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April 28, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-04-28

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or Friday






Student Con
World Affairs; R
Tongue Slips.

I No. 149

U , F




Their Debate Teams Meet In State Finals Today

Guests Of

Opera Stars
Will Feature
May Festival,
Grete Stueckgold, Nina
Koshetz, Rose Bampton,
Leonora Corona To Sing
Choral Works Also
Will Be Presenited

Duggan Will
Speak Today
At Assembly

3.2 Beer Legal
15-Year Reign
D1-~. . .~



Of Institute For
Education Will


68th Annual
Ann Arbor
ifer Today
s Give Talks
g Day; Hold
e At Hill
eachers from all
scended upon the
for theupeningi
ty-eighth annual
chigan Schoolmas-
dieds more are ex-
Saturday as spe-
erences get under-


Preston N. Tanis, Manistique
who coach the two debate teamsi
itght at Hill Auditorium to decide
Debate Crown
To Be Decided

: gr


I, 7



Manistique To Meet Flintj
Northern In Champion-
ship Forensic Contest I
The championship debate of, the
Michigan High School Debating'
League will be held at 8:15.p. m. to-f
day in Hill Auditorium; This year it
brings together Manistique, cham-
pions of the Upper Peninsula, and
Flint Northern champions of the
Saginaw Valley League..
The question for debate is "Re-
solved: That the State of Michigan
should adopt a state income tax."
The affirnative is to be upheld byf
Manistique, represented by Leon Wil-
loughby, Clayton Burrell, .and Jack
McIntosh speaking in the order
named. Flint's team is composed of

SHans on's 'Mery Mount'
Will Be Given In World
irst Performance
Opera stars known to music lovers
everywhere will be featured at the
-Detroit Free Press Photos Fortieth Annual May Festival, con-
and James A. McMonagle, Flint, sisting of six concerts, which will be
that engage in the final debate to- held May 17, 18, 19, and 20, in Hill
the state championship. Auditorium.
Nina Koshetz, Grete Stuockgold,
Leonora Corona, Rose Bampton, all
H ouse Passes distinguished prima donnas; Fred-'
erick Jagel, tenor; John Charles
Reucios ~Thomas, baritone; Chase Brmo
Reductions In "aswil articiaten te grat
choral works and miscellaneous op-
School Funds eratic programs. Heifetz, world-re-
nowned violinist, with Guy Maier,
B P d gand Pattison, dual pianists, and Pal- I
Bill Providing For- Six- er Christian, organist, will repre-
Man Jury Amended And sent the instrumentalists.
"Merry Mount" Will Be Seen
Passed By Senate Frederick Stock and the Chicago
-- Symphony Orchestra will appear on I
LANSING, April 27.- -A)-The many of the programs with Eric De- I
House today passed and sent to the ; lamarter, assistant conductor, Earl
Senate the Stout Bill proposing an V. Moore, University musical direc-
appropriation of one-third reduction tor, and Howard Hansen, young
American composer, as guests con-
in appropriations for state normal ductors. The University Choral
colleges. The total fund would be $1,- Union and the Young Peoples Chorus
422,270 a year distributed as follows: will sing under the direction of Juva
Michigan State Normal, $529,262; Higbee, Young Peoples' conductor.
Central State Teachers College, "Merry Mount," a new opera by
$210,600; Western State Teachers Howard Hanson, will receive its
' 'world first performance by special,
College, $514,252; and Northern State wrdfstpfoanebsecl
C4rpermission of the Metropolitan Opera
Teachers, $166,144. Company. Mr. Hanson will person-
A bill to reduce the appropriations ally conduct his composition. This
for the State Vocational School arid opera depicts early New England life
the Girls' Home and Training School and portrays many characteristic '
also passed the House. It provided; scenes from the times of the early
for a fund of $226,140 a year for the Puritans. It abounds in beautiful
former and $130,275 for the girls' 'melodoius passages for the chorus
school at Adrian. and outstanding roles for the soloists.
The Stout Bill also authorized j Wednesday To Feature Arias
county road commissions to present "Belshazzars Feast," an oratorio,
a plan for paying covert road bonds by the contemporary British com-
over a five-year period. The plan poser, William Walton, will receive
must be approved by the supervisors its near-American premiere. As its
and 75 per cent of the bond hold- name indicates it is bliblical in char-
overs. acter. At a recent performance in
The Kirkwood Bill providing for six Boston, and more lately in Pitts-
man juries in civil cases was passed burgh, it attracted wide attention
by the Senate and returned to the and music critics have pronounced it
House for concurrence in amend- one of the outstanding choral works
ments. The measure would require of the day.
a defendant to demand a jury and The third choral presentation will
to specify a six man body if he so be given by the Young Peoples'
desired. The bill also provides that a Chorus and is entitled "Spring Rap-
decision of 10 men in a 12-man jury ture," by Harvey Gaul, prominent
shall prevail as the verdict and five Pittsburgh composer and music critic.
out of six in the smaller jury. In addition to the choral perform-
ances which will take place on
Thursday evening, Friday afternoons
Alice Boier, '33, lDeliers I and Saturday evening, important op-
Honorable Mention Talk eratic arias will be sung Wednesday
night, Thursday night, Friday after-
. IOWA CITY, Ia., April 27.-()- noon and Friday evening, while in-
Arthur B. Magidson, of the Univer- strumental numbers with orchestra
sity of Wisconsin, tonight won the will also be performed Thursday eve-
Ncrthern Oratorical League chain- ning and Saturday afternoon.
pionship and the $100 Lowden prize
with the spcech, "A Mediocrity Tri- , 1
umphant.' Lxteflsiol Unit

