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May 02, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-02

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Ypsi Tracksters
To Meet Wolves

Ward Places Second In Century At Drake Relays

By John Thomas

In Opener Today
Ferry Field To Be Scene
Of Meet; Identification
Cards Necessary
To Start At Four

B. B. Receipts Up
Spring Football
Sport Shots
* * *
Ieipts from the two
I ig home baseball
lames has assumed
i total that rivals
4' that for all of last
year, $21.
The Illinois game
nade twice as much
money for the Ath-
letic Associaiton as
'iie opening game
did last year although the price had
been slashed to 25 cents. The Mich.
igan State game last Saturday drew
about $80 whereas the same game
last year netted only $30.
The baseball team takes the road
today for 'a one-day stand in Ypsi,
returning home to clash with Hills-
dale tomorrow, resting one day and
then journeying to Kalamazoo to
play Western State Friday and con-
tinuing on to Chicago to meet the
Maroons Saturday.
' Next Tuesday Western State will
play a return game here and on Fri-
day and Saturday, Ohio State will
furnish the opposition for two games
on Ferry Field.
CHICK MEEHAN, now athletic di-
rector of Manhattan College,
brings up a nice question with his
statement recently that, "The best
football teams of the future will
come from the South, because cli-
matic conitions allow longer spring
Spring drill has long been recog-
nized by football coaches and has
become a standard feature at all
leading colleges. Without the pres-
sure of next Saturday's game ever
in front of the coaches, they have a
chance to pick out their most prom-
ising recruits, both freshmen and
former reserves, without making any
concessions of filling positions with
men who will do.
They give the newcomer an excel-
lent chance to become acquainted
with "the fundamentals, taking his
time learning them thoroughly with-
out pressure of approaching sched-
ules, and the system preferred by
the particular coach.,
Spring practice serves yet another
good-that of experience. Possibly it
is one of the best ways to build ex-
perience. There is. no hurrying to
half-learn plays. All the time that
is needed is there and many football
players are of the plugging type that
need a long time to learn, but once
it is mastered they are letter-perfect.
Frequent scrimmages lead up to
the "big game" at the end of the
spring drills. Michigan has had
three or four major scrimmages this
year and the "big game" comes next
However, spring practice might be
continued all summer, as in the case
of Southern California last year.
Captain Tage Brown, that great half
of a still greater tackle combination,'
spent the greater part of the summer
doing nothing but work out in shorts
and cleated shoes with the other
members of the Trojans' squad and
whether it was Brown or the pre-
season training that did it, the effect
was devastating to some opposing
The Big Ten will not allow all-
summer practice, but the players arc
expected to return in excellent shape
in the fall. The organization also
has definite rules as to the length of
the spring season.
But Michigan has added another
feature to the usually staid spring
drills-the Chicago Alumni Trophy
The freshman ..
whose attendance a1
is regular, whose
a b i i t y shows
promise, w h o s e n ;5.

manner and atti-
tude is above re- -
proach, is the dis-
tinguished winner
at the end of each
spring's season.
Last year Jerry
Ford won it and
Herman Everhardus the year before.
Zit Tessmer was the winner the year
before that and Sol Hudson preceded
There are three methods of rat-
ing Michigan grid men. One is
whether he was captain or not. An-
other is his All-American, All-Con-
ference honors, if any. The third is
whether he won the Alumni Cup or
* * *
Indiana has a Big Ten title race
all its own with its squad of football
candidates broken up into different
teams. Minnesota, Purdue, and
Wisconsin are leading the league.
They failed to name a team "Michi-
Dick Degener not only successfully
defended his indoor high-board div-

