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March 11, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-11

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iv ,litut 1, iJ3


-PAGL Iiii-

£A~k flIL~

THE MICHIGAN DAILY duals, and thus rendered entirely useless for trad-
ing purposes,
The obvious reaction is that the hoarders were
justified, and that their justification has been
demonstrated by the recent banking catastrophe.
The next conclusion, the only valid one, and the
2g !one which economists and government officials
4whave been attempting to pound into the way-
,, ward American head for years, is that hoarding is
4! the greatest contributing factor toward financial
F w ii.depression. That the hoarded money was available
- for a rainy day no one can deny; but that is
reading the matter counter-clockwise. If it had
not been for the hoarding there probably would
* -not have been a rainy day.
q-'= The government, in an effort to eliminate the
most insidious angle of the depression, has issued
Pubi. hed every morning except Monday during the a ban on hoarding of all kinds. That bills will not
C Ivrtyya ain PSummer Session by the Board in be hoarded is obvious; that would be under the
Cont -r o - S t' Icic Pb]ai-onsd.
M'mb r of the Western Conference Editorial Assocla. present circumstances, pointless; further, the cash
tion and the Big Ten News Service'. - o a
MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS is needed, and does no one any good when it is
The A So iatd Press is eclusively entitled-to the use interred in the recesses of a sock. But the most
for repuhllcation o: all news dispatches credited to it ord
not otherwise eredited In this paper and the local news flagrant danger of hoarding at the present time is
publih edhrein. dALrights of republication of special the hiding 'away of gold which has been drawn
dispachesar]c reserved.
Entered 3t the Post Ofle at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as out of the banks for that purpose.
T c ;s A In] tmer. Special rate of postage granted by Persons guilty of hoarding gold, should they be
Thtird A>s I tan t Pos.tmaster-General.
Sub .]ripton during summer by carrier, $1.00; by manil So far humiliated as to be called to account by
¢1.5 .DTuring, regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by the r for theirion. wtrn1rinrpl it

otherwise than strive for the welfare of a total
cause is difficult for the rational person to imag-
ine. How any politician today can believe that the !
wastefulness of time and money upon the part
of governmental divisions is equally impossible
for the sane observer to understand. *
Whether it be a matter of national legislation , r A
to protect depositors' bank accounts, or whether
it be a matter of selecting a new mayor for the Leaoue O ffer
city of Chicago, it is necessary today that polit-
ical leaders, if they never have before should --
realize that their destiny, as well as that of the Date Set A, March 22;
people they represent, requires a sane and intelli-
gent activity if we are to progress to firmer
ground. " 6are F A AlIn aI /1k ar
If that intelligence and allegiance to the rules'
of common sense is revealed upon the part of AMarked reductions in cost to in-
these leaders, the masses of American people to- 'dix jua: attending ihe 1933 Scniorl
y Wu,' w ecided on s(trd:y by
day wil respond to their leadership as has never - Su , -- ei y

rieReduced; RosS waeeouch Suits; Add
s To Lend Gowus
Ceremnony Held By BARBARA BATES
Blouses for spring, provid,
By Sor oriti swarm season ever does an.
everything one could desire i
For Initiation design, and style. In fact, th
are full of these intriguing



been the case in previous years.
--Daily Maroo
Screen,;li RefLecion -IL


the gCnerai commit ie 0fr t( ban-A
cTuet, it was arinoieed by Jue Ra, - Formal Dinners Are Given
33 charman eFollowi(Cere onis In
Taitionaly the (1n101 women
who re given ihe supper annually. floinor Of New Membersj
march in caps and gowns to the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, where Many sororities will hold initiation,
they see the opening night, perform- ceremonies during the week-end.
ane of the Junior Girl Play. The Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Xi Delta,I
price for the supper wid play to- Collegiate Sorosis, Delta Delta Delta,

