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May 10, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-10

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From the
By John Thomas
College Baseball
Wesley Feser
Wildcat Football
) L L E G E baseball
eeldom pays. Coach
John Kobs, of Mich-
igan State, experi-
enced considerable
difficulty this year
in completing his
schedule as the ex-
penses of visiting
teams would force
:n extinction of his
.- sport.
So he guaranteed the visiting
teams' room and board and has been
able to keep his guarantees through
the co-operation of campus social
fraternities. The enthusiasm with
which the fraternities are taking care
of the visiting athletes insures friend-
lyly athletic relations between State
and her visiting opponents.
Presidenti William. Veeck of the
Chicago Cubs will donate all of the
proceeds of the Northwestern-Cub
baseball game at Wrigley Field, June
2, to the Wildcat Athletic Association
in an effort to insure the continu-
ance of baseball as a major sport at
Prices will be greatly reduced from
the regular schedule prevailing for
the National League games and spe-
cial student tickets will be put on sale
to insure a large crowd so that the
season's expenses can be met.
Coach Paul Stewart feels that his
club will furnish a high class of ball
for its major league opponents. In
former years Wildcat nines under
Stewart have played Class A h1ll
clubs on their Southern trips and he
has come to the decision that a first
rate college team can perform on a
par with any major league club.
As Michigan's Athletic Association
has already taken in more money
from the home baseball games this
year than for the whole of last year,
the sport might be termed as look-
Art Patchin is still looking for
his glove, lost after the Illinois
ing up-as far as gate receipts are
concerned. The drop in prices to 25
cents proved to be a good move-as
newspapermen convinced Coach Yost
that it would.
The two Michigan-Ohio State base-
ball games here this week-end will
be free to parents of students. This
has been arranged in connection with
Spring Homecoming.
HlARVARD expects that the addi-
tion of Wesley Fesler to its coach-
ing staff will makeup for the sched-
uling of the stiffest basketball sched-
ule in recent years. Fesler will be
the head basketball coach and it is
expected that his addition will match
Princeton's mid-westerner who is a
basketball coach too, Fritz Crisler.
The influx of mid-western talent. to
the Big Three has been responsible
for their rise in intercollegiate con-
tests, especially the major sports.
* * *
ABOUT 5,000 football fans sat
through intermittent cloudbursts
last week at Dyche Stadium to see
the 1933 edition of Coach Hanley's
charges. The Varsity defeated the
Alumni, 13 to 0.
The Wildcat hopes of a champion-
ship eleven next fall are based upon
various freshmen who "played havoc

with the 'Men Before.'" The talent-
ed freshmen material scored twice,
once on an interception of Rentner's
bullet passes and another on straight
The Daily Northwestern says:
"A moment of gladness that turned
to sadness: when Rentner (of the
Alumni) shot a pass over the line
into the waiting arms of Manske
(veteran end playing on the Varsity),
only to realize that such a play was
about five months off color."

Presentation Of Another Baseball Game
Postponed By Weather
Alum niiTrophy Rain has once again interfered
. with Michigan's baseball schedule, ;
Set For Frida washing out yesterday's game withI
Western State Teachers' College, of
Kalamazoo. This marked the fifth
eer MortonOf Chicago postponement of the season for the
Wolverine nine. Two contests with
Club, Will Make Award the Teachers and one with Hillsdale
.t i lhave been called off, while a game
with Michigan State Normal has been


Chicago Trip
Disastrous For
Varsity Netters

Bad Weather Plays
Havoc On Track As
Illini Meet Nears





Condition For Defeats'
By Wildcats, Chicago E
Two disastrous defeats at sixr
matches to nothing were the results,

