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May 02, 1933 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-02

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_LY1 some pains not to read-of such gentlemen as
George Jean Nathan. Mortified readers of the
published version, together with certain publicists,
have sent the warning word along that the con-
duct of its heroes was effeminate, and that the
heroine was cursed with irregular ideas about
the love life.
All one can say in refutation is that, in actual
performance, there is none of this. Patrons who
attend Mr. Coward's latest success will most cer-
tainly be disappointed if they .expect to be
shocked. "Design for Living" has been accused of
being bright but unwholesome, like a gilded halo
hovering around decay, and not a suitable diver-
sion ~for -n'4""lL .j" " ,-i.A"

Screen Reflections

7, If

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this aper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved,
Entered at the PostOffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Post'aster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mal, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR...........................KARL SEIFFERT
SPORTS EDITOR...................JOHN W. THOMAS
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John. W. Pritchard,
Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw,
Glenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman.
REPORTERS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Donald R.
Bird, Richard IBoebel, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G.
Coulter, Harold A. Daisher, Caspar S. Early, Waldron
Eldridge, Ted Evans, William G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel,
Thomas Groehn. Robert D. Guthrie, John C. Healey,
Robert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Joseph L. Karpin-
ski, Milton Keher Matthew Lefkowiz, Manuel Lvin,
Irving Levitt, David G. MacDonald, Proctor McGeachy,
Sidney, Moyer, Joel P. Newman, John O'Connell, Ken-'
neth Parker, Paul W. Philips, George Quimby, Floyd
Rabe, William Reed, Edwin W. Richardson, Rich-
ard Rome, H. A. Sanders, Robert E. Scott, Adolph
Shapiro, Marshall D. Silverman, Wilson L. Trimmer,
George Van Vleck, Philip Taylor Van Zile, William
Weeks, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Dorothy Adams, Barbara Bates, Marjorie Beck, Eleanor
B. Blum, Frances Carney, Betty Connor, Ellen Jane
Cooley, Margaret Cowie, Adelaide Crowell, Dorothy
Dishmnan, Gladys M. Draves, Jeanette Duff, Dorothy
Gies, Carol J. Hanan, Jean Hanmer,-Florence Harper,
Marie Heid, Margaret Hiscock, Eleanor Johnson, LoisI
Jotter, Hilda Lane, Helen Levison, Kathleen Macntyre,
Josephine McLean, Anna Miller, Mary Morgan, Marjorie
Morrison, Marie Murphy, Mary M. O'Neill, Margaret D.
Phalan. Jane Schneider, Barbara Sherburne, Mary E.
Simpson, Ruth Sonnanstine, Margaret Spencer, Miriam
P. Stark, Marjorie Western.
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, W. Grafton Sharp
Advertising Contracts, Orvi Aronson; Advertising Serv-
ie, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
land, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume,
Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skinner, Robert1
Ward, Meigs W. Bartmess, William B. Caplan, Willard
Cohodas, R. C. Devereaux, Carl J. Fibiger, Albert
Gregory, Milton Kramer, John Marks, John I. Mason,
John P. Ogden, Robert Trimby, Bernard Rosenthal,1
Joseph Rothbard, Richard Schiff, George R. Williams.
Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
Gimmy, Billie Grifiths, Catherine McHenry May See-
fried, Virginia McComb, Meria Abbot, Betty Chapman,
Lillain Fine, Minna Giffen, Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wose.
TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1933
The Skarda Method
Of Tax Collection .. .
ITIS SUGGESTED that State offi-
cials take particular notice of the!
latest in tax-collection weapons, recently passedI
and put into operation in Cook County, Illinois.
Collection of delinquent taxes in Michigan is of
immediate interest to the University; but of no'
less interest to other State institutions, and to thei
State itself. The Chicago Tribune remarks as fol-
lows on the new Chicago plan:
"The bill empowers County Treasurer McDon-I
ough to step in as receiver of income bearing
properties, on which taxes are delinquent, and
apply rents and other income on back tax bills.
His staff was busy yesterday getting up a list of
such properties. The first applications for re-
ceiverships are scheduled to be made Monday by
Thomas D. Nash, attorney for the treasurer.
"The Skarda act is regarded as the most pow-
erful weapon ever given public officials in Illinois
for dealing with tax dodgers. Both Mayor Kelly,
who sponsored this measure, and other officials
look on it as an emergency measure needed, to
deal with the public pay roll crisis. Treasurer Mc-
Donough gave indication that care will be taken to
prevent the weapon injuring the innocent ta-
"'It is merely to drive the large tax dodger,
who can pay his bill, to pay,' said Mayor Kelly.
'I don't believe any hardship will be worked on
anybody, because that is not the intent of the

