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April 28, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-04-28

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A ,


Published every morning except Monday during the
Jniversity year and Summer Session by the Board in
ontrol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
ion anl the Big Ten News Service.
The Asociat-ed Pre s in e:clusively entitled to the use
or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
uot otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
ublished herein. All rights of republication of special
lispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
econd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
rhird Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by inail,
1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by,
nail1, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
ne., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
3oylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephon'e 4925
"ITY EDITOR............... ..... KARL SEIFFERT
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John W. Pritchard,
Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw,
Glenn R. Winters.
IPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman.
REPORTERS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Donald R.
Bird, Richard- Boebel, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G.
Coulter, Harold A. Daisher, Caspar S. Early, Waldron
Eldridge, Ted Evans, Willam G. Ferris, Sidney Erankel,
Thomas Groelin, Robert D. Guthrie, John C. Healey,
Robert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Joseph L. Karpin-
ski, Milton Feiner, Mthew Lefkowit , Manuel Levin,
Irving Levitt, David G. MacDonald, Proctor McGeachy,deMorJlP.NwaohO'nelX -
Sidney Moyer, Joel P. Newman, John. O'Connell, Ken-
neth Parker, Paul W. Philips, George Quimby, Floyd
Rab , William Reed. Edwin W. Richardson, Rich-
ard Rome, 1-. A. Sanders, Robert E. Scott, Adolph
Shapiro, Marshall D. Silverman, Wilson L. Trimmer,
George Van Vleck, Philip Taylor Van Zile, William
Weeks, Guy M. .Whipple, Jr.
Dorothy Adams, Barbara Bates, Marjorie Beck, Eleanor
B. Blum, Frances Carney, Betty Connor, Ellen Jane
Cooley, Margaret Cowie, Adelaide Crowell, Dorothy
Dishman, Gladys M. Draves, Jeanette Duff, Dorothy
Gies, Carol J. Hanan, Jean ilanmer, Florence Harper,
Marie Held. Margaret Hiscock, Eleanor JohnsonrLois
Jotter, Hilda Laine' Helen Levison, Kathleen Maclntyre,
Josephine McLean, Anna Miller, Mary Morgan, Marjorie
Morrison, Marie Murphy, Mary M. O'Neill, Margaret D.
Phalan. Jane Schneider, Barbara Sherburne, Mary E.
Simpson, Ruth Sonnanstine, Margaret Spencer, Miriam
P. Stark, Marjorie Western.
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, W. Grafton Sharp
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Scetnacke; Cir-
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
land, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume,
Allen Knuusl, Ru ;sell Read, Lester Skinner, Robert
Ward, Meis W. Bartress, William B. Caplan, Willard,
Cohodas, R. C. Devereaux, Carl J. Fibiger, Albert
Gregory, Milton Kramer, John Marks, John I. Mason,
John P. Ogden, Robert Trimby, Bernard Rosenthal,
Joseph Rothbard, Richard Schiff, George R. Williams.
Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
Ginrnmy, Billie Griffiths, Catherine McHenry, May See-
fried, Virginia McCo Cb, Meria Abbot, Betty Chapman,
Lillain Fine, Minna Giffen, Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wose.
FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1933
Student Conferences
Ott World Affairs...

and finally has proven unsuccessful. There is a1
future for the Anti-Saloon League, if it is able to
exist with any degree of energy on a basis of
exactly what its name implies, and nothing more.
But most of its energy has been devoted to
thwarting efforts of the wet element to drown
the Eighteenth Amendment, or, at any rate, the
Volstead Act; and both Michigan and Minnesota
have gone irretrievably weU, with other states;
rapidly following suit.
Mr. Holsaple's admission of the vigor of the
fight he has had to put up is an unwitting con-I
fession that the Eighteenth Amendment was
wrong. His continuing fight would seem now to be
pure obstinacy, although it very probably is basedC
on moral conviction. At any rate, it seems possible
that Mr. Holsaple and many of his colleagues will
shortly find themselves out of jobs.
creen ReflectionS
Four stars. means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; onle star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
(As an aid in interpreting the stars used in this
column to rate the films, it might be said that
four stars corresponds roughly to the scholastic
grading of A, three stars to B, two to C, one to D,
and none at all to an E).
Beginning with Jack Oakie's remark, "Luray
Springs Hotel-people come, people go, nothing
ever happens," this picture is a rather poor imita-j
Lion of "Grand Hotel," with the setting a, southernI
town on the day of the handicap horse-race.
The action of the play centers around the race
in which most of the characters have placed bets
on different horses. The audience is interested in
seeing that the horses of each of the cast come in
first, but the favorite wins. Everybody was pretty
Sure he was going to win, however, and everything
somehow comes out all right in the end.
None of the cast are especially outstanding but
credit goes to Thomas Jackson for a good char-
acterization. Jackson is the man who invariably,
takes the role of the tough but soft-hearted de-
tective and this show is no exception. Carole
Lombard, who was born Jane Peters in Fort
Wayne, Ind., and is related to the Ann Arbor
Bursley family, has little to do but stand around

