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March 11, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-11

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The Weather
Increasing cloudiness and ris-
ing temperature; probably fol-
lowed by light snow








iown Deat

-I-1-10 L -A"

Local Banks 1
Seek Return
Gold Notes
All Gold, Gold Certificates
Withdrawn Must Bc Re-
turned By Monday
Banks Receive No
Orders To Reopen

No Welcwne AtKappa
Ilouse, Door IMat Gone
There'll be no more welcome at
the threshold of the Kappa Kappa
Gamma sorority-at least, not
until the girls can locate their in-
dispensable welcomne" door mat.
The police reported that the
door mat had been taken from the
front door of the Kappa house
sometime last week by "person or
persons unknown."
The girls reported their loss
Thursday, and claimed that they
had not missed the mat until last
Monday. An extensive search for
the culprit is being made by Ann
Arbor's 29 police, for the Kappas
want their "welcome" rug backn

C 11 lverines ]
Successful In
Big Ten TiIs
Michigan Sure FavoriteI
To Regain Conference
Tidle In Tac
Indiana Second;
Iowa Uiisuccessfl i





Rocksout rAn a ornisQuake
IfriRoks Sothern Caifia Area

King-Seeley Corporation
To Pay Part Of Salaries I
With $10 Certificates
Ann Arbor residents who have
withdrawn gold or gold certificates
from the city's banks within the past
two years will be given until Monday,]
March 13, to return these withdraw-
als or their names will be turned over
to Federal authorities, the Ann Arbor
.Clearing House Association an-
nounced yesterday.
Notice that the Federal govern-
ment wanted the names of those who
had withdrawn gold or gold certifi-
cates came to Ann Arbor banks via,
Federal R e s e r v e representatives
Thursday night, and the Clearing
House Association announcement was
made yesterday morning.
The list of names of those who
have withdrawn gold or gold certifi-
cates is to be sent to the Federal Re-
serve Bank in Chicago "as soon as
possible after March 13," the an-
nouncmtent says. "To avoid possible
embarrassment," continues the Clear-'
ing House statement, "persons af-
fected by this request have the op-
portunity to redeposit until March
No word has come from Washing-
ton telling the local banks to open,
C. J. Walz president of the State
Savings Bank, said last night, and
they will continue operating under'
the present policy for the time being.
While business in the city con-
tinued to be about one-half normal,
King-Seeley Corporation announced
that part of its salaries would be
paid in certificates. The certificates
will be in denominations of $10.
The Chamber of Commerce expects
to meet the early part of the coming
week to further discuss the possibil-
ity of introducing a "trade dollar" to
facilitate business for the local mer-
Move Toward
Public Control
Seen Byrates
The country is moving rapidly and
irresistibly toward public control of
private property, in the opinion of
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
School, Dean Bates states this opin-
ion in the current issue of the Mich-
igan Law Review, distributed yester-
His conclusion is based on the de-
tailed report on "Recent Social
Trends in the United States" which
was prepared at the oficial request of
former President Hoover. Dean Bates
offers his opinion as part of a sym-
posium participated in by himself,
Prof. Robert C. Angell of the socio-
logy department, and Prof. Charles.
F. Remer of the economics depart-
Comments in the current issue of]
t he Law Review include 'homicid
-Casual Relation between Dfen-
dant's Unlawful Act and the Death,"
by George C. Tilley, '33L, now a
Rhodes scholar at oxford; "Interfer-
ence with the Internal Affairs of a
For'ioi'n Cm cvioran." by George A

Wisconsin, Minniesota
Northwestern Fall
Cellar In Trials


Old Favorites
To Appear At
May Festival:
Mgerry Mount Premiere To
Be Presented Under TIheI
Direction Of Dr. Hanson.
Re-cngagement of many old favor-I
ites in Ann Arbor nmusical events{
characterizes the program for the
fortieth May Festival, which will take
place May 17-20, it is announced by1
Pres. Charles A. Sink of the music'
The appearances of Lucrezia Bori,
soprano, Chase Baromeo. bass, Jas-
cha Heifetz, violinist, John Charles1
Thomas, baritone, and Frederick
Jagel, tenor, all of whom have ap-
peared in previous May Fesivls or
in Choral Union concerts, coupled)
with the important choral works
which will be presented, will place)
the 1933 Festival on a basis of equal)
brililance with those of past years,
according to the University Musical
The first of the three choral works
will be given in the first half of the
Thursday evening program, May 18,
when William Walton, one of GreatI
Britain's outstanding contemporary
composers, will have its "Belshazzar's
Feast" heard in America for the first
time. "Spring Rapture," a tuneful
piece for the Young People's Chorus,i
will be given Friday afternoon, under;
the direction of Juva Higbee, super-
visor of music in the Ann Arbor
public schools.-
Finally, on Saturday night, thei
world premiere of "Merry Mount,"
which has been called one of Amer-
ica's finest operas, will be presented
under the baton of the composer, Dr.
Howard Hanson. John Charles
Thomas, distinguished American op-
eratic and concert singer will play
the important baritone leading role;
Leonora Corona, soprano of the Met-~
ropolitan Opera, and Rose Bampton,
a rising young contralto, Frederick
Jagel, recognized as a fine dramatic
tenor, and Chase Baromeo, a bass
who was with the late Chicago Civic
Opera Company, will sing the re-
maining roles.
Other stars in the Festival include
Alexander Kipnis, distinguished bass-
baritone of the late Chicago Civic
Opera .Company, who will return tol
America from Europe especially to s
sing in "Belshazzar's Feast"; Grote)
Stueckgold, singer of leading roles at)
the Metropolitan Opera House; Guy)
Maier and Lee Pattison, eminent two-)
pianists, who will make their come-
back debut after an absence of three
years from the concert stage: the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, under
the direction of Frederick Stock and
Eric D Lamarter; and the University
Choral Union, conducted by Musical
Director Earl V. Moore.

