ublication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
rniversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until
:30; 11:30 a. ni. Saturday.
No. 159.
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to the students of the
University on Wednesday, May 10, and on Wednesday, May 17, from four
to six o'clock.
Notice to Seniors!-Graduate Students! Diploma Fees Payable Now!
Early settlement is necessary for the preparation of diplomas. In no case{
will the University confer a degree at Commencement upon any student who
fails to pay the fee before 4 o'clock, Wednesday, May 24. In case the Faculty
does not recommend any payer, the fee will be refunded on surrender of
receipt for payment. The above applies also to fees for all special certi-
Candidates for degrees or certificates should AT ONCE fill out cards at
office of the Secretary of THEIR OWN COLLEGE OR SCHOOL, pay the
Cashier* of the University and have card receipted, and file indicated sec-
tion of this receipted card with the Secretary of THEIR OWN COLLEGE
OR SCHOOL. (Students enrolled in the Literary Colege, College of Archi-
tecture, and School of Music please note that blank forms should be ob-
tained and receipted cards filed in the RECORDER'S OFFICE, Room 4,
University Hall).
Please do not delay until the last day, but attend to this matter at
cnce. We must letter, sign, and seal aproximately 2,000 diplomas and cer-
tificates, and we shall be greatly helped in this work by early payment of
the fee and the resulting longer period for preparation.
ShirleyW. Smith
*The Cashier Office is closed on Saturday afternoon.
Henry Russel Lecture: Professor Walter B. Pillsbury, of the Department
of Psychology, will deliver the Henry Russel Lecture for 1932-1933 in the
Natural Science Auditorium on Friday, May 12, at 4:15 p. -m. Professor
Pillsbury's subject will be, "The Unit of Experience, Gestalt or Meaning."
Announcement of the Henry Russel Award for the year will be made at
the time of the lecture.
Householders: Approved householders having rooms to rent to men
students for the Summer Session are requested to list them as soon as
possible at the Office of the Dean of Students, Room 2, University Hall.
Dial 6115.
Listings of houses, apartments, and light-housekeeping rooms are also
Households having rooms for light housekeeping, furnished and unfur-
nished apartments suitable for graduate women students for the Summer
Session are requested to call the office of the Dean of Women as soon as
Varsity Band: The Band will have the following formations during the
week of May 8 to May 12. Attend all formations in full uniform and bring
marching folio: No members will be considered for Commencement Band
who do not attend all spring formations.
Wednesday, May 10-Meet at band stand in front of Library at 7:15
p. m. sharp.
Thursday, May 11-Meet at Hill Auditorium at 12:55 p. m. Roll Call
will be at 1:00 p. m. sharm'. Band members will be excused from 1:00 o'clock
Friday, May 12-Meet at Morris Hall at 7:15 p. m. The Band will play
for the Lantern Night program and will be through by 9:00 p. m.
Hall from four to six this afternoon
at which time tea will be served.
Michigan So3ialist Club: Tucker
P. Smith, Secretary of the Commit-
tee on Militarism in Education, will
speak on "Manchukuo, Threat to
World Peace" in the Michigan Union,
at 8:00 p. in. The public is invited.
Is War Necessary: The National
Student League invites all students
and faculty members to attend the
joint symposium to be held tonight
at 8:00 p. m. at Natural Science Au-
ditorium. The speakers will be Dr.
F. B. Fisher of the Methodist Church,
and ,chn Pace, commander of the
Bonus Expeditionary Forces. Ad-
mission is free.
Geological and Geographical Jour-
nal Club will meet on Thursday, May
11, at 8 p. m. in Room 2054 N.S.
Prof. K. C. McMurry will speak on
"Progress in Land Classification in
Michigan." All interested are invited
to attend.
Psychological Journal Club will
meet on Thursday, May 11, at 7:301
p. m. in Room 3126 N.S. Mr. Charles
H. Crudden will speak on "Condi-
tioning of pupillary responses," and
Mr. George C. Seeck, on "The form
of the curve for rote learning." All
interested are invited to be present.
