)n in the Bulletin is constructive notice to 1111 memlbm M 00
.Copy received at the ome. of the Asstant to the President uintl
0 a. m. Saturday.
Fltint, M anistique Debatlers Seek S ta Ttle Today
FRIDiAY, APRIL 28, 1933
No. 149
*Hkonors Convocation: The Tenth Annual Convocation of the University
+pf Michigan will be held Friday, Apr112, at 11 'clo, in H°Fill Aulorium.
Classes, With the exception of clinics, will be dismissed at 10:30. Those
students in clinical classes who are receivinig honors at the Convocation
will be excused in order to attend.. The faculty, seniors, and graduate
*;l~dents are requested to wear academic costume but there will be no pro-
c"ss6o.h;Members of the faculty are asked to enter by the rear door of Hill
i it triums and proceed directly to the stage, where arrangement have
en mades for seating themi. The public is invited.
Alexander G. Rutven
Faculty, School of Education: The Faculty meeting scheduled for Mon-
daMay 1, has been postponed until Monday, May 8.,
G. 0. Davii,-Seeretary
The following statement is oft imortance toh all studens who have
beeti granued exemption from the Automobile Regulation as well as to those
who consider themselves eligible forse, 'tin
1n acodance with the ruling of tie asg s with efence to the use
of art automoie by any student in the Uiersty.. the 60"6e of the Dean
.,~ gtents, is given the authorty to gat e~ceipion from. the usual ol
sex Vce of 'the Automobile egulation to the following classifications f
students :,.
1. Those who are twenty-eight yers of ae or" ovr"
. Those Who are rated. as memk ers of the . eaclg faculty as
instructors or teaching assistants, or those hoding positions
of a simiilar ranking.
3," Those who are enroled as specal, or part..tin students, or
are .taking not more than sus hors i any semester.
This exemption privilege is not e en autoatical y bu is granted
unr_4r certanfixed conditions, and maust be aplied cfv in Person. At the
time of application, full information ust ': ? yn: With ptg arl to the car
ot cara involved . The students who are so exxmtp d a expect ed to observe
th. folloxwing limitations in their use of the privilege whih has been ex-
ttdt t&them.
A. They are not to #ct as chauffeurs for other students whose
driving is restricted by the ruling.
B, They are nut to lan their cars or mktem available to Stu-
dents who are not likewilse exempt .
Faialureo f an exempted student to observe these conditions, or evidence
cy anlY ,objectionablte use of a car n the art, of such exempted student
yll result in 'a withdrawal of thercxemaptioni privilege. Such privilege will
be denied if the current license number is not kept on file in this office.
Syt~d nts who are eligible fr eempion but who drive without first regis-I
teringthirs cars and obtaining the privilege will be considered as violators
of tte Automobile Reguation and wll" bea subject tor discipline.
W. B. Rea, Assistant to the Dean
'Library Science Students 19334934 Admssin to the first year courses
ik Library Science during the year 1933-1934 will be strictly limited to fifty
full-time students.
' 4 y,611 i4udets desiring to .slet such courses next fall should interview
zarepreentsative of the Dpartent of ibrary Science between May 3 and
My 153. Stuidents are asked to call at the L ibrarians Office, 210, General
ibrry, betwaeen the- hours of 10-12 and 3-5 ont these dates.
Wi . W lhop, Librarian
Stuffntsinterested in Librarianship: The Librarian of-the University
wilbe glad to. confer with students interested in librarianship as a career
(ry a poi-itmnt :at vanly time between- now and the end of the semester.
$404~ students frequently require advice as'.to their choice of studies in
fitting themnselves to be librarians. The Librai an will be glad to assist in
Haig. choce ,and. in advisig students as to the possibilities of usefulness in
puxblics service as librarians. Win. W. Bshosp* Libarian
SoesialDrctdrs: Ch~perones,Eiouse Ids-Tnt~ergriauate Women:
The ,losing-hours for thxose attending the Miiary Hal will e2:0 am.
- - Alice CG Lloyd
.' 'unior°.0ivil Eiteern...Those desirig membership In,-the student
binhof the .S..Emay obtain aplication blanks at the offices ofProf.
G xrm and Prof. Wisler. 'These -]flanks must be flled, out and returned to
eitlheraof these offces-" before May'3~ Applicants will receive notice of their
anc ep~nce'b11 ay 10.
Penny CGr ari: All houses that were nt represented at the- meeting
in # e.League Mon=day to discuss t40, last plans .for booths must be sure to
salfl Darjorie Oostdyke at 37.8 by Friday.
