Presient ad W tr.Ruthven will1be At home from four to six
on undy Mre 12, to :1Cmmbers of iLhe faculties and oth,r resi
TYo the l' fem br of the U-Jn iversity Council. There will be a me
the ~ ~ ~ or nvrst oucl o Moday, Ma<rch 13, at! 4:15 p. m. in Rot
P 3r Alumni Memoi al H!,ll. 3,oui ; A. Hopkins, 5iSecretary, University Corr
The Adxn3 nistrative Board of the College of Literature; Scie1
the Atrtsmstis announcement of disciplinary actions base
charges of dsonsyin connrctlion with the work of the first
of the cretaaei yea>r. It happens that in every onec
cases the s!gtlue ''iat adcmitted the offense..
one tdn a reported for dishonesty in a written quiz in
121, He was griven g ;r ade in thec course, he was puprt on probation
rest oaf the semerr,t .r, and six hours were added to the reqiuirem(
On] ictW'freport-ed for plaiar1ism 1in a th'e me in E)
AcunWd-a e l'1He edOf teOl ese ;1f(r. At tt tiehi
reuiig iswt~dr . b ueof por 'schokhus1),ipa, he vi
wa9s Made(e- aet
One suetws 1reportled for- dishonesty in a written examirl
E.'ConrnYics sT-PH. wa gi Ven,1 E r ae in the, course, he was puat on P)
for the sEcond s rfen~at::,and s ix houirs were added to the recfuiren
his degR;rcee
One styent ii ws reported for dishonesty in the final examinr
?h ysic, :30,He was ivenE gra,-de in the course.
Twotu n wr( eported for dishonest;1y in the final exan
in Engl'hsh :13.,fThae we!e i en;Bgrades in the course, they
on p3robaion 3 for thI c on seesr.ia~t I1'Eter, and ffout"i' ours were adde 1 ~1ti 'i° ra 1lt C r "~' f
requr~mets fr th degee o eac.
[N Coins toek -Willcodsco(,eope045,00,00 CLASSIFIE1,D
stut tUse R.Vo , tid( In wuIlIly, Dr. fursieti burg Says ..
No. 1~i rS ae nri Colds cost the people of the United s~aid, quot from the figures com-IIE
States mrore 'tha~n .4501;,0000an- ple by a large New York life insur- Al)V 1 VIIN
TrePlninle Cm 113,ardig to Dr. Alber. C. ance om pany which showed that in inswt lse
olokl urstenhur{ o; tf the medical1 shol, winie' s ndentry workers have four AdS cr1 la,. ; Dep ttrnt;. Phone -24 of whon dI. t'1 spoCke yesterday on the :ui3je c i. ssi n odsa odir n Tec i.dclun oe a threc
I W r To e ii iA r l I "ieTimse Coanmamtai-rier.eoclckprCold"o'ayofovert~n
thr TeHedCl'o eL i Exp-Orn t to cold doesa not neces- e l Iox I numitermaytbe5ecur'ed at no
ceBin of 1v jI.'m_ a3in7Sevie Brads aily cause colds, according 'to Dr. tn1n o t~ ewrst
OM ",) .Wlim osokhsl11icbr.H ponited out that the line)1 for Oortrtions
whole-hupport wepovlfadjD.F,,sbr tackedwhen"lost in inperrcaIn'llinC erfor hre r or
suportto a plan for using;wefaediscriminate use of highly sdvertised bc lr, s1itdo wwtheoirnak neun,; 1w irtlreqrnr
labor paid from R. F. C. funds now drugs" as bring "not infreouently b to he wi doan wigo tohlepif backson rat->.e1pe redinglin
ieadavailable, on productive wot in the produictive of injur'iouis effects to ihe' for one or t o In1verlt1n;.. rm
adwlassible. o ha cld it oepe- 1, erreadi ng f1ine for thi' r m r
ed upon state parks andfoet of Michigan,} nosean throatasl as oche. SeiesI nsrton,.
