Partly cloudy, not quite so
cool today; tomorrow increas-
ing cloudiness followed by rain.
VOL. XLIII No. 159
Tax Bill,
Unaltered, Is Sent
To Floor Of House
Council Plans
Discussion Of
Campus Beer
Interfraternity Group
Consider Drinking
Brew In Fraternities
Committee Respects Gov.
Comstock's Desire To
Retain Original Form
Bitter Struggle In
Legislature Is Seen
Sales, Income Levy Would
Produce $35,000,000
Yearly, Is Belief
LANSING, May 9.-(AP)-The ad-
ministration sales and gross income
tax bill was released to the floor of
the House today, virtually in the
form in which it was introduced.
The taxation committee has strug-
gled with the measure for weeks,
seeking a compromise to consolidate
support. Failing in this, the members
decided to comply with Governor
Comstock's wishes and report the
bill with its original broad provisions
covering almost every type of sales
and service.
A bitter floor fight is anticipated.
Some members of the House com-
mittee warned the Governor they did
not believe the bill could pass in its
present form. They contended too
many diverse interests are affected.
Efforts in the committee to limit the
measure to a straight retail sales tax
failed, and the measure was given to
the House encompassing not only re-
tail sales but manufactured products
and utility and professional services.
Governor Comstock believes the
sales and income levy, if adopted in
its present form, would produce $35,-
000,000 a year. He planned to appor-
tion $15,000,000 of this to school aid,
$10,000,000 or $12,000,000 to welfare
activities and the balance, plus fees
collected by the State, to replace the
State property tax. The bill would
impose a 3 per cent tax on gross in-
comes of utilities and professional
services, theatre admissions, circuses,
carnivals, dance halls, race tracks
and all retail sales; three-tenths of
one per cent on manufactured ar-
ticles; two-tenths of one per cent on
mine and quarry products and tim-
ber. Newspapers are construed as
manufacturers, and come under the
three-tenths of one per cent classi-
fication. Farmers are exempt from
the tax on sales of their produce.
While the House was receiving the
sales tax measure the Senate revived]
the controversial problem of delin-
quent tax relief by passing and trans-
mitting to the House ansubstitute bill
providing for installment paying of
back taxes. The measure, a substi-
tute for the original Moore bill, is
much more liberal than a delinquent
tax proposal previously approved by
the House.
Concert Today
To Open Band's
Campus Series
Weather permitting, the first out-
door concert during the regular ses-
sion in years, will be presented by the
Varsity Band at 7:15 p. m. today on
the bandstand in the center of the
Diagonal Walk.
A program scheduled to begin a
Wednesday night series of band con-
certs was called off last week on ac-
count of cold.
The full 70-piece concert organiza-
tion will be under the direction of
Prof. Nicholas D. Folcone and four
student conductors, all seniors in
School of Music classes. The reason
for having student conductors at this
concert, Professor Falcone said, is to
give them practice in conducting be-
fore an audience.
A program including classics of fa-
mous conductors, a Michigan song, I
and a popular military march has
been chosen by Professor Falcone. It
is as follows:
King: Barnum and Bailey, march;
W a g n e r: overture to "Rienzi";
Haydn: minuet and finale to the Mil-
itary Symphony (Keith Stein, Spec.,
SM, directing); Debussy: Golliwogs'
Cake-Walk; Pierne: A 1'Eglise, chor-
ale (Bernard Hirsch, '33SM, direct-
ing); Bizet: minuet and farandole
from L'Arlesienne Suite No. 2 (Fred-
erick PF Enest.'33SM.divrctin~):
2 Journalists
Are Added To
Control Board
Perry, White Will Begin
Their Terms At Once,
Acting As Advisers
Two of the State's most outstand-
ing journalists and alumni of the
University were announced yesterday
as new members of the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications by Dr.
Frank E. Robbins, assistant to Pres-
ident Ruthven.
Lee A White, '10, of the executive
editorial staff of the Detroit News,
and Stuart H. Perry, '94, '96L, owner
and publisher of the Adrian Daily
Telegram, are the new members.