Dc Baker, Ward,
And Others To
Star Wolverine


Wolverine tracksters will inaugurate
their home season at 4 p. m. today
when they clash with Michigan State
Normal College on Ferry Field. Coach
Charlie Hoyt has entered his entire
squad against the Ypsilanti invad-
ers and a close meet is in prospect.
This afternoon's engagement will
be one of the two opportunities that
Wolverine track followers will have
to see the Michigan squad in action.
Saturday's meet with Ohio State
will mark their only other local ap-
One of the greates cinder teams
in Michigan track history will take
the field against the Hurons. Cap-
tained by Charlie
DeBaker, the Wol-
verines number in
their roster a gal-
axy of stars. De-
Baker, an o u t -
standing threat in
the 440-yard dash
placed second in
the Conference in-
door meet, andle
the Wolves' mile
relay team to victory at Drake Sat-
Willis Ward, spectacular "One-
Man Track Team," will be making
his first home .stand, as a Varsity
representative. He is slated for a
husy afternoon -as -he, is- entered in
the high jump, the 100-yard dash,
the high hurdles and the broad
jump. . . . ,
Turner Half-Mile Favorite
Ned Turner, -half-mile star, will
be running in competition on Ferry
Field for th6 first time since the
Olympic tryouts last year. He is
entered in the 880-yard run with
Braden, Lemen, and Freeze, and is a
favorite to cop this event.
Hawley Egleston, point-winner in
the recent Drake Relays, is entered
in both the high and low hurdles.
He will be assisted by Boyd Pant-
lind, Grand Rapids sophomore, who
is making his first home appearance.
Haefele and Ward are Michigan's
other hurdle entrants.
"Doe" Howell is the Wolverines'
outstanding threat in the mile run.
The senior cross-country captain has
been showing excellent form of late,
and should give Zepp of the Hurons
a battle royal. Childs and McManus
are his supporting cast.
Heston And Kemp Dash Threats
Jack Heston and Cass Kemp are
entered in both the 100 and 220-
yard dash events. Hill and McMillan
are the outstanding contenders in
the two-mile. Blumenfeld and Danim
are prominent in the shot put.
Ypsilanti boasts Tom Quinn in the
half-mile, Zepp in the distances,
Captain McKinley and Lowry in the
pole vault, Eugene Beatty in the
hurdles, and several other national-
ly-prominent tracksters.
Student identification cards are
good for admittance to the meet.
Tentative Date Set
For Trophy Award
May 10 will probably be the date
for the presentation of the Chicago
Alumni Trophy to the most promis-
ing freshman in spring football
practice, Coach Harry Kipke said
yesterday. This date is only a tenta-
tive selection as yet.
Among the prominent candidates
for the cup are the following fresh-
men: Remias, Johnson, Malashevich,
Stone, Wells, Bolis, Dauksza, and
Representatives of the Chicago
chapter of the Alumni Association,
which donates the trophy each year,
will come to Ann Arbor to make the
presentation. It is awarded to the
outstanding freshman of the year.
the selection being based, on general
ability, attitude, and attendance at
practice. t

Gerald Ford, '35, received the
award last year, and Herman Ever-
hardus, '34, received it the year
In wet weather, Purdue locker
room attendants remove daily two
five gallon buckets of mud which is
carried in by the football squad.

-Associated Press Photo
Willis Ward, Michigan's second Eddie Tolan, covered the 100-yard stretch and came in second to
Jtalph Metcalfe, Marquette's great sprinter and the title-holder, at the annual Drake Relays. The time was
only 1-5 second slower than his record of last year. Left to right at the finish: Colletti of Loyola, Hall of
Kansas, Metcalfe of Marquette, Ward of Michigan, Cox of Oklahoma, Huffman of Iowa Wesleyan, and
Smith of Drake.

