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May 06, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-06

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Fom the
By John Thomas
Kentuck' 2Mnutes
T E SELLING of Head Play on the
eve iof the Kentuck Derby came
try ( now owned by Mrs. Silas B.
more and more support ashed Debdy
drew near and although now quoted
at 4 to 1, the odds might have been
even lower at the start. But why did
his owners sell him for $30,000 if he
could have won $50,000? Undoubt-
edly his owners, Mr. and Mrs. Willie
Crump, he a former jockey, know
the inside. S-o-o-o.

Spring Practice
Ends With Final
GameIn Stadium
'Blues,' Halve Veterans;
10 Freshmen To Start
For 'Yellow' Outfit
Fay Leads 'Blues'
Sixty Players Fight For
Chicago Alumni Award
Given For Improvement

To Serirnrage; Derby


Be Hl d

Adisi on To Be Free
At Spring Grid Battle
Harry Kipke announced yester-
issio chre atth stdium to-
morrow when the spring gridders
engage in their annual battle.h-
igan track meet at Ferry Field at
2 30 p. m wil b e b y i e tif ca
be charged 25 cents.


The withdrawal of Trace Call, due PlynIttebs oipeste
tQ a fever, aLnd the death of Budidy Paying ad ther betdimptress the
I-anford, cut us to the bone. In the coachpesand ther dinthamries ho-
futures, Trace Call had come from wil presentgo oun ohm the Mcve-
60 to 1, to 4o to 1, to 20 to 1, and egd gChdcags Alumn roh,6 Mich-
was l'aed estrda ashavg atraining season with a regulation
real chance for .the plum ames between two picked teams at
Hanford, the little jockey, was 4 p. m. today in the Stadium.
killed at Pimlico. That little son-of- Trhe Yellow, coached by Harry
a-gun was in himself the big reason Kipke, head football coach, and
for Trace Call's rise in favor. Wally Webber, will enter the game
The four big favorites of the mu- as underdogs since their starting
tuels are Ladysman (f ading odds), lineup will include ten freshman and
Head Play (late smart money), Char- one member of last year's "B" team.
hey 0. (latest smart money), and Judging on the basis of Varsity ex-
Broker's Tip (Kentuckian's hope). perience, the Blues, coached by Cliff
But with the drawings, Charley 0. Keen and Jack Blott, are conceded
may also fade in the betting. He a distinct edge, since their starting
drew number two from the post with team includes six Varsity letter win-
Pompoleon, who might be withdrawn ners, two "B" players and three
withdrawn, then Charley 0. will be Stan Fay, Captain-elect of Michi-
against the rail and in the hot cor- gan's 1933 title contenders, will lead
ncr. the Blue veterans

Ne tter s Meet
Wildcats Today
At E van s ton,
After meeting the Maroons in the
first of a series of two Conference
matches, the Maize-and-Blue tennis
squad will mee t the Northwestern
netters in the second of these two
matches today.
The Wolves are crippled by the
loss of Capt. Dick Snell; number two
man on the squad, due .to sickness.
In addition to this loss the Wolves
are hampered by the lack of prac-
tice. The courts have been covered
by watei' the first part of this week
ancJ the latter part of the week, the
cold weather prohibited workouts.
The Wildcats are rated one of the
strongest teams in the Conference,
even better than the Maroon net-
men. Even better than last year
when they had one of the best Con-
ference teams, the Wildcats will
probably offer the Wolves some tough
competition if they intend to win.I
The Maize-and-Blue squad, on the
other hand, has a much better lineup
than they had last year and are
strong enough to offer anyone in the
Conference some opposition in their
meets. '
Coach Johnny Johnstone was not
overly optimistic about the outcome I
of the matches, however, when the
squad left on the trip. He seemed to
think that the combination of no
practice and the loss of their num-
ber two man would seriously hamper
the Wolves in their net matches
with, perhaps, the two strongest
teams in the Conference.
Ed "Strangler' L e w i s, former
world's heavyweight wrestling cham-
pion, may be slipping, but he was
good enough to take two easy falls
out of three from Ira Dern of Salt
Lake City.

