4C1 "Y
Patrons Namied
For Fifteenth
Governor Cnstock And
President Ruthven Are
Included Amoin g Guests
Patrons and patronesses for ty
fifteenth annual Military Ball, sched-
uled for Friday, April 28 at the U.
ion, were announcecd yesterday by
Donald E. Knight, '33E, genera
The list is as follows' bov. William
A. Comstock and Mrs. Comstock
President Alexander G. Ruthven anc
Mrs. Ruthven, Regent Junius E. Bea
and Mrs. Beal, Vice-president Shirley
W. Smith and Mrs. Smith, Vice-pres-
ident Clarence S. Yoakum and Mr
Yoakum, Vice-president James D
Bruce and Mrs. Bruce.
Dean Henry Baues and Mrs. Bates
Dean John R. Effinger, Dean Herbert
C. Sadler and Mrs. Sadler, Dean
Mortimer E. Cooley, Dean Alfred H.
Lovell and Mrs. Lovell, Dean Joseph
A. Bursley and Mrs. Bursley, Dean
Samuel T. Dana and Mrs. Dana,
Dean Clare E. Griffin and Mrs. Grif-
fin, Dean Fred B. Wahr and Mrs.
Wahr, Dean Wilbur R. Humphreys
and Mrs. Humphreys, Dean Alice C.
Lloyd, Walter B. Rea.
Maj. Gen. Frank Parker and Mrs.
Parker, Maj. Gen. Guy Wilson, Col.
Alfred H. White and Mrs. White, Col.
Henry W. Miller and Mrs. Miller,
Col. Edgar S. Sirmyer, Col. Russel C.
Langdon and Mrs. Langdon, Col. Le-
roy Pierson and Mrs. Pierson, Lieut.
Col. Glen Arnold and Mrs. Arnold,
Prof. William H. Hobbs and Mrs.
Hobbs, Dr. John Sundwall and Mrs.
Sundwall, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe
and Mrs. Forsythe.
Prof. Emil Lorch and Mrs. Lorch,
Prof. A. D. Moore and MVirs. Moore,
Prof. Fielding H. Yost and Mrs. Yost,
Prof. Arthur E. Boak and Mrs. Boak,
Dr. Margaret Bell, Dr. Helene E.
Schultz; Dr. William M. Brace, Dr.
John V. Popeano and Mrs. Fopeano,
Dr. Mauric.e R. McGarvey and Mrs.
Garvey, Dr. Nelson M. Smith and
Mrs. Smith, Dr. George A. May and
Mrs. May, Maj. J. C. Brier and Mrs.
Brier, Maj. W. E. Lay and Mrs..Lay,
Maj. Philip C. Pack and Mrs. Pack,
Herbert A. Kenyon and Mrs. Kenyon,
Maj. Walter C. Sadler and Mrs. Sad-
ler, Maj. Bas" D. Edwards and Mrs.
Prof. Lewis N Holland and Mrs.
Holland, Prof. Benjamin F. Bailey
,and Mrs. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Her-
bert G. Watkins, Prof Nicholas D.
Falcone and Mrs. Falcone, Prof.
Blythe Stason an loMrs. Staon, Dr.
Frederick A. Coller and Mrs. Cofler,
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden and Mrs.
Prof. Charles P. Wagner and Mrs.
Wagner, Prof. John W. Eaton, Mrs.
Andrews Little, Capt. Milton A. Hill,
Capt. K. L. Hallenback Capt. C. A.
~Powell and Mrs. Powell, Capt. R. H.
Lord and Mrs. Lord, Capt. A. B. Cus-
tis and Mrs. Custis, Lieut. R. R.
Coursey, Capt. Charles B. Gordy and
Mrs. Gordy, Capt.,Carelton B. Piercel
and Mrs. Pierce, Lieut. Frederick S.