Seris ofhea cols wih oe pe- { d icut i>p.,d within ten, days
Csemesuel 1according to Prof. W . F. Ram'sdell parts of the body."soardutohefctatheol, rotedteolstneron
of teeof the School of Fore,(stry and Con- It is well to be remembered."si unlike many other diseases, do not Mniminn three linretpereinfermion.
sevainwo a ,us etredfomD. Furstcnburgi. ."that any anise- ofer immunity upon the person.. coract , per.. .... inos daiy, Ofl(
English ia coniIfrence . 1 in Laning on the pro~j- tic stroCng enough to destroy rgerms is, \vhiCh it visits. "The common cold 1 line]:. C0. 17, 21t Unth ........Sco h V(,cwi unaou pi .b h ai o~n etrciei ti itTi ua oosleapeo 1 ....
ents fori' The plan meansr1 , FProfessoi' Rams- healithy tisues to which it is apptlied h fea rsocarfinetos, 11 in,t ed adre.d......9c
ydeli says, thstcratofhiftctnso maen frbeoms he l3601 lnes usedla6 dit1e. ..... ...;c;
fi'oil can notbeemployed a a evad < ttfu~ ingadiscl.osure of its causes, 1.1000uner used1as de.'e. ...........
3g~h idoetoawrkrlifbsi ndteinI 0o'cuirativei'erne'dy.'' rebeling aga!'?ins t all methods of 'ur'e 2,0Ottnesuse sdsieF..,..
is reox'd Of bdly~~iede finY Peole(,who work 1indoor)Is are more arid 1finally (tcncedin l nothing' in the b~(uOlCg~ calll ie e ~r
road,,, Gflm ,lounex 1[ic Ltype, upper "::.<!lowter case. Add
i.,lI trw beksenay odcm rudliable lt olds than thoewho are way of immunity to those who have f lne t aboe raes fral capital
faciitiexs, and oter po~jectS (onT the epsdtoclD'.Prtnurg fatlilen 11its victims." it rltAd (C o liet aov(no
sttproperty . Under the dir'ect .5u- w .ii iee upercndowr 's.AOdd
.)tio Inpision of thie Depa.rment of Con- l f per^e o bov rasfor1bolace
? 01Eb113'1n, ervtiton. Nurs :er y Endtreeplanting ! UD n IT7'A''u , lt c~ tere for 71 ptnt type.
icu fo ilxvorli' will *ls() be dchnc.11 inse'eon UtJO. at-u
L Tocal consc-'v;, I 11 iOofiCer's wil
iation i ihave cha rge 01fthe work~, aiid no neQ-II 11 I (rhc da; 1tion n.OS
,SAl'X'UfbAV, NMAICH 11, 1933
niew suits. Pest prices paid. Cash
foi old gold. Phone 4306, Chli-ago
buyers. 34c
SPITTSB~URGH, Pa., March 8.-A
free tuition offer, made effective Feb.
t.5, is now applicable to graduate stu-
dent.s of Carnegie Tech who have se-
Cured itheir bachelor's degree and are
at present unemployed. Suich stu-
dcns lhave ben permitted to register
until this Saturdaay without paryment
ofi tuition fees and are free to sched-
ule any underg~raduate sub~ject for
uvhich they are eligible.
iii 3 tion
~e' le puit
Orgn ecital O-fittedl: On ;account of the Paderewski concert, Wed-
neda eenn ,-Mrch 15, the re'(gular Twilight Organ Recital scheduled
for thatft moon ill be romxitated.
F el i r r ing Cli test: Cotei-=iatai may (all for their manus cr'pts
Ma<rch 11 13i he(: ugt 'Clish'!office.
Intram-ural Ath letics:x Enr ies are now being taLken for all campus
swimmu g i and wre(.stling. All stu:dents who wish to enter these- meets
shbould s t-tigu medaeyat the Intramural Sports Building,
Makis. eu f'. ,amFinat2con in Psychology 33, 101, and 10 5 will he. given
today, from 2 t ro p. miiin Roorm 3126 N.S.j
zoolfogy i.(h'ganricE IVoluition) : For those who were ab6sent f''rm thw
finl- lex:aintion1', a suipplemI'entary ex-s:amination will be grien todaiy ,at;9
a.. in, in 5oom 23103. N. S.
-Ecconmics 1h The room assignment for the hour examination Mon-
day, M''Tarch 131a i1 p. er. follows: A to N, inclusive, N. S. And.,, 0 to Z, in-
eluhi,,vp..25,A. 14.
