Teachers To
Ihear Goudsmit, Cork
Professors S. A. Goudsmit and J.M.
Cork, both of the physics department,
will speak before the regular spring
meeting of the College Physics
Teachers of Michigan at 10 a. m.
tomorrow in Ypsilanti. "Experi-
ments on Nuclear Structure" is the
title of the talk to be given by Pro-
fessor Cork. Professor Goudsmit will
address the meeting on the "Theory
of Nuclear Structure." After the
morning meeting in Charles Mc-
Kenny Hall, a luncheon and sevcral
excursions will be held.



-Associated Press Photo
With all its major projects complete, "A Cenitury of Progress" exposition on Chicago's lakefront is a
scene of last-minute preparations for the official opening May 27. This view from the top of the "Skyride"
gives a glimpse of some of the scores of buildings to be occupied by exhibitors and concessionaires.

Five Cars In Indianapolis Race
Designd By Graduate Students

Five of the qualifying cars which
will race at Indianapolis Memorial
day have bodies designed by two
University graduate students, C. L.
Johnson and E. D. Palmer. All of the
cars are semi-stock Studebakers and
all qualified for the race at speeds
ranging between 110 and 116 miles
an hour. They. were driven by Cliff
Bergere, Tony Gulotta, Luther John-
son, Zeke Meyers, and L. L. Corrum.
Since the first of the year John-
son and Palmer have been conduct-
ing tests in the wind tunnel of the
East Engineering Building to deter-
mine the most efficient body design
for a car racing at Indianapolis.
They encountered many practical
difficulties in designing bodies for
these cars because they must travel
500 miles at over 100 miles an hour
on a bumpy two- and a half mile
brick track that is slick with oil and
shared by 41 other cars.
Because an average race car travel-
ling at 100 miles an hour uses about
85 per cent of its power to push air
out of the way, the bodies were de-
signed to approach a perfect stream-
lined form, Palmer said. However,
this is prevented by such practical
considerations as tire changing,'
which makes it impossible to cut
down air resistance around the
wheels. Tires can be changed in 17
seconds and mechanics resent "fair-
ing"/ or any other construction that
adds to this time.
Another obstacle to streamlining
is a ruling compelling the mechanic
riding with the driver to look out
behind whenever the cars rounding

a turn and to signal to the driver
whether the way is clear. This neces-
sitates an-open space behind the me-
chanic's head that sets up eddies
and produces a drag on the car.
The effects of cross winds, which
often upset cars and cause crashes
because of swerving and skidding,
have been taken into account in the
design of the bodies, Johnson stated.
Because of varying wind conditions
around the track, interfering air cur-
rents make steering a complex prob-
lem; but it is simplified by the appli-
cation of certain body contours and
features of design. Streamlining not
only adds to speed by reducing the
air resistance but it increases gas
mileage and therefore a snaller gas
tank may be; used with a saving in
weight and a-gain in speed.
All of the five cars are between 85
and 90 per cent stock and are con-
siderably heavier than the special-
ized racing jobs that they are com-
peting against. In spite of their ad-
ditional weight, which is an advant-
age in enabling them to endure the
terrific pounding, the fastest of the
five was only three miles an hour be-
hind the best qualifying time yet
turned in.
Prof. John S. Worley of the trans-
portation engineering department
and T. Hawley Tapping, general sec-
retary of the Alumni Association, are
back at their desks today after hav-
ing returned from Kalamazoo, where
they addressed the University of
Michigan Club of Kalamazoo.

Detroit Trade
Shows Large
Gain In April
Federal Reserve Bank
Announces City's Sales
Increase 50 Per Cent
CHICAGO, May 25.-(/P')- The
Chicago Federal Reserve bank in its
monthly report of department store
trade today said that Detroit stores,
with a gain of 50 per cent in April1
sales over March, led cities of the
seventh Federal"Reserve district.
The report was especially favor-
able, showing an average gain of 23
per cent in the month's sales against
a 10-year average of only 8% per
cent. Sales were only 15 per cent less
than in the same month last year,
representing the smallest decline in
the year ago comparisons since July,
Whereas Detroit enjoyed the larg-
est gain it also suffered the greatest
loss from April, 1932, the figure be-
ing 24 per cent.
In" sales of furniture and house
furnishings the April total was 26
per cent greater than March in the
district and comfortably over the
five-year average gain of 21 per cent.
Sales for the first four months
of the current year as compared to
the same period in 1932 were repoi;,
ed lower by the following percent-
ages in wholesale lines: Groceries,
16 per cent; shoes, 19 per cent;
drugs, 25 per cent; drygoods and
electrical supplies, 28 per cent, and
hardware, 29 per cent.