Their terms will begin at once for a
two year period. Mr. White is a for-
mer managing-editor of The Daily
and the founder and former mnan-
aging editor of the Gargoyle. Mr.
Perry, one of the vice-presidents of
the Associated Press, is recognized as
one of the most outstanding journal-
ists in the nation and his paper has
received wide acclaim. In 1919 he was
awarded an honorary degree of Mas-
ter of Arts by the University.
It was explained by Dr. Robbins
that the new members will act in an
advisory capacity on the Board, fill-
ing a long-felt need for men from
the professional journalistic world to
aid in the supervision of the publica-
tions. Their appointment is the direct
result of a recommendation made by
Prof. Louis A. Straus, chairman of
the department of English language
and literature and chairman of the
Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions, in his annual report to the
University Council.
Speaking for the Board, Professor
Straus stated that the present mem-
bers are all delighted with the ar-
rangement and expect that the addi-
tion of men with professional experi-
ence will be of great value to the
Other members of the Board at
present, in addition to Chairman
Straus, are Prof. Edson R. Sunder-
land of the Law School, Prof. Robert
C. Angell of the sociology depart-
ment, Dean Joseph E. Bursley, and
three student members, Vernor
Bishop, '33, Edward W. Bowen, '33,
and Kenneth L. Yourd, '33.
5,000-Year-Old Play
Returns To Campus
"Savitri (Love Conquers Death," a'
Hindu play written 5,000 years ago,'
will be presented again in a free per-
formance in English at 8 p. m. tomor-
row in Lane Hall, it was learned last'
Brought back to this campus by re- I
quest after its performance of last
week, "Savitri," which is to be played
by the original cast with all of the,
original costumes and stage prop-
erties, is under the auspices of the
Hindu-American Club. A legacy from
the pre-epic period of Hindu litera-
ture, the play has been presented
time after time in India. It deals
with family life and marital devo-
tion, Savitri, the heroine, being the
Hindu model wife. ,
The drama was translated into
English by Das-Gupta, a Hindu liv-
ing in Chicago.I
To Elect President
And Four Others
Tryouts For Positions On
Judiciary Committee Are
Asked To Be Present
A resolution which, if adopted,
would pledge the Interfraternity
Council to oppose the consumption
of beer in fraternity houses will be
acted on by the council at the meet-
ing to be held at 8 p. m. today in
Room 316 of the Union, it was an-
nounced by Edwin T. Turner, '33,
president of the council.
Prepared by a group of fraternity
alumni and undergraduates, the res-
olution reads as follows:" Recogniz-
ing the right and ability of each in-
dividual fraternity to legislate on the'
matters of internal discipline and
house conduct, the Interfraternity
Council recommends that beer be not
served or drunk in or on fraternity
premises, and that the use or drink-
ing of the same be limited to the
lawfully licensed places for consump-
Legal Beer Makes Problem 1
The legalization of beer at 6 p. m.
tomorrow will bring the question to
the fore, and it is understood that7
alumni feeling is against the con-I
sumption of the beverage in the
One prominent fraternity alumnus1
said, "When we were in school it'
didn't hurt us to walk down town to1
get our beer and there is no reasont
why the students today should not
drink their beer in the places sett
aside for that purpose."t
The election of next year's presi-i
:ent of the council will also take
place tonight, it has been announced.g
Nominations, made by the judiciary1
committee after interviews with can-1
didates, will be announced at thee
Four undergraduate members of
the judiciary committee will be elect-P
ed from floor nominations. One
member is to be elected from each
fraternity group, the president rep-
resenting his group on the commit-1
tee. The groups were taken by lot.
Faculty and alumni members of the
Judiciary Committee will be consid-i
Sophomores May Try Out
Max Gail, '34, who was recentlyI
elected secretary-treasurer of theT
council, has asked all tryouts for
positions on the judiciary commit-
tee to be present at the meeting and
get in touch with him after the ses-
sion is over. Work has already been
started on the "Freshman Bible" for
next year, he said. Only sophomores
are eligible for the tryout positions,
Gail said.
