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April 28, 1933 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-04-28

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By John Thomas
Bauss-Star was
Boxing Show were
highly varied, the
members of the staff
at the Union report.
One of the most.
prevalent reactions
was that the Bauss-
Starwas fight was
not so hot.
There are several
facts that friends of
these battlers present which are
worthy of mention. In fact the first
place a large portion of the crowd
only wanted to see the fast and fur-
ious, toe to toe, slugging that keeps
excitement at a high pitch.
There were but few among the
spectators who wanted to see higher
type of boxing that is used by the
best amateurs and all pros because
the excitement comes at less frequent
intervals and is less interesting to
those who are not students and de-
votees of the game.
This was the type of bout that'
Starwas and Bauss presented to the
people. It was scientific. There was
more feinting, blocking, ducking,
weaving, skilful boxing than in per-
haps any other three fights. Neither
man threw caution to the winds and
opened up with a determined attack,
because he knew that the other only
needed one blow to end the fight
and he dared not layhimself open
for even an instant.
This point was borne out by the
judges' figures. They gave perfect
scores to both Bauss and Starwas
for the first two rounds. In the third
Dauss lost a point on defense-as
Jack landed three hard rights which
he could not do in the first nor in
the second-and another point as
Jack scored on aggressiveness. Star-
was lost one point on his punching.
His timing was off and he missed
often as Bauss' defense kept him
away.,According to the judges, that
was the margin of victory, one point
in 45.t
This bout was the highest scored
in the whole meet. Bauss received
43 and Starwas 44. No other bout
approached it nearer than five points.
That in itself speaks well for the
The reason that the card includedI
only 16. bouts is that three contest-
ants were not passed by the examin-
ing doctors. Unless other opponents
could be found for their partners, the
bout was off. This happened in three

M.S.N.C. To Meet
Wolverine Nine
In Second Game

Tillotson Or Menefee
Take Mound Duties
Mieigan Club


Boxers Bring Profit Of
$250 To Student Fund
Early ticket sale returns indi-
cate a profit of about $250 from
the Student Good Will Boxing
Show held Wednesday in Yost
Field House, it was announced
Gross returns are expected to
total $350 when complete ticket
sale reports are received from
Union committeemen and from
the Detroit, Ypsilanti, Saline, and
Dexter areas. Expenses will total
approximately $115, it was said.
The entire proceeds will be turned
over to Deans J. A. Bursley and
Alice Lloyd for u;e in the Student
Good Will Fund.
Ti'aksters T o
Ve F
For HonorsQf6

l1te Sox Bea t
Yanks Trim A's7
By ThAe citetPross)
The Chicago White Sox broke out
in a scoring rash in the seventh in-
ning and chased Freddie Marberry
LO the showers with a barrage that;
netted them four - -- :::'
runs and a lead &
that was enough to:
hb t the TFix rzTh


OU RE back to the
days of gum-chew-
ing and marbles
for all the girls
and boys, as you
compete in the
first All-City Skt-
ing Carnival next
Tuesday night. A

Plan Roller Skate
Classics Tuesday;
Offer Musie, Pizes

Wistert Takes Rest
Russ Oliver And Johnny
Regeczi Likely To Make!
First Appearance
With either Harry Tillotson or
Chuck Menefee taking the mound'
Michigan's baseball team will again
face Michigan State Normal on Ferry
Field at 4 p. m. today.
The Wolverine nine captured Mon-
day's contest from the Ypsilanti
boys 12 to 4, aided by timely batting
and good pitching by Art Patchin,
and will be seeking to repeat i to-
day's contest.
Mott May Hurl!
Milton Mott, who started Monday's
contest for the Hurons, is eijpected
to again take the mound witL Dan
Quinlan, who saw relief in the game
earlier in the week, pitching the lat-
ter portion, although Hanes, a new-
comer, may see action.
Of the Wolverine twirlers lttle is
known. Tillotson saw some service
against Illinois last Saturd<y, and
managed to keep the Illini ir% check1
for the last two frames, althoul4h his
work against Ypsilanti during the
practice games was spotty. cenefee
is hurling for his second season with
the Maize and Blue, but has yet to
prove himself. Today may be his
big chance.
Lineups Same
The starting lineup for the game
is expected to be identical with that
of Monday's battle, barring the
changes in moundsmen, although
Coach Ray Fisher has indicated that
he will use Russ Oliver, third sacker,
and Johnny Regeozi, at some time
during tpe game., Art Patchin and
Whitey Wistert will be saved for useI
against Michigan State.
Today's game will mark the effort
of the Wolverine batsmen to retain
their high hitting averages, Artz is
placing the squad with a mark of
.571, while Teitelbaum, Captain Dif-
fley, Waterbor, and Petoskey are all
batting over .300 with 'Genial Gene'