Address Honors Group ,
Special Awards To
Be Given Students
Classes To Be Dismissed
At 10:30 A. M. To Allow
Students To Attend
The annual Honors Convocation
ceremonies will take place at 11 a. m.
today in Hill Auditorium, at which
time Dr. Stephen P. Duggan, director
of the Institute for International
Education, will speak on the subject,
"Our Changing Policy Toward Latin-
All classes will be excused at 10:30
a. m. to allow students and faculty
to attend, it has been announced.
Dr. Duggan has recently completed
a journey in South America, where
he spoke at several colleges and uni-
versities, and, in tne words of Prof.
Joseph R. Hayden of the political
science department, "has been most
successful in increasing the mutual
understanding between the nations of
Latin-America and the United
Special invitations have been sent
to hcnor students who will occupy
the center section of the main floor
of the auditorium.
Included in the honor students
group are all seniors who rank in
the upper tenth of their class in
scholarship, sophomores and fresh-
men who have a rating of half A
and half B, newly elected members of
Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, and
Tau Beta Pi, and the recipients of
scholarships, fellowships, and special
awards based primarily on scholastic
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will preside and organ music will
be furnished by Prof. Palmer Chris-
tian, University organist.
Campus Stores
Sl Sell Leral Bae

Will Lead Ball Tonight

Licenses To Be I
Purchases May
Possible Next


Miss Amy Dodge of Sewickley, Pa.,
who will lead the grand march at the
Military Ball tonight with Donald E.
Knight, '&"T, general chairman.
Annual Military
Ball Tonight To
Be Gala Affair
Carl Moore's Orchestra,
Many Novelties Will Be
Features Of Dance

New State Liquor Contr
Commission To Consi
Of Seventeen Membei
LANSING, April 27.-6')-Fiftc
years of Prohibition ended in Mic-
gan today.
At 3 p. m..this afternoon Gov
nor Comstock signed a bill legal
ing the sale, manufacture, poss
sion,and transportatoin of 3.2 b
and wine.
His act placed Michigan in 1
list of states in which the new al
holic beverage may be bought a
consumed locally. It crumbled a
wall behind which laws permitt.
life sentences for the sale of a p
of gin were enacted.
When the governor approved
measure the possession and use
beer and wine containing not me
than 3.2 per cent of alcohol
weight became legal at once. T
sale of beer and wine in Miehig
however, probably will not start un
next week.
Brewery Permits Required
Persons bringing the new bev
ages from other states are excep
from prosecution but sales may r
be made until licenses are gran
and beer may not be manufactu
for sale until brewery permits ha
been issued.
The no State Liquor Cont
Commission, to be made up ofo
member from each of the 17 co
gressional districts, will be head
by Franl Pickard, of Saginaw.
Governor said that three other me
bers will be V. F. Gormley, of Ne
berry, from the eleventh congi
sional district, Mrs. Thomas
McAllister, of Grand Rapids, of
fifth district, and Leo Wilkowski,
Detroit, a brother of A. J. Wilkow
from the first district. All are Deir


After De

3oine Treasures of
Lements Library."
said that the Uni-
pioneer in metho-
of ancient Egypt,
in 1924. The ex-
in the region of
s concerned itself
npting to find out
eriod in Egyption
ollowing the time
treat of Macedonia,