American Chemical Society: There
will be a meeting of the Detroit,
Lansing, Toledo and University Sec-
tions of the Society on Saturday,
May 13, Professor E. H. Kraus will
speak on "The Quest for Synthetic
Gems" at 8 p. m., in the Chemistry
Amphitheatre. There will be a din-
:ner (75 cents) at the Union at 6:15
p. m. Members wishing to attend the
dinner are requested to make reser-
vations with the secretary, W. E.
Bachmann, Phone 565, as soon as
Delta Epsilon Pi members tre in-
vited to attend a dance given by the
Greek Ladies' Aid Society at the
Ahepa Hall on Friday evening, May
12, commencing at nine o'clock.
There will be no admission charge
for members of the fraternity, and
refreshments will be served. Please
Delta Sigma Rho: Annual initia-
tion banquet will be held at the
Michigan Union, Monday, May 15,
at 6:15. Reservations are one dollar,
and may be made with Victor Rabin-
owitz, telephone 2-2096, or Gladys
Baker, 2-3225.
Camp Davis IS
Termed 'Ideal'
For Surveying
Student Geodetic, Civil
Engineers Are Offered
Summer Session There
An ideal place for surveying is
offered to prospective geodetic and
civil engineers at the University's
Camp Davis in Wyoming which will
open for this summer June 26, ac-
cording to Prof. C. T. Johnston, di-
Prerequisites for attending the
camp are Surveying 1 and 2 and a
two-hour course in practical astron-
omy, or their equivalents. The camp
is in session eight weeks, and stu-
dents who attend gain eight hours
Near Yellowstone Park
There are but few districts east of
the Missouri River where field work
in surveying is not handicapped by
growths of brush and trees or by
buildings and other structures. For
this reason the University purchased 1
125 acres of land in Jackson's Hole,
which is 75 iiles south of Yellow-
stone Park and in the valley of the
Hoback River.
The camp is connected to the Lin-
coln Highway' by an excellent iroad
which runs within a mile of the
camp. Its elevation is 6,113 feet above
sea level and the climate is nearly
perfect, with sunshine practically
every day and cool nights always.t
Such facilities as running water,
hot showers, and electric lights make
the camp a comfortable place to live
in. Students attending the camp live
in residence buildings which accom-
modate four and are furnished with
blankets, mattresses, and beds. All
the buildings at the camp are sheet
steel superstructures and have con-
crete floors.
In addition to the residence build-
ings there is a dining room and kit-
chen, a keeper's house, instrument
room, shop, and a garage. There is
no water-pumping station needed, as
the camp obtains its water supply
from a nearby mountain stream by
"Dude Ranches" Popular
The country in which the camp is
located is a popular place for "dude
ranches" because of the beautiful
scenery and the healthful climate
Guests at these resorts pay from $75
to $100 a week, while the cost of
Camp Davis for eight weeks, includ-
ing tuition, transportation, side trips,
and all incidentals, was found to be
below $150 for the average man at
the camp last year.
During the summer, students may
see examples of all the local wild life,
including deer, bear, elk, moose, buf-
falo, and antelope. They may climb
nearby mountains, such as the great
Teton Range, whose highest peak is
13,800 feet high. Most of the men also
usually visit Yellowstone Park.
The required work in the course
given at the camp covers the follow-
ing subjects: adjustment of instru-
ments, astronomical applications,
lines of communication, cross-section
work, base-line measurement and tri-
angulation work, public land, and
topographic and project surveys.
To make the work interesting and
practical, one main project may be
laid out and all the different types
of surveys combined to furnish the
necessary data and maps irequired by
capable contractors and builders.