Head Football Coach Harry Kipket
said yesterday that announcement
of the winner of the Chicago Alumni
Trophy would not be made until 3:00
p. m. Friday when the presentation
will be made in a public ceremony at
the Union.
The coveted cup which is annually
awarded to the football player show-
ing the greatest improvement during
spring practice will be presented to
the 1933 recipient by Meyer Morton,
'12L, of the Chicago Alumni Club.c
Morton, a prominent Midwest foot-
ball official, is credited with having
sugested the award which gives
spring gridders, especially freshmen
something to work for. He comes toz
Ann Arbor often each year, but al-
ways makes it a point to be on hand
for the presentation of the trophy.
Football coaches stressed the fact
that the award is not made solelyv
on the basis of a player's showing in
the game which ends each springr
practice session, pointing out that
regularity in attending daily prac-
tices, ability to learn the Michigan<
system quickly and well, and their
application to the work all were in-1
In addition to the men who starred
in Saturday's game, Bob Wells, at
freshman guard, appears to have a
chance for the award. Wells was in
the Health Service last week with a
touch of pneumonia, but he was eas-
ily the outstanding yearling guard
prior to that.
Name Edmands
Rifl Manaoge
For Next YearI
Dorothy Edmands, '34, has been
named manager of the women's riflec
team for the coming year, it was an-
nounced last night.7
The women's team was defeated
in a return challenge match with the
men's team by a 96.3 to 95.6 score
Saturday. Jean Turnbull, '34, wasl
high scorer for her team, scoring 99
out of a possible 100, and Stuart Wil-
liams, '33E, shot 98 to place highest
on the men's team.
The women's team has had un-
usual success in its intercollegiatel
matches, losing only seven out of 24
matches. Its members who competed1
Saturday were Virginia Lee, '34, re-
tiring manager; Patricia Woodward,1
'35, Edith Maples, '35, and Miss
Turnbull and Miss Edmands.1
Homecoming Week Games
To Be Free To Parents
The two Michigan-Ohio State Uni-
versity baseball games to be held1
during Spring Homecoming will be1
free to parents of students, it was
! announced yesterday. The games
will be held at 4:00 p. m. Friday and1
2:30 p. m. Saturday. Parents must
be accompanied by students, who1
are expected to show identification1
cards as usual.
Harry Kipke, head football coach
will head the Utah Aggies coaching
School this summer. He will be as-
sisted by former Wolverine stars.g

twice postponed.

'*V t J casec of the Wolverine tennis team's trip
to the Windy City last weekend. Chi-
To W h e Sagoand Northwestern blanked the
Ma izeand Blue netters on two suc-
P .eessive days and in but one match
ir a t e s Lose out of twelve did Michigan come
within striking distance of victory.
That was the story told by Coach
(By The Associated :?ress) John Johnstone of the net team, ill
Earl Webb, utility Tiger outfielder, and confined to his residence yester-
was released to the Chicago White day afternoon. "We were always on
Sox yesterday for the waiver price the defensive," said the mentor, and
of $7,500. The release of Webb re- "none of our men had ever had any
duces the Detroit roster to 23 men, experience in Western Conference
the total number which each team play before. Playing in the Big Ten
may have after May 15. especially this year, is a different
Webb came to the Tigers last proposition from ordinary competi-
spring from the Boston Red Sox in tion. I tried to teach my boys the
a trade for Roy Johnson, outfielder, distinction, but they did not take it
and Dale Alexander, hard-hitting seriously."
first baseman. This trade created Blames Physical Condition
much argument in the ranks of Lack of physical condition was also
baseball fans and there is still some cited by Coach Johnstone as contrib-
doubt as to which team got the best uting to Michigan's defeat. The past
of the deal. Alexander led the league stretch of poor weather, which gave
in bteidgw.lexandirth dthe Reagoxthe netters but three days of outdoor
in batting while with the Red Sox practice has been par'tially account-
last year and Johnson played regu- able for this, but the mentor hinted
larly in the outfield. that there had been days when only
Bob Boken, Washington's substi- i cold prevented the court squad from
tute second baseman, repeated his ' turning out while other athletic
p e r f o r mance of squads were braving the weather.
Monday, batting "We have the strokes and the sci-
in two runs in the ence," said Coach Johnstone, "but
final inning to en- not the push and physical condition
able the Senators to make them effective." Siegel, Ni-
: , to win from the sen, Baldwin, Sandusky, and Appelt
y St. Louis Browns were the netters who made the trip
today, 7 to 5. His last weekend, Captain Dick Snell
home run with a being left in Ann Arbor because of
teammate on base illness.
broke up Mon- Meet Spartans Today
day's game be- Today, with good weather, the
tween 'the Sena- Michigan team will face the Spartan
S ors an d the aggregation of Michigan State Col-
Browns in t h e lege on the Ferry Field courts. Yes-
BOKEN twelfth inning. terday afternoon's match scheduled
In the only other game played in for East Lansing, was called off on
either league, Fred Frankhouse shut account of bad weather. The State
out the league-leading Pittsburgh team is rated as good this year but
Pirates with three hits as the Boston not in the Big Ten class, according
Braves won, 7 to 0. to Coach Johnstone. It is not known
AMERICAN LEAGUE whether Captain Snell will be able
to take his place at number two
W. L. Pct.'in the singles lineup.