CHICAGO, March 10.-()-Dis-
playing even more a l1 - a r o u n d
strength than expected, Michigan to-
night became a sure favorite to re-
gain the Western Conference indoor
track championship by qualifying
men for eleven places in the semi-
finals and finals.
Indiana, the defending champion,
with Charles Hornbostel, its latest
"iron man," qualifying in the half-
mile and mile, took up eight places
and Ohio State, other. ranking con-
tender, had seven. Purdue showed
unexpected strength in qualifying for
five places. Chicago and Illinois had
three each, Wisconsin two, and Min-
nesota and Northwestern one each.
Iowa alone failed to get a man on
the list. Michigan started with the
60-,yard dash inii which Willis Ward,
Jack Ieston, dc Bill Kemp quali-
fied. Ohio State matcled the Wol-
verines with Don Bennett, outdoorl
- Results of the wirestling meet aV
Urbana, Ill., were still unavailable
at press time early this mnomimng
because California cartthquake press
dispatches took precedence over all
other material on t he Associated
Press wires. Offices of the Daily
Illini, Illinois student newsp per,
could not be reached by ircss time.
100 and 200 ya;rd champion, Jack
Keller, and Walt Stapf, who turned
in the best time, :06.3.
Howell and Childs of Michigan
qualified for the one-mile ufinal and
Indiana got Hornbostel and Waton.-
Hornbostel had the best time, 4:29.3,
and turned in a 2:01.3 half-mile in
wining his heat.
Charles DeBaker of Michigan ran
the best quarter-mile to qualify, fin-
ishing in 51.8 seconds. Ivan Fuqua,
Indiana's hope in tl1e event, won
easily in 52.1 seconds.
The finals will be run toorrow
night. Michigan qualifiers were:
50-yard dash-Ward, Heston, and
Mile ----Howell and Cl ds,
70-yard hurdles -- Egl ston a.nd
880-yard dash--Turner and Dra-#


TheQhakeAt A Glance
(By The Associated Press)
Earthquakes shook southern California violently for hours last
night, causing widespread damage to lives and property. A quick
glance over the district showed:
KNOWN DEAD-Total, 123.
SHOCKS STARTED 5:55 p. m. P. S. T. (8:55 p. n. Ann
Arbor time), continuing with varied intensity for hours. Heavy
shocks at 8:40 p. m. P. S. T. (11:40 p. m. Ann Arbor time) and
9:19 p. m. P. S. T.
LOS ANGELES--12 dead, about 1,500 injured; numerous
buildings damaged as cornices and facades toppled into crowded
streets; hospitals crowded.
LONG BEACH-65 dead, about 1,000 injured; large part of
business section is in ruins; fires reported in many sections of the
city; communications practically cut off for hours.
COMPTON-13 dead, many injured; buildings damaged.
HUNTINGTON PARK-12 dead, many injured; buildings
damaged; high school burned.
WATTS-4 dead.
ARTESIA-4 dcad.
NORWALK and WALNUT PARK-Each, one dead.
SAN DIEGO-Slight dlamnage; naval vessels depart for Long
Beach to render aid; 600 nxmines landed from ships at Los Angeles
harbor; 800 soldiers from Fort McArthur, San Pedro, aid police.

