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March 18, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-18

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' Tih Weather
Probably some snow or rain


it ga



Spirit Of Co-Operation Per-
vades The "Land; The Frosh
Frolic Points The Way.

VOL. XLIH No. 122



. rm

Vital Decision
On Armament
Confronts U.S.
Nations Who Signed Pact
Of Paris May Involve
America In Dispute
McDonald Plan Is
Generally Approved
Part One, Dealing With
'Security,' Resolves Into
Perplexing Problem
WASHINGTON, March 17.-(P)-
American statesmen poring over the
far reaching British disarmament
proposal tonight found themselves
faced with a vital decision as to"
whether the United States should"
permit itself to join in solving any
dispute which might arise between
nations which have signed the fa-
mous Pact of Paris.
This question stood out as the
most important from an American
viewpoint of all the matters covered
in the plan presented yesterday by
Prime Minister Ramsay McDonald
of Great Britain.
General Accord On Plan
On the provisions dealing with spe-
cific steps toward reduction of armies,
navies, and war materials, the Amer-
ican government found itself in gen-
cral aqcord as most of the proposals
closely resembled suggestions made
previously by President Hoover and
endorsed in general by President
On the other hand, Part One of
the McDonald plan dealing with "se-
curity" brought up for decision the
whole perplexing problem of Ameri-
can participation in the solution of
disputes which might involve purely
European countries.
The Democratic platform declares
in favor of backing up the Pact of

Technocracy And Power Profit 9 Wolverines
Motive Discussed By Handrnan Are Qualified
By JOhIN W. PUITCHIAD ment of thc power profit motive, 1eT.
Profit can be made unnecessary to Professor Handman pointed out that In Sw im M eet
the acquirement of power and pres- although the bulk of the population
tige, stated Prof. Max Handman of of England was employed in various
the economics department at yester- phases of production at the end of Jim Cristy Betters Big Ten
day's luncheon meeting of the See- th eetet e tury, he motive Ci3 etr i e
tion of Economics and Sociology of of money as a source of power and Mark In 440-Yard Free-
the Michigan Academy of Science iprestige was altogether lacking. This Style Three Seconds
In an address entitled "Technoc-ctyeB Th e condition, he said, was equally ap- B
racy and the Power Profit Motive," parent in the merchant classes. Ther,
Professor Handman, after having only germ of the motive existed in Relay Team Ties
traced the development of the motive the process of lending at interest-
from its origin in England in the and even here the motive was chiefly Collegiate Record
early eighteenth century, showedI

Block Bank
Relief Moves
Comstock Is Irked When
Legislators Adjourn; His
Hands Tied, He Claims

le Discusses'War'

Four Days Of Delay
Added To Impasse

that problems it presents are only
partially solved by Technocracy.
Power, Prestigc-No Profit
"It is impossible," he said, "to at-.
tach power and prestige to produc-
tion without the intermediary con-
nection of the profit motive." This,
according to the economist, would be
achieved by having producers turn
out goods in the greatest possible
quantities and at the smallest costs
consistent with the functioning of
economic laws. A man who found a
way to do this, Professor Handman
said, would 'be regarded as a great
man, and would have more power
than profit alone can give.
This he opposed to the "generally
vague" solutions of the technocrats
out of the present economic muddle.
The price system, it was stated, need
not be abolished, inasmuch as it is
merely a convenient economic device.
In tracing the historical develop-

In the next phase, specuation grew
rapidly, and became a fashionable
means of adding to one's wealth; but
the idea of producing in order to
make money had not as yet dawned
upon occidental civilization. The
first to see the connection between
money and power were small groups
of merchants and traders by sea.
Here was the first appearance of the
power profit motive.
Important by 1900
This sort of motivation, said Pro-
fessor Handman, became more and
more apparent until by the begin-
ning of the nineteenth century its
importance was unmistakable. At the
present time, particularly in America,
the original purpose-production-
becomes obscured in enterprise by
the incidental manifestation, money,
which becomes of prime importance.
This, he said, is because the original
(Continued oil Page G)

Illinois Places Ten Men; Passage Of Bill Seemed
1-orn Of Northwestern Assured Until 'Tinkering'
Beats Breast-"troke Mark Of Lawmakers Began
CHICAGO, March 17 -(,P)- Illi- LANSING, March 17.-(AP)-Tem-
nois accounted for ten places in the peramental, legislators found insur-
trials of the Western Conference; mountable technical obstacles to pas-

championship meet tonight in the
University of Chicago pool, leading
the favored Michigan team which
qualified for nine spots in the finals

sage of the emergency bank relief -Associated Press Photo
bill Friday and adjourned for the YOSUKE MATSUOKA
week-end without action. Calls Jan-U. S. X a
Four days of delay were thereby C lsJ pU .W r