Offices: Stuch'nt Publications Building, Maynard Stre8V,
Ofls tdn ulctosBidnUyadWsAnn Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Reprsenta iv s: College Publications Resentatve,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New Pr City: 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR.... ..............KARL SEI"FER.'
NGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John W. Pritchard,
Joseph A. Renhan, C. Hart Schaaf, Braeley Shaw,
Glenn R. Winter.
SPORTS ASSSTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber,
Aloet Newman, Harmon Wolfe
REPORTERS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G.
t~ardt, Arthur W. Car"t'n, Ralph G. Coulter, William
( 1Ferr s.Sidney Frankel, John C. Healey, Robert B.
iw tt, George M. Huol es, Ew, JW. Richardson,
George Vst Veck, Gu.y M. Whipple, Jr.
l3arhar, Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor B. Ilium, ilen
Zane Cooley, LoIluse Crandall, Dorothy Dishman,
.Jrvnette Dt., Carol J.Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-
%ou, Marie J Murphy, Margaret D. Palan, Marjorie
Teleph one 2-1214
CREDIT MANAGER. ...................1 ARUY BEGLn-1
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Aderising Serv-
ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schacke; Cir
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon Woylan, Allen Clve-
lanid, Charle Ebert Jack Efroymson, Fred Hortrick,
Joseph flume, AllenR Knusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers,
Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert; Ward.
Eiizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
(iMmy, Dilly Gniffilth, Catherine Menry, May See-
friecl, Vrgna McCom.
Union Haircuts
The Union is still charging 45 cents for hair-
cuts. Every other shop in town, is charging 35
cents. The Union, a student club, is a non-
profit organization and exists solely for the
students. Yet the Union will not meet the town
The Scholastic Honor--
A Brotherhood Of Grades
F ONE WERE to make a list of all
of the meaningless organizations
on the campus, of which there are a truly depres-
sing number, Phi Beta.Kappa would be the Abou
Ben Adhem of them all-leading all'the rest.
Phi Beta Kappa and its less known and conse-
quently less meaningless colleagues, Phi Kappa
Phi and Tau Beta Phi, are honorary scholastic
fraternities whose one requisite for membership,
regardless of rather vague claims concerning char-
acter investigation of prospects is good grades.
A person need have no other redeeming fea-
tures. Thus, a member may call any college grad-
uate"brother" who has happened to make a cer-
tain number of hours of "A" and be right 99 times
out of 100.
In fact, it is almost impossible for a person to
have good grades and not be a Phi Beta Kappa
as it is for a person to be a Phi Beta Kappa and
not have good grades.
Now, then, if we can analyze the different types
of persons who receive good grades, we can get
an absolutely accurate cross-section of the mem-
bership of the scholastic societies. The types are:
(I) Good students who have an excellent
knowledge of the subjects studied by them in the
(2) Grinds, whose knowledge is purely memory
work and who do not, and probably never will,
quite understand what is really behind what they
have learned.
3) Crammers, who study intensively before ex-
aminations, memorize, write examination,s and
(4)Fakers, who are really only "B" students
but are excellent bluffers and who know what pro-
fessors like.
5) Cribbers.
(6) Various combinations of the above classifi-
This, then, is the roll call of the scholastics, as
they are selected by the modern methods of high
pressure and high production.
Of course, many of the leading members of the
faculty and administration are also "brothers,"
but it must be remembered that such men- won
their laurels in earlier days, when educational

discipline was rigid enough to make recognition
mean something. Today, scholastic honors mean
grades. And grades . .
h oarded Gold And
Sienister Sock . . ,