PaasCItalI Team
This Afternoon
WVlii tey Wister~t To Pitch
Iii Second Coiference
TjIt For Wolverines
Michigan will play its second con-
~erence ball game this afternoon
;qud ege hiao' ine at" th
Midway. Whitey Wistert, a Chicago
boy, will do the pitching for the Wol--
verines. .
The Wovein am drppdis
14 to 10 count two weeks ago. Wis-
tert started this game for Michigan
but was driven from the mound.
while his successors, Art Patchin,.
Ken Manuel, and Harry Tillotson
f ared little better again the Illini
batsmen. .
Chicago has had rather a disas-
trous season, dropping games to
Northwestern and Purdue. The Wild-
cats clammed out a 16 to 4 decision
over the Maroons while .Purdue won
a 8 to 6 verdict last Wednesday.
Chicago mappged to nose out the I
American College of Physical Edu-'i
cation team 8 to 7 in a 10-inning
Johnnie Baker has started bothi
Conference contests for Chicago and
failed to survive either one, so that
Bob Langford, who hurled creditably
in a relief role against Northwestern,
may get the call. The Maroons miss
the pitching of Roy H-enshaw, star
left-hander, who joined the Chicago
Cubs this season. .
Michigan's lineup is almost certain
to be identical with that which start-
ed yesterday's game against Western
State Teacher's College of Klamazoo,
barring the starting pitcher.

Etc twi Inning Camne
Closes In Win For
Boston Braves, 2-1
In a prolonged battle which ran
t o 1 a " in n i n g s B o s t o n o e d o u t t h e
in the National League. Rain was I
too much forAnmeican Leagu teams
into action, held back either by cold
or wet grounds.
After a bad inning, Bill Swift ral-
lied to make it two straight for Pitts-
burgh over the Brooklyn Dodgers,
4 to 2. Ray Kolp's fine relief pitch- I
ing took the Giants into camp, 8
to 5, while St. Louis beat Phila-
delphia, S to 3, for the other National

Senior Engineer Hurls
No-hit Softball Cane
While Vernon Gomez of the
New ok Yankees failed torgis-
against Detroit when he allowed
two hskin the oninth, Wolfde
hit ball for the Bluebird, amem-
ber of the independent softball
league, against the Rams in a six
inning game, played on South
Ferry Field.

Beat Dayton U.*
In Wet Match

Coe horse Is
Still Favorite
On Eve Of Race

- . ---- .- I

22 Thoroughbreds
10 Start; Rain
Track Slow and


Charley 0. might have been ridden
by John Gilbert but after a wait,
Corbett was signed. Gilbert is now
on Sarada and this young daring
rider is drawing a lot of late money
to the son of Sir Gallahad III.
Silent Shot, Chicago owned, will
not start unless it is muddy. But the
latest dope is that it will be wet. It
rained considerably Thursday night
and showered Friday. It may clear
up for the raices, but it is doubtful,
the latest reports state.
The 22 awaiting the bugle call are,
in order of positions: Pompoleon,
Charley 0., Fingal, Good Advice,
Warren, Jr., Dark Winter, Ladysman
(7), Kerry Patch, Inlander, Captain
Red, Head Play (11), Strideaway,
Spieson, Boilermaker, Silent Shot,
Sarada, At Top, Isaiah (18), Broker's
Tip, Pomponius, Fair Rochester, Mr.
Khayyam (22).
Of this group Trace Call is out
and, Good Advice, Isaiah, Stride-
away, -and Spicson may not start.
Fair Rockester, Dark Winter, and
possibly- one or two others may also
be out of it at the start. Boilermaker
(14) is definitely in. He is the fastest
breaker in the group-or rated to be
-and sis expected, to set the opening
pace. Col. Bradley is planning on
keeping Broker's Tip back until
Boilermaker has killed off the rest
of the field. Then, if his plans go
through, Broker's Tip will make his
bid in time to win.
And Joe E. Brown is there and
he might open his mouth, emit his
"Upton" and scare all the horses
into jumping the fence, although
he'd be breaking his movie contract
to do it.
NumbersO Players Iiage
Grid fans attending the final
scrimmage of the spring practice
period this af ternoon in the Stadium
arc advised to take this list which
will be the only means of identifica-
tion available:
LBlwe Yellow
7-Battistini 0-Walbridge
9-Westover 6-Tamagno
11--Johnson 1 1-Shaw
1 2-Mauillo 1 4-S vodik
14-Stone - 16--Viergiver
16-Fuog 1 7-Dauksza
1 7-Malesavich 1 9-Ponto
19-Ross 21-Beard
2 1-Schmidt 26-Thompson
22-Triplehorn 30-Jacobs
28-Greening 31-Swanson
3 1-Everhardus 32-Wells
32-Tessmer 35-James
34-Miller 38-Nelson
35-Fay 39-Stonuc
39-McClintock 43-Stone
40-Renaud 14-Bolis
42-McGuire 50-Singer
43-Semeya 52-Ottoman
44-Kowalik 56-Pomeroy
53-Remias 57-Ode
63 -Renner' 58-Cavan
64-Stetson 68-Lewis
72-Jacobson G6-Schultzt
73-Austin Pihlinger
74-Borgman Wilhelm