Weller Will Leave For
Washington Conferences
Dr. C. V. Weller, director of the
pathological laboratories of the Uni-
versity, will leave Saturday for Wash-
ington to' attend meetings of the
American Association of Physicians,
the American Association of Pathol-
ogists and Bacteriologists, the Amer-
Tests Gold Order
City School Census Mathematics Shark
Will Begin T41day Juggles Ntimlw
A census of all children of school "ThlJj difference between three a
age in the Ann Arbor school dis- four is by no means the same as t
trict, which includes all of the city difference between five and six.
and a portion of Ann Arbor Town- man could build a square house w
ship, will begin today, Lee M. Thurs- all its sides facing the south. In6s
a houise it wold X1 alwas be nloon.
ton, assistant superintendent, an- is possible to ,lnt nine trees
nounced yesterday. ten rows of three each." Such w
All children from four to twenty, some of the statements made
inclusive, are counted, whether they proved mathematically by Prof. N
-^ i.- 7ina fhf1 th uth 1;
or -
attend schools or not. Married people
under the age of 21 will he in-
cluded, and a census of blind, deaf,
and crippled children will also be
Mr. Thurston expressed the hope
that the enumerators would "be cour-
teously received by all Ann Arbor1
man Hi. Ainnng cl m Mma 1LUII Ci
department, in addressing the Gr'd-
uate Students Luncheon yesterday in
the League.
Professor Anning also asserted that
any number can be made from 0's
and I's. This was first proved by
Leibniz, who even went so far as to
base his personal religion on the
-Associated Press Photo
Charles S. Thomas, 84-year-old
former United States Senator and
governor of Colorado, holds a bag
containing $120 in gold with which
he intends to test the administration
order to turn in private holdings of
gold to the government.
TYPING-Notes, Papers. and Grad.
Varsity Band: Wednesday May 10. In case of bad weather a regular
rehearsal will be held in Morris Hall instead of giving the concert,
Class Review of "She Stoops to Conquer": Members of the Class in'
"Oral Interpretation of Dramatic Literature" will give a review of scenes
from "She Stoops to Conquer" on Thursday evening at 7:30 in Room 302
Mason Hall These scenes will be given without special staging and the
cast will be changed from scene to scene. The public is invi td to this re-
Field Hockey for Women: Open hockey will be played on Thursday
afternoon at 4:15 on- Palmer Field. All women students are welcome.
Exhibition of Designs for Stained Glass and Mural Decorations by
the D'Ascenzo Studios in Architectural Building. Open daily, excepting Sun-
day, 9 to 5, through May 11.
Ann Arbor Art Association announces an exhibition of paintings select-
ed from the 45th Annual American Artists' Exhibition, from the Art Insti-
tute of Chicago. The pictures will be on view in the Alumni k.emorial Hall
from to 5 daily, to May 12.
Chemical Engineering Seminar: Mr. John F. M. White will be the
speaker at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg., on the subject, "The Re-
duction of Sodium Sulphate."
Scabbard and Blade: Important meeting at 7:30 p. m. at the Union.
Election of new officers.
Sigma Rho Tau: Preliminaries for the Welder's Prize Contest and
Training Night. Union, 7:30 p. m.
Pi Lambda Theta: Important business meeting at 7:30 p. in. in the
Library of the Elementary School.
Phi Sigma meets at 8 p. m. in the Museums Building, first floor, when
Mr. J. W. Leonard will conduct a tour through the entomology division.
Refreshments and election of new officers later in Room 1139 Natural
Science building.
Poetry Reading Contest Preliminaries: Preliminaries for the Poetry
Reading Contest will be held at 4:00 p. m. in Room 302 Mason Hall. Con-
testants should report at 3:45. The public is invited.
Interfraternity Council: Meeting at the Union at which the president
and judiciary committee for the coming year will be elected.
Latin American Society: Important meeting of the members of the
Society at the Union at 7:30 p. in,, Room will be posted. Everyone must
be present. No excuses accepted. Election of Officers for next year.
The Education Achievement Group of the Spring Parley meets at 7:301
p. n., Michigan League. Dr. Stuart Courtis will be present and act as
counsellor, All those seriously inter-_
ested are cordially invited to attend., ~ ~~~
Quarterdeck Society: Special meet-
ing Thursday at 7:30 p. m., in Room
340. All members be present.
R. O. T. C. members reminded of
R. . T. C. Assembly, Hill Auditor-
ium, 1:00 p. mn., Thursday.