With the beer question finally taken care of,
there is little reason why the Michigan Legisla-
ture should not turn its attention to the col-
lection of delinquent taxes, whose extent is ap-
There is no important reason why the plan
placed in effect in Cook County could not be
equally well operated in this State, with certain
revisions resultant from difference in govern-
mental machinery. An expression of opinion on
this part from a government official would be
gratefully received by Michigan citizens. The im-
portant point, however, is not that the Legislature
adopt a similar plan to the one in use in Chi-
cago, but that it follow Chicago's example in im-
mediately taking vigorous steps to collect taxes
from people able to pay, and by so doing, to cut
down tax delinquency.
The success or failure of the Skarda Act (and
its success seems assured) will be of particular
.value to other governments in the solution of this
all-important tax problem.

1 I ; I1.Ci 1 1V1 G11C i.:ltal1 ullu .Iluru r.

It certainly is a bright and gay play, but it
also is an extraordinarily serious and important
play beneath its badinage. And most certainly
its misdoings are not of an abnormal type ,but
merely those of two mad-cap men and a mad-cap
woman, leading lives-admittedly-as one of them
says that would be abhorrent, perhaps, to "the
Methodists, the Catholics, the Episcopalians, the
Evangelists, the Anglicans, the Christian Scient-
ists and the Polynesian Islanders."
At the risk of being considered an ingenue, I
confess that there is nothing, as far as I can
discover, either in script or performance that
suggests more than a fervent friendship, hinged
a little on the bizarre- and exotic if you wish.
Nor does Mr. Coward, with whom I had a long
talk about the play, and who is more than a little
bewildered and hurt at the manner in which cer-
tain book-reviewers have decoded his manuscript,
(which he considers his finest), and deciphered
from its most innocent phrases hints of degen-
In the word of Otto-the artist of the play-
thir lives are "diametrically opposed to ordinary
social conventions; loose, irreligious and unmoral."
Otto, it is true, has a fine regard for Leo, a drama-
tist, who is reciprocal. They both love Gilda, an
interior decorator, and she loves both of them.
So, in a moment of confusion, she marries
Ernest, a middle-aged picture-dealer, and retires
to respectability and a penthouse in New York.
There she remains for two sane, still years, try-
ing to forget and almost forgetting. But one
night Otto and Leo show up, "looking very sleek
and sly" in their faultless evening dress, and they
proceed to fascinate her anew with their giddy
Otto describes her apartment as "artistically too
careful, but professionally superb," and Leo apolo-
gizes for his white tie, high hat and swallow tails,
saying, "You must forgive our clothes; we've only
just come off a freight boat."
Leo, speaking of earthquakes, says that he
has never been able to understand why the Jap-
anese are such a cheerful race. "All that hissing
and grinning on the brink of destruction" is baf-
fling to him. Otto informs him that the Japanese
are delighted with Death and kill themselves on
the most whimsical of pretexts. Whereupon Leo
admits that he always thought that Madame
Butterly was overhasty.
Gilda herself sheds the shroud of her Park Ave-
nue decency, and joins the magic of their twit-
tering, as the play centers into the climax of its
final act. "People," says she, "are not right when
they say that the Opera isn't what it used to be.
It is what it used to be - and that's what is
wrong with it."
Such is the substance of "Desing for Living." It
is, indeed, Mr. Coward's sincere and serious com-
ment on the whole new standard of morality the
world finds itself confronted with. It does not
contain the burlesque or slapstick of some of
the scenes in "Private Lives;" but it contains,
for good measure, a parade of wit such as Mr.
Coward has never before mustered .Its inner core
is covered with a gaiety, should you be reconciled
to certain madnesses, such as the theatre has not
known in recent seasons.
In New York the mandarin drama-speculators
paid ransom prices to attend the premiere of
"Design for Living," and excited populi gathered
in such throngs about the Ethel Barrymore thea-
tre that mounted policemen were forced to ride
upon the sidewalks to chase them away. Inside
the playhouse, the audience discovered a sincere
and sparkling and virile post-graduate entertain-
Emil Steva, pianist, will present the following
graduation recital at 8:15 p. m. today in the au-
ditorium of the School of Music.
Prelude and Fugue in C major .............Bach
Sonata Op. 28 (Pastoral)............Beethoven
Prelude Op. 28, No. 16 .................. Chopin
Etude Op. 25, No. 8 .................... Chopin
Scherzo Op 16, No. 2 .............. Mendelssohn
Seguidilla ..............................Albeniz
Two Tales of a Grandmother ........Prokofieff
Marche from Petite Suite .......... Tcherepnine
Polonaise No. 2 in E major...............Liszt