have decided that his painting is abstract. There
are indeed several kinds of abstraction in El
Greco's painting-the story, the religious, the vi-
sionary, the actual painting-form shaped as an
instrument of expression by these-but they are
miraculously fused in a unified spirit, itself an,
abstraction of physical and metaphysical experi-
Primitive dancing, for example, is an abstrac-
tion of primitive experience, whether with bulls or
snakes or eagles as symbols, whether with motifs

The Hearthstone

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_ w++

Pomntl Road at CPi Limits)
s, cial s rv.i('e for Par' ies and Clubs
nwi :-2786 for Reservat'ons

rm -

arisiing from fertility of soil rituals, which grew i
from man's warfare with the natural elements or
his own fears or those of his enemies.
The savage bedecks himself with eagle"s plum-
age, he moves as he saw the eagle move, but het
does not become the eagle. Actually, he gives
his eagle-abstraction man's thought and emo-
tional processes. The eagle may represent courage
to man, but the eagle itself is courage, and un-
aware of that courage as an abstraction. It is
something the eagle cannot abstract from himself.j
What the savage does is to make the eagle a man-j
eagle, make him move as man thinks the eagle
moves, and behave as he thinks the eagle would
behave if the eagle were man. What we think of,
as his abstraction is actually literature.
Man paints trees and waves and man-their,
essential form, which he says are the actual,
the integral trees, waves, and man. But what
he paints is literature. It may be abstract or sur-
realistic literature, but content, no matter how
non-literal or visionary or obscure, is in that,,
painting, literary, music, or dance-form.
Another thing: the artist may plumb the secret
places of man's worlds for abstract truths, but if
he is an artist he does not keep his discoveries 1
secret, or his discovered truths to himself. He
does not say, as do certain of our ofcial abstrac-
tionists when asked for the meanings of their ab-
stract messages, "No one can understand me but
myself." That, too, is "literature!"
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications Will be .dsregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than
30words if possible,
To the Editor:

F I j 11lies


Lawn~~~~~ MoeSl1a v


L* .awn Seed

She M-ne
8 $

Ann1m Aurbr Ip111lemient Co.
110 South Ashley Street Phone 2-1614

I. Wednesday Evening, 8:15-May 17
Nina Koshetz Soprano
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Frederick Stock ... Conductor
Overture to "Russian and
Ludmilla"...... .............GClinka
Aria from "Russlan and
Nina Koshetz
Tone Poem,. "Thus Spake Zara-
thustra," Op. 30..............Strauss
Aria. "Letter Scene" from
"Eugene Onegin"........Tchaikovsky
Miss Koshetz
Symphony No. 12. 0 minor,
Op. 35..............Miaskovsky
Songs and Dances of Death,
M. iss Kosbetz
Polka and Fugue, from "Schwanda,
the Bagpipe-Player" '......Weinborger
11. Thursday Evening, 8:15-May 18
Chase Baromeo .. ..Bass
Jascho Heifetz Violinist
Palmer Christian Organist
University Choral Un ion
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Earl V. Moore and
Frederick Stock Conductors
"In the Faery Hills"............Bax
Aria, "Corifutatis Maledictis" from
"The Manzoni Requie"........Verdi
Chase Ktronieo
IBelshaszar'r Feast"..........Wailton
Mr. Baromeo, Chorus, Orchestira, Organ
Concerto for Violin, D major,
Op. '7'7-.....-........ ....Brahms
Jascha Heifetz

Friday ad. Saturday



at 606 E. Liberty St. (Phone 9055), will
have specially arralgI boxes of fresh-et
Roses and Assorted F'owers delivered any-
where in the city at -