University Girls' Glee Club: There
will be no rehearsal this week Wed-
nesday but instead there will be a
very short meeting THURSDAY
League, in preparation for the
Mothers' Daughter Luncheon on Sat-
urday at which we have been asked
to sing. Will all those who have not
returned their tickets and money
for our concert please bring them to
this meeting also.
Hindu American group presents a
5,000 years old Hindu play of love
and life "Savitri" or Love Conquers,
Death by Kedar Nath Das Gupta of
New York, adopted from a legend of{
the great epic Mahabharatha. To beI
given at Lane Hall on Thursday, at
8:30 p. m., all interested are cordially
invited. To defray the expenses a
collection will be taken.
Pharmaceutical Conference: To-
morrow morning and afternoon, May
11, a Pharmaceutical Conference will
be conducted at the Michigan Union.
The following subjects will be discus-
se .Du ddcin, WrdPo-
Proposed Tax
Would Inerease
Dormitory Rent
MADISON, Wis., May 9.-Big
Ten) -A bill is now before the state3
assembly, which, if passed, would
materially increase rents in the Uni-
versity dormitories.
All university property used. in
competition with private businesses
and not actually used for university
purposes would be taxed, under the
provisions of this bill. Buildings
coming under this classification are
the University "Co-Op," the Univer-
sity Club, the Memorial Union,
dormitories, and the commons.
The dormitories are run on a non-
profit co-operative basis, according
to D. L. Halverson, director of dorm-
itories and Commons, and if the
overhead is raised rents must be
raised accordingly.
Members of the tax committee
charged that the university was
planning to take over all fraterni-
ties and sororities and thus make
them tax-free. Pres. Glenn Frank
denied this charge.
Revolution In
Social World. Isi
Seen By arris
"We are living in a revolution and
period of profound social change
compared to which the American rev-
olution was merely a political rebel-
lion," the Rev. Thomas L. Harris, stu-
dent advisor at Harvard University
and former associate rector at St.
AndreV's Church here, said yester-
day. He spoke on "Religion and the
Present Revolution" in Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium..
"It is uncertain politically, econo-
mically, and intellectually what kind
of a world our chlidren willcome
into," Mr. Harris stated. "The revolu-
tion is moving into the form of in-
creased social control. It may take
the form of Fascism, Communism,
or some form of Socialism."
"Drama" will be the subject of the
student-faculty forum meeting on.
literature at 8 p. m. tonight at the
League. At the last meeting it was
decided to change the time from
Tuesday to Wednesday for the con-
venience of those attending.
Now Playing!
Place advertisements with Classified a
Advertising Department. Phone 2-24.
The classified columns close at three
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
xtra charge.
Cash in advance-1ic per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
10c per rending line for three or more
Telephone rate-I 5c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
4e per reeding line for three or more
insertions,.da '
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
ly contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month ..................8c I
4 lines E. . D.. 2 months........8e I
2 lines daily, college year.........7c
4 lines E. 0. D~, college year ....... 7e
100 lines used as desired.........9c
300 limes used as desired.........8c
1,000 lines used as desired........7c
2,000 lines used as desired.. ....6c
The above rates are per reading line,
bas(ed on eight read ing lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
Gc per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per liie to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 71a point type.
STUDENT - And family washing
careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. 6c
LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
UPHOLSTERING -- Fine furniture
rcpairing, refinishing and uphol-
stering. Also antiques. P. B. Hard-
ing, 960 Canal, Phone 3432. 31c
library. 5c daily. Clean covers. Uni-
versity Music House. 10:30 to 5:30.
OPPORTUNITY-For two students
to buy suit or topcoat' at strictly
wholesale price. Call 9622. 422
SHAMPOO-And fingerwave 25c.
Tuesdays.* Raggedy Ann Shoppe.
Ph. 7561.
TYPING-Mimeographing, Binding.