Randall and M's. Randall, Mr. and1
Mrs. T. Hawley Tapping, Dr. Robert
Armstrong and Mrs. Armstrong,
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., April 24-(IP)--
Rival beer sellers have increased the
size of the glasses until one place
now offers 12 ounces of brew for a
nickel. At first the price was as much
as 10 cents for six ounces.
Bette Davis Uses Beco ning;Shade OfPowder
Carnival Booths To Be omen
Decorated On Saturday pus
Booth decorations for Penny Car- o Attend Rim o
nival were discussed at a meeting of
the house-managers yesterday after- Show T om orrow
noon. Marjorie Oostdyke, '.35, an-,
nounced that the hours for decorat-
ing would be from 9 a. m. to 12 and Good Will Fund Matches
irom 2 to 4:30 p. i x. on Saturday.W
Miss Oostdyke urged that every Attract Co-Eds, Escorts
house have as many of their prepar- To Yost Field House
ations as possible made beforehand
to facilitate their work Saturday. I
Miss Ethel McCormick, Miss Ruth The local prototype of New York's
Campbell, and Miss, Mary Stewart famous Milk Fund boxing show,
will inspect at 4:30 p. m. At 5 p. m. which annually draws the metropolis'
the most original booth will be social elite to Madison Square Gar-
awarded a prize. Helen Newberry's den, will be presented at 7:30 p. m.
minuature golf booth was selected tomorrow at Yost Field House when
last year. 40 amateur boxers will fight 20 three-1
Bette Davis demonstrates V. V
powder shades to the individual co
lieves that the majority of America
skin coloring: Fair, Medium, andt
Sororities Continue
Entertaining Guests:
Among other activities, sororities
announce the marriage of one co-ed
and the pledging of another.
Announcement of the marriage,
April 11, of Gertrude Eleanor Pesch-
ke, '34, to Oliver Dorrance Hurlbut,
'34, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hurl-
but, of Arkport, N. Y., was made yes-
terday by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peschke,
of Detroit. The couple plan to take
up their residence in Ann Arbor and
continue their studies.
Delta Zeta announces the pledging
of Elizebeth B. Hutchison, '35, Ken-
,more, N. Y. Out-of-town guests en-
tertained by the sorority over the
week-end were Elizebeth and Vir-
ginia Cronin, from Marshall, Mich.;
Mary E. Dunnigan, Thermilla Lamp-
man, and Eleanor Horning, of De-
The members of Theta Phi Alpha
sorority will entertain several of their
patrons and patronesses at a buffet
supper tonight. Those honored will
be Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeVine, Mrs.
W. W. Medemeyer, Mr. and . Mrs.
Arthur Stace, Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Moe, Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Sherzer,
Miss Mary Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs.
William McGlauchin, and Mr. and
Mrs. George Burke.
The decorations will carry out a
black and white theme with black
tapers and black and white flowers.
FRENCH Summer School
Residential Summer School (co-
educational) June 26-July 29.
Only French spoken. Fee $150.
Board and Tuition. Elementary,
Intermediate, Advanced. Write
for circular to Secretary, Resi-
dential French Summer School.
VF_ _round bouts. All proceeds of the show
over operating expenses are to go to
I i the Student Loan Fund.
nt.'aI i : Numerous prominent Campus wo-
men have signified their intention
W il Fe atur e of attending the show. Viola Baxter,
of Detroit, will attend with John
!Huss, '33, recording secretary of the
u L~u Ile lon Union, who is general chairman of
.committee arranging the s h o w.
Francene Wright, '34, will be escorted
Musical entertainment and danc- by Art Carstens, '35, chairman of the
ing will feature the annual luncheon publicity committee. Nedra Alexan-
meeting of the Ann Arbor Woman's der, '36, will accompany John Led-
Club to be held at 1 p. m. today in erle, '33, president of the Union
she main ballroom of the League. while Eleanor Allen will come in from
Past and Present officers and cone-Detroit to attend the matches with
mittee heads will be honored. John Schmieler, '33, vice-president
Seated at the speakers table will of the Union.
