a in the Buletin n sconstructive notice to a llmembers a fthe
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until
a. m. Saturday.
New Board Of Directors Of Associated Press Meet In New York
TIESDAY, MAY 2, 1933
No. 152
A'ngeb uall Observatory (on the fifth floor of Angell Hall) will be open
to the public from 8:00 to 1000 on Tuesday evening, May 2, for the purpose
of observing the moon. Children must be accompanied by adults.
tibrary Science Students 1933-1934: Admission to the first year courses
in Library Science during the year 1933-1934 will be strictly limited to fifty
ftliie .students,
All students desiring to elect such courses next fall should interview
a representative of the Department of Library Science between May 3 and
May 15. Students are asked to call at the Librarian's Office, 210 General
Libary, between the hours of 10-12 and 3-5 on thee dates.
Wi. W. $isliop, Librarian
Students Inerested in Librarianshp: The Librarian of the University
uwll be glad to confer with students interested in librarianship as a career
by ppointment at any .time betwe n now and the end of the seiester.
euch students frequently require advice as to their choice of studies in
fitting themselves to be librarians. The Librarian will be glad to assist in
this ahoice id 1 a vising students as to the possibilities of usefulness in
public service as librarians. Wn. W. Bishop, Librarian
Poetry Reading. Contest: Preliminaries for the poetry reading con-
test of the Interpretive Arts Society will be held on May 10. Each contest-
ant will be given twelve Minutes in which to interpret from memory poetry=
of his own choosing. Contestants must be eligible to take part in public
actiyities and must be memers of the Interpretive Arts Society. Professor
Hollister will be 1n Room 302 Mason Hall on Thursday May 4 from 3 to 4
an4 fro 5:15 to 5:45 to receive applications fo'r membership and to confer
with contestants
Senloi-s in Education: Qrders for announcements will be taken at the
allowing times: Tuesday, May 2, 3-5 p. m.; Wednesday, May 3, 3-5 p. i.;
n.d ''hursday, May 4, 1-5 p. m. on the fourth floor of the University High
hool Payment must be made in full at time of ordering.
specti on, of sample announcemens may be made in the offices of
the chool of Education, in care of Miss Clark.
Freshman Literary Studnts: Pay your dues of 50 cents for this year
to o0 of the following persons:
Bob D. Hilty, Ceorge Northridge, Louise French, Helen Haxton, Joseph
L. Krpinski,. S dgWckl Stag, Betty Chapman, Ann Timmons, Eloise
Moore, and Helen nkin.
There will be a table in the lobby of Angell Hall on Tuesday, Wednes-
day, and Thursday where dues will be payable. In Mosher-Jordan dues may
be given to Miss French or Miss Chapman; in Betsy Barbour, to Miss Tim-
mons; and in Helen Newberry, to Miss Haxton or Miss Moore.
No one may hold ofilce during his college term unless his dues are paid
In full..
Seniors-Literary College: Commencements and initations will be on
saleain Angell Hall lobby from 10:00 a. m. until 3:00 p. m. today .
Ensian Payment Due: The second installment of the Michiganensian
S ferred paymnent plan is now due. Payment is to be made at the 'Ensian
business office, Student Publications Building, Maynard Street.
Faculty Meeting College Of Engineering: There will be a meeting
Thursday at 4:15 p. m. in Room 348 W. Engineering Building.
Union Tryouts: There will be a eeting of all Union Tryouts on Wed-
nesday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. Important that all tryouts be there.
Aero. 6-Wind Tuninel Laboratory: Squad II-A will meet in the Wind
Tunnel at the usual time today.
English 218: There will be no meeting of this class today. A make-up
meeting will be arranged. N. E. Nelson
students in Education: The following are the dates set for various
kinds of exaninations required by the School of Education:
I. Subject Matter Quialifying Examinations required before D100 may
be elected: Saturday, May 20, at 8 o'clock (not 9 o'clock).
II. Comprehensive Professional Examination required of all students
planning to take the teacher's certificate: Saturday, May 20, at
8:30 o'clock. Special Note: All persons expecting to take this ex-
amination are asked to leave their names with Miss Clark in
Room 1437 U.E.S. at once.
C. 0. Davis, Secretary
Language ExaminatIon for M.A. Degree in History: An opportunity
will be offered Friday, May 5, in Room 1009 A.H., at 4 p. m. A. S. Aiton
German Department: The monthly departmental meeting at 4:15 in
Room 201 University Hall.