May Release
Detroit Bank
'rust Funds'
Millions In Deposits Would
Be Freed In City's Two
National Institutions
DETROIT, March 17.-P)--B. C.
Schram, Federal conservator for the

Paris renouncing war, by means of N auonal Tank of Commerce, tonight
consultation among the signatories of announced that trust funds deposited
that ag-,recmcntin the city's two national banks may
Hoover Policy To Consult be re1'Sturay.
oT o The amount of these deposits was
The Hoover administration policy not made public, but it was known
was to consult with its fellow signa- that they totaled several millions of
tories. It did so notably at the time dollars. The conservators said au-
of threatened trouble between Chia thority for the release might arrive
and Russia and in the Sino-Jap- from the treasury at Washington
anese dispute. sometime Friday night. The deposits
This nation, however, never has described as trust funds were made
bound itself in advance to take part following declaration of the Michigan
in the solution of any dispute which banking holiday under a ruling by
might arise. It has stood for the ---- ~r Om-nnrnnvrrit 1n

Group Named
To Study Beer
For Michigan
State Prohibition Law Still
Holds; Beverages With
'Any' Alcohol Illegal r
LANSING, March 17.-(/P)-Legal-
ization of beer will not benefit the
thirsty in Michigan until state legis-
lation is enacted, Patrick H. O'Brien,
attorney general, said today.
He held the state 'prohibition law
remained effective and binding, re-
gardless of the repeal oftthe bone-
dry law in the state constitution. The
Michigan prohibition statute declares
beverages containing "any" alcohol,
are illegal. The Supreme Court has'
ruled that under this act beverages
even with a low alcoholic content
are prohibited.
A special commission has been
named by Governor Comstock to
recommend state legislation, It is ex-
pected the body will propose a state
liquor control law to replace the ex-
isting dry statute. O'Brien said he
does not plan to submit bills to per-
mit the sale or use of beer in this
state, because he is waiting for the
commission report. He feared, how-
ever, some members of the legisla-
ture "might get impatient" and offer
legislation if the commission does
not act soon.
LANSING, March 17.-St. Thomas
High School of Ann Arbor tonight
qualified for the finals of the state
Class D basketball tournament by
defeating Kaleva at Lansing Eastern
gymnasium here by a score of 21-9.
The finals in all four classes will be
played at Michigan State College to-
morrow night.

Horn, of Northwestern, led the rec- at
ord cracking, upsetting the national
collegiate and Big Ten record for the elapsed since the Michigan bank a
200-yard breast-stroke. The North- holiday. Favorable action .even Mon- LONDON, March 17.-U--Yosuke
western ace did his trial in 2:30.6, day night could not become effective Matsuoka, chief Japanese delegate
as compared to the national collegi- until Tuesday. at recent League of Nations' meetings
ate mark of 2:32 4, by Schmieler, "They acted like a bunch of at which the Sino-Japanese conflict
of Michigan, 1931, and the 2:35.6, of schoolboys. My hands are still ab- was considered, declared today before
Northwestern, the Big Ten mark. solutely tied by their inaction," Gov. his departure for America that wax
Jim Cristy, Michigan's big star, Comstock observed. between the United States and Japan
swam the 440-yard free-style in 5: Both houses assembled Friday "would be an act of madness."
01.4, to better the Big Ten mark of morning in full agreement on the Mr. Matsuoka, who will pass
5:04 set 'by Ault, of Michigan, in bill. It was to make Bank Commis- through the United States on his way
1928. Michigan's 300-yard medley sioner Rudolph E. Reichert dictator to Tokio, asserted that Americans
trio of Schmieler, Lemak, and Ren- of banks under supervision of Gov, have "condoned the fault of Chinese
ner, tied the national collegiate rec- Comstock. Withdrawal of Attorney misgovernment and magnified those
ord of 3:03.4, made by Northwestern General Patrick H. O'Brien and of the Japanese good government."
in 1929, and bettered the Big Ten other administrative officers had sil- To explain his analyzing of the
mark by 3:09.2, by Northwestern in enced the last objectors. Subject to American public attitude, he used
1930 the executive signature, the bill could American slang, saying that the
Northwestern qualified for eight have become law by 9:15 o'clock. American people "all fall for appeal.
places, Minnesota, six; Iowa, four; And then the lawmakers got tangled to your emotions; this is what you
Chicago, three, and Purdue, one. up in their own rules. Myles F. Gray, have done regarding China." He
The qualifiers: clerk of the House, won a technical made these statements in the course
decision when he recessed for lunch i of a special interview.
Michigan; Northwestern, Iowa; Minm without turning the bill over to the,
nesotan Besttmes33.n, bIllin. Senate for further tinkering as he Mol Tells Facts
ncsota. Best time, 3:43.8, by Illinois.had been instructed to do. The Sen-1
200-yard breast-stroke: H o r n, ate waited vainly. Finally at 1:30, it Of Mufin
DN~ rn ; Iemgk, MichIan; joined the House in adjournment:
Andre, Minnesota; Dwyer, Chicago; Promptly at 1:50, the bill was trans-
Glomset, Chicago. Best time, 2:306 ferred to the Senate. The impression that Donald E
by Horn. (Betters national collegiate The first hurdle the lawmakers Johnson, of Flint, and his partisans
record of 2:32.4 by Schmieler, Mich- could not jump was ail admitted er- had defeated Regent James Murfin
igan, in 1931, and Big Ten record of ror in the conference report. Clerk of Detroit for renomination at the
2:35,6, by Howlett, Northwestern, in Gray, in a pique, told the House that State Republican convention was
1930). he made it. and resented the fact denied yesterday by Martin Mol,

