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March 18, 1933 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-18

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Earthquake Experiences Told
By Former Michigan Student

The Inquiring

', t

(Editor's Note: The following is ant
eye-witness account of the California
earthquake written by a former stu-
dent of the University of Michigan
who was in Los Angeles at the time
of the quake.)
It was quite a thrilling adventure
to a student from well-anchored old
Michigan. With another former U.
of M. student I was seated in a thea-
tre in the Spanish section of' the
town, when suddenly at 5:55 p. m.
the building broke into a rhumba,
that surpassed any of the attempts
of the dusky entertainers upon the
stage. There was an instaneous rushl
for the exit in which several people
were trampled.
1st Shocks Lasts 11 Minutes
The first shock lasted only about 11
seconds and in about five minutes the
theatre began to slowly refill. Dur
ing the remainder of the perfor-
mance several more quakes were felt1
but failed to arouse the same serious
concern has the first unexpected one.
At the time of this writing, six hours
after the first fright, 18 subsequent
tremors have shaken the district andi
ambulance sirens can still be heard
shrieking in all parts of the city.
The streets and sidewalks are lit-
tered with debris and bricks, mortar
and large chunks of concrete having
been shaken loose from the tall
structures. Plate glass windows in
banks and large office buildings have
been smashed as effectively as if
brick-throwing mobs had set about
demolishing them. (The 19th tremor
is taking place as these words are be-
ing written.)
Several Hunhed Injured
Several hundred peoplejhave been
injured or killed so far, many of
them in Los Angeles. Although the
whole section of Southern California
has been affected, Long Beach seems
to have been the heaviest sufferer.
There, according to the radio report
of a few minutes ago, buildings have
collapsed and streets and roads have
'Kangaroo Court'
Rules Prisoners
From7The Inside
Ann Arbor has a convicted embezz-
ler for a judge, and a drunk and dis-
orderly sheriff, but they hold office
in the "kangaroo court;" a self-gov-
erning body for inmates of the coun-
ty jail.
Convicted men may think that
they have seen the last of judicial
tribunals when they enter the jail,
but they're wrong. Upon entering,
the new prisoner is brought before
"Judge" Randall and "Sheriff" Dow-
ell, who give him the oath and collect
dues ranging from $2 down to five
cents, depending on the financial
condition of the new member. No
prisoner is asked to take the oath if
he is intoxicated.
Among other things, the new in-
mate agrees to take at least two
baths a week, to change his under-
wear twice a week, and to keep his
clothes mended.
The money collected by the court
is used to provide the inmates with
soap, writing material, tobacco, and
other "luxuries" which are not pro-
vided by the jail. Each week the
judge appoints committees to sweep
and scrub the cells and to wait on
table. The prisoners share the work
If any prisoner has a complaint, he
takes it to the kangaroo sheriff, who
in turn notifies the kangaroo judge.
A jury is drafted and the case is
tried. Since many of the members
of the kangaroo court are familiar
with law procedure, the trials are
conducted in a workmanlike manner.
The prisoner who is found guilty
is given an extra detachment of
work, the period of the sentence be-
ing decided by the judge.


been rendered impassable. Residents
of Los Angeles have been warned by (Editor's Note: From time to time
radio not to attempt driving to Long Opinion; of p0121 picked at random
Beach.n the stre(, on some sub)ject of gen-
Beach. oral interen are published in ithe
columns of The Daily,.. The Inquiring,
Though I have never before experi- Reporter would appreciate the conrib-
enced even the slightest suggestion of t Ion of any question for discussion.
Address communications in care of
an earthquake, there was not the The Michigan Danily.)
smallest doubt in my mind as to whatI
was taking place when the theatre THE QUESTION: If you had your
began its trembling. My personal re- life to live over, what would you do
action can be remembered graphical- that you failed to do in your younger
ly. A feeling remarkably akin to sea- days?
sickness stole into my stomach and THE PLACE: On and off the
as I arose a shaky weakness entered campus.
my knees. The thought uppermost in George A. May, M.D., Ann Arbor,
my mind was "get out of this thea- Assistant Professor of Physical Edu-
tre." cation, age 61: "Not a single thing.
It took only a few seconds to real- E am perfectly satisfied with the life
ize the futility of trying to get I have led and if I had the chance to
through the jam at the exit. By that flive it over again, I should repeat

only corrections I should make,
1knowingwhat I know now, are to
take better advantage of opportuni-
ties aind to help others more."
Bert Brown, Ann Arbor", barber, age
55: "The first thing I'd do would be
to use more common sense regarding
finance. I think this depression has
taught a lot of people a good lesson,
myself included, and if I had been
more careful, this depression wouldn't
effect me, So I say more considera-
tion in expenditure of finance."
Robert Christman. Ann Arbor,
postal clerk, age 62: "A much more
extensive education would be the one
big addition. Everything really de-
pends upon education, and I feel my
life would be much different."
- -'-