Football Scrimmage Tomorr<
Is Test For Trophy Candida


At Drake Today


Michigan's eight tracksters are
slated to arrive in Des Moines this
morning to compete in the Drake
Relay classic against the best men
the mid-west can offer. Preliminaries
are scheduled for this afternoon and,
tomorrow morning, with the finals.
tomorrow afternoon.
Although the Wolverine squad is
weaker in numbers than in any pre-
vious year, its individual strength'
may make up the difference. The
Maize-and-Blue thinclads will be out
to regain the title they won in 1931
and lost last year.
For six of the Michigan men the
Relays are an old story. DeBaker,
Turner, Ellerby, Cox, Egleston, and
Lemen have all been point winners
in previous years. Two sophomores,
Willis Ward and Boyd Pantlind, will
be making their debut in outdoor
collegiate competition.
Michigan Netters
To Meet Kalamazoo
Michigan's Varsity tennis team will
again see action this week-end as
the racquet-wielders visit Kalamazoo
to play Western State tomorrow aft-j
ernoon. The match will be composed
of five singles and two doubles con-
The Wolverines have been hamp-
ered all week by a succession of cold
and windy days which have forced
the netters indoors most of the time.
Yesterday, however, the squad was
out under the direction of Coach
Johnstone and s e v e r a l ranking
ranking matches were in progress.
Notable among these was Don Led-
erle's retention of number eight po-
IOplyfive men will play at Kala-
mazoo, in the coming match, and
these will be in the first five ranking
positions. No shifts from last week's
victorious outfit are planned by the
mentor, as he was highly pleased
with his charges in their upset of
I the Detroit Tennis Club.

ceaG ue ligers, e .C
Pale Hose then fell little nonsense now
on Whitlow Wyatt. -, . and then makes
who relieved Mar- ,n Jack; and when
whrelieved Maor-d the several prizes, among them a
three more runs for radio and a $10 fountain pen, are ,
good measure, the awarded the winners, some Jack, will
final s c o r e being belieit h i
10 to 4, f And lest the affair seem too mate-
1t rialistic, just think of the p'tiysicali1
Charey Ruffinlg benefit accruing from a whole eve-
pitched four-hit ball ning of skating. To present a little
for New York as
they defeated the CHARLIE RUFFING specific proof, Coach Harry Kipke,
athletiv, 5 to 2. Ruth, ehrig. anclI sensing the great import of the
Combs collected home runs. Iraces, has offered to be the judge.
IALEGUEand present the awards to the de-
AMERICAN W. L. P0. serving. It is almost as if the foot-
.:... 8 ball squad were to work out for the
New York. .,. ...... 2 .818 t
Chicago.......9 4 .653 maestro oskates.
Cleveland....... 7 6 Butthe crowning attraction of the
Washington.........7 6 .538 evening will be trombone treatments ,
Detroit............6 6 .53 of popular number3 by eleven musi-E
s4. cians under Pete Blomquist. No more
Boston.............. 4 7 .364 romantic spectacle could be imag-
St. Louis .... . . . 4 10 .214..ned than skating couples swaying
TtLui...... esults. .. e. to and fro to the sound of somnolent
.Thursdayg, 's- - Resuts..... music and gently clicking skates.
Chicago, 10-16--9, Dutrhamn and1 What more (would one want for 10
Berry; Detroit, 4--11~-0, Marberry, 1a oe u meaudgt
Bery; etrit, 4---11--0 Maberycents? And the Good Will Fund gets I
Wyatt and Hayworth. th di
Washington, 3--8--2, McAfee andi And if one does wani, more, the
Sewell; Boston, 2-4-2, Rhodes, League grill is open and handy, with
Kline, and Shea. egegili pnan adwt
KlNe, and Shea.d another orchestra -for those. who
New York, 5-6-1, Ruig and dont go fee-wheeling. The pave-
Dickey; Philadelphia, 2-4--1 Cain uwnt on Ingalls Street is smooth as
-and Cochrane. glass (well, almost) and if you don'tI
CSt. Louis f8- all it couldn't be better. It is the
0, Blaeholder and opinon of those concerned that a
Frrell; Cleveland, good time could be had by all, espe-
I2--4-1,n~ Hd d c'ially since it is a step further in,
BrIwn and Pytlak. c easing out ,old man depression."

Nearing the close of its seventh
week of spring training, the Michi-
gan football squad went through an
easy workout yesterday afternoon in
preparation for the scrimmage which
will be held tomorrow at 2 p. in. at
Ferry Field.
This scrimmage had been formerly
scheduled to take place at 2:30 p. m.,
but has been moved back a half
an hour so as not to interfere with
the baseball game between Michigan
and Michigan State that will go on
at 3:00 p. m.
Coach Harry Kipke, through this
scrimmage, hopes to see the results
of the season's training and get an
Linksmen Meet State In
Golf Opener Tomorrow
Tournament season for the Varsity
golf team will get under way at 9
a. m. tomorrow when the linksmen
engage the Michigan State team in
an 18-hole practice match. The Vai-
sity, despite the gusty weather, has
been practicing and playing competi-
tive rounds for over a week and
seems to be in excellent shape for
its match tomorrow.
The make-up of the team prob-
ably will not be known until starting
time but it is fairly certain that the
six players, led by Capt. Alex Jolly,
will be composed of Johnny Fischer,
Ed Dayton, and three of the follow-
ing five men who have been waging
a stiff fight for the remaining posi-
tions: George David, Cecil Sweet,
Markham, Seeley, and Bill Hanway,
5 5