To Close
Thirty-Eighth Meeting Will
Conclude This Afternoon
With Election Of Officers
Prof. LaRue Talks
At Annual Banquet
Five Authorities Discuss
Land Use Program At
Meeting Yesterday
The thirty-eighth meeting of the
Academy of Science, Arts and Let-
ters will draw to a close today with
meetings of eight sections. Omers
for the coming year will be elected
at a business meeting- of all Aca-
emy members at 3 p. m. in Room 2003
Natural Science Building.
Prof. George R. LaRue of the zoo-
logy department delivered the pres-
idential address last night, speaking
at the annual banquet of the society
in the Union. A general meeting for
the discussion of land utilization in
Michigan was held in the afternoon,
with five specialists presenting their
- approaches to the problem.
Speaking on the subject, "The
Place of Parasitology in Conserva-
Lion," Professor LaRue said that
parasitologists do not believe that
they can solve all, or most of the
problems of conservation, but that
they believe they can be of assist-
ance. "Conservation is altogether too
big a field for any single group to
attack alone," he said.
Urges Co-operation
Professor LaRue advocated slow,
And careful, but sure, progress, with
wo-operation by men trained In
cience, economics, administration,
and practical psychology, assured -y
the continued "su"ppot rof te p
of the state, as the essetials f a
conservation program.
Parasitism is extremely common,
Professor LaRue said, and in animals
nearly every species from the larg-
est whale to the amoeba has yielded
parasites of one kind or another. He
explained in detail the manner in
which parasites live and breed in
their "hosts," usually inhabiting two
or more .animals during their life
"A parasitological survey of Mih-
igan including all the animals in the
3tate is greatly needed," Professor
LaRue said. It could be carried out
without a great deal of extra expense
or labor in connection with the bio-
logical survey now going on, he
pointed out. He also suggested a sur-
vey of all predators.
Wyer Talks On Land Use

rights of deciding what course it
should take on the basis of the indi-
vidual circumstances of each case.
In an attempt to satisfy the French1
demand for international guarantee,
of its security against attack in re-
turn for sacrificing some of her mili-
tary power, the McDonald plan as
cabled to the State Department to-
night from Geneva provides that the
United States could be called into
a conference in the event of a breach
or a threatened breach of the Paris
Peace Pact.
Ware I
Co1gTOss Will.
Sit Until May
To Pass Bills
WASHINGTON, March 17.-(A)-
President Roosevelt and Congres-
sional leaders intend to proceed with-
out recess on the extra session pro-
gram, whit a view to final adjourn-
menl early inlMay.
It was said today at the White
House that the majority favored go-
ing ahead and the President plans
to speed up his work to keep his
recommendations going to Congress.
' His program calls for legislation on
railroads, for restriction of specula-
tion, for permanent banking reforms,
an emergency unemployment plan
and a later and larger relief program.
No consideration has been given to'
new taxes, as the President seeks to
balance the budget through econ-'
omcis and Government reorganiza-
It is the intention of the President
to clean up all pending legislation at
lhis session so that an adjournment
can be taken until the regular meet-'
ing next January.
iioplwood Prizes Given
To Freshman Wiiinersj