The problem, according to Turner,
is that fraternities faced with finan-
cial ruin are prevented from consoli-
dating by restrictions imposed by thec
national organizations. A survey ofI
conditions on campus is being made,r
he said, to see what measures may
be taken to alleviate the perplexingv
Flood Of Amber Beer
Awaits Signal To Got
DETROIT, May 9.--UP)-Dammedr
up tonight in breweries and ware-o
houses, a flood of amber brew, bothc
State-made and imported from otherI
states and Canada, awaited arrivedt
of the "zero hour" in Michigan-to-r
morrow at 6 p. m.t
House Sends
Relief Bill To
White Housc
'Clean Up' Day Hastens
Three Other Measures
Toward Final Action
Muscle Shoals Act
Now In Conference
New Forward Steps Are
Taken In Inte'rnational
Parleys; China Here
WASHINGTON, May 9.- /)-The
House made this a cleanup day for
the administration, sending one bill
to the White House and hastening
three more to the verge of final pas-
As it put through bill after bill,
the aides of President Roosevelt were
completing for his approval another
giant measure, combining the bond-
financed public works program with
the industrial control plan for lim-
iting competition and raising wages.
Trouble loomed for the latter, how-
ever, in Congress.
The bill finally passed was the
$500,000,000 measure for relief grants
to states, counties and cities.
The big farm relief -farm mortgage
refinance inflation bill was put up
to the Senate by approval of every-
thing in it but the Norris-Simpson
plan for guaranteeing farmers a rea-
sonable profit on their crops. That
was emphatically rejected by the
House, and the Senate was expected
to abandon it tomorrow.
Sent to conference were the Muscle
Shoals-Tennessee Valley development
bill and the meaure for Federal reg-
ulation of security issues. Both were
likely to win final approval before
the end of the week.
. With this rapid advancement of
the domestic program, the adminis-
tration made new forward strides in
its international negotiations. They
reached the point today where Wash-
ington officials were confident the
Roosevelt-proposed truce on tariffs
pending the World Economic Confer-
ence would win out. Acceptance by
Great Britain was indicated. China,
represented here now by Finance
Minister T. V. Foong, showed assent,
and so did other nations.
Foong conferred at length with
Secretary Hull,- with silver an im-
portant topic.
The ever-present war debts issue
was given a new turn today by Hull
in a statement to newspapermen that
they would be dealt with individually
with each debtor, either here or in
London, during the course of the ec&
nomic conference now five weeks off.
Mayes Awarde
First Prize In
BoeingCo test
First prize in the furth annual
W. E. Boeing natio 1 scholarship
contest has been aw 'ded to Robert
E. Hayes, '33E, ac rding to word
received here yester ay.
Winning of the cholarship carries
with it a nine m ths course at the]
Boeing School of eronautics in Oak-
land, Calif., in uding 900 hours of
instruction in round work and 250
leading to a aster pilot's designa-
Candidate for the awards were
required to rite a 2,000 word theme
on some bject approved by offi-
cials in c arge of the contest. "The
Trend of odern Aircraft Construc-
tion" wa the title of Hayes' winning
paper. uthorities here stated that
the pri coming to a Michigan stu-
dent iiyer is very unusual, in
that inyears past the winners have
been largely taken from schools on
the -est coast.
ayes said he would probably leave
tobegin his course the latter part
Amid charges of discrimination against merchants east of
Division Street, the Common Council last night granted licenses
to 20 down-town dealers to begin selling beer at 6 p. m. tomorrow.
The licenses must be approved by the State Liquor Control Com-
mission before the beverages can be sold, but this is expected to be
a formality following the council's decision.
The meeting was attended by a large number of merchants
with stores east of the Division Street line, who, represented by
lawyers, claimed that the bond and license committee's decision to
refuse them permits was "unfair." Their discussion with the coun-
cil was abruptly ended when a motion to adjourn was seconded and
Council President E. E. Lucas, without taking a vote, proclaimed
the meeting over.