as they attempt to
stem the drive of
the first year men.
.Herm Everhardus
will play the other
half, opposite Fay,
while Zit Tessmer,
a, veteran of the
1930 and '31 teams
will be at the sig-
nal calling post. -
F ~S te ve Remias,
freshman fullback from Chicago, will
be the only inexperienced back and
he will have his hands full trying
to keep up 'the standard set by John
Regeezi last fall. *
Hilt Ponto, fullback for the Yel-
lows, played guard on last year's
"B" team. The other Yellow backs
are Tony Dauksza, quarter, King
Lewis and George Bolis, halfbacks.
All were high school stars and are
all fighting for the Chicago Alumni
The starting line-ups:
SYellow Blue
Tamagno . .... .R E. . . .. ..Johnson
Viergiver.. .. .. . RI . .. ... .. Austin
Singer. .... . . RG. .. . ..Borgman
Schultz.. .. .. . .C. ... . .. .. .. Fuog
Beard . ... . . . .. L.'. . . ...Kowalik
S tone .. ... .. .. .LI'. . .. .. Jacobsoin
Cavan . E.....Malasevichi
Bolis . .. . ... ..Q . .. ... .Tessmei
Lewis .... . .. . .RH . .... . .. ..Fa
Dauksza. .. .. . .LH. ..Everhardu
Ponto. . .. ... ..F. . .. ..... Remia~
Wolves Meet Ohio
rfekt Today
(Continued from Page i)

WV. L. Pct. Playing in a continuous rain from
Newv York .. . ... .. . .12 5 .706 start to finish, the Michigan golfers
Chicago .. .. .. .. .. . .11 7 .6.11 won their third dual meet of the sea-
Cleveland.. . . .. .. ...11 7 .611 son yesterday from the strong Ui-
Washington . .... .. ..10 7 .588 versity of Dayton team, 14 to 4.
Detroit............. 9 9 .500 Despite the bad weather, several
Philadelphia . .... ....6 11 .353 good scores were turned in. Ruddey
St. Louis . .. .. ... .. ..7 13 .350) of the visiting team had the best
Boston .. .. .. .. . .. ,... 12 ..294 card with a 76. The other commend-
No games because of . inclement able scores in view of the heavy rain I
weather. . were a 78 by Johnny Fischer, and
_________79's by Ed Dayton and E. Hamant.
NATINALLEAGE -The Wolverines lost only one I
NATIOAL LAGUEmatch, a singles contest, Ruddey
W. L. Pet. taking Dayton, 2%V. to . Fischer
Pittsburgh .. ....1 .765 keptH up his splndid recor by beat-
Boston . .. ........9 9 .509 and Markham were both victorious
St. Louis .. .......9 9 .500 I over C. Hamant and Wall with scores
Cincinnati......8 8 .500 of 3 toO.
Brooklyn.......8 9 .437 Michia wnthe tw foursome
Chicago.......8 11 .389 matches, Fische and Markham win-
Philadelphia.....7 13 ..316 ning over E. Hamant and Wall, 2 >
Boston. 2-8-0, Betts and Hogan, to , and Jolly and Dayton taking;
Spoher;Chiag,1-8-0 Root and Ruddey and C. Hlamant by the same
phret;t. cgo score.
Hincnti, 8--,Fe op A lare gallery started out witha
CandLonari Ne--w, .Yr, K-7-5 the players, but with the ru in coming
SpncerLuqued 'ndw MY o.-75 down in a heavy, steady downpour,
Spener, uquearidMancso.most of the spectators became dis-
Pittsburgh, 4-8-0, Swvift and cuae n rp e u.
Grace; Brooklyn, 2-7-1, Shaute, corgdaddopdot
Benge and Outen, Piciinich, Mungo. CALIFORNIA BOASTS 880 MAN
St. Louis, 5-10-0, Walker and Ly eReynolds, capte in-elect of the
Wilson; Phil ade 1p h ia, 3-8-0, California track team, won five
Pearce, Liska and Davis. straighnt victories ini the 880-yard
run in dual meets this year. The only
WOMEN'S .NET TOURNEY man to defeat him was Woodrow
Kingswood School Cranbrook, is Kice, a team mate.
going to sponsor a tennis tournament j-______
to determine the. Michigan .junior WISCONSIN HIAS CO-CAPTAINS
woman net champion. The age limit At a recent meeting of the mem-
is 18 years, and entrants must be bers of the Wisconsin hockey squad,
either freshmen or sophomores. All Bob Halversori, '34, and Bill South-
those interested must sign up by May: worth, '34, were elected co-captains
8 at the athletic office at Barbour of the team for the next season,
gymnasium. 1933-34.