Although a toll of only 123 known dead was re.
ported early this morning, thousands were listed as
inissing as hysteria reigned through California, Esti-
mates of the total casualties ran far above 500.
LONG BEACH, Calif., March 10.-(AP)-Sixty-five bodies of
earthquake victims were reported recovered from the ruins here at 10:45
p. in. tonight (1:45 a. m. Saturday, Ann Arbor time). It was estimated
the death toll might be considerably nearer 100.
LOS ANGELES, March 11.-(Saturday)-(AP)-Violent earth.
quakes continuing three hours after the first shock of death and destruc-
tion added confusion to the scene of the increasing damage and terror
to all of Southern California.
At 9:14 p. m. yesterday (12:14 a. m. Saturday in Ann Arbor) the
toll was reported from most authentic sources available reached 64 dead
and more than 2,500 injured.
The isolation of Long Beach continued almost complete at this hour,
but reports from persons arriving from that area indicated that radio
flashes and terror-inspired rumors of hundreds being dead in that city
were without foundation. One police teletype report had 500 dead in
Long Beach.
The path of death stretched from Santa Ana to Long Beach and
Los Angeles.
As these lines are being written the building of the Los Angeles
office of the Associated Press is swaying, with accentuated jolts from time
to time and, at intervals of 10 to 20 minutes, extremely violent shocks
caused all hands to reach for some support as in a swaying small craft
Hospitals are crowded to overflowing at emergency centers of the
city and urgent calls have been sent out for al emergency hospitals.
Surgeons found extremle difficulty in handling cases of the injured
j as the great shock shook the operating tables upon which were stretched
the patients.
The wide area affected by the destructive convulsions of the earth
strata made it extremely difficult to make a survey of the toll in lives
and property.
Recurrent shocks added new damage as attempts were made to
check the fires.
Los Angeles at this hour through official sources had reports of prob-
ably 12 dead, but estimates of more than 1,500 injured.
L s Aw eles said that the exigYencv of caringv for the injured and the

4fb a ce -.
Baby Boy Born To Heidkasnp Bils
Mrs. Roy I1,tdoii Passes o ise

t iled(





Mrs. M'r iUn Roy Hudson, wif of
"Sol" lludson, captain of the 1931
Michigan football team, is the mother
of a baby boy born Sunday night in
University Hospital, it was an-

Mlchigan To Call Meling
To Consider Prohibition
IRepeal Act April 10

- J~t3.' A g*a .1At'O..tfa. ,..v :'oo' w.- 'v w''k - ..
nounced yeterday. The new member LANSING, March 10. - UP) - The widely separated reports of the deaths confined their estimates to gen.
of the family, who weighed six and House tonight passed the Heidkamp eralities. The coroner's office reported custody of two bodies.
a half pounds at birth, will be named bill by a vote of 72 to 8. It now re- Fires, in widely separated areas, added to the night of terror.
turns to the Senate for concurrence Army and Navy men were called out to help out policemen. Cali-
Roy, Jr. in minor changes made in the House. fornia National Guardsmen were ordered to be ready to assist where
Mr. and Mrs. Hudson, it will be It previously was passed in the Sen- needed.
recalled, were secretly married the ate by an overwhelming majority.
Feb.14, The Heidkamp bill provides for the'
after the 1931 J-Hop, Feb. 14, Thi ofda conventiondts cor LOS ANGELES, March 11.-(Saturday)-(AP)-Belief that re-
at Bowling Green, O. An inquiry proibi tion i 1 one ports of the dead and injured in the quake at Long Beach has been
conducted by The Daily revealed that after election day upon which voters greatly exaggerated" was expressed here tonight by Frank Trickle, Long
the couple had registered at the i will choose one delegate to the con- Beach newspaperman, after making a survey of the devastated area in
Bowling Green license bureau as I vention from each legislative district the harbor city.
Martin Hudson, student, of McDon- Two nominees will be voted upon, "I left Long Beach at 7 p. m.," Trickle said, ''and at that time I was
ald. Pa.,sn sMary Nienegger, stu- I one of whom will be committed to able to find but three persons dead. There were 15 or 20 injured, but
Id d y fprohibition repeal, and the other op- that is not an accurate estimate of the total hurt. It undoubtedly is con-
ent, De in a d i posing it. Voters will automatically siderably larger, but I doubt greatly that there will be as many as 1,000
soto oidublicity pnmpe r. 1-m instruct the delegate by their ballots., when the final check is completed.
"Martin" for he was known to news- Committees consisting of the county The shock was terribly severe. The entire city was in extreme con-
paperm4n as "Roy" or simply ''Sol." clerk, prosecuting atotrney and pro- fusion.
Whilper a s Roy~or implynold-bate judge in each county will desig- "The streets were filled with pcopie running wildly about. A great
While et studenzt at Michigan, Hutd- nate the method of nominating dole- wereeTheorle sbtisructuesstodth
- son won three letters in football, two gates. many buildings were damaged. The more-substantial structures stood the
in baseball, and reserve letters in:! The Heidkamp bill was deasignedl to quake well.
blaseall in his Sopmre and" pce Mhian h n o The Press-Telegram Building was damaged considerably, one wall
junior years. During his freshman :states ratifying the prohibition repeal caving in. The Christian Church is a total wreck. rhe downtown streets
year, he was awarded the Chicago amendment to the national constitu- - are filled with debris. There is no truth to reports that the entire down-
Alumni trophy for showing the most :tion. The bill was reported out of town district has been demolished.
promise during the spring practice. committee late today. The eight who "The walls of many of the smallest buildings and buildings less
Mrs. Hudson will leave Ann Arbor voted against the measure were: -sturdily constructed were caved in and chimneys were shaken down like
soon to make her home in South :Representatives Brouwer, Brown, Cal- leaves in a wind. The damage is great.
Raven, while Hudson will take up vert, Kimball, Odell, Post, Priest and "A great many water and gas mains have been ruptured. There were
studies in Oklahoma. Vanderwerp. -}no serious fires at the time I left the city."