accept the -beating administered to their pride,
and proceed to mend their ways by restoring the
gold to circulation. Better late than never.
itorial Comment
Judging by the following report of an Oxford
examination, most American students would con-
sider their courses "pipe" courses: "First we all
light our pipes and sit around awhile discussing
the subject. Then we start to write and if we get
stuck, we can always ask our neighbor. That is
what is expected. You can't write a paper jnles
you know the subject."
Evidently the only point of similarity between
an American examination and an English one is
found in the last statement, knowledge is neces-
sary before you can write. In every other partic-
ular, however, we differ from our English cousins
when being examined. The American system
amounts virtually to a "put and take" system.
Throughout the quarter or semester knowledge is
put into the students and at examination time
this knowledge is taken out. To speak of learning
anything in an American examination is to speak
of connivance and fraud.
But generally speaking, it is as logical to expect
a lawyer to prepare a case without the help of
his brief books as it is to expect a student to
Write an examination entirely from memory. Who
ever heard of a doctor performing a major opera-
tion without the aid of an X-ray? Or- who ever
heard of an editorial writer without a book of
facts at his elbow? Or a minister of the gospel
without his Bible?
-Milnesota Daily
Anotherhstrict, disciplinary measure for aiding
the church has been relegated to bygone days-
this time Wisconsin's Sunday blue law. The state
assembly voted 84 to 9 Thursday to remove it from
the statutes where it has been doing little if any
good because of lack of enforcement. The beauti-
ful sense of religion has no place in the harsh,
everyday working of politics, and vice versa. The
church and the state have had nothing in com-
mon since the days of the divine right of kings;
religion should have no other attraction than its
appeal to man's spirit; it should have no other
restriction than its ethical doctrine.
He who commits a moral sin in doing so only
in the eyes of society and of God. If he has
concern for his reputation among decent folks he
will adapt his mode of living to fit their stand-
ard, and that will become his religion. If he wishes
to indulge in pleasure on Sunday he will find
opinion divided on this ethical question. The scale,
however, has swung decidely-in his favor in recent
years. Few there who will condemn him, because
the- so-called righteous- have come to regard the
Sunday picnic or movie as just a part of the in-
tention of the day of rest.
Possibly our premise, that persons who seek
pleasure on the Sabbath are not unrighteous is
false. Certainly there are those who would con-
demn their freer brethren as being heathens,
atheists, or agnostics, but those are few and be-
coming fewer and fewer as the years roll by. After
all, if we are to restrict the blessings of religion
to these few, the churches might just as well close
its doors upon the common horde and become a
self-privileged sect, leading a hermit-like life out
of the general cultural stream.
-Daily Illini.
In the past few weeks there has been a crash
of detonating events in American life that have
bee nifica nd alarming beyond anything
that has appeared on our national or local scene
for many years. A generation of American cit-
izens born and bred upon the belief that the
United States is an all-powerful and all-wealthy
nation is today viewing crises and upheavals in
American economics and finances that are threat
ening to rock the complacency of the most pa
triotic individuals and the solidarity of the most
sound institutions of this far-famed, but appa-
rently vulner able, nation.
For several weeks financiers of American cit-
izenship but of an un-American practices have so
maneuvered world money affairs as to drain mil-

lions of dollars of gold from their country every
day, precipitating ia financial crisis that h a close I
the nation's banks. For sevral months American
people have grown increasingly concerned about
the strength and the safety of their financial
structures and have withdrawn other millions of
dollars from weakening banks.
In the midst of such a situation, a president is


COMVING TO TEE'1'i-W I tGAN gether, which in previous years has
SUNDAY THROUGH WEDNESDAY been about $1.25, has been reduced_
A stage attraction known as "Dragonland," fea- i this year tn 55 cents.
turing a Chinese music, singing, and dancing unit, A further outstanding feature of
has been secured by the management of the Mich- the plans for reduced cost is the of-
igan theatre for the presentation Sunday through fer of the League to lend gowns tQ
Wednesday, it was announced yesterday. senior womern Janet Alel, '33, sen-
Wedesay jor r7epr.esentatlive on the League11
Several of the Oriental stars appearing promi- o1- sofgovrnors, anounced yes
nently in the cast have been favorably acceptedt Teacio of othe board was
by Ann Arbor audiences in previous appearances jtaken, it was said, so that the custom
here, according to Jerry loag, manager of the of wearing caps and gowns to the
Michigan. Pickard's Chinese syncopators, a group banquet and play could be preserved'
of nine Chinese boys utilizing guitars, mandolins, in spite of the general economic
mando-cellos, and violas, have had two Ann Arbor I trend. Women were urged to furnish.
engagements, one at the Michigan, the other in their own caps and collars. which are
B. M. times, which means, of course, befoM the inexpensive; this wil not be required .
Michigan. howv,evbe COifiititee m enmers de-
The Syncopators have only eceutly returned <<ared.w
from a highly successful tour of the continent, ac- The date for the su1er wa set
cording to press reports. Their triumph both here at Wednesday, March 22, on which
and abroadcritich ntmyliti r moudate Love on the Run" has iits pre-
and sayiong crtihin may n lie in he faous miere. Tickets will ao on sale from
old, sayingWhatan'canthc inese1 an,"1:30 to >:0 p. rm. Wednesday and
Thursday of next week, in the Under-
The picture accompanying the Chinese stage graduate Office of the League. The
siow will be "So This Is Africa," staring Bert necessity of getting tickets at that
Wheeler and Robert Woolsey, the Michigan tim. Wa. s1re .ed yesterda y b. Eliz-
announces. This time the two pals are in the beth Eaglesfield, '33, ticket chairman.
Imdl.iately floing i the supp ler
dark continent with a troop of lions and many, t msei ven wil a the ir
many native girls, who, it appears, are some- tre liiol tourthe camps, fl-
what amorously inclineci after twilight. loa inaL customwhich originated
Paul Tompkins will be at the Barton organ, when the women marched to the play
and selected short subjects will be on the in the old Whitney Theatre on Main
screen. Street,
)Songs from the 1932 Junior Girls
Historians believe that theirs is the earliest of civ- Pla' o Man's Land," will be sing
-~ - a he bacnquet, and just before the
ilizations and have substantially proved that many the anqet n ,ust befoe the
"modern" things were used and discarded by this I cut i rise on "Love on the Run"
ullique peopl' generations ago. Aid perhaps this the o 2 wlyn th h't
song fr )om, the 193 J:2 pla y, to1which
is so with syncppated music, for it seems that new words honoring the Chass of 1934
at some time or other the Syncopators, and Prlince have been vrititen Mortarboard andI
Wong, Leta Wong, and Dolores Yung, who appear I senior Society members will occupy
with them, must have had some background for the first two rows of seats at the
modern jazz. How else, critics ask, can their adap- play.3