Auto Ban Will
Be Less Rigid
This Summer
Modiiication Of Regents
Ruling Is Announced By
Assistant To Dean
The Regent's regulation prohibit-
ing students from using motor ve-
hicles will be modified for the sum-
mer session as usual, according to
Walter B. Rea, assistant to the dean
of students.
Besides the usual permits granted
for family, commuting, and business
purposes, Mr. Rea said, during the
summer session permits are granted
for a limited recreational use of auto-
mobiles. This permit enables students
to carry student passengers, he said.
Mixed company in an automobile
after 9 p. m. will be considered a
violation of the regulation, Mr; Rea
stated, although women ands men
may both ride in cars before that
In past years it has been cus-
tomary to consider the grades of the
applicants for driving licenses, Mr
Rea said, and it has not been de-
cided what policy will be followed
this year on that matter.
Those who have been engaged in
professional work and are returning
to the summer session are not re-
quired to observe the automobile re-
Mr. Rea warned students to ob-
serve the relaxation of the restric-
tion as it was published in the Daily
Official Bulletin, pointing out that
the time when a student is permitted
to drive is not determined by the
time he finishes his last examination,
but by the relaxation which applies
to his class in his school or college.
Gasses From Burning
Clothes Cause Deaths
NEW YORK, May 25,-(/P)-Dead-
ly gases from burning clothing were
disclosed today as probably the real
cause of a large percentage of the
10,000 deaths which occur every year
through fire in the United States.
A report of the American Chemi-
cal society found that burning of
woolen materials gives off such
dangerous gases as carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, hydrogen salfide, hy-1
drocynaic acid, and ammonia.
At last science has come to the aid
of campus democracy. An electric
voting machine guaranteed to be acid
proof was displayed at the electrical
engineering show at the University
of Minnesota last week. It was stated
that they would be used in future
elections on the campus.

-Associa -ed Press Photo
Guy C. Shepard, retired packer of
Evanston, Ill., was named adminis-
trator in charge of trade agreements
in the field of meat packing under
the Roosevelt farm relief bill.
Clark Schell Awarded
Cup In Speech Contest
Clark Schell, '34, won the speech
contest held yesterday between the
six classes in Speech 31, beginning
speech course. He was awarded a
silver medal by the University Ora-
torical Association for his five min-
ute speech entitled, "A Moment At
The judges of the contest were
professors Louis Eichand, G. E. Dens-
more, and Henry Moser; Floyd K.
Reilly, and James H. McBurney, all
of the speech department. Alden T.
White, Grad, acted as chairman of
the contest, introducting the speak-
ers and presenting the medal.
Ceilings and Walls Washed
Awnings - Floor Waxing
Service and Courtesy
A. G. Marchese Phone 9860
Tired? Thirsty? Hungry?
CALL 3494
Sodas - Sundaes -- Shakes
Cokes - G-Ales - -Orangeades
Tasty Sandwiches
Prompt Delivery
Drug Co,,


To Lead 1eat Trade

LFriends Plan
Mooney Plea
To Governor
c o n v i c t e d, once acquitted, Tom
Mooney today peeled potatoes in San
Quentin prison while his defenders
sought to snatch advantage from a
fury verdict labeled in advance ley
the court an empty victory.
Another plea for a pardon to Go,.
James Rolph, Jr., of California, anl
an appeal to the Supreme Court of
the United States were propose)
steps announced by the Mooney
Molders' Defense committee.
"Perhaps we may even go higher
than that-to the President him-
self," Mooney declared at San Quen-
tin, to which he was hurried immed-
iatcly after the verdict of acquittal,
as directed by the court.
The life termer, who almost 17
years ago heard himself condemned
to death by another jury, declared:
"The verdict will bring me liberty
{ in the not far distant future."



(nd be gay all the way
W IEN there's something doing
V very hour-how the hours fly!
On United States and American
Merchant Liners you'll find your own
crowd aboard, enjoying fun that's
planned for Americans.
For only $90 you can sail on a
roomy, comfortable,"one class"Amer-
ican Merchant Liner direct to London
... for $102.50 you can sail in Tourist
Class on the Washington or Manbattan
-the fastest Cabin liners in the world;
for $105.50 you can sail Tourist
Class on the monster express liner
Leviathan. And in Europe $3 to $6a
day will cover living and traveling
expenses amply.
Roosevelt Steamship Co., Inc.
,;;,eru 4ocnts u4W(MAN SIR E
125 Washington Boulevard
Detruit-Agents everywhere '*


. , ._.,.__.. .,. m --

a 1

. ..and what have you?
Strip your strawberry shortcake of its whipped cream . . . and what have
you? A lot of wash fabrics look great to the eye. And that's all! Just
froth... no substance. Smart at the try-on. . . rags when they leave the tub!



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earned its name as "The National Summer
Cloth" after it had hung up a record. A
record for wear and service . . . a record
for good looks, sturdy dependability, per-
fect manners in the tub. Just one word
epitomizes the charm of our new PALM
BEACH patterns and shades; that word is

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