- Astronomy' 31, Section IiV (ne o'clock : I hall not meet this section
todlay.D. B. McLaughlin
English 100: Men from 8ierce to Livingston inclusive will report in
tRoom'305 Southi Wing for the bluebook on Monday, May 1.-
Oscar J. Campbell
Education R20, Sees. 4 (Crrothers) will not meet today.
Geolpgy 11: Make up bluebook today at 4:00 in Room 3056 N.S.
S'ecoomasters' Club Special Lecture: "German Education and urs"
ill be the, title of a special lecture, under the auspices of the Michigan
Schaoolmasters' Club, by Professor Win. Clark Trow of the Shool of Edu-
cation, at 4:30 p. m. today, UxiversityHih School Aditrium. The lec-*
ture will be illustrated.-With motion pictu-res ttaken' in Germany.
JIlustrated Lecture on .Aerial Photography to be given by 11rajor James
A. Bagely, U. S. Engineers' Corps in Natural Science Auditorium Wednes-
day, May 3, at 7:30 p. m. Open to the Public.
University of Michigan Band, under the dxerti~n of Nicholas- Falcone
will present a complimentary program for the School Masters Club this
evening at 7:30 in Hill Auditorium. The Program follows:
- Symphonic March, Op,. 37....................... Donatelli
First performance
Czardas .......... .......................... ..Monti
Arranged for band by Raymond E. Renneke
A E'lglise "Choral," Op. 3 ........ ...........Pierre'
Arranged for band by Bernard B. Hirsch
The Flight of the Bumble Bee.............RAimsky-Korsakow
Danise des Bouffon from the Opera
"Snegouretchka" .................. Rimsky-Korsakow
Arranged for band by Datus- L. Moore
Messers Bernard B. Hirsch, Raymnond; E. Renneke, and Datus L. Moore
are members of Professor Nicholas* D. Falcone's Bandstration Class.
May Festival: The list of performers and program arrangement for the
Fortieth Annual May Festival, May 17, 18, 19, and 20, is as follows: Nina
Koshetz, Grete Stueckgold, Leonora Corona, Sopranos; Rose Bampton, Con-
Farm Directingr Unit Debate Crown
For Forensic Work'T eie
Co ntinued rorn Page 1) F
template an_ expansion of high school e!-1 ni u
contests in Michigan, but is a move,
to unite theme wnder one direction. -,ot -dfrmPae1
By doing this it will efect :conomy - - -;- - ---,-' -
in managemient, and will develop a of thleague nht a teamr from the
sound, consis:-ent progr :r_ flOS ec Up adIoePniul have
training for all state high shos c UJfIc- o Manistique
The first state-wvide forensic or- = alp.;,he first team f roms the Urpper
gaiaini ignwsthe_ I 1inSulIa C vc' to rrach as far as the
'Michigan High Sc:hool Oratorical As- seri-'iihas. Two ye ars ago Fint
soci ion founded in] 1897. From 1915Ndtcn neidth smifal
tO 1932 it was under the di: ection u1a1hneimntdb t n
of E. E. Gallup. State Supnerintend tL y Ci f _Detroit_.
ent of Agricultural E~ducation, w ho Tepormarne o h n
supervisedi it fromt his office in Lans- trannn ftevstr oa n
_ng. Last year itwas combrined with hdE$suetcnrnesdrgte
she _Michig an Extempore' Speaking afternoon, acalinun L our at 2 p.in,,
Leag'ue. Lbal gme«t 4:05 p) *m. and a con-
rThis league was founded in 10926 by co. Ov the Ur]iversity bandi at 7:45
~.P. Lahinan of the DepartiInint of 11. 111.in Hill Audli'1tIi.
speech at Wester-n State Te achers --
College, and since then under his Rea Cisik AIeII'tion f To
The Michigan High School De- ' uan"y A Ro1an Vf~iortio:'s
bating- League was orgarnized by the A numr? of vi ,olations of the
Board of Regents of the University J1 r o Igts rle proh~ibi ,ng
in 1917.' It was then placed under Uniliv ~it,-v ctudeints friom dr Iivng1
the supev~ision of the extens!on. divi- '' ,ible hs mrade necessary the
lion, which with the help of the De- lpu :licazicu inz the Da~ily Official 3u1-
troit free Press was presented a' letin- of Lthe exac.trguain which
Pro-ram of debating yearly.hhi; or- the office of the dean hof students has
ga1niza-tihr has been very effective 1,-Id down to i epethe Rgns
in developing and furthering ),dcbat- ~ca rule, L odn O Waltec B.
ing in the state. Rca.
William Hood, ]Flint
Donf M ylietd, Flint
Clayton Burrell, Manistique
Jac!k MitsMnsi
L~eon Willoughby, Manistique
--Det!roit- Free Preis Photos
.., .,;., s..,,w x..;., , .:.. ,,...,.
.....,..,. .r.....