Thane McDonald and Everett J. Hitly, pupils of
Palmer Christian, will present an organ recital as
part of the regular student series at 4:15 p. m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Toccata and Fugue in D minor ............ Bach
Scherzo (Symphony 11) .................Vierne
Hymn to The Stars (Seven Pastels) . .Karg-Elert
Mr. McDonald
Choral Improvisation on
"In dulci jubilo" ................Karg-Elert
Romance (Symphony 111)..............Vierne
Mr. Hilty

Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
Lionel Barrymore's interpretation of the part of
Rasputin, the mad monk who got all the power
in Russia in his wily grasp, is alone worth the
price of admission to this picture. His character-
ization, with its combination of extreme crafi
and peasant greed and brutality, is a masterpiece.
Lionel Barrymore does not have to carry this
picture by himself, however, for Ethel Barrymore
as the Empress, John Barrymore as Paul, a frienc
of the imperial family and commander of the
Chevalier guards, and Diana Wynyard as Natasha
the Empress' lady in waiting, also gave fine per-
The story tells of the introduction of Rasputin
to the Romanoffs. Of how he cures the Tsare-
vitch, a victim of haemophilia, of a cut on his leg
by hypnotic means thereby gaining the confi-
dence of the imperial family. Of how he finally
obtains complete control of the Russian kingdom,
of his assassination by Paul for the good of the
country, and of the fall of the Romanoff dynasty.
The scene in which the monk is murdered by
Paul is horrible; the man refusing to die. But
historically Rasputin was tenacious of life. The
monk is portrayed as an utterly treacherous, cun-
ning and lecherous devil who at one time had
the whole of Russia in his grasp.
Credit also must be given to Tad Alexander for
his acting in the part of the Tsar's son.
The picture is intense, dramatic throughout
and keeps you sitting on the edge of your seat.
If you merely want to be amused keep away from
it, but if you appreciate a dramatic work of art,
by all means see it, -B. S.

r f
f i
. I

I . Ii.5

200-202 E. LIBERTY ST.




"Over the Counter" Sale
of Cour:se Tickets begins
Satf, May 6, at 9. A.M.
:: the Schol of Music.


Editorial Comment
"I know Phi Beta Kappas upon whom I would
place no dependence, and then there are others
with average intelligence upon whom I would
place all confidence. Some of those in Phi Beta
Kappa have good grades and can probably recite
formulas by the mile and write Spanish and
French vocabularies because they memorized
them, but they're still dumb."
Thus does R. H. Wheeler, professor of psycho-
logy at the University of Kansas, pay his respect
to honor students. The professor compares such
students to circus animals learning tricks. Giving
good grades "is like dangling a piece of meat be-
fore a lion to get him to climb upon a pedestal;
a student sees those grades always before him
and works to get good grades. The best grade-
getters are those who know the professors pet hob-
bies and throw them back at him. They all get
excellent grades-but they're dumb."
The statements made by the Kansas professor
are in line with the argument against grades as
set forth in a letter to the Creightonian this
week. A trifle more forceful perhaps are given to
the use of the vernacular, but the Kansas pro-
fessor has much the same idea as the head of
the Progressive Education association: "Grad-
getters are apt to be dumb."
-The Creightonian (Omaha, Neb.)

. ;
Of the Cold Plate Luncheons. .
We serve each evening. . . .
From five o'clock to eight . .
But at thirty cents . . . . . . .
With dessert and drink . . . . .
ItreallyIs a "honey" . . . .
You must come over sometime
" r324 South State St reet
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YANKEE BEAN SOUP.. . . . . .05
With APPLESAUCE.. . ..20
EGG SALAD . . .20
Two Vegetables, Soup and Drink
With Above Order
20 MEALS PER WEEK . . . . $3.00
Under New Management
Next To The Majestic
t d y 1e hearing more
often than ever during the next few

weeks . Wise students who plan on
attending Summer School are looking
for rooms nowr. . . and clever people
with roons to rent are already insert-
ing their ads in the Classified Section
of The Michigan Daily.
C 11L, tJ e Ad-taker
a--I 2 .1 14l