Unvr ro l-d asting , Saturda, 71:"5 p. i.: "A Talk to Graduating"
High Sho tdns by Ira Mh. Smith, Registrar of the UCnive-rsityv of
Alichr ian. Choo tin.; tVocation"by George E. Myers', P res:, or ofVoc1a -
tional Gu1idaceiit.
Studenst's Reital: Helen Belntley, will give a Graduation Recital
in the ScolofMscauditorium. , 9tuesday evening,, March 14, at 8:15
'clock., t hchtegeea]s jinvited. The progrIami is as o'llows :
Bach: Ita;lian Concetrto, Allegr1o animatio, Andate, Presto giocoso;
Mendelssohn: Varia tiones Sericuses, Op. 54; Br'ahmns: Blladeb , Op. 10,
V . 1, C'hopiii: Ba.llade,, Op. 47; Turina: St nlucar e B&iiaramnda . >onata 1
Pintoresca) :Enhla torre del castillo; Siluetas de la Cal ada; ,La playaLo
Fescador-:s en;Ba"jo de Guia.
Graate iOuting Club: All graduates and friends; If wecather permits,
Mee; t in front of A'1,"gell Hall at 2 p. mm. for supper hike. Bring fif'teen cts.
If ~ ~ ~ ~ iic: boltlwihufudcome anyway.
SwimingClub-Wo men Student: The program for the meeting at-
tr:,15 wil' l incltvle nrce:; and practice in events for the Open Swimming Meret,
(,o .;elt"?a'.!M h 21.
47are ifsyOhl (e Club: Special rehear a : l at 1:15 p. in, in the Glee Clubj
- Cr nie-~Me-ti~:a 7:30 p. m,., Maonic Temple, Work iln both First
aInd Secon'd .to'
Reharslsfor Juniior (irls Play:
104.m3E -bd in Screne 1, Lydia Mendelssohni Theatre.
10 a.:m.--Swi.: anmim Group, Barbour Gym. Also at 2 p. gyn. Bar-
1 :30. m.-- W'l tz Group in Costume R'oom, League. See Katheine, Mac-
- -5: !5bI. m l -ve ybody l1in Sc ene 4, Lydia Monelssohn Thea <tre.
;;30l p. m. --t i f], amla, Da " isy. Grump, TLydcliaM endelssohn P i7Theatre.
Ulppr lim: 7:0h. im. President E. C. Il"errick , of the Andover -Newton
Theoloica ho l wil ~l r=\11spjeak to the men on "The Challengse of the Church
to Cr'aianL ynenwit Uiiversity Training."
* .Lvnch1.eon Foro Gradu' ate 1-tudents: Tuesday, March 14, in the RussiAn i
Te3 ' oo at,1 he, M p' 'i ~ti'Lea f. Cafeter ia service. Profe. 3or1 Charles
Rem]yeo ithe EcofinmiCEcDpa t inntii,,will speak on "An Tnri,,'' inI tier-
na .t~rinl Taea uefrteDpeso
5niVenr ity dG rL' Gee Club will have a rehears i <al at 7 o' lc k SUTNDAY
ev u n t I e ':ib rorom s , 1the f e tgu . P i rehea r:-, al will ii pr ,'f1; tlti _ ;71l '' e de t
It IP .AVVF r t 11i~n!)mber. be p 'ee.'jt.
suipervisory or overheadcijobs are liti , ne. T e st t i o -
patmnt e(;o-opeito Mig in ma king;
I u :cess:fu l tis- pla-n of substituting ,
wor k relief1iin plase of dole. Part XitAn Iy S hid
,y'he: number' of jobs provided will I~ iI Be VI'lodule4cc
depend on (iemp(Jlloyent conditions
hoi-iimonth Ltnmonthbut it is esti- ) Lydi Ra M Nde ohn
a,ted(TLhat;10at least; [,10,000 nmen will - --
be emloyed for vwa ouspeiods of lAtseries ofdservces of wor
t~ie. The.roectha-w e: 1w osteed 'lt(h fdi arim LS afneatis
to a large ex:t et by ,he M 'ienaigjan
Commlitte-frTad("lvyo cia thmeal be t ' Irale
'kih Pofssr amdeis wAneM- 10.yinr reve)'yv wday night,
ber. ning arh12, in the ;;Lia tI
eats "Smoking; moderately does n~ot, do
much ha~rm," says Or. G. A. May,
' t head of the physical education de-
paimni-but excessive smoking is
dcli'icntalt anone. Most students
'ip in~nlet i cli. Tiis p1robably due
: t e( .d ;1 5 7 <t(.v t e ; w , 1i1 l i. "I . E 'v e ry V S m o kr in g s C-
bei-1(jit ar'e(i ppc a'teor
~indl- .ias xIth him, wher),eet' hegoes.