d~en. Y$
440-yard dash-DeBaker and Allen.
_ t
cJ On Sale TIcld

The box office of the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre will open today for
the sale of tickets for "Love on the
Run," the 1934 Junior Girls Play, to
be presented March 22 through 25.

according to Frances Manchester, '34,
general chairman of the cntral com- ,Ji
mittee. duel ews. X
"Seats for the first 19 rows will be T
priced at '1.25, the rest of the house A >pea-ance e -e Next W eek
being av ilable at $1.00 a -cat. S w-
enty-fiv. cents will be cha'rged for - --- -
the Saturday matinee performance," A regular visitor of-note will return Ann Arbor appearance, Feb. 15, 1892,
Miss Mnchester said. to Ann Arbor March 15 when Ignace when he was touring America for the
Opei'ng Senior Night, at which1 Jan Paderewski, Polish musician and first time. On that occasioni the net


9p te -: "Co ditiwmal JudgmcnLt at W' "time Only alimited
L - v-Vptidi y ak-d Adv'Intages" by will be sold, "Love
George L, iler;an-, wc)[tor.I_ f(3 !eL on co.ntin ue throughS
Jum1n1ts inlthc Fedcral Court"by AA bn ,
Katherine Klpfer. T I'latter I-re - - Manche'ter.

number of tickets
on the Run" will
Saturday for Ann
accordiing to Miss

are graduating seniors in the Law ] "Architectural Thought" will be
S c h o o l , t h e s u b j e c t o f a n a d d r e s s g i v e n b y P r o f . A i l o n ( ;vVia r jy.t
Frank Lloyd Wright at a banquet to- r,(]
YpslatiForerWil ight in his honor at i-be Masonic 1. :OShhIOpOltahJ ,roup
Ypilrn Forere Will I Tumple. His visit I. ''ponĀ§ ored by After an initiation by candle-light
Be_' enltenced Mo ays Archit etural and Land'c p Dsig11 which opened the meeting of the
T~i 'P~ rThn ChIef acount' suden tomnaifoCon (i) lnsn Clib'at Prof

- t e'man, arrives here for the last
joi ceit of the 1932-33 Choral Uniont
Probably the best-loved man of)
Poland, Pa dercwski is respected forl
his artistry, his council, and his gen-
cral ability and knowledge of world
affairs. .
His career has been spectacular in
both divisions of his talent, state-'
craft and music. For years critics
have concurred in calling him theI
will take ;lace exactly 41 years and I

profits fiiom the concert wer{e con- j
tributed to the construction of Bar-3
baumr Gymnasium, whc at that time
was being complet as a gathering
place for University women. a sort of
fore-runner of the present League.
On sever'al occasions Paderewski
has stated that 1-i l Auditorium is
the finest milc'i hall in the world.
He has appeared here on five pre-
vious occasions: 1892, 1914, 1916, 1923
and 1931.
Three years uao, on account of an

COMPTON, Calif., March 10.-(AP)-A dozen dead were re-
ported here by the Compton Taxicab Co. after a hurried survey of the
quake wreckage. Compton is about midway between Los Angeles and
Long Beach.
Practically every business building was wrecked or badly damaged.
At Santa Ana three known dead were identified tonight as quake victims.
They were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ellison, of Oakland, Calif., and Pearl
Ildamson, of Santa Ana.
The Polytechnic High School was practically demolished.
The Allisons were killed by falling bricks as they were leaving the
cafeteria of the Rossnore Hotel in the heart of the business district.
Adamson was struck by flying bricks as he ran from a downtown
LOS ANGELES, March 10.-(AP)-Eighty dead and 2,500 in.
j1red was the earthquake toll tonight in Southern California on the basis
of reports compiled at 9:55 p. in. (12:55 p. in. Ann Arbor Time).
WASHINGTON, March 10.-(AP)-President Roosevelt tonight
itended the facilities of the government to Governor Rolf of California
trl iev distor1;ess ;n th e nnh of te irt4-hmmake

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