Wolves To Play
Third Game Of
Ypsilanti Series
Patchin To Start h n Box
For Michigan; Lineup
Remains Unchanged
Opening the stiffest week of the
baseball season Michigan's nine will
journey to Ypsilanti this afternoon
for the third game in its series with
Michigan State Normal College.
The Wolverines have captured both
of the previous contests which were
played last week on Ferry Field, and
will be seeking their third consecu-
tive vicory over the Hurons.
Art Patchin and Whitey Wistert,
who hurled rather mediocre ball
against Michigan State Saturday,
should draw today's pitching assign-
ment, with Patchin opening the
game on the mound.
Lineup Unchanged
Although the lineup which will
start the game is ;the same one
which faced the Spartans last Sat-
urday, Coach Ray Fisher declared
he was disappointed with the hit-
ting in the last game. Michigan col-
lected but seven base hits, Artz and
Petoskey getting three apiece.
Milton Mott, whom the Maize-
and-Blue hitters drove from the box
in Monday's game against M. S. N. C.,
is slated again to do the hurling,
although he has been suffering from
a sore arm, and a last-minute shift
may send Tomi Quinlan, who was
beaten inda pitching duel on Friday,
to the box.
Paulson Still Out
With Clayt Paulson still on the
injured list as a result of Friday's
game, in which he broke his thumb,
Russ Oliver will again be at third
base. In addition Fred Ratterman,
Johnny Regeezi, and Hal Roehrig
are expected to break into the lineup
in the later stages of the game.
The lineup follows:
Michigan M. S. N. C.
Artz, rf Batterson, 3b
Waterbor, 2b Wittkop, ss
Braendle, If Cohen, lb
Petoskey, cf Seitz, rf
Diffley, c F. Worzniak, 2b
Teitelbaum, ss J. Worzniak, If
Manuel, lb Gruber, cf
Oliver, 3b Packard, c
Patchin, p Mott, p
Brit ish IWo i (loffers
Call Courses 'Too Long
LONDON, May 1.-01-American
women are keener than English girls
on golf. They seem to think golf,
talk golf, and even dream golf, ac-
cording to Miss Dix Perkins, a mem-
ber of the British women's team back
after an American tour.
The British women had only one
criticism to make of their tour; that
the golf courses on which they played
are too long for women.

Micligan Net
Squad To Mee
Spartans Here
.Michigan's Varsity tennis team
will be seeking its third successive s
victory of the season in its match b
today with the strong Michigan State
aggregation, scheduled for 3 p. m.
on the Ferry Field courts.
It will be the fourth match of the
year for the Spartan netters who
have an overwhelming win over
Kalamazoo and matches with Ypsi-
lanti and Notre Dame already under
their belts.
Coach John Johnstone feels that
the Wolverines, rapidly gaining con-
fidence after scoring wins over De-
troit Tennis Club and Western State
Teachers College of Kalamazoo, are
developing into a powerful club and,
though advance dope gives State the
victory, hopes to see his youngsters
come through.
Comparative records give State a
decided edge since they shut out the
Western State Teachers, 9 to 0, a
week ago while the Wolverines had
to be satisfied with a scant 4 to 3
victory over the same aggregation
last week.
Seymour Seigel, sophomore sensa-
tion, will probably meet Al Weitz,
Spartan ace, in the feature match of
the afternoon.
Johnstone plans to stick to the
team that turned back Kalamazoo
Saturday using, besides Seigel, Cap-
tain Dick Snell, Nisen, and Baldwin.
The Spartans will use the same
lineu that has turned in such in-
pressive showings so far, using Weitz,
Norris, Link, Goodwin and Stone-
Golfers To Tekl
wildcats Tomorrow
The Varsity golf team under Coach
Trueblood left early this morning
for Evanston to encounter North-
western tomorrow in its first Con-
ference meet of the season.
The easy manner in which they
defeated State 24 to 3 last Satur-
day has raised their morale a great
deal, although they do expect a tough
mnatch from the Wildcats. Johnny
Fischer will play his usual No. 1 po-
sition with Ed Dayton at No. 2, Cap-
tain Jolly at No. 3, and Markham
No. 4. Markham, due to his consist-
ent play last week and his good
showing Saturday, has beaten out
Carol Sweet and George David for
the No. 4 post.
The major league standings and
ball scores will be found on page 2
of this issue.
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