0 cVic ill, I


and look beautiful, but she does that well.-B. S. The Hopwood Committee, for subsequent con-
tests, ought to consider -eliminating from the rules
.ejrollment in one course in English .Composi-
tion," because this proviso is incompatible with
icalEvents !the liberal spirit in the Hopwood will.
Although the Hopwood will contains no spe-
cific requirement of enrollment in .a course in
UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY f English Composition, it restricts awards to "stu-
ORCHESTRA PROGRAM .ldents in the Department of Rhetoric," The Com-
The University Symphony Orchestra, under the mittee's pamphlet explains that the Department
direction of David Mattern, assisted by a Chorus of Rhetoric is now the Department of English
of Children from Junior High Schools of Ann Language and Literature; but the pamphlet does
Attor, with Juva Higbie, Conductor and Ruby not explain why a contestant, to be eligible, must'
Peinert, 'cellist, will give the following program, take a course in English Composition.
at 4:15 p. m. today in Hill Auditorium. This pro- When Mr. Weaver, secretary to the Committee,
gram is complimentary to Michigan Schoolmas- was asked, he explained, as a second reason for,
ters' Club. the strict adherence to the "Composition clause".
Overture, "Marriage of Figaro" ..........Mozart by the Committee, that this body believes anyone
Allegro con brio, Marcia Funebre who has not taken at least one course in -compo-
from Symphony No. 3 "Ervica" . ...Beethoven sition-and it is fair to state that only one course'
Cello solo, "Chant du MenestreJ.....Glazunoff is demanded-the Committee, he said, believes
Ruby Peinert such an one "uninterested."
Minuet, Dance of the Sylphs, Hungarian Whether one subscribes to the principle that
March from "Damnation of Faust" ... . Berlioz writing courses, which exact excellently unflinch-
Cantata, "Song of Victory" .............Fletcher ing practice, are of value; or to the view that the
Chorus and Orchestra prospective author will profit by studying liter-
ature in school, and by writing out of school, away
M ARJORIE 1McCLUTNG-from dogmatic restraint, is a matter of opinion.
In a program whose scope ranged from the But if it is evident from this letter that the
classical Italian of Peri and Cesti, through the ro- need for English Composition courses is not ob-
mantic and lovely lieder of Brahms to such an 1 solete, let it also be known that not a few "Lits"
epheremal attractiveness as the Bantock "Feast of on the campus, who do not take these courses, are!
the Lanterns," Miss McClung displayed all the "interested."
capabilities of a voice which has become one of i To those students in the Department of English
the assets of the local School of Music. It is a Language and Literature, "who perform the best
voice of great power and wide range-a voice that creative work in the fields of dramatic writing,'
can take with ease any musical hurdles which may fiction, poetry, and the essay," Mr. Hopwood dedi-
be set up in its path and not begin to show the cated his bequest. "It is especially desired," runs
limits of its possibilities. One might talk about the will, "that the students competing for the
diction-of phrasing-or an especially fine middle prizes shall not be confined to academic subjects,
register-of a poise that needs no experience to ,but shall be allowed the widest possible latitude,
complete its maturity-but in the last analysis and that the new, the unusual, and the radical
Miss McClung's voice as a natural phenomenon shall be especially encouraged." This spirit must
transcends even the qualities of a most striking prompt our cincerely competent Committee to
personality. -Kathleen Murphy strike out the "Composition clause" from the rules1
for 1933-1934 and following.

This is an unusual bargain for the week-
end and you are assured of only fresh
flowers being used. Order a box and
remember some one who will appreciate
s 31 a gf t.



I1l. Friday Afternoon, 2:30-May 19
Rose Bompton ... Contralto
Orchestra Accompaniment
Young People's Festival
Juva Kigbee and
Eric Delarnrter . Conductors
Overture, "The Marriage of
Aria, "Chic faro senza Euridice"
from "Orfeo ed Euridice".....Gluck
Symphony "Oxford" in G
Groups of Songs:
Country Gardens...........Grainger
"The Little Dust Man"..........Brahms
Young People's Festival Chords
Aria, "I' est Doux, 11 est Bon"
from "Herodiade..........Massanet
Miss Bampton
"Elegy and Waltz" from Seren-
ade for Strings.........Tchaikovsky
Cantata: "SpriiCg Rapture.........gaul

.. i
__ _-



e Stele

A MOVEMENT to do away with wars
by means of educating the people
to the problems and viewpoints of other nations
through .international conferences has been stead-
ily gaining momentum during the past decade,
and, it had done much to acquaint the people1
with world problems. The colleges and universities
of our country are the best organizations to spon-
sor such conferences, however, for they have not
only men of great background to discuss the vari-
ous phases which enter into the question of world
peace but many students from foreign countries
who can present their sides of the question.
International peace cannot come about by hav-
ing nations sign their names to a "scrap of paper."
People of the various countries must be made to
realize the tremendous loss of life and property
which is inevitable whenever war breaks forth in
any part of the world, and they must learn to
settle their difficulties with other nations over
the peace table.
All students should be extremely interested in
the International Conference which the S.C.A.
is sponsoring 'from May 4 to 7. It will .provide an
opportunity to hear the unofficial spokesmen from
various countries, who will not attempt to give a
diplomatic discussion of the topics before the
conference but a sincere viewpoint. This confer-
ence is an invitation to the students of this
campus to add one more block to the wall that
is being built to shut out war. Those attending
the meetings will undoubtedly be given a clearer
outlook on the question of international affairs.