° ...,.i .. .. .,
tralto; Frederick Jagel, Tenor; John Charves 'Thomas, Baritone, Chase Bar-1
omeo, Bass; Jashcha Heifetz, Violinist; Guy Maier and Lee Pattison, Pian-
ists; Palmer Christian, Organist; Earl V. Moore, Frederick Stock, Eric De-
Lamarter, Howard Hanson, Juva Higbee, Conductors; The Chicago Sym-
phony Orchestra; The 'University Choral Union; The Young, People's Fes-
tival Chorus; "Merry Mount". (opera) ; "B~elshazzar's Feast" (oratorio) ;
"'Spring Rapture," (cantata).
First concert: Wednesday Evening -Koshetz, Orchestra, Stock, Conduc-
Second concert: Thursday Evening-H~eifetz, B~aromeo, Orchestra, "Bel-
shazzar's Feast," Moore and Stock, Conductors.
Third' concert: Friday Afternoon -Bampton, Orchestra, "Spring Rap-
ture," Young People's Chorus, DeLamarter and Higboee, Conductors.
Fuorth concert: Friday Evening-Wagner night. Stucckgold Orchestra.
Stock~, Conductor.
Fifth concert: Saturday Afternoon-Maier, Pattison, Orchestra, Stock
Sixth concert: Saturday Evening-World Premiere "Merry Mount,"
Corona, Bampton, Jagel, 'Thomas, Baromeco, Orchestra,' Chorus, Hanson,
... Evening Concerts: 8:15. Afternoon concerts: 2:30.
Orchestra Concert: The University Symphony Orchesztra, David Mat-
tern,- conductor, assisted by Ruby Peiihert, 'cellist, will give the following
program, Sunday, April 30, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium, to which
the' general public with the exception of small children is invited:
Mozart: Overture, "Marriage of Figaro"; Beethoven: Symphony No. 3,
"Ervica" Op. 55, Allegro con brio, Marcia Funebre, Scherzo, Allegro motto;
Boellman: Symphonic Variations,- Op. 23, for 'cello and Orchestra, (Ruby
Peinert) ; Berlioz: Minuet, Dance of the Sylphs, Hungarian March, from
"Damnation of Faust."
Graduation Recital: Genevieve Griffey, Violinist, accompanied by Otto
Graf, will give the following graduation recital, Monday evening, May 1,
at, 8:15 o'clock in the School of Music Auditorium, to which the general
public with the exception of smnall children is invited:
Pugnani-Kreisler : Pr aeludium and Allegro; Bach : Largo, Bouree;
Mendelssohn: Concerto in E minor, Op. 64, Allegro, Andante; Cyril Scott-
Kreisler: Lotus Land; Kreisler: Londonderry Air; Sarasate: Zigeunerweisen.
Xi chapter of Pi Lambda Theta will serve tea in the Graduate Library
of. the Elementary School from 4 to 6 p. mn. Friday, April 28, to visiting
alumnae and superintendents.
Comedy Club: Try-outs for spring show at 4:00 p. im. and 7:00 p. in.
in League.
Dance Demonstration: A doenonstration of work done in the dance
here will be given for those attending the Schoolmasters' Convention this
afternoon, at 3 o'clock in Barbour Gymnasium. Anyone on campus is cor-
dially invited to attend.
Varsity Band: Meet at Morris Hall at '7:15 p. gyn. sharp in full uniform.
Bring marching folio.
Hillel Players, and especially all those connected with the production of
The Dybbuk: Special meeting at 4:15 in the Hillel Foundation. All are
urged to be present.
Orthodox Jewish Students: Regular Friday evening service at 5:30
1will ta~lk on "Some Physiological Ef-
fects of Caffeine and Coffee," and,
- Dr. W ilheinina Vian Ingen will talk
on "Figurines from Seleucia."
Sigmna Xi: Annual banquet and in-
itation will be held at 6:30 W ednes-
.lay evening, ;May 3, Michigan League
Nlotices have been sent to all mem-
ers in good standing. Reservations
or plates.mus he made in advance
3y postal card enclosed with the no-
Phi Lanbda Upsilon annual ban-
itet, G:30 p. in., Saturday, April 29,
At the Union. Informal. One dollar
.er plate.
Spixmember s will not meet to-
Jay. RLegular, meeting at 6:30, p., m.
3und,' y at Union., Supper cafeteria
i tlppine-I Michigan. Cluba: Regu-
lar ime eting oan Sunday,. April 30, at
3:00 p. im. in Lane Hall. Final ar-
rangernents for the club's "Santa
Cruz do Mayo" .picnic shall be made.
Members who are expecting to have
some guiests must be ready to sub-
mit the names of their guests.