idea of how to divide the squad fc
the important final scrimmage c
the year that will take place on tt
following Saturday.
The scrimmage'will also bring int
the foreground those members c
the squad that will be in line for th
Chicago Trophy. Although it is sti
too early to be picking the winne
the fight has been narrowed dow
to a few players. Of the members c
this year's "B" team, three men thi
stand high in front are Jacobson,
tackle, Singer and Borgmann. guard
From the freshman squad, sever
that have been playing exceller
games are Dauksza and Remia
backs, and Malesavich, an end, ar
Wells, a guard. Ponto, a junior, ha
been putting up a commendab
This Monday, Coach Kipke wi
divide the squad into two teams, th
Blues and the Yellows. These tw
teams will be as near evenly matche
and will be the contending facto
in the final scrimmage of the sprin
Claude Eames, Elkhorn, Wisc. ed
tor and sport enthusiast, discovere
that in the 40 races that Ralph Me
calfe has run since he became eligib
for varsity competition, he ht
broken or equalled 19 world's record
Have Beeni

Carl Hubbel.
serving as a relief
pitcher, contrbiut-
ed a double to his
fourth victory of
the season as the
New York Giaints
beat the Phillies,
5 to 2.
out the Boston;

k 3,

- __.. ., v..._..j.......w . _. _ .e



'. ,
; _,
, .
~ :, ,
a ' ,, ,,

The above remark was made
the other day by a local stu-
dent who didn't know of the
wonderful values that are
available at CORBETT'S.

of the Family!


Brooklyn shut

Braves, 1 to 0.


Braendle not far
The lineups:
Artz, rf
Waterbor, 2b
Braendle, if
Petoskey, mf
difilel, c
Teitelbaunt, ss
Manuel, lb
Paulson, 3b
rillotson or
Menefee, p.


New York..........7
Pittsburgh .. . ........7
Brooklyn .......... .,.6
St. Louis ............ 5
Philadelphia .........5
Chicago ............. 4
Boston .............. 3


.778 C

Batterson, 3b
Wittkop, ss
Cohen, lb
Seitz, rf
J. Worzniak, 2b
Gruber, cf
F. Worzniak, If
Packard, c
Mott, p

are the longest wearing, the most comfortable and
the smartest looking of any sport shoes made . .
They are genuine Moccasins.
123 East Liberty Street




119 South Main Street


Lack Of Tennis Courts Delays
Women 's Tourney Several Days

New York, 5-13-1, Hubbell and4
Man c us o; Philadelphia, 2-6-1,
Rhein, Liska and V. Davis.
Chicago, 3-5--0, Bush and Hart-
nett; Pittsburgh, 2-6-2, Swift,
Smith and Grace.
St. Louis, 3-10-3, Dean, Carleton
and Wilson; Cincinnati, 2-5-0,
Benton, Frey and Lombardi.;
Brooklyn, 1-4-1, Beek and Lopez;
Boston, 0-7-0, Brandt and Hogan.
All second-semester freshmen
And sophomores who wish to tryf
out for football managers are to
report at Ferry Field to Ray Fiske
any afternoon this week or next.



Values to $22.50
See these coats. Full and
Half Belters . . . Single-
and Double-Breasted . .
in Llamas, Tweeds, Twists,
Camel Hairs . . .Browns,
Greys, Tans, Blues.


Extensions of time before, the the spring matches. Due to rain
deadline for signing up ;An the and cold weather the fall tourney
women's tennis and golf tournaments was never concluded, and things are
have been offered by the Athletic de- usually more favorable for outdoor
partment. The clay courtsare not sports in the spring.
yet ready for use at PalmerField, a Ersi esa r iom.t
?act which necessitates a delay of Entries are to be made at the
several days before stafrting the Women's Athletic Building at Pal-
tournament. mer Field, or the office at Barbour
All entries for the tennis iplay-olfs Gymnasium.
.nust be in by noon of Saturday, Monday noon is the time set for
April 29. iDrawings will be nitde and the scores for the qualifying roundsE
play start on Monday, May 1, if the for the golf tourney. This change
weather and condition of the courts was necessitated by the unforeseen
germit . popularity of this activity. A score
Those who played in the fall tour- for the first nine holes of the Uni-
.iey are particularly urged to enter versity course is the requisite for
.& * ~ ~.. !q Three toiurneys will be drawn up
in golf. There will be divisions for
beginnes,intermediate, and ad-
vanced players. Class will be deter-
L I mined from the qualifying scores, so
that all scores must be in by the
time set.
Jor The most pract
and be uyall te ay s.uit of the se

3 .


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Best of all, Armour strings are priced just
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White, Grey, Tan, or Brown
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All Styles $4.95 -$5.95
We also carry a complete line
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By having your racket strung with Armour
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