I uo1Jv eI nor. 'OUL1M'Vt.4S. IJIUvicL1ig mat4


they were to be accepted for safe
keeping and segregated from all
other deposits for money in the
banks. The establishment of Federal
control in the two banks tied the
funds up with others in the banks.
Perfect Plans For
Religious Dramas ,
Plans for worship service to be held
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Sunday night were perfected yester-
day, it was announced. A Univer-
sity committee composed of Prof
Oscar J. Campbell, Dean Alice Lloyd,
Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Dr. Nor-
man R. F. Maier, and Mrs. 0. S.
Duffendack was in charge of ar-
rangements. Representatives of the
Council of Religion of the Student
Christian Association were present.
'U'I W-1 'U- WWN

150-yard back-stroke: Moulton, the Senate had refused him the president of the University of Michi-
Minnesota; Hines, Illinois; Van Gun- courtesy of coriecting it. gan club, who attended the conven-
ten, Illinois; Anderson, Minnesota; "We have saved them many times tion.
Rosen, Northwestern. Best time from becoming a public laughing Mr. Johnson did not run against
1:42.1, by Moulton. ; stock. They are playing football with Regent Murfin, Mol said, but against
440-yard free-style: Cristy, Mich- the most important legislation be- Regent WilliamdClements of Bay
igan; Kennedy, Michigan; Brock, Il- fore us," Rep. William M. Donnely City, whom he defeated. John Gil
li o s r v , I w ; H w t, Il n i ; charged. lespie of D etroit, ..according to M ol,
linois; Grove, Iowa; Hewitt, Illinois; hthen announced that Regent Murfin
Best time, 5:01.4. (Betters Big Ten would withdraw in favor of Regent
record of 5:04, by Ault, Michigan, in Measurements Will Be Clements. The nomination would
1928). MIde For Senior Canes have gone to Regent Murfin, Mol
100-yard free-style: Flachman, II- 1 said, had it not been for the an-


linois; H ig h1a n d, Northwestern;
Schmieler, Michigan; Troup, North-
western; Rosene, Minnesota. Best
time, :54.2, by Flachman.
Fancy diving: Degener, Michigan;
Millard, Northwestern; Wilkie, North-
western: Busby, Iowa; oohn Marlon,
Chicago; Jensen, Illinois.
200-yard free-style: K e n ned y,
Michigan; Rock, Illinois; Cristy,
Michigan; Grove, Iowa: Hewitt Illi-

Measurements for senior canes may nouncement.
be taken beginning today at Wag- The Johnson candidacy dated from
ner's, Jerry Rosenthal, '32, chairman the 1931 convention at which time
of the cane committee, announced the regent nomination had been
yesterday. made without giving the Johnson
The canes will be of the same qual- supporters the opportunity to have
ity as in previous years, but will sell their candidate's name presented to
this year at $2.50, the lowest price the floor.

at which they have ever been offered.
The canes have a dark finish and
have the monogram, "M32" in silver.

17LAAI IAA ~1VV ,A Q, A G YA , A -
nois. Best time, 2:18.9, by Kennedy. They will be on display in Wagner's
300-yard medley relay: Michigan; in a few days.
I Northwestern; Minnesota; Illinois; It is desirable that measurements
PurdueBest time s 3:03.4, by Michi- be taken immediately, in order to
gan. (Betters Big Ten record of 3:09. avsentha
2, by Northwestern in 1930, and
equals National Collegiate2record
made by Northwestern in 1929.) Army Medical 01
T- T - '!'

MIAMI, Fla., March 17.-W)-Mrs.
Joseph H. Gill, wounded by Giuseppe
Zangara in his attempt to assassinate
President Roosevelt, probably will be
> able to leave the hospital in another
I week or 10 days,
fficers To Meet
A - -1 T - -a

Utilization of Michigan's many
acres of unoccupied land was the
plea made yesterday by speakers of
the Academy at the afternoon ses-
A back to the land movement of
city dwellers as "livers" and not as
"producers" is the solution of our
present economic difficulties accord-
ing to Samuel S. Wyer, who gave an
engineer's approach to the land use
Unemployment is not due to ma-
chination, he said, but due to the
fact that industrial leaders have not
furnished the workers with high
enough wages to permit them to buy
products. The machine age is far
ahead of our social age.
Foreign markets are a thing of
the past, said Mr. Wyer, and we mtst
now set about to develop our inter-
nal markets. If we are to succeed,
however, according to him, we must
first write off 80 billions of our in-
ternal debt
Living standards must also be low-
(Continued oniage 6)