of Ale>
he sai

Through the medium of many
slides, he showed that a great de-
gree of succes had been met with,
so that archaelogists and historians
alike now have a fairly complete pic-
ture of that period in Egyption his-
tory that had formerly been unin-
vestigated. Moreover, he said that
their excavations of towns had
thrown added light on the history of
both Greece and Rome. The most1
valuable finds were the recovery of
thousands of papyrus writings. 1
Describes Library Work
In Dr. Ada'ns' lecture, "Some
Treasures of the William Clements
Library," he gave a brief resume of
the types of materials collected,
namely: maps, manuscripts, books,1
and, more recently, newspapers. ;
Dr. Adams said that the Williaml
C. Clements library possesses many1
very rare, old books, among which is
a copy of "Americanos." printed in
1544 in Mexico City, which was the
first book printed in America. At the'
present time, there are only 5 known+
copies in existence, he said.
Prof. Thomas H. Reed last night
at the League deplored the fact'
that more attention was spent by
teacher-training institutions in me-
thodology than in adequate educa-
tional training of teachers.
He blamed the educational system
for the inept and incapable atti-
(Contin ued on Page 6)
omcedy Club Will Hold
Tryouts For New Play
Try-outs for Comedy Club's spring
presentation, which will conclude the
club's dramatic season for the year,
will be held at 4 and 7 p. m. today
in the League, Mary Pray, '34, presi-
dent, said yesterday.
The group will meet with Ains-
worth Arnold, director of the forth-
coming play, and well-known in Ann
Arbor for his work in the Dramatic
Festival during the past three sea-
sons. The cast will be chosen at this
+ -m

William Hood who will uphold the
negative side.
The judges for this debate are
Prot ''Ralph Dennis, dean of the
school of speech at Northwestern
University, and Professors G. E.
Densmore, and J. M. O'Neill of the
speech department.
This is the first time in the history
(Continued on Page 2)
Foundling Tricycle
Left With Lost And
Found Department
The University lost and found de-
partment has never had a tricycle
turned in. At least not until yester-
day. Now a nice shiny new green ve-
locipede adorns the counter in Sec-
retary Smith's office, providirj a
touch of variety among the many
textbooks and fountain pens.
It all happened this way, Dr. C. W.}
Edmunds, of the Medical School, had
his car parked behind the pharma-
cology building. His daughter, Ann
Edmunds, "33, noted campus actress,
started to drive home at noon, and
was astounced to findf a tricycle
parked in the back seat of the car.
Cross examination of B & G attend-
ants, who admitted having seen bi-
cycles and roller skates galore, failed
to reveal any trace of a young gentle-
man seen riding a three-wheeler.
So if some little boy wants his
tricycle back, it's over in Room 3,
University Hall, much to the dismay
of the office force.

There was a growing possibility regular army officer attending in full
last night that State Street mer- uniform, the party is expected to be
chants might yet sell beer, as Al one of the most colorful of the
Heald, proprietor of the Parrot, an- present season, committeemen said"
nounced that he would make another last night. Members of -the comiit-
attempt to have the Common Coun- tee will be distinguished by' blue and
cil rescind its recent action prohibit- gold citation cords which they will
ing a vote on the east of Division wear on their left shoulders.
Street beer ordinance. In addition to straight music and
Mr. Heald hopes that proprietors of novelty numbers that the orchestra
other State Street restaurants will will furnish, Moore is bringing a
join with him in an appeal, to be "torch singer" that has met with
made by a competent attorney, to great success in Chicago. Also the
have the Council reconsider its vote. committee has engaged Bob and
Neither Chubbs, Fingerle's Restau- Donna Baker to give a tango exhibi-
rants, nor the College -Innl would tion. A traditional feature of the
make any authoritative statement on party will be the annual presentation
the proposal last night. ceremony of Scabbard and Blade,
Under the terms of the beer bill national honorary military fraternity,
it will be necessary to get the per- at which time men who were elected
mission of local councils before ap- recently will be presented.
plying for a license from the state .
beer commission. City Attorney Wil- SENATORS FAIL TO ARRIVE
liam Laird, returning from Lansing The group of members of the fi-
last night, where he had gone to nance committee of the State Senate
study the bill's provisions with rela- who were expected to come to Ann
tion to Ann Arbor, stated that the Arbor yesterday to confer with Uni-
Division Street ordinance effectively versity directors concerning finances
prevented the sale of beer in the did not arrive, it was said late last
campus area. Inight by officials.

More than 800 students, patrons,
and guests will attend the fifteenth
annual Military Ball to be held from
9 p. m. to 2 a. in. tonight in the
Union ballroom. Carl Moore's or-
chestra, noted for its successes at the
Drake and the Blackstone hotels in
Chicago and widely-known through
its appearance over Radio Station
WGN and over the National Broad-
casting Company's network, will play
for the party.
Miss Amy Dodge, of Sewickley, Pa.,
will lead the grand march with Don-
ald E. Knight, '33E, general chair-
man of the ball. As the march ends
a picture of the marchers will be
With all members of the Reserve
Officers Training Corps as well as

Eight to Be Republicans
Thirteen are to be named and
eight must be Republicans. The bal-
ance of the commission will be
named later when the Governor has
completed a check to determine
whether all those he had in mind
met the qualifications laid down by
the law. It requires that no member
of the commission be intrested in
the manufacture or sale of beer or
The Governor hopes to have the
list completed in time to send to .the
Senate for confirmation Friday
morning. He may call a special
meeting of the State Administrative
Board to fix the amount of bond re-
quired from members. Before the
commission can start to function
funds must be filed and approved.
The Senate must confirm the ap-
pointments, and a "managing direc-
tor" must be named by the commis-
Conoress Still
Occupied With
Inflation Bill