and S ok(-Piiig Ace essori~
n ASoies

IV. Friday Evening, 8:15-May 19
Grete Stueckgoid ... . Soprano
Chicago Sy'mphony Orchestra
Frederick Stock ...Conductor
Richard Wagner 1813-1883"
"The Flying Dutchman"
Septa's Ballad
Crete Stueckgold
Bacchanale (Paris Version) and Finale
from the Overture
Elizabeth's Prayer
Mnie. Stueckgold
"Tristan and Isolde"
Selections from Act III
(Arranged for concert performance by
Finale- ntrance of the Gods:
Mime. Stueckgold
Siegfried in the Forest
Song of the Rhine Maidens
Siegfried's Death and Funeral Marh


Rev. Holsaple's
Tongue Slips...
P ROHIBITION is moribund. At least
seven of its nine lives were snuffed
out by the return of beer and light wines, and the
other two are gradually weakening as a result of
gradual ascent, step by step, to the twenty-first
amendment. A rather periec epitaph was pro-
nounced Wednesday by the Rev. R. N. Holsaple,
who has directed the Michigarj Anti-Saloon
League for the past 10 years. The statment, which
Mr. Holsaple probably did not realize the signifi-
cance of himself, was made upon announcement
of his territorial swap with the Rev. D. L. Mc-
Bride, who has controlled the league in Minne7
Said Mr. Holsaple: "Dr. McBride and I have.
been friends for years. He has been out there for
E=t r, 't_: iidw rdecided a change would

The Theatre
(Editor's Note: Miss Enters' article, written espe-
cially for The Michigan Daily, is doubly interesting
because Miss Enters is being presented in two dance
recitals during the comling Dramatic Season at the
Mendelssohn Theatre, following Martha Graham's ap-
pearance in the festival last spring. Angna Enters'
method is the antithesis of Miss Graham's. Her
dances frankly "tell a story." Her music numbers
are filled with literary atmosphere and background,
,as .contrasted with Miss Graham's "abstract" com-
A belief most strange to me is the odium which
attaches to the painting, music, dance contained
in an apparent literary aspect. The argument is
that the purity of the art form is necessarily de-
filed by the presence of literature. That is, the
"pure form" of a painting is believed to be cor-
rupted by the presence of a recognizable "story"
element. If the painting is truly "abstract" you
can not, must not, }recognize anything it it save
form that is "pure," "significant," or "abstract."
In other words, the belief is that painting is
painting, the dance is the dance, and literature is
There is truth in such a belief, but not all of
the truth. Otherwise, how are we to account for
Maumier, Hogarth, El Greco, Goya and others
among the painters, or for Bizet, Wagner, Strav-
insky, Schoenberg among the composers. Litera-
ture and a good deal else are very much part
of their painting and music.
Is it really possible to say with a straight face
that El Greco was not a "pure" painter because
of the recognizable religio-mystical literature (and
Aothr less ure things) in his nainting, or to ex-

340 South State Street


---A. L. Laaius,'.i5.

v~r~By Karl Seifert~~
Montana grazing fees have been reduced, ac-
cording to a dispatch, which includes no statistics
on the number of migrating mid-westerners who
-will thereby be enabled to eat this summer.
* * *
CLASSIFIED AD: Agents, crew managers, quick
money, fast 10-25c sellers. Presto.
Come, come now-we'll have none of this mum-
* * *
As easy as that-no price, no war.
* * *
"I say this without blushing. Poetry is the
most important thing in the world."
-Prof. C. D. Thorpe ,
* * *
CLASSIFIED AD: Be independent-own your
own business. Pistachio nuts are in big demand
by the public.
We should be a pistachio nut just to make a
Roman holiday for the lousy public.

p - -: ..

V. Saturday Afternoon, 2:30-May 20

Guy Maier and
Lee Pattison
Chicago Symphony
f reedrick Stock


no change
in quality


Phone 3534

Overture to "The Improvis-
Symphony No. 1, 'P minor, Op.
39 ........................Sibelius
Concerto in C minor, No. 1, for
Two Pianos and Strings........Bach
Guy Maier and Lee Pattison
Natchez-on-the-Hill" (Three Virginian
Dances), Op. 30..............Powell
Ballad, "King Estmerc," for
two pianos and orchestra.Sowerby
Mr. :Maier and Mr. Mattison


* here is your best assurance of low-cost lawn and garden beauty I Vigoro is the
scientific plant food. Complete, balanced-clean, odorless. Order enough for
everythidng you grow. Get it at your lawn and garden supply dealef a in the
thrifty 100-lb., 50-b. and 25.lb. bags. A product of Swift & Company.

Vi. Saturday Evening, 8:15-May 20
Leonora Corona . ...Sopro 1
Rose Sapton .. . ContraIto
Frederick Jagel . Tenor
John Charles Tlhomas.Baritone
Chase Baromeo .. Bass
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
University Choral Union
Howard Hanson,

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