Therforehe is tlirted to oxt'erin-
S rnoin, Die t s
LOST-A w'hite goldsint ring w" ilth
Call ChesY(t er Y'oungs;,. hone2265
TPING---Not(.', pa1.pers, and CGrad..
tee.Clyde kr, 3423. 35c
TYPING v ting ca Yref Ii. (lone .
LAU NfX. Otwb'
Towels e.Sos(ued
I 3C
i ,s ,r rY t t r her # .l r Iir i ._i.,a:° (.."n w- -
- ...(II~ c (e . ., .. i... . . ..
Ev' y time' one cut <<c1.t ::itco'
him'" 1.1i This compu110ttion wast
rt ayof the colle-Ie of nieeig
1'ioI'es:Cor hopkintellst h ,is, students
they Could take a date to ,a show for
8(4ets u two sodasi for 20 cents,
lthey d 11 idt go to acls4
1-f has n oticed a decrease in thew
cost, of Matending each onec hourcls
since 129 Tn 1929 the cost of eachi
hour-clss ws about 15:32, ini 1931
it. was$1.22, and this yeart!-the cost
T li, reachedt a new lov) of $1.17.
'rhese figures were computed by
a dding togethe' the cost of tuition,
board, room, and incidentals. Then
di vidingm this total by t-he number
of hours- of class work required to ob-
t:s 2 hors of ci'edit a year, one
getsl,, the figure,
,N)ivu1'U J. L'U .JJ~v;i-)L~y~'t msefsmoke only twocia'
cii~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~;% ofRlgoadpeetda ly"saidDr."a,"one after
pt of ,} (lte Lenten program 1!?of 0tebekatadante aei h
C. C.A., teepasaebigatdee~g"Dr. ay 15vae ta
no odernot to temp;;t. iscelf to
be( dlis( e cd by Rev. COmat r Pacor. _
osIn a anlMr. Gosil::in of NexvY,'r .li Cmoe elCf- ariscgr
Ct~~~~~) yxlo\C'!bough 1'tt 1o AnnAr
fortii 4Ccf' iro(."iiin for any athletic pro-
- nU!, t ld~ynecessitfates the .6)-
Inone1icion w'lih these play ,s, Ra(-iolo osok1(: 2ine- ,r n'.M' ti
factlihyV, lsi e cmittlree 'has been ',. ..i'Vi'D.Ma ad
-- ilceasiVhe eartbcl°
apponte to tud th vale o ths (.1 'i SliiCtliest,iiad has a jgeri-
exeinei praetrlgiu e se iyuneeasrain." a
11eei ss of the f' aculty on Lthis gjmtht ianbdivided into tv o
comi l(=°teeinclude rPr'of. .lohi I_, rpont.First, good ?~Yi'i
Brumin.Dea JoephA. ~ursey.(':eroi:, daly.SeCcond, a well-bai-
Prof'. 0. J.CmpelD. Howard . .r eddit. ruereson why rmost
McCluskyMOr a .D fnak,5it:iL ieconte overweight is be-
Dr. Herbert. A. Kenyvoni, IDeanAlice: cause theyat(too much, accordling
C. Lloyd, Miss EtF ihel A. McComnickIoD a. "A good breakfast,,
Dr. Norman Mir and Valentine B. I either a vei'y light lunch o1' no lunch
Win-d t~. tall, and a moderate evening meal
S;tudelinti embers consist of Jule wzouldl be the idleal diet f01r anyone,"
Aye rs,;i':13 Batara A. Braun, '313,, Di'. May sa-id.