Paul K. Howells, of NorthwesternI
University, von second place and the
$50 prize donated by Frank 0. Low-
den, former governor of Illinois. His
oration was entitled "Simple Fools."
Alice Boter, of the University of
Michigan, received honorable men-I

Heads Michigan
Speech Leaiune
A Michigan High School Forensic
Association has been organized under
the direction of the University Ex-
Itension Division to reduce exoenses

Communism, Hitlerism, Fascism
Students Conference Subjects
Hitlerism, Fascism, and Commu- basis, the present state of Commu-
nism, together with a consideration nism in the Soviet Union, the eco-
of the Chinese. Japanese Soviet nomic develonpent of the Union of


u tol; L 111o , G~ aro , l 4 , lv i .cF u.+x :xk U xL+ %,1ul
United States, and League of Nations Socialistic Soviet Republics as com-
questions will form the agenda of pared with that of the United
the world politics commission of the States, the agrarian revolution, and
International Students Conference, possible solutions will be discussed
it, was announced yesterday by Ben- by Charles A. Orr, Grad., chairman,
jamin King, Grad., chairman of the William Merhab, '34, Eugene Shafar-
commission. The conference will be man, '33M, and Fumi Oi,, Grad.
held May 4, 5, 6, and 7 in the Union. The present situation in the East
Estelle V. Mislik, '33, has been is the topic delegated to Matthew
named secretary of the commission, Toinlinson, Grad. China's militant
it was announced, while Robert Mc- nationalism, possible unification of
Culloch, Grad., will serve as chair- China, and the boycott as a legiti-
man of the European crisis sub- mate means of defense will be con-
commission. Jose L. Lopez, Grad., sidered by Hsi Ku Lo., Grad., chair-
will give a discussion of the foreign man, Wilfred Smith, '33, Robert K.
policies of France and Germany. Suez, '33, and William B.' Palmer,
meitl and the German nolitical sit- Grad.

and give a better program in speech' owe Praises Jotra sEdg
training. S7WASHINGTON,. pil2.
This association effects a consoli- - , -ak1mapril
dation of all interscholastic speech Tickets T ro On IeT d1y Talk and ei i
0Scontests in the state, thus bringing " - YYtbg for the nation and world imjf
under one direction the Michigan ing, kept Congress on edge ove
High School Oratorical Association, "'Journey's End' is certainly one English department, who - served at flation today while President R
the Michigan High School. Debating of the most distinguished plays of the front during the World War, de-end s nHng or ren (
League, and the Michigan High recent years," Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe clared, "It is photographic in.its.real- icon co-c ration on disarma
School Extempore Speaking League. of the English -department, said in ism, and certainly.tends to make peo- n
It will be under the guidance of the an interview last night in comment- ple disgusted with war. It takes all and securities.
I The Senate gave its approv
extension division in co-operation I ing on the first of Play Production's the guilt off the gingerbread. 'John- the sec ofate ilation I
with an advisory council consisting two plays which will be presented ney's End' doesn't underrate the real tion which has been the vortex
of representatives of the Michigan May 3, 4, 5, and 6 at the Laboratory virtues of the soldier." weeks' dispute that would auti
High School Principals' Association, Theatre. "'Journey's End' is very realistic, a the chief executive to reduce thi
ers o Spech, ad th Michgan on- d fro a pint o vie charcters- 1frontlinetrencescsowingtheeor-tr.vResevetrandM.eHrrho
the Michigan Association of Teach- "The destruction of war is present- wonderful reconstruction of life in content df the dollar.
ers of Speech, and the MVichigan Con- ed from a point of view characteris- front line trenches showing the hor~ Mr. Roosevelt and M. H errziot
ference of City Superintendents. tically English," he continued. "Civil- 1ror an officer in a dugout faces," discussed war debts, but wi
For some time a need for the con- ized men struggle to maintain the I Prof. Rene Talamon of the Trench [compromise offers made by E
solidation of these organizations has human dignity built upon traditions department said yesterday, speaking and action was postponed.
been felt by those interested in against the shattering force of a sit- on' the militaristic values of the play French emissary himself ma
speech, according to James H. Mc- uation inhuman and barbaric. This from the point of view of disarma- known that understanding on
Burney of the speech department. is, for modern dramatic- purposes, ment. "The old fashion type or war had been reached.
j The extension division with the aid the most ,truly- tragic aspect of war, drama with its glory and heroism, The President also talked c
If nfrm - -i hC, .h.and the result is a war nlav nower- served to encourage voing men to In

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