time I was laughing at my fears, but
the knees still persisted in shaking
and that sinking feeling in the pit
,of my stomach refused to leave.
About the fourteenth shake caught
me back in my apartment in the
midst of a shave. A slight razor cut
upon the chin and a wrenched knee,
inflicted by an excited theatre pat-
ron, who trampled into me in that
first mad dash are the only casual-
COnsitution Is
rawn Up BY

everything I did the first time."
Cone E. Sperry, Ann Arbor, re-
tired farmer, age 63: "We all make
mistakes. In my new life, I would
Icorrect these and devote some time
to learning more than one occupa-
tion. We all ,conflne ourselves to one
trade and depend too much on it for
support. I regret that I never pre-
pared myself for a town profession."
George W. Wright, Ann Arbor, di-
rector of information in Alumni Hall,
age 66: "Although some people may
not think so, I think my position
successful in its way. I have good
health. I have lived a clean life. The,

Call AL, The Adtaker
at 2-1214 and let him
write your Clasified
Ad. The rates are very
reasonable as shown
in the box to the left
and you may charge
and pay for your ad
within ten days.





A love Ade To Prevent
Recurrence Of Conflicts
Between Factions
A move to prevent any reoccur-
rence of the recent conflict between
factions in the Michigan Socialist
House and to firmly establish the
group on a permanent basis has cul-
minated in the adoption of a consti-
tution that places almost absolute
control in the hands of eight found-
According to Stewart Way, Grad.,
president of the house, the eight
founders elect the executive commit-
tee which has almost absolute con-
trol of the house.
The main strength of the constitu-
tion, said Sher Quraishi, Grad., one
of the founders, lies in the fact that
'"power to interpret the institution in
case of any dispute lies entirely with
the founders." He described the con-
stitution as "nearly perfect."
A few weeks ago several members,
headed by Arthur Ruhlig, '33,, and
Eugene Kuhne, '34, obtained control
of the house by what was termed a
"breach of parliamentary procedure."
This new group attempted to expell
several of the founders from the
house. The argument was taken to
Dean Bursley who appointed Way,
one of those faced with expulsion,
virtual dictator. Ruhlig, Kuhne, and
other members moved out.
Ruhlig, who is the leader of the
Michigan Socialist Club, refused to
comment on the new constitution.
The founders of the house who are
now on campus are Edwin Linhorst,
not enrolled; Sher Quraishi, Stewart
Way, Wayne Erickson, Grad., Thom-
as Brown, Grad., Harry Boudaghian,
'34E, Mauro Asprin, and Mrs. Ruth
B. Buchanan. Linhorst and Quraishi.
are no longer living in the house.
The executive committee consists
of Way, Erickson, Brown, Roy Sar-
bre, and Harold Moore.

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The clasified colunns close at three
o'clock previoim to dlay of 'Insertion.
Box nuimbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-lie per readIng line
(on bosis of five average wods to
line) for one or two insertions.
Minimum 13line. per insertion.
10c per reading line f'or three or more
Telephone rate-915c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the-date of last insertion.,
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per fine-2 lines daily, one
month. ...... ....... .8c
4 lines E. 0. D., 2 months........8c
2 lines daily, college year:........7c
4 lines E. 0. D., college year......7c
100 lines used as desired.........c
300 lines used as desired...........8c
1.000 lines used as desired..........7c
2,000 lines used as desired,... .6.c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7% point type.
TYPING--Notes, papers, and Grad.
theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c

LAUNDRY -- Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
HAVE--Your snap shots developed
at Francisco Boyce. 719 N. Univer-
sity. Here fine work is the tradi-
tion. 29c
library. daily. Clean '0covers Uni-
versity Music 1oluse. 10:30 to 5:30.
FINGERWAVE-25c. Fiday and
Saturday 35c. Shampoo and fin-
gerwave 50c. Frederiick, Nestle and
steam oil waves, reduced to $3.00.,
Raggedy Ann Shop. 9c
suits. Will pay 4, 5, 6, and 7 dollars.
Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chicago
Buyers. 34c
-69c a pair. 3 pair for $1.95. Sheer
chiffon or ser'vice; All latest shades.
Size 91/2 to 10. Sent C.O.D. Guar-
anteed full fashioned. Agerts
wanted. Address Fashion Hose,
Box 72, Kinelworth, Illinois. 357

STUDENT - And family washing
careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. 6c

FOR- SALE-Beckman light transit,
like new, $40.00 C. J. Longst, 201
Cambrey St., Saginaw, Mich.

v.: .:.. .,..:...z



In a Drama of "Inside" of
Department Store
Andy Clyde Comedy

Grealest Cast
lanet Gaynor
ill Rogers
Lew Ares
7 ~~ H al lers
Norman Foster
,VLouise Dresser
Fran~k Craven
s Victor Jory


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