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April 25, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-04-25

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Senators 4s They Gonferred On tControlled Infation'

--Associated Press Photo
Senators who aided the President in shaping legislation for "controlled inflation" and who are work-
ing for its passage in their hrancb of Congress are shown discussing the measure in the Capitol. Left to
right: Senators Key Pittman of Nevada, Elmer Thomas of Oklahoma and James F. Byrnes of South Carolina.
Seven Cawrht Release Of Britons fEuropeans To
nL lI By Soviet Expected
In LocaliRaid Lecture Here

Windt To Offer
'Journey's End'
Early In Mayv
Famous Play Of World
War Widely Acclailuel,
By Dra.mia Critics
R. C. Sherrizf's drama of the World
War, "Journey's End," will be pre-
sented by members of Play Produc-
tion classes, May 3. 4, 3, and 6, it was
al)nounced yesterday. The play is
under the direction of Valentine B.
Windt of the speech department.
This production will mark the first
time the play has been given here
by a campus organization. It played
at the former Whitney Theatre with
the original cast three years ago.
"Journey's End" has been ac-
claimed by critics one of the most
sincere efforts in play-writing in a
decade, and one of the best dramas
that has sprung out of the World
War. Mr. Sherriff wrote it during his
spare time while employed as an in-
surance assessor in London. When it
was submitted, it made the rounds
of the manager's offices with no
success. Maurice Browne, one of the
authors of "Wings Over Europe," fi-
nally produced it, and since that time
it has been presented in practically
every country in. the world. It played
for two years on Broadway, and has
been on tour throughout the United
The play centers around a British
Company at the front during the
later years of the war. The cast is
composed solely of men, and the en-
tire action takes place in a muck-
cluttered dugout.
Through the men in the dugout,
their actions and their conversation.
the tense moments before a raid.
talk of home, relief, the humor of the
mess table, are all brought before the
audience in a vivid manner. It ha.
been said that the stark reality of the
terror that stalks outside the dug-
I out, placed in a setting of restraint
and simplicity, has made "Journey's
End" one of the greatest war plays
ever produced.
Ten Freshmen Report
Approximately 10 freshmen re-
ported yesterday at Yost Field House
to try out for sophomore cheerleader
positions for 1933-34. Under Thomas
"Tommy" Roberts, '34, head cheer-
leader, and a group of assistants, the
l freshmen began the training period
which will end in four of their num-
ber being chosen for full-time posi-

Named To Cuban Post

Wuoman Put Aside
In Medieval Espics
Woman assumed an unimportant
or secondiary .role in thet Chanson ;
de Gestes"' of France, it was brought
out by Thomas A. McGuire of the
French departme1Lnt in a (talk yester-
day on "The Role of Women in the
Chansons de Gestes" at the Romance
Journal Club meeting.
Mr. McGuire explained that in th
earliest poems, late Eleventh and
early Twelfth centuries, women pla.-
ed an insignificant role. The subjec
of the medieval epics was the per-
sonal or religious exploits of th"
heroes. fighting for God. king, o.
baron. In the late Twelfth and Thir-
teenth centuries, under the influ-
ence of Provincial and Gaelic litera-
ture," he stated, "she found a mor,
important part, in three phases: the
maiden, beautiful, modest and vir-
tuous; the marriageable woman with
a dowry; and the wife, most impor-
tant in her work of encouraging hr
warrior husband.
Prof. Jean E. Ehrhard spoke oa
"Problems of Modern French Philol-
ogy." He explained that it was very
difficult for a scholar or student to
know what aims to drive at in writ-
ing due to the current controversv
between the Sorbonne and the Ecole
Normale over methods of criticism
and literary history.
the tortuous and rocky bed of the
river furnish exceptional additional

-Associated Press Photo
Sumner Welles, assistant secretary
of state, who has been named am-
bassador to Cuba by President
One of the classic events of Dart-
mouth outdoor life, the White River
canoe trip, is scheduled for May 6
and 7. As a test of skill with both
paddle and pole, the White River is
unequalled. Fast rapids, a strong cur-
rent every mile of the course and
- - .

Seven Negroes who were arrested group, intimated he expected
Sunday in a liquor raid conducted by action in declaring "we shall
Detective Clifford West, Sergt. Nor- speak publicly on this matter
man Cook, and Patrolman Cliffordspapblcyothsmte
Stang, were fined with the alterna- our colleagues are back again in.:
tive of jail sentences yesterday in land."
Justice Court by Judge Jay Payne. Shortly after the released e
Charles Arrington, of 220 Detroit neers arrived here Sunday, ano
St., charged with assault with in- incident spurred expectations
tent to do great bodily harm less early freedom for the other Brit
than the crime of murder was fined possibly in time to avert the thr
$100 and costs or 60 days in jail. ened economic war between C
It is charged that he stuck a gun Britain and Russia.
in the ribs of Charles Williams dur- John Cushny, one of the engine
ing an argument. called on Mrs. L. C. Thornton,
Louise Mitchell, John Farrrington, of one of the pair held in prison
and Henry McGuiness, arrested at give her a secret message.
220 Detroit St., and Howard Wil' Thornton, who had been almost p
liams, Sara Williams, and Ira John- trated by news of the sentences,
son, arrested at 325 Beakes St., were afterward: "I may not be so 1
fined $100 apiece or ninety daysin less after all.'
jail if the fines are not paid.
A quantity of moonshine liquor;
was confiscated in the raid Sunday. R.O.T.C.Plans
Prof. Wm. G. Vinal
re Two Rdevaew
To )Lecture Today =r