Frosh. Frolic Tickets Sell-Out;

Offers Of $6 Are Turned Down clarr, Olympic Champion,
Sufes Ii urv To 113

TT __ /" r VI. Tl l TV T'TrT \1lfllf.' T1C


The Frosh Frolic sold out.
It sold out in a big way, 24 hours
before the dance began, and by yes-
terday noon fantastic premiums were
being offered by frantic would-bc:

with most .students more interested;
in meal tickets than dance tickets. PHILDELPHIA, March 17.-()-
And in addition, many students for Bill Carr, record-breaking Olympic
o . r champion in the 400-meter run to-
event were faced with the prospect night suffered injuries in an auto-
of staying at home through lack of mobile accident in Bala, a suburb,t
the price of a ticket. which Coach Lawson Robertson of{

Here For Study, Instruction1
Nearly 150 reserve officers in the The training here will be under
medical training corps of the United the command of Major-General
States Army will be in Ann Arbor Frank Parker, Commanding General,
6th Corps Area. During the mornings'
April 16 to 29 for clinical study and the officers will receive clincial in-
instruction in army medical problems struction by the faculty of the Med-
at the University Hospital. ical School. Afternoons will be givenI
In co-operation with yhat is over to classes taking up army med-

L1UtI1IWJ.s to venom the 1c Ua or n ot'To meet this situation, the com- the University of Pennsylvania says
being able to get a ticket on the last mittee decided a week ago to change may mean the end of his athletic1
day before the dance was as unbe- the orchestra, reorganize the pro- career.1
lievable as it was unheard of. Offers gram, and make a drastic reduction ! "I understand he has a bad hip!
of $2.50 up to $6 circulated freely, in price. It was the concensus of- injury, but I don't think it is as bad
with practically no takers. One lucky opinion that the dance could be "put as a fracture of the pelvis," said
student wvith a ticket to sell was over" for a higher price, perhaps $2, Robertson.j
overheard on State Street holding out but since a reduction was going to
for $7. It was reminiscent of a Sat- 17c made the members decided to do
urday morning before a football be h mad he m r recid o o Milan Woman, 50, Shot;
game back in the days before identi- i ih n e eodfrlw
nfication cards. priced dance entertainment and not Condition Called Serious
.only make it low enough to assure the
Resident students scratched their financial success of the party but Mrs. William McCrea, 50, of Milan,t
heads in vain in the effort to remem- make it within the reach of many was brought to University Hospital'
ber such a previous phenomenon as who could not afford an ordinary here last night with a shotgun wound1
a complete and wild sellout of tickets formal. in the side of the head, believed to bet
to a regular dance. As the depres- The response was immediate. More accidental or self-inflicted. At an$

known in military training circles as
the "Skinner Plan," the executive I
committee of the medical school has
offered the War Department the fa-
cilities of the University medical
buildings, laboratories, and library
for the two weeks period.
Under the plan, which was orig-
inated in 1929 by Col. George A.I
Skinner, M.C., Surgeon, 7th Corps
Area, the reserve officers go on ac-
tive duty for medical military train-
ing without pay or allowances from
the War Department. At the same
time these practicing physicians and
dentists have an opportunity for twoj

ical subject matter. These classes will Reed Will Attack County
be directed by Col. E. A. Sirmyer,
Cay., Dol. and district commander Governiiiet Over R Ldio
in Michigan, and by Major L. A. An attack on existing forms of
Green, M. C., assistant to the corps county and township government will
surgeon. Regular army officers and be voiced at 12:30 this noon in a
members of the faculty will also par- nation-wide broadcast by P r o f.
ticipate. Thomas H. Reed, of the political
During the evenings lectures on science departmnet.
subjects of allied interest will be Professor Reed will speak on "The
given by Prof. Henry W. Miller, Col- Farmer and His Government" over
lege of Engineering, Dr. Frederick A. the Red Network of the National
Coller, Medical School, Prof. Alfred Broadcasting Company. He will be
H. White, head of the Department best heard in Ann Arbor through
of chemical engineering, Prof. Moses radio station WJR, of Detroit. The
Gomberg of the department of or- program today is being sponsored by

T ''

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