A report on applications was made by Alderman Walter
Sadler, chairman of the bond and license committee. Explaining
~- ~ ~ -that his committee had not given
Student Paper
Removed From
'Official' Status
Committee Will Consider
Organization, Control Of
Wisconisin 'Cardinal'
MADISON, Wis., May 9.-(Big
Ten)-Removal of the Daily Card-
inal, student newspaper at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin from any sem-
blance of an "official" status at the
state university has been voted by
the university board of regents.
The regents adopted a resolution
which makes mandatory the removal
of the designation "official news-
paper" from the masthead of the
paper. The line in the masthead
which will have to be removed in part
states: "Founded April 4, 1892, as
oflicial daily newspaper of the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin."
The resolution also provided for a
special committee to consider possible
form of organization and control for
the Cardinal that will best safeguard
both the principle of responsibility
and the principle of freedom in the'
management of the paper.
The committee is to report to the
next meeting of the regents in June.
Members of the committee are to be
all of the members of the Cardinal
board of control and its editor; Glenn
Frank, president of the university;
Fred H. Clausen, president of the re-
gents; Regents Harold M. Wilkie,;
Arthur Sholts, and John M. Calla-
han, of the regents' executive com-
mittee, and Dean George C. Sellery
of the college of letters and science.
Elect Schaaf Head
Of Sigma Delta Chi
C. Hart Schaaf, '34, was elected
president of Sigma Delta Chi, hon-
orary journalistic fraternity, for the1
year 1933-34 at a meeting of the
local chapter yesterday in the Union.
Other officers chosen were: vice-l
president, Fred A. Huber, '34; sec-
retary, Thomas Connelan, '34; and
treasurer, Brackley Shaw, '34. Schaaf
will represent the chapter at the na-
tiorial convention to be held next
fall at Chicago.
At the Botanical Journal Club!
meeting last night, Dr. Chester A.'
Arnold presented motion pictures1
taken in Harney County, Ore.,
Student Teachers
~Play .Production's
Final Presentation
To Be Next Week
"An emergency situation J which
proved to be an excellent test of the
ability of a theatre organization to
act, presented itself suddenly last
Saturday," Valentine B. Windt, direc-
tor of Play Production, said yester-
day, commenting on the unexpected
announcement that "She Stoops to
Conquer," by Oliver Goldsmith, would
replace "Cradle Song" as the con-
cluding play in the current season.
The notice of the change of af-
fairs came early Saturday, Mr. Windt
explained, and that afternoon a new
play had been selected and a cast was
Yesterday, more than 30 people
were working on the production, us-
ing every available foot of space in
the Laboratory Theatre. In the cos-
tume room;the finishing touches were
being given to the Eighteenth Cen-
tury dresses-which will be used in the
play. On the stage, the crew was con-
cluding the building of the three]
necessary sets. In small corners,]
groups had gathered and were learn-
ing their lines.
"She Stoops to Conquer" will be
given at 8:30 p. m. next Monday and
Tuesday. Matinees will be given at
4:15 p. m. Wednesday and Thursday.
Tickets will be placed on sale at spe-
cial "depression" prices at 25 and
35 cents when the box office opens
Comedy Club Play
To Open Tomorrow
"Murray Hill," a three-act comedy
by Leslie Howard, laid in the fine old
residential district of New York after
which the play was named, will open
for the first time in Ann Arbor at
8:15 p. m. tomorrow in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre as one of the fea-
tures of Spring Homecoming. The
play will conclude Comedy Club's
dramatic season for 1933.
The play will be presented Friday
night, and Saturday evening there
will be a special Mothers' Day per-
formance. Tickets for the play are
to be reserved at 50 cents for the
evenings and 35 cents for the Satur-
day matinee.
licenses to any merchant east of
Division Street, he said that if
these merchants felt any griev-
ance they should resort to the
He then listed all of the 20 mer-
chants granted licenses. Most of these
establishments were small down-town
restaurants and groceries, although
the Elks Club and the Allenel Hotel
were included. The only beer garden
permit was given to Charles Preketes,
109-111 South Main St. The council
passed his report without discussion.
Speaking for the drug stores east
of the Division Street line, attorney
Frank DeVine then said, "The Divi-
sion Street provision exempts drug
stores. They are allowed to sell beer.