This Summer
Two noted European physicists,
Prof. Niels Bohr of the University of
Copenhagen and Prof. Enrico Fermi
of the Royal University of Rome,
will appear here this summer as lec-
turers on the 1933 program of the
annual Symposium On Theoretical
Physics, according to an announce-
ment of the physics department for
the Summer Session.
During the first two weeks of the
session, beginning June 26, Profes-
sor Bohr will give a group of lectures
on the foundations of atomic me-
chanies, Professor Fermi will con-
duct a course in the structure of the
atomic nucleus and will also lead a
series of informal seminars through-
out the summer period, it was an-
Prof. J. H. Van Vleck of the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin will be the third
visiting professor to lecture in
physics during the session. His course
in recent developments in the theory
of magnetism will be given during;
the four weeks of July.
The announcement just issued in-;
cludes a complete list of courses to
be given this summer. A full sched-
ule of courses, covering physics of
college and graduate grade as well
as research and courses of special
interest to teachers, will be offered
by the department.
Ruth Judd Leaves For
Tern In State Asylum





Everything is down now - and the prices
are going up soon. Do you want a fine pipe

at a cheap price-a bargain price?

A "

pouch? A rumidor?
case for yourself -

A lighter or cigarette
or for a gift? One of



ror Ivay 10
Two reviews have been planned
by the R. 0. T. C. for 5 p. m. Tues-
day May 2. and Thursday.' Mav18,

the new ladies' pipes? Come into one of our
stores- this sale for ONE WEEK ONLY.
Look At These Prices

T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the Alumni Association, has

U y M YG, ,a l lkA .%4LV i.'y i , i1 . - ._.
at Ferry Field. The public is invited. FLORENCE, Ariz., April 24.-(A)-- been appointed chairman of the
In addition to the reviews, the Winnie Ruth Judd, "trunk murder- i Magazine Awards Committee, the
R. 0. T. C. will participate in the ess," saved from execution by hang- I function of which is to choose the
Memorial Day parade May 30. ing when a jury found her insane, best alumni magazine from univer-

$3.50 Milanos............
$3.50 Ben Wade "Virgin Briars"
(Fully Guaranteed)



was to leave her cell on Condemned
Row in the state prison today for
the state hospital at Phoenix.
Mrs. Judd will remain in the hos-
pital for the rest of her life or until
such time as she regains her mental
faculties, in which event she would,

sities all over the country.
Al Mnez e an ortabl
Al erwLaeb Sold. Rented. & ged Repaired
Lxge choice sto. *

$1.50 B. W. "Adelphi''.... ... $1.29

$2.50 B.

W "Hurlingham".

again be subject to execution. SSta ste St., Ann Axbor.
wToAvogp BONSR

$5.00 Ben Wade "Statesman"..
(Fully Guaranteed)'
$7.50 Dunhills .. ......
$7.50 Ben Wades .......





'HEAVEN have pity on the poor
lad! He also thinks a parapet is
a tropical bird.
But where there's life there's hope.
If somebody will introduce Bill Boner
to a good pipe and good tobacco, per-
haps he'll improve. You see, a pipe
helps a man concentrate, think right-
And be sure you fill his pipe with
Edgeworth Smoking Tobacco. As
you know, Edgeworth has proved to
be the favorite smoke at 42 out of 54
leading colleges.,
SAh! There's a smoke for you!
Notice how that blend of fine old
burleys helps you think out a diffi-
cult problem. See how cobwebs fly
from a tired brain on its fragrant
wisps of curling blue smoke!
Edgeworth is available everywhere

.c:: 40
in two forms-Edgeworth Ready-
Rubbed and Edgeworth Plug Slice.
All sizes-15ยข pocket package to
pound humidor tin. Want to try
before you buy? Write for free sam-
ple packet. Address
Larus & Biro. Co.,
1120 South 22d St.,
Richmond, Va.
_ 4RUBD '

$12.00 Sterling Silver Ben Wade
"Larnix . . . . . . . . .


$1.00 Rumidors.... ... .29c
$4.50 Copper Rumidors, all sizes. .$2.35
$5.00 Ronson Lighters..........$3.39
All Cigarette Cases ..........20%Off
$1.00 Pouches (Locktite) ...69c

$15.00 Ben Wade Straight Grains $10.95

50c Pouches


$1.00 Cigarette Holders... 39c
Ladies Pipes...................89C
$10.00 Genuine Meerschaums... .$2.95

50c Pipe, three 15c packages of
Half-and-Half, (95c value) for

. 9c



. .50c

, , ,




. : s *





itE 1! I



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