Two days of wet, cold weather have
seriously hampered the varsity track
men in their preparation for both
the meet with Illinois at Urbana next
Saturday and the Big Ten Confer-
ence meet at Northwestern May 20.
A muddy track limited the cinder
men to merely warming-up work-
outs, and the pole-vaulters and
broad-jumpers were forced to prac-
tice in the field house.
Coach Charley Hoyt has his field
men working exceptionally hard for
competition with strong javelin and
discus throwers from Indiana and
Illinois in each of the coming meets.
Illinois is reputed also to be well
fortified in the shot put and dashes.
The Illinois meet on Saturday will
be more than a mere inter-school
contest. It will give the dopesters
a chance to size up the strength of
the two squads that are expected to
seriously threaten Indiana's chances
for the Conference title next week.
It is understood that a few changes
in the personnel of the squad will be
forthcoming before the meet Satur-
day in an effort to further balance
the team strength. Just what they
will be has been withheld from the
public, although the middle distances
are expected to receive most atten-
" . . . a TWEEDLE is a fur-
bearing mammal that doesn't
mate or reproduce

'i i



New York...... ...
Washington .........
Cleveland ...........
Chicago ............
Detroit ...... . , ... .
St. Louis .. . ....... . ..
Boston .............



.667 1

W a s h i n g t o n, 7-16-1, Linke,
Burke, Russell, Crowder, and Sewell,
St. Louis, 5-9-1, Wells, Knott, He-
bert, and Ferrell.
Philadelphia-Detroit, wet grounds.
New York-Chicago, wet grounds.
Boston-Cleveland, wet grounds.
W. L. Pct.
Pittsburgh ...........14 5 .737
New York ...........12 7 .632
St. Louis ............ 11 10 .524
Chicago.............10 11 .476
Brooklyn.............8 10 .444
Cincinnati ...........8 10 .444
Boston ..............10 13 .435
Philadelphia .........6 13 .316
Boston, 7-15-0, Frankhouse and
Spohrer; Pittsburgh, 0-3-1, Hoyt,
Smith, Chagnon, and Grace.
St. Louis-New York, cold weather.
Chicago-Brooklyn, cold weather.
Cincinnati-P h i l a d e l p h i a, wet

Co-ed Tournaments
DelayedBy Rains
Weather is again responsible for
delaying the progress of the women's
spring tournaments. Tennis and golf
are suffering, but the baseball play-
offs will have to have definite cur-
tailment in their programs.
Interclass diamond teams will give
I way to teams formed for open com-
petition. The hours of play will be
the same as before, save that 5 p. m.
on Tuesday will be turned over to
the Intramural players.
More than a week of round-robin
play has been lost in the Intra-
mural section of the sport, so it will
be necessary to advance into straight
elimination this week,.as soon as the
weather clears up and the diamonds
are conditioned.
Announcement will be made to
house athletic managers as to who
the next opponentwill be, and the
time for play will then. be arranged
by the managers. Fiiday this week
will be cut from the upal schedule,
because there will b6 a, special ex-
?ibition for Homecoming at Palmer
ield that afternoon,
University of Idaho has adopted
boxing as a major sport and has ar-
,anged an extensive schedule.

before you buy

Illinois And Wisconsin Lead
Big Ten Base ball Competition


. . . a TWEEDLE is a fur-
bearing mammal that doesn't
mate or reproduce . . ."

Announcing the Opening of
Prompt, Expert Service
With Courtesy
Marchese Bldg. Phone 9860
i ,ii


Illinois, by virtue of its early vic-
tories, is setting the pace in the
Western Conference baseball race, al-
though the Illini are being hard
pressed by a strong Wisconsin nine
to hold the top place. The Badger
team is an inexperienced one this
year but Coach Lowman's sopho-
mores have delivered well to date,
especially in the pitching department.
Strong batting by first baseman
Schustek and four reliable hurlers,
Wrobke, Smith, Tewel, and Carlson,
make Illinois the favorite to retain
the crown they captured in 1932.
Michigan has played but two Big
Ten games to date and has shown
strong hitting power in both con-
tests, batting out a total of 22 runs
in its last two starts. Two games with
Ohio State this week-end, and con-
tests with Illinois, Purdue, and In-
diana the following week will prove
a real test for the Wolverine diamond
Three of the Big Ten teams are
All-Campus tennis players are
as~ked to report to the Intramural
Building as soon as possible to re-
arrange their matches. Both first and
second round matches must be com-
pleted this week.

decidedly weak this season, Iowa,
Chicago, and Ohio State being unable
to get started. Poor pitching has
caused the downfall of the latter two
teams, while the Hawkeyes have had
passable mound work but little hit-
ting power.
Indiana- is another club that bids
fair to finish high in the race. The
chief factor in the Hoosiers' success
to date has been their run-getting
power. A veteran infield is another
factor which helps greatly.
The remaining trio of nines, Min-
nesota, Northwestern, and Purdue
are mediocre. While they will win
several ball games apiece there is
little chance of any of them taking
the title.


" . . . a TWEEDLE is a fur-
bearing mammal that doesn't
mate or reproduce . ."


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. . . a TWEEDLE is a fur-
bearing mammal that doesn't
mate or reproduce . ..

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" .a TWEEDLE is a fur-
bearing mammal that doesn't
mate or reproduce ...



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