Quality at the right price. Brum-
field & Brumnfield, 308 S. State.
TYPEWRITING-And Mimeograph-
ing promptly and neatly done in
our shop by experienced operators,
at moderate rates. 0. D. Morrill,
The Typewriter & Stationery Store,
314 S. State St. 101x
Last Times Today - "Faithless"
Thursday and Friday
Clark Gable in
~ ~
TYPING-Notes, Papcrs, and Grad.
theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35x
MEN'S OLD-And new suits. Vill
pay 4, 5, 6 and 7 dollars. Phone
Ann Arbor 4306, Chicago Buyers.
FOR RENT -- Cottages at Portage
Lake. Leo. G. Hoey. Phone 68
Dexter. 418
FOR RENT-Larg)e house, suitable
for fraternity or club. Already
contains some student furniture.
Located close to campus, 1001 E.
Huron. Inquire at 849 E. University,
or call there, phone 9828. 420
LOST-Keys on ring with chain at-
tached. Rcturn to Secretary's office
or phone 4739. 421
LOST-Billfold between Chubbs and
Michigan Theatre. Contained iden-
tification card, papers and cash.
Call 4295 or leave at Box 2D, Mich-
igan Daily. No questions asked.
. . a TWEEDLE is a fur-
bearing mammal that doesn't
mate or reproduce .. .
" . . . a TWEEDLE is a fur-
bearing mammal that doesn't
mate or reproduce .
t lp °
" ...a TWEEDLE is a fur-
bearing mammal that doesn't
mate or reproduce ...
sed: Drug Addiction, A World Prob-
lem by Dr. C. W. Edmunds; The Pres-
ent Banking Situation, by Dr. Leon-<
ard ;L. Watkins; The Present Status,
of our Knowledge Concerning the#
Control of the Decay of the Teeth, Dr.
Russell W. Bunting; Recent Advances
in Vitamins and Hormones, Dr. How-
ard B. Lewis; Medical Economic
Problems in Michigan, by Dr. Nathan
Sinai. The Conference will begin at
10:30 a. m. with an address by Presi-
dent A. G. Ruthven.
At the meeting of the Detroit
Branch of the American Pharmaceu-
tical Association, which will be heldl
at 7:45 in the Auditorium of the Na-
tural Science Building, Assistant Pro-j
fessor Carl D. LaRue will give an ill-
ustrated lecture on Observations on
Drug Collecting in the Tropics.
All interested are cordially invited
to attend. Edward II. Kraus
ican Associaion of the History of
Medicine, and the International As-
sociation of Medical Museuns, of
which he is a member of the coun-
cil, it was announced.
! '
*The Climax of the
* A
e Season*
The Hillel Players held their elec-
tions yesterday afternoon at the
jFoundation. The following were
elected: president, Lawrence Levy,
'34; vice-president, Dena Sudow, '34;
treasurer, Phillip Sorr, '34; and sec-
retary Ruth Cohn, '34.
. a TWEEDLE is a fur-
bearing imanmal that doesn't
mate or reproduce
_ _ _ _ _ _
"A Bedtilme Story"
"Aggravatin" O'ar"
Greatest Novelty Reel
of the Year!
"Ann.rI*, ann "
Literature group of the Faculty-
Studeat Forum meetirg at 8:00 p. m.
at the League. Topic: Dr:a.
Junior A.A.U.W.: The last meet-
ing of the year will be held in the
Michigan League Building today.
Miss Gertrude Muxen will be the
Election of olicers. All members
C' T'm A bTel TF
MRS. W. K. VANDERBILT.. won't be in the audience Thursday night
PEGGY HOPKINS JOYCE ....won't be in the audience Friday night
AIMEE McPHERSON....... won't be in the audience Saturday night
............... and the Baroness Manchausen won't be there at all!
Seats Are Selling Rapidly For
Comedy Club's Homecoming Presentation
are among the foremo t, stan of the
American stage who wil not appear
in PlayPIroution's dubious mffering
voin mrus;t heI' nte dir -The
Mistakes of a -Night.-