They have their applications in, their
bonds posted, their taxes paid, and
the city recognizes them as legiti-
mate business men of the commun-
ity. There is no valid reason why
they should not get licenses at this
John W. Dwyer, another attorney,
claimed that all stores east of Divi-
sion Street had a legal right to sell
beer, as the provision in the charter
was repealed in the recently enacted
liquor control bill. "With these men,"
he said, "it is not a question of get-
ting new business. It is a matter of
holding on to what they have, of
keeping their present livelihood."
Alderman Sadler, who is a profes
sor of civil engineering in the engi-
neering college, then explained that
licenses had not been granted to
Irug stores east of Division Street
ecause he, personally, as well as the
committee, had not thought it "ex-
"Why isn't it expedient?" asked
"That's self-evident. I don't think
[ need to go into those details," Sad-
ler replied.
"But there is nothing against the
"Did the committee make an in-
spection of these drug stores?"
"I can't go into that. It's not ma-
terial whether they open tomorrow
or not. What is two or three dollars
to them for a few days? I am look- this thing from the standpoint
of public welfare."
DeVine then asked City Attorney
William Laird if he knew of any
legal reason why these stores should
not get their licenses. Laird replied
that he did not.
Alderman Leigh Young asked De-
Vine, "How are these drug stores
going to sell it?"
"The same as those west of Divi-
sion Street which have been granted
licenses," replied DeVine.
"Mr. President, I move we ad-
journ," said Alderman William Hol-
lands, superintendent emeritus of
the Printing and Binding Depart-
ment of the University.
"I second it," Sadler said.
"No vote is necessary on a move
to adjourn," Lucas announced. "The
meeting is- therefore adjourned."
Last night merchants on State
Street said they planned to send a
committee to Lansing to get a ruling
from the attorney general upon the
charter provision. A number of Uni-
versity professors have privately
Free Movies At Two Theatres
To Aid Student Good Will Fund
s Fare Afield;
No Discipline Problems Found
Free shows at the Michigan and
Majestic Theatres Friday night are
expected to help considerably in the
filling of the coffers of the Good Will
Fund, according to Jerry Hoag, man-
ager of the Michigan Theatre. While
the theatres furnish the shows en-
tirely free of charge, making the
designation "free show" applicable,
there will be a varied admission
charge in the nature of an offering
from those who attend.
Through the co-operation of the
Athletic Association, barriers and
With 3,000 expected to attend, it
has been estimated that an average
contribution from all patrons should
net at least $500 for the fund. The
theatre has permitted this arrange-
ment, Mr. Hoag said, with the single
stipulation that no student present-
ing an identification card be denied
admittance, whether he drops coins
into the pails or not.,
The feature for the evening has
not yet been selected, but will be
picked from a list of new first run at-
of July.
Kipke Will Give Feature
Talk At Freshman Night1
Coach Harry Kipke will give the
principal address at Freshman Night,
to be held at about 8 p. m. Friday, it
was said last night by Hugh Grove,]
'34E, who is in charge of Freshman
Night and the spring games. William
Elliott, '33, will act as master of cere-
monies, and Fielding H. Yost, ath-]
letic director, will make the presen-
Results of "field work" in directed
teaching were presented yesterday in
the form of panel discussion and a
playlet, at a School of Education!
assembly held in University High
School Auditorium by Students of the!
Co-Related Course in Directed
Teaching. Prof. Raleigh Schorling of
the education school presided.
The 21 students, undergraduates
and graduates, who participated, had
been on "field work" in about 12
difTerent schools of the state of,
Michigan and vicinity. The purpose
of this work was "to give them an
opportunity to study the school as
of the characters. This short skit
"depicted how the students can get
together in fun-one of the real
assets of the course."
The panel discussion centered
about the topic, "What are the
values of the five weeks spent in
the co-relation course?"
One student said that the impres-
sion he obtained from the school in
which he worked, was that to be a
successful teacher, a person "must
be a town politician, choirmaster,
and general good fellow all in one,"
his actual teaching ability being