-associated Press Potos be the honorary members of the club, Catherine Heeson, '33, will be es-
Vivaudou's advice and matches her including Mrs. Alexander G. Ruth- corted by Ren Nelson, '33, and Louise
loring of her skin. M Vivaudou be- ven, Mrs. William A. Comstock, Mrs., Crandall, '34, will accompany Allen
an women fall into three groups of W D. Henderson, Dean Alice C-McCombs, '35, and Jane Whiting,
Brunette. Lloyd, Mrs. Carrie Seper Cushman, '35, will attend with Louis Kearns,
____________ Mrs. Omar Harrison and Regent Es- ' '35
ther Cram.
( ,. yA numerous faculty delegation will
Tang() Classes Fior In addition there will be the old be heded bycPresideleander
and new boards. The old board con-
Fh WTil fO yen ists of Mrs. Maud C. Thompson, te aassistn he d
Factsl y Wil pen WatrB easitn ote a
Mrs.C. H. Eaton, Mrs. W. S. Morton, I of students.
Mrs. J. Karl Malcolm, Mrs. I. Wil- -___udens.
Starting the tango lessons for liam Groomes, Mrs. R. B. Finley,
members of the faculty, the first of Mrs. George Willard, Mrs. E. E. List Of Senior Women
the classes will be held from 7 to 8 Brown, Mrs. L. H. Hollway, Mrs. To Get Added Privileges
p. m. today in the main ballroom of Florence Leslie, and Mrs. D. E. Stand-
ish, and the new board's members (Continued from Page 1)
the League. are Mrs. Eaton, Mrs. Willard, Mrs. i
There has been considerable inter- ! Dugald Duncanson, Mrs. Finley, Mrs. Korowin, Kathryn Kumert, Audrey
est shown in this new class, accord- 'Malcolm, Mrs. Leslie, Mrs. Peter Layton, Eren Learman, Sylvia Lee,
ing to Miss Ethel McCormick, social Stair, Mrs. Walter Hiscock, Miss Eileen Lester, Leah Lichtenwalter,
Katherine Diehl, Mrs. Burr Boylan Elizabeth Liehan, Ruth Lininger,
director of the League. Although tan- and Mrs. Standish. Mary McIntosh, Margaret McIntyre,
go dancing has not as yet been used Miss Ruth Pfohl of the School of Marjorie McKenzie, Caroline Man-
extensively in baliroois here, it has I Music will play several harp num- jer, Marian May.
been used for some time in the eastl bers and William Grain, 13-year-old Laura Miller, Alice Minchin, Geor-
and will probably be more widely boy soprano, will sing, accompanied giana Mott, Floy Monson, H. Ardia
I by his teacher, Nowell Ferris. A one- Parks, Rebecca Pruett, Eleanor Put-
adopted here soon, she said. I act play, "Wrong Numbers," will be ney, Winifred Quarton, E v e 1 y n
Private lessons will also be given given by the drama division with the Radthke, Faith Ralph, Olive Ran-
by Roland Fulton, Miss McCormick ;Icast including Mrs. Frank Staffan, dall, Annette Rudolphi, Nilsa Saliva,
and Miss Emily White. Anyone de- Mrs. Carol Bay and Mrs. Glenn Love- Marion Schmidt, Ruth Schmidt,
siring to have private instruction less. Helen Schmude, Sara Sherwood,
I should cal Miss McCormick.
Sale of
:CON ._ t
Tucks and Perforations rn
150 FINE
At Less T hani Cost
Of The Skins Alone!
make ay glamour.
O .
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Up to $99.00 ..
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Form erly
Up to $150.00.
Vest or Panties
each at, -
This smart shoe has every-
thing! It's perforated ... it's
white washable kid ... it
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MUSKRATS and Others-
Smartly Trimmed or
Sell TrDims-
A SmallDepo Sit Wl
For all around wear, they are simply /
unsurpassed. Lovely under sport
suits . . . equally lovely under
your nicest evening gowns. Tailored