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March 18, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-18

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From the
By John Thomas
Yost's 28-Year-Old
Record, Broken
LAST FALL a 28-year-old record
was broken by West Liberty
Teachers that had rested on Coach
Yost's shoulders for more than a
quarter of a century. This college in
West Virginia defeated Cedarville
college in Ohio, 137 to 0. Yost's high-
est score was 135 to 0.
The University of West Virginia
came to Ann Arbor on a hot Septem-
ber day in 1904 to try conclusions
with the Men of Yost on the foot-
ball field. It was in mid-week and
very hot as West Virginia kicked off
to Willie Heston, who with Shorty
Longman andt Torn Hammond in
front of him, streamed down the
field for the first touchdown. The
visitors did the same thing again
and Heston duplicated his jaunt of
a minute before. So, after three min-
utes, West Virginia decided that it
was not the thing to do to kick off.
But that did not make any differ-
ence, for Heston made two more
scores in about as many minutes.
Willie began to pant. The blister-
ing hot day started to take its toll
on the immortal ball-carrier. Long-
man's bad knee had conveniently
gone back on him as soon as he had
made certain that his services would
not be needed. Hammond developed
a bruised shoulder-very painful, to
be sure. Various alleged injuries in-
capacitated Shulte, Norcross, and
Curtiss. One by one they had limped
happily to the side lines, and the
game was still young when Heston,
alone of the regulars, remained to
Even if Heston succeeded in avoid-
ing 'the ball on the kickoff, it was
only temporary rellef, for the quar-
terback invariably called his signal
on the first line-up. Single-handed
he ran the score up to 60 and 0. But
he was disgusted. Raucous cheers
fiom his former well-wishers now
setting comfortably on the bench,
told him that he was being made a
goat. So on the next scrimmage in
midfield, Heston lay at its bsottom
when4 it unpiled, eyes closed, limp,
and inert. Now Heston was never
known to be taken out of a game, and
Keene Fitzpatrick was suspicious as
he trotted out on the field with the
water boy. He took but one look and
then said to the timers, "It's all
right, Billy will °get in ther"" So
Billy did.
Two or three touchdowns later
Heston was again found on the bot-
tom of a pileup. Again the tvainer
diagnosed his case as plain ennui
and ordered him on. After another
two or three touchdowns, Heston was
again on the ground. This time he
yelled to Yost, "Honest, Coach, I'm
all in. I can't move. I'm paralyzed.
Please take me out."
Yost was doubled over with laugh-
ter and said that he could come
out-only first he must make one
more touchdown. On the first play
he took the ball and tore down the
field, straightarming, sidestepping,
dodging, and mixing his bull-
strength with his snake qualities.
finally scored. The crowd was in on
the secret by this time and cheered
,as he barely slowed to plan the ball

Spring Recess
To Block Plans
Of Ball Team
Lack Of Outdoor Drills
To Hamper Filling Of
Gaps In Infield
Plat Three Gaines
Russ Oliver Shows Fornm
At Bat; Chapman And
Regeczi Turn Out
Spring vacation, while a relief to
the average students, will provide
difficulties for the baseball team, ac-
cording to Coach Ray Fisher. The
team plans to begin outdoor drills
the week before spring vacation
starts, which will necessitate bringing
the squad along much faster than
last year's, in order to offset the lay-
off week.
The problem will be especially dif-
ficult since there will be no chance
to practice fielding until the team
goes outside, and with two positions
in the infield open, the defensive
value of the players must be dis-
covered as soon as possible.
In yesterday's batting practice
Rus Oliver, sophomore football and
basketball star, hit the ball hard re-
peatedly. Another!
man who is show-,
ing promise among
the newcomers is
John Regeczi.
Ken Manuel and
Ted.Petoskey y
should be vastly
im p roved ball
players in 1933,
profiting by ex
perience said
Fisher. Another , uVra
man who is expected for a regular
man who is expected to bid for a
regular berth is Ted Chapman, who
hasnt reported for baseball pre-
Chapman, member of the football
and hockey squads, was a star dia-
mond athlete at Detroit Central
High. He was a catcher there, being
the* battery mate' of Art Patchin,
promising Wolverine pitcher.
Plans are being made for three
practice games following spring va-
cation. Michigan State Normal is to
be met in a home-and-home series
and the team will play a single game
at Hillsdale.
AVALON, Calif., March 17.-The
veteran spit-ball pitcher. Burleigh
Grimes, is in the city hospital with
an attack of influenza
behind the goal posts, and continued
on a wild dash out the east gate
around the back way to the dress-
ing room. He was afraid to look back
in fear that the coach would find
something wrong with his technique
and would make him do it over
again. The final score was 135 to 0
and a new high scoring record was
But now the record is broken. It
was the University of West Virginia
who helped in the first instance and
it was West Liberty Teachers of West
Virginia who broke it in the second.
Incidentally that '04 line averaged
-about 210 and three of the four backs
could run the 100 in cleats in 10.2

Track Squad Prospects Are
Promising For 1931 Sen
Michigan's loss of the Big Tend
Conference track title by only 41
points naturally raises the question,
"What are the prospects for next
year?" Contributions that the fresh-
man squad will make towards the
Varsity next year appear to be only
in the departments that proved
strongest this year. With the excep-
tion of the pole vault and possibly
the two-mile run, the weak points of
the team this year will undoubtedly
remain the weak ones next year.
The loss of. Captain "Chuck" De-
Baker in the 440 and Hawley Eggles-
ton in the hurdles will create a hole
in the Varsity that will be hard to
fill. Ellerby and Starr are the only
frosh that looked good this year, cov-
ering the 440 course in less than :54.
Of course Pantlind will remain to
win points in the hurdles, but the
help Hunt can give him next year
is very doubtful.
Probably the greatest loss to the
team will be in the 880 by Ned Tur-
ner's exit. He will probably be suc-
ceeded by Gorman or Goodman.
However, neither yearling has even
approached the old Conference rec-
ord of 1:55 which Turner broke in
this year's contest. The mile and " y
two-mile events will lose both Bill
Hill and Doc Howell, but Gorman
and Randall ran under 4:34.4 for the Capt. Johnny Schmiclerz
freshman this year and Randall does
the two-mile consistently in 10:04.2. his Wolverine swimming te
Willis Ward is a sure point-winner the finals of the Conference
in the high jump, with assistance Chicago tonight in an att
from Moisio, and perhaps Hunt will annex the honors for the th
develop something. of his collegiate career. Ile
The greatest addition to the Var- Big Ten competition tonight
sity next year will be in the pole'
vault, with Hunn assisting Jeannette. Cappon Unable TO P
The frosh has vaulted 12 feet 9 t
inches in practice and prospects are Outstanding Cager
good for winning points in competi- IAlthough Coach Cappy
tion under Coach Hoyt's tutelage. lthou o mappy
The Varsity relay team will retain plans on just one more
spring basketbail, he has been
Allen, Ellerby, and Lemen and will as yet to pick any outstandi
have three very good additions in pects from his group of well
Gorman, Randall, and Ellerby who cagers working out daily on
combined to defeat Minnesota last tramural courts.
week in 3:33,6. 'Coach Cappon has a g
about 15 men, mostly f
STATE CAGE RESULTS practicing and feels optimist
Class A-Flint Northern, 21, Mus- the calibre of the reserves'
kegon Heights 19.. come up to the Varsity squ
Class B-Grand Haven 30, Holy year.
Redeemer 17. While most of those prac
Class C--Boyne 16, St. Augustine the present are freshmen,
15. members of last season's

Olympi Films Trials F1r Buffer Alpha Delts To
rso,, Show Ihg Reatay i 'Mtra
S~ais InAet~I a"" 11 'ctusdatyi'etTile Garn
Coc hriil v hBf ni'nreM

Uristy, wno swam the 1,500 meters, Climaxing a long season of inten-
and Ned Turner, who ran the 800 sive drill and practice contests, the
meters, represented Michigan. sorority and independent women's
will lead basketball teams will swing into the
am into I ommittee Ma lC}ange initial round of the elimination series
a athe first of next week.
meet at Frosh 'Mural Program According to Miss Marie Hartwig,
N imte change in the inra-faculty advisor for 'the tournament,
irdl time N dfniecagei'heita the teams are very evenly matched,
ends his mural-program for next year, neces- th Itas aresve evenly the
sitated by the new freshmen physical and it is impossible to predict the
t. education rule, can be announced probable outcome. "The number of
before the committee takes its plans teams is less than usual this year,
ick before the Board in Control of Ath- but the participants have made up
letics about May 6. in enthusiasm what they may have
a.Talent Any statement given out now lacked in numbers," said Miss Hart-
Cappon concerning such a change would be wig.
week of ased entirely upon surmise," said The slate for the matches shows
n unafe E D. Mitchell, Intramural Director. the following pairings for the play-
n unable offs: League vs. Sorosis 1, Tri Delta
ng pros- vs. Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Chi
matched -Tripp Refuses To F ign, Omega vs. Gamma Phi Beta, Theta
zathe In- , Phi Alpha vs. Delta Gamma, New-
the In- LcavE BrookyuiC, imp berry vs. Sorosis 2, Chi Omega vs.
group of MIAMI, Fla., March 17.-(/P)-Joe Kappa Delta, Alpha Xi Delta vs.
reshmen, Stripp has quit the Brooklyn Dodg- Martha Cook, Betsy Barbour vs.
tic about ers' training camp without signing a Kappa Kappa Gamma.
who Will ',ontract. Games are , to be arranged be-
uad next The star third-sacker conferred tween houses, and courts reserved
with Vice-President Joseph Gillear- through the offices of Barbour Gym.
ticing at ceaiu for more than three hours yes-
several' terday but couldnot be induced to U N TA I N PEN S
reserve accept a $2,000 slash. ,arker, Sheaffer, Waterrxn,
ncluding "I have made Stripp a final offer," Conklin, etc., $1.00 nJ. up.
guard. Gillcaucdeau said at the end of the A large and choice assortment
ball ec - discussion, "and if he wishes to play I pl .rina ,
order to bail this year h .will have to accept iL_
it." 314 S. State St. An Arbn'.


Class C-St. Mary's of Orchardj
Lake 21, St. Mary's of Lansing 19.
Class D-St. Thomas 21, Kaleva ?
Class D-Kent City 23, Saginaw
Lutheran 19.

squad are practicingi
Manny Fishmaai, i'eserve
Chuck Bernard, Varsity foot
ter is also working out in
get into shape.


- -h-


a tes it e0




The Ann Arbor Savings Bank again
offers all of its banking facilities to its
clients, under the license of the United
State government, thus assuring them
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We shall, as usual,, be glad to discuss
with you your banking problems, and
place our experience at your disposal.

That's t



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SiMOKERS notice a certain "touch" in
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For only by blending and cross-blending
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smokers enjoy.

Next time, ask for "{The Cigarette
Satisfies". .. you'll get Chesterfields,
Milder, Better Taste.


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