Delta Gamma, and Delta Omicron
held ceremonies last night.-
Sylvia Bubis, '36, Cleveland Heights,
O., Judith Lasser, '36, Buffalo, and
Miriam Stark, '36, Montreal, Que.,
were initiated into Alpha Epsilon Phi
last night. The initiation was fol-
lowed by a formal banquet. Patron-
esses attending the banquet were
Mrs. 1. L. Sharfman and Mrs. Moritz
A St. Patrick scheme as to menu,
decorations, and place cards was
used. The theme of the speeches was
the comparison of the four years of
college life tio the making of a piece
ofi linenk
Mrs. Carol Levison and Camille
Stone, Cleveland, were guests at the
Pledges oi be initiated J-to Alpha
Xi Delta are Dorothy Gies, '36, Ann
Arbor, Faith Crittenden, '36, Ann
Arbor; Frances Carney, '36, Ann Ar-
bor; Elizatbeth Scott, '36, Ann Arbor,

wardrobes in need of refs
that it is- difficult to resisi
a half-dozen at once. In thest
curtailed allowances there
ing so helpful for one's s
spirits as a spot of new l
add to a suit.
The i cw loosely wvoven ;a.t
may well be considered in tht
category for they are utterly
the typical idea of a sweat'
sweater particularly attractit
of a pinkish lavender that coi -
the qualities required for p1a
use and dress. The sleeves wert d
length while the neck had a fril;
lent an air of dignity. The: stya
with big droopy sleeves in e
colors of wool match several cwa
and are proving desirable in
Checked blue and white, -
end white gingham blouses tr. ,i
n frilly white organdy about
sleeves and throat are finding
avor this spring for school, U
xeach-bcige matelasse blouse Xl
mona sleeves is irresistible.
' hite taffeta bow adorns a i
xvhite printed blouse in a t, 1
manner. Blistered crepe b'-
plain colors add more
touches for campus costun
blouse in chartreuse-green
sleeved, wrapped around tLt
tightly and was completed ir
of the heavy material at the b