Graduate Outing Club will canoe
Saturday, 3 to 5. A. V. S. Pulling, ca-
noeing authority, whose canoeing
handbook has just been, published,.
will give a group demonstration, and
individual pointers. Every graduate
welcome; your chance to learn fund-
amentalsr or advanced manipulations.
Will leave Angell hEall at2:0 Bring
30 cents.
Dance for Gradtuate Students: 'Sat-
urday, April 29, at the Women's Ath-
letic Building. From 9 until 12. Ad-i
mission 30 cents.
CostnopoliNan Club will meet on
Saturday, April 29, at 8 p. mn. in Lane
Hall. The Hindustan Club will pre-
Place atdvertisements with Classified
Advertising Department.. Phone 2-1214..
The cla~jslfledl columns close at three
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash, in advance-lie per reading line;
(on. basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
Minimum. 3 lines per insertion.
10a pr reading line for three or more
Telephorne rate--i5e per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more
10,10 discount: if paid with in ten. days
from the date of last inse-rtion.
Minim-umn three lines per insertion..
By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month ......... ...........8c
4 lines E. 0. D., 2 months...... ...8c
2 lines dail!y, college year ....... ...7c
4 lines E.U. D., college year........7
100 lines used as desired.... ......9c
300 lines used as desired ........... 8c
1,040 lines used as desired.... ......7c
2,000 lines used as desired......... 6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type,. upper and lower case. liid
6Gc- per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for,
bold fae upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7 '/ point type.
STUDENT -- And family washing
!ca eful work at lowest- prices. Phy.
I300. ie
TYPEWRITING-And Mimeograph-
ing promptly and neatly done- in
our shop by experienced operators,
at moderate rates. 03. D. Morrill,
The Typewriter & Statonery Store,
314 S. State St. _ 10x
TYPING-Notes, Papers, and Grad.
theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c
LAUN~DRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free~ Socks darned. 13c
sent a4,five thousand year old play,
"Salitri, or Love Conquers Death."
There will also be additional enter-
tainment';and refreshments. Members.
and their friends are cordially in-
vited to be present.
Wesley Hall: Wesley Players will
present "The Valiant" Sunday eve-
ning at 6 o'clock in the Little Thea-
tre ink.Wesley Hall.
Upper Rom Bible Class will meet
at 7 P. m. Saturday, Upper Room,
Lane Hall. Mr. Chapman will speak
on "Fin~ding the Worth of Life.,"
There are only a few more nmeetings
of the class this year and every-
body should be present.
TYPING --M meo graphi1Lng, Binding.
Quality at the right price. Brum-
field & Bruinfield, 308 S. State,
library. 5c daily. Clean covers. Uni-
versity Music House. 10:830 to 5 :30.
CAMEL HAIR--Topcoat and br.own,
hiat in Chubby, Sunday evening.
Reward. No questions asked. Call
Al Newmvtan, 295. 407
Vi'-AN'rTED -Instruction in Por tu-
uese. Preferably by native of Bra-'
il. Box No. 46B. 412.
suits. Will pay- 4, 5, 6, and 7 dollars.
Phone Anti Arbor 4306. Chicago
Buyers. 34e
.dity. Fecw positions still available
fc.r male students. Apply UP-ion,
Room 306, Morning' 10 to 12, After-
noon, 1 to 5 today.
FOR i SALE- I 13 volumnes of law text
bocoks, includcing 43 volumes, U. S.
R.eports and Digest from No. 1 to
1889. $60.00. Phone 4997., evenings.
GAS HEATER-For sale. Practically
new. Radiant heat. Will sell cheap.
Phone 5629. 410
PLEASANT- Furnished housekeep-
ing rooms,s:ingle $2.50, double
$3.50 weekly-. 4942. 1436 Washing-
ton Heights. 408
A2l kes - aean ort.1
Sold flente4I1ccharwge4Repaie
Laxge dhice stockNasy ezis,
314SSF~te t.,Am Arbor.
A Pleasant Evening to the Patrons.
p. m. in the Hillel Foundation.
Woman's Research Club: Annual
dinner Monday, May 1, at 6:30 p. in.
in the Michigan League building. For
reservations call Mrs. Thorpe, 2-1384.
Price 75 cents. Dr. Kathryn Horst
t _ ..
____Last Times Today
-Sat. Only-Randolph Scott~
-o e lie
ITo [ - at the UNION-
_ __.. ...:.._ . _ _ _.._.. :T
p King , Kon
"'Devil Is Driving".
Unusural Bill of
Added Entertainment
Most Colorful of Wmar Dramas~
MAJ EST I C,-Tomorrow
Minimcharge 75e pe
30U c
9:3 t 1:3
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I ..,.,....,. c , .a... IIlIL