' C

j ,

I. Wednesday Evening, 8:15-May 17
Nina Koshetz.. .. ... .Soprano
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Frederick Stock . . . Conductor
Overture to "Russian and
Ludnilia ....n...............Glinka
Aria from "Russian and
Nina Koshetz
Tone Poem, Thus Spake Zara-
thustra," Op. 30...........Strauss
Aria. "Letter Scene" from
"Eugene Onegin"......Tchaikovsky
Miss Koshetz
Symphony No. 12, G minor,
Op. 35.................. Maskovsky
Songs and Dances of Death,
Miss Koshetz
Polka and Fugue, from "Schwanda,
the Bagpipe-Player" ,.... Weinberger
11. Thursday Evening, 8:15-May 18
Chase Baromeo .......Bass
Joscha Heifetz .,, ..Violinist
Palmer Christian . . . Organist
University Choral Union
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Earl V. Moore and
Frederick Stock. . Conductors
In the Faery H11,". ....Ba
Aria. "Confutatls Maledictis" from
'The Manzoni Requiem".......Verdi
Chase Baromeo
"Beishazar's Feast".......Walton
Mr. aroeo, Chorusrcestra, Organ
Conerto for Violin, D major,
Op. 77..........Brahms
Jaseha leifetz
111. Friday Afternoon, 230-May 19
Rose Bampton ... , Contralto
Orchestra Accompaniment
Young People's Festival
Juva Higbee and
Eric Delamarter . . Conductors
Overture, "The Marriage of
Figaro"-..................... .Mozart
Aria, "Chic faro senza Euridice"
from "Orfeo ed Euridice"......Gluck
Symphony "Oxford" in 0
Groups of Songs:
Serenade ......................Tosti
Country Gardens ......... ..Grainger
"The Little Dust Man........Brahms
Young People'.s Festival Chorus
Aria. "Ii est Doux, 11 est Bon"
from "Herodiade..........Massanet
Miss Bampton
"Elegy and Waltz" from Seren-
ade for Strings.........Tchaiovsky
Cantata: "Spring Rapture........Gaul
TV. . Friday Evening, 8:15-May 19
Grete Stueckgold . . . . Soprano
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Frederick Stock . . . Conductor
Richard Wagner 1813-1883
"The Flying Dutchman"
Senta's Ballad
Grete Stueckgold
Bacchanale (Paris Version) and Finale
from the Overture
Elizabeth's Prayer
Mine. stneckgold
"Tristan and Isolde"
Selections from Act III
(Arranged for concert performance by
Frederick Stock)
Finale-Entrance of the Gods
Minme. Stueckgold
Siegfried in the Forest
Song of the Rhine Maidens
Siegfried's Death and Funeral March
V. Saturday Afternoon, 2:30-May 20
Guy Maier and
Lee Pattison........Pianists
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Freedrick Stock ... Conductor

Overture to "The Improvis-
Symphony No. 1, F minor, Op.
.. . . . .."Sibelius
Concerto in C minor. No. 1, for
Two Piano; and Strings.......Bach
Guy Ma adlhee Pattison
"Natchez-on-the--iill" (Three Virginian
Dances), Op. 30...... ..........Powell
T~al. "King" Estwecre," for
two pianos and orchetra... .Sowerby
Mr. Maier and Mr. Pattison
VI. Saturday Evening, 8:15--May 20
Leonora Corona .....Soprano
Pose Bampton .....Contralto
Frederick Jagel .......Tenor
John Charles Thomas.Baritone
Chase Baromeo . ......Bass
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
University Choral Union
Howard Hanson,



v.3 KBy Karl Seiffer-
Your beauty has no parallel,
You're lithesome as a young gazelle,
And, ah, exotic damosel-
You're mystic!
But, though constructed flawlessly,
You've just one quirk that bothers me:
When I kiss you in ecstasy-
Our teeth click.
A Memphis fireman has had a bad attack of
hiccoughs annually for the past six years, which
is the first time we ever heard of paying city
employees by the year.
Just a blessing in disguise.
* .4-
"Alan Dinehart, making a screen test in a
bathing suit, pinned inside the suit a little silk
handkerchief given him by his grandmother
and which he always carried for good luck."
-Movie Page Note
* * *
"There is propably some art in it, but I
don't know it," he said. "In fancy glassware
you can use your own imagination, but here,
if you put an extra hair on, pouf! it is wrong,
it is a new species. If you are glowing a fancy
table glass it's all right if you put an extra
bunch of grapes on. When you stop it is a
finished product.-News Item.
Sure-what's an extra bunch of grapes
more or less?
* * *


Little Miss Griffey made a charming picture
last night in her ruffled white net gown framed
against a background of red and white carnations
in a huge wicker basket nearly as tall as herself.
She seemed very sweet and cool in contrast to a
sticky night that made a listener feel like a
samuashed tube of mucilage. Tt mmt heextremelry

What's the use; what other kind is there?"

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