Junior Research Club: Dr. C. A. Arnold "Ancient and Mediaeval Ideas
Concerning Fossils." Dr. T. G. Bernthal "Carotid Sinus Reflexes in Rela-
tio.n to the Control of Blood Vessel Caliber," at 7:30 p. m. in Room 2082
Natural Science..
Physics Colloquium: Mr. Harold Koenig will talk on "The Hill Equation
with Special R1eference to Certain Types of Forced Vibrations," at 4:15
p, in., in Room 1041, East Physics Building. All interested are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Luncheon for Graduate Students in the Russian Tea room of the
Michigan League. Cafeteria Service. Dr. Luther Purdom, Director of the
University Bureau of Appointments, will discuss the work of his depart-
R. O. T. C.: A parade will be held on Ferry Field, or Field House in
event of rain, at 5:10 p. m. This ceremony will be substituted for the regu-
lar drills in Waterman Gymnasium week beginning Monday, May 1.
All Campus Open Forum: The Student Christian Association presents
A. J. Elliott, Secretary, National Council of Students Christian Associa-
tions, who will discuss "The Significance of College Attitudes" in the Natu-
ral Science Auditorium at 4:15 p. .ml.
Phi Delta Kappa. Special meeting at 4:30 p. m. in Room 4009 U.H.S.
Certain matters concerning our contribution to the program' of the Com-
mission on the Emergency in Education have been referred to us by the
National Office.
Adelphi House of Representatives meets on the fourth floor of Angell
Hall at 7:30 p. in. There will be a joint meeting with the Alpha Nu de-
bating society. Prof. James Pollock will speak on "Hitlerism."
Alpha Nu of Kappa Phi Sigma will hold a joint meeting with Adelphi
in the Alpha Nu room fourth floor Angell Hall, Tuesday, May 2, at 7:30.
Prof. James K. Pollock will speak on "Hitler and the Nazi Program." All
members expected to attend, and the general public is cordially invited.
Black Quill: Important meeting at the League at 8:00 p. m. All mem-
bers urged to be present and to bring at least two manuscripts to be con-
sidered for publication.
New York..
Cleveland .
Chicago . .
's. LociS
W. L. Pet.
11 4 .733
10 6 .625
10 7 .588
10 7 .588
8 8 .,00
6 10 .:7 3
Boston .............. 4 11 .l67
Cleveland. i-0-2, fHildiebrand aid
Spencer; Chicago, 1-5-1, Durhai,
Faber, Frasier, M uray, Miller, uid
W. L. Pet.
.11 3 ..78G
Pit ts1iuirgh
-Associated Press Photo
Officers and the new board of directors of The Associated Press are shown as they met in the offices of the news organization in
New York. Seated left to right: W. H. Cowles of the Spokane Spokes man-Review, Elbert H. Baker, Cleveland Plain Dealer; Frank B. Noyes
of the Washington Star, who was re-elected president, and Adolph S. Ochs, New York Times. S tanding: J. Randall Youatt, treasurer;
Jackson S. Elliott, assistant general manager; E. Lansing Ray of the St. Louis Globe Democrat; Kent Cooper, general manager; J. R.
Knowland, Oakland Tribune; Robert McLean, Philadelphia Bulletin; Frederick E. Murphy, Minneapolis Tribunc; Stuarf H. aerry, Adrian
Daily Telegram; Robert R. McCormick, Chicago Tribune; Paul Patterson, Baltimore Sun; George B. Longan, Kansas City Star; Richard
Hooker, Springfield Republican, and L. K. Nicholson, New Orleans Times-Picayune.
New York .... . ....
Brooklyn ..............
St. Louis ... ........
Pittsburgh, 10-17-0,
8i 4
7 6
7 7
6 8
5 7
5 9
Grace; Philadelphia, 0-9-2, Colinzs,
Moore, and Davis, Todd.
Brown, State Representative,
Defends Budget Cut Proposal
The following article, which appeared
in the Ingham County News, was writ-
ten by Vernon J. Brown, Republican
State Representative. It should not be
construed as reflecting the opinion of
The Daily. Because of a limited space,
the article is reprinted only in part.