LOUISVILLE, May 5.-(P)--The
popular belief that the fifty-ninth
running of the $60,000 Kentucky
Derby tomorrow will be a wide open
race, already increased by prospects
of a heavy track as well as the pres-
ence of a well-matched field, was em
the names of 22 crack three-year-
olds, an unexpectedly large number,
into the entry box at churchill
If they all parade to the post
around 6:00 p. m. (Detroit time) in
quest of the rich prize, the record
field of 1928 would be equaled, but
at least four or five' and possibly
seven horses will be scratiched before
the bugle calls.
Meanwhile, with today's track
sloppy from a heavy overnight rain
and another shower expected before
clearing weather sets in for- Derby
Day, the owners took no .chances and
put all possible racing resour'ces Into
the lists. William R. Coe, of New
York, whose fragile Ladysnian con-
LOUISVILLE, May 5. - (/P)--
Head Play, hope of the West in
the Kentucky Derby tomorrow and
second choice to Ladysman in the
betting, was sold suddenly this
afternoon, for a cash price of $30,-
000, plus a percentage of possible
derby winnings, and will race in
the Classic in the colors of Mi's.
Silas B. Mason, of Richmond Ky.
t'inued to hold the place 6f pre-race
favorite, and Col. Edward Riley
Sradley, famous Kentuckian who has
wvon three Derbies, each posted three
Coc named Ladysman, Pompontus
and Pompoleon, all sons of Pompey.
Bradley entered Broker's Tip, Boiler-
(Continued on Page 6)

The lineups:
Artz, rf
Waterbor, 2b
Braendle, lf
Petoskey, cf
Diffiey, c
Teitelbaum, ss
Manuel, lb
Oliver, 3b
Wistert, p

Beeks, cf
Page, irf
011111, c
Lewis, lb
Wchlman, 2b
Straske, 3b
Decker, ss
Seul, l
Baker or
Langford, p

Dick Degener, Taylor Drysdale, Tex
Robertson, Bob Lawrence and sev-
eral other Michigan Varsity and
freshmen swimmers completed in the
Michigan A.A.U. meet at Detroit


ties 65c, 2 for $1.25
pring Suits and Flannels
at Reasonable Prices.
1319 South University


>rssd to break the tape against this
The distance runs will also be close
races. Doe Howell and Childs paired
off against Ohio's Johnny Moore and
Jack Levine should give the fans a
good race. Howell showed that he was
at peak form when he turned in a
4:24.7 mile earlier in the week.
Bill Hill and Rod Howell will run
the two-mile for Michigan and here
again there will be a fast race. Hill,
especially, has been rounding into
mid-season form and is a favorite to
cop this event. Howell will be run- I
nimg his first Conference race.
Several men have come up from
the Wolverine sophomore ranks this I
year who promise to have a hand in
the point-winig tomorrow. Besides
Childs and Howell, Coach Hoyt will
depend on Willis Ward, star high-
jumper, sprinter and hurdler; Cass!
Kemp sprinter, and Bob Kosichek,
javeli thoe.
A number of Michigan track lumi-
naries will run for the last time on
Ferry Field. Led by Captain De-
Baker, the senior team-members in-
clude Turner, Howell, Hill, Egleston',
Cox, Damm and Braden among
~ A

Bright Tobacco a]
is another reason why 2 N
Chesterfields are ilder
and Taste Better a1 a e
MELLOWNESS is a qua] ity you
can't get overnight. It has to
begin in the young tobacco. plauts.
And that's one reason why we use
just the right amount of ~bright";..
tobacco from old Virginia, the Caro- :
linas and Georgia. Because it's full_
of Southern sunshine ... with a fine,
light COlor that ~sxiles right back ~ ............
at you."
We age this leaf for two ycars, and
then blend and cross-blend it with the
other kinds of Domestic and Tu rkish
tobaccos in Chesterfield so you get "Bigt oaco..hein w
a cigaretto that's milder and tastes -s nteCetredbed
We believe you will thoroughly


.~q, I@FW*Vd ft

Maj. Bob Neyland, head football
coach at Teunflssee, will coitinuei to
have his men dress in a dingy room
under the stadium for 1933 games,
evenrthough a new quarter-milo
dressing rooms has just been erected
rr,~i~ ~.1b) EOh fss'slm le is

Burr, Patterson U Al Co
Detroit, Muciu~n & WaVIer viII, Ontedo
SFor your convenience


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