and Marian Wuerth,' 35, Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor; Barbara Sherbourn
The initiation ceremony, which is to Backershagenlarnn.Holland; w
be held at 4:30 p. m., will be followed Anderson, '36, Chicago; Norm:
by a formal dinner honoring the new Intosh, '36, Chicago; Margaret BI
members and returning alumnae. '36, Lansing; Charlotte Whitman.
Alpha Xi Delta wishes to announce Ann Arbor; Eleanor Young, '36, t
the pledging of Ruth Hoyer, '35, of cago; Louise Kraus, '35, Man:
Kenosha, Wis. 0.; Ruth Rich, '36, Ann Arbor;
COLLEGIATE SOROSIS dred Shapley, '36, Cambridge, 1)
The following are to be initiated Louise Stone, '36, Birmingham; 1
into Collegiate Sorosis at 5:30 p. m. Pitts, '34, Cleveland; Catli
today: Elizabeth Kanter, '35, De- Shannon, '35, Steubenville, 0.;
troiG; Virginia Morgan, '36, Saginaw; jorie Messmore, '36, St. Clair:
Jane Servis, '30, Dctroit; Josephine Winifred Trebilcock, '36, Ishp i
SMcLean, '36, Detroit; Elizabeth Buy- They will be honored at a
see, '35, Ann Arbor; Mary Bursley, dinner after the initiation,
'35, Ann Arbor; Julia Kane, '36, 1 DELTA GAMMA
3 Birmingham; Betty Laub, '36, Grosse Women being initiated int
Ile; Mary Robinson, '36; Detroit; Gamma at 3 p. m. today are:
Barbara West, '36, Grosse Ile. After m line Ce, '35, Detroit; Elle,
the ceremony the initiates will be en-! er, '35,Evart- Virgim
tertained at a formal dinner t 35, Pittsburgh; MarieDiet;;i
which many alumnae will also be B3,Pturg; are MeVy
C-ll(ent. eSoroms also Bellevue, Pa.; Rose M-ary {,. ~
Collegiate rs'35, Marshal, Mich; Betty
xx ishes to announce the pledging, of '35, Muskegon; Sarah Jane
Do.othy Utley, '36, Detroit. '36,Ann Arbor; RosannaiX,
DELTA DELTA DELTA ter', '36, Youngstown, 0.; Jai
The following pledges will become '36, Grand Haven; Jean R
members of Delta Delta Delta this Eskanaba. Initiates and i
afternoon: Nina Pollock, '36, Ann alumnae will be honored at a
Arbor; Katherine Marie Hall, '36, dinner following the ceremo

tation to 1933 melodies be explained?
James Pickard, only Chinese master of cere-
monies on the stage today, will be another at-
traction. Supporting him will be Prince Wong,
well known in theatrical and radio circles, Lota
Wong, "Pekin':; favorite dancing girl," and Dolores
Yung, who is described simply as "captivating."
Oriental hangings and glittering costumes are
said to enhance the spectacle.
What with the stage attraction and Wheeler
and Woolsey going crazy in the tropics, the Man-
agement forecasts something appetizingly unusual
in the way of entertainment.
-G. M. W. Jr.

Committee chairmen who will as-
sist Miss Rayen in her preparations
ai c: Virginia Taylor, '33, invitations;
Vin .cle Bartlett, '33. music; and Miss
Eauiesficld. Patronesses for the sup-
pr' will be announced soon.
W A. A Boaid
r ake Changes
In Pe3on


___, ..


-By Karl Seiffert
Dear K. S.:
Now that he's banished the forces of Tophet,
Now that he dictates the laws of the land-
Tell me, thou luminous, omniscient prophet:
Are there five aces in Roosevelt's hand?
Maybe so, Jwodp; maybe so, but at least he
won't have the undisputed right to be known as
the man who broke the bank in New York, Chi-
cago,, Detroit, Cleveland, etc., etc., etc.
When Judge Rasmussen quoted Scripture, St.
Peter leaped from bed and -hallenged the judge
to a fist fight. Dr. Lilly said SL Peter seemed
strong and vigorous .-News Item.
The judge, apparently, didn't realize fully what
a chance he was taking.

At the W. A. A. meeting ThursdayI
nYgh> sevra1 clan,;s in the person-
nel of the board were made. Barbara
Casper, '34. as unable to accept the
mnanugership of the swinmming club,
so Ruth Root, '35, xwas elected in her
Jane Brucker, 35, Was voted to re-
place Martha Neuhart, '35, as golf
manager, while Miss Neuhart was
made chairman of the membership l
committee. Plans for the annual
spring banquet xvere discussed and a
committee composed of Marie Metz-.
ge', '35, Catherine Rentschler, '33Ed,
and Betty Lyons, '14. was placed in
Menbers of the board objected
twhen it was suggested that Lantern
Night be abolished because of lack
of enthusiasm mi recent years. After
discussion it was decided that with!
a change in the day's evenis and thei
co-operation of various honorary so
ciles an interesting program might
be worked our Jean Bernidge, '33,
president ol V. A. A. alid automat-
ically ciaiman of Laei'n Night, is
naii aate(-i.

Ed r o[Govvrl

We hate to binn. this up, but
tication in -coil, men's clothes

Designer of Gowns and
Ensembles for All Occasion
Phone 3468 506 East Libert.,

50% oAND MORE,
on a complete line of -
The dependable quality of our furs .., our reputation for value-
giving, both combine to make this your greatest opportunity
to purchase furs for far less 'than you ever expected to pay.
Our usual free storage, insurance and
service holds good even during this sale
YOUR