"A great deal of confusion in the
public mind has arisen as the result
of a controversy which has raged
about legislative halls during recent
weeks concerning the cut in the mill
tax appropriation for the University
of Michigan. Much of this confusion
has resulted directly from gross mis-
representations of facts sent to
alumni of the University by those in
charge at Ann Arbor. A committee
of 100, selected by some unknown
group of former graduates now in
prominent positions in the business
and professional life of the State,
sent out an SOS to all known for-
mer students now residents of Michi-
gan. The appeal contained in the
circular was pathetic. The persons
to whom these appeals were sent
were told what to write, how to write
it, and when to write.
"The result was a veritable shower
of letters to members of the Legisla-
ture as well as a shower of editorials
appearing in many of the newspapers
of the State. Students also were told
to write home to parents asking them
to intercede to "save our dear old
Michigan from destruction."
Cut Will Not Harm
"Now first let it be discovered from
the facts whether or not the Uni-
versity of Michigan, as one nearby
editor puts it,, will have "mediocrity"
forced upon it. Let it be discovered
whether or not, the cultural atmos-
*phere of the University campus is be-
ing threatened, as the same editor
"The pay roll of the University in a
single year, the last fiscal year if you
please, amounted in round numbers
to $4,500,000. The cut imposed by the
house appropriation amounts in
round figures to $1,500,000. The $1,-
should see Miss Grace, in the office of the College, not later than noon
Men's Riding Class will meet tonight at 7 o'clock at the Engineering
The Mixed Riding Class will meet at the North University entrance
of the Michigan League Building at 8:30 p. m.
Tango Dancing Class for students will meet in the Michigan League
ballroom at 7:00 p. m.
Varsity Band: Meet at 5:00 in the south west corner of Ferry Field
in full uniform. Bring Marching folio. A truck will leave Morris Hall at
4:55 p. m. sharp with heavy instruments.
Literature group of the Faculty-Student Forum meets at 7:30 p. m.,
League. Topic, "Poetry." All interested in this group are invited.
Christian Science Organization meets at eight o'clock this evening in
the chapel of the Michigan League building. All faculty and students inter-
ested are invited to attend.
Gargoyle Business Staff: Important meeting of the entire staff at four
o'clock.-Tryouts to report for mailing out at 3:30. Please be prompt.
Play-reading Section of the Faculty Women's Club will hold its last
meeting of the year pt 2:15 in the Alumnae Room of the Michigan League.
Following the program there will be a tea in honor of the new officers. A
full attendance is desired.
Michigan Dames: The regular general meeting at 8 p. m., Michigan
League, when election of officers will be conducted.
At this time tickets for the banquet to be held May 16 may be ob-
tained from Mrs. W. E. Brown. Delinquent dues may also be paid.
Chemistry Colloquium will meet in Room 303 on Wednesday, May 3.
The first paper will start at 4:05 p. m.
H. S. Jennings: Studies on methods for the determination of adhe-
sion tension.
C. W. Walton: Alteration of the surface properties of Stibnite as re-
vealed by adhesion tension studies.
Illustrated Lecture on Aerial Photography to be given by Major James
A. Bagley, U. S. Engineers' Corps in Natural Science Auditorium Wednes-
day, May 3, at 7:30 p. m. Open to the Public.
Zeta Phi Eta: Instead of the regular meeting on Tuesday night, there
will be a very important meeting Wednesday at 7:45 in the League. All
members must be present.
Triangles: Important meeting Wednesday, May 3, at Michigan Union.
Please be prompt-7:15 p. m.
Le Cercle Francais: Meeting Thursday, May 4, at 8:00 p. m., Michi-
gan League. Program and refreshments.
The Faculty Tango Class will meet Thursday at 7:30 p. m. in the Mich-
igan League Ballroom.
Finance Committee of the Senior Literary Class meets on Wednesday,
May 3, in the Michigan Union.
Sigma Delta Chi: Annual election of chapter officers, 4 p. m. Wednes-
day, Room 306, Union. Members please be present. No luncheon this week.
500,000 is exactly one-third the total'
pay roll for the year. The entire cut
then can be absorbed with a decrease
of one-third in the salary schedule
alone. A very small number of as-
sistant professors and miscellaneous
employees are found on the pay roll
at salaries below $2,000. Even with a
flat cut of one-third from top to bot-
tom, it is contended the salaries paid
at Ann Arbor will all yet remain well
above the pauper class. When it is
remembered that more than a hun-
dred administrators, deans and pro-
fessors are receiving yearly salaries
ranging between $5,000 and $16,200
and that more than 200 professors
enjoy salaries between $3,000 and $5,-
000 and with hundreds just below
$3,000, the cry of destruction lacks
the ring of sincerity. Stenographers
and clerks, gardeners and caretakers,
bookkeepers and office assistants at
Ann Arbor range in salary along with
presidents of some very fine colleges.
"Two methods of reducing the pay
roll are open to University authori-
ties. More than one-halt the mem-
bers of the teaching faculty at Ann
Arbor do less than 10 hours a week
in the classrooms. A surprisingly
large number of high paid savants
are not expected to do any teaching
at all. There is not a single salary
found in the higher levels which can-
not stand drastic reduction and there
are very few professors who cannot
take on a load greater than that car-
ried at present. If these University
professors are as high grade as they
are pictured, they will remain at re-
duced salaries at the same time in-
creasing their individual teaching
loads. This will permit reducing the
number of professors and assistants.
While such an arrangement might
seriously interfere with profitable
outside work carried on by some, no
serious results could reasonably be
expected to follow. Surgeons receive
generous fees from patients, econo-
mists work for corporations and gov-
ernmental units, while the lecture
platform is yet another source of
easy side money for the more promi-
nent. Textbook writers are also very
Cultural Suicide Bosh
"The most overplayed argument of
all is that Michigan has been so
proud of its great University for a
moment any recession from its for-
mer high standards is cultural sui-
cide. University heads admit and
others boast that the University of
Michigan stands at the very head of
all tax-supported universities in
America. Harvard, Yale, Columbia
and perhaps one other is given credit
for outranking Michigan. All these
institutions are richly endowed and
not supported by taxpayers. Michi-
gan taxpayers alone of all the states
in the union have attempted to com-
pete with millionaire gifts from the
wealthy in maintaining its university.
"Michigan is not the richest state
in the union. Michigan was proud to
support its University when it could
afford to do so but it is no longer
in a position to furnish the funds as
in former days. The day appears to
have dawned when consideration for
the taxpayer must be heard.
"Sensible pruning of the salary
s c h e d u1 e, elimination of minor
courses of instruction, more hours of
teaching per week for those who re-
main on the staff, elimination of be-
whiskered barnacles from profes-
sorial berths - and a decent fee
charged foreign and out-of-state
students, will keep the University on
a high plane of instruction and lift
a terrible load from the backs of the
taxpayers of Michigan.
---Today & Wednesday
Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at three
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-11e per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
Sline) for one or two .insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
10c per reading line for three or more
Telephone rate-15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten daysq
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month .... ............,$
4 lines E. 0. D., 2 months...... ..8e
2 lines daily, college year.........7c
4 linies E. 0. D scollege year......7c
100 lines used as desired.........9c ,
300 liies used as desired......... c
1.000 lines used as desired......... 7
,. 2,000 lines used as desired.........6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight 'reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
mold face, upper and lower case. Ad
1Oc per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7%2 point type.
TYPEWRITING-And Mimeograph-
ing promptly and neatly done }n
our shop by experienced operators,
at moderate rates. 0. D. Morrill,
The Typewriter & Statonery Store,
314 S. State St. 101X'
TYPING-Notes, Papers, and Grad.
theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35x
FOR SALE--Hartman trunk. 1:66
N. Main St.
LAUNDRY -- Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
STUDENT - And family washing
careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. 6c
HAVE--Your snap shots developed
at Francisco Boyce, 719 N. Univer-
sity. Here fine work is the tradi-
tion. 29c
LOST-Bracelet at Military Ball.
Finder please return to Union desk.
LOST-Illinois wristwatch on or near
Campus Thursday night. Call 7754.
Reward. 412 -
suits. Will pay 4, 5, 6, and 7 dollars.
Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chicago
Buyers. 34c
Tired? Thirsty? Hungry?
CALL 3494 .
Sodas - Sundaes - Shakes
Cokes - G-Ales -}- Orangeades
Tasty Sandwiches
Prompt Delivery
FOUND Green enamel compact.
next to Helen Newberry. Owner
can have same by paying for ad.
Call Michigan Daily. 415
Co kips-Retcler
Drug Co.
Last Times Today
m. Tomorrow
Extra Added Feature
Now! i
The Royal
Family of the Theatre
** -WAk*AW-TMfV&