John 3L. Bratckt t r:'n1k-B. Gilbri'eth.---------__..-_---_
'33, .toe C>iggs,:grt;LstorC. THoulck-I
3006. fGe
POTAT(OE-1) (: to1' lll per 100 U Jls.;,
onI(ins, 1caiotsC{egg, iancl' other
5098. :4
at ranisc Boce.71) N. Untiver-
sify, It-ere fine -,wk is the tradi-
tioll. 29c
' ' L3 % Lt T ii OC I'd
Tiomn Kee'ne in "GIIOST VALLEY"A'
Sunday, NMondv Ila, Tesday
Marie fli'essei' - Pally Moran
C _______________
n A Y 1,
11 11 11 11 11 11 P 11 11 1 R 1 11 11 11 11 11I i
-ASTON1, Pa., IMarich 10. - "The I'S
ist,;;ory of thelaist, 15 years provesI The fi'st play to 1 t presentred will
trtntosha(cuolna e-Ib "H Caec''i itE+ )ory," says Professor George Allen of !Mary P. lHamlin' Ifam.ous w O"man nu-
Lafayette College. = hor'
p. in. Student Guild at 61 p. in. Dr. Fisher will spea k on "If Jesus were a
Freshmnanr at the Ifnivrsity of Michigan.rr" The G~rrad Ful'I't' will meet. with
the Guild.
First Methodist Church: Dr. Fisher's semoni at., 10:45 a. in. Sunday will
bps on "Self Denial." At 7:30 p. nir.a draaticksrvic of worship.
Hrris fI: l-?egulal' student : uppe'Sudy t6:15; p.,in. This Sundtay'
the cstr of the.supper will be 15c. Pri'fessor DcV titPariker', of the _Philos-
[You Don't Have A Thing to Yell Aboutt!
wphy Department, will speak on "The
Value ofReion at 7:00 p. mn. Mr'.
Le;(wis' c'ia 's in "The Hfistory of Chris-
ta i'l Tho ught"will met at,8:00 p. in.
St. .Andrew's Church: Services .of
worship ,Sun-day a re: 8:00 a. mn. The
aHoly Comm~runion, 9:30 A. M. Church
Scool, 11: 00 a. in. Kinderga rten, l
1i t+; amni.Holy CommTunion andl
Sermion iby the' ReverendHer
Le is.,
Baptist Students:, Sunday noon-
Sttudent Cl' a in_ the stu dy. of the
Gospel of Mark. Mr. Ch apmtan leader.
6:-00 p. iStudent Mee(tig. The
questJionIs Mltr Prpaio
+Chriian?' wVill )beiscussedby W.R
group meets in tre). arlvrsof 2Zion-A
Pal1'ish 1-fal l Sunay', it4:00 o'cliock.
At the oevening prog rmRev.Chre
will ,ive "A Modern Appraisal of
Purrn,' i obei-~iin o I atholi-
Ii_.________ - SUNIDAY______
"" r ". , . .. rr - liii it Ir 1E .t "I I!U U !1.~
II i N
Wait Until You See What Can Happen Wrhen
Depression. Hits tke Gu
______I- Fri
The - I
e T A l i r f l r~~ax 1 yeFiiiSleek, tof er oitwill speak on an
) .>0 .~is l irtadscn erBasics intee:stedin thde apo lte etnthm.Sca
,- ie __'t ri Team foE:r cMlitary allplseaItt1 , En k1'd 'meeting atk Headciual - fhti a;53;Sppl t1:0
lend t)servies t 01,tlie _LgueChapel
L :3 ocicad-iis xbnia will meet 'Tuesd ay, 7:30 p. in., in the eau. uday atv:15ua. i Rabbi Heller
Soia eenngha benplanned al ,nd all intferested are invi;ted.
Ehui'ize-chj~n lu: M'eetic i-ing udayv, Ma rch i12al;tip: p._in I MW..AN CA
ff IL
ove %in
i 14
Wely1hi:Cason ."ThLe Principles ofJsu"xith11 the Director ::tti
:3a.i.Sna.Dr.-,Jame: Woodhumne l 1i'will jpeak on "Recnt Decisions'l lll-
of theLegu o ~tflf at lCfIios bforethe Or; ie41ntal-Americ1'1 an Goup ;0 :3:30,
phone 8822
j~ 01 4_ O-JTHE ,TAGE . I
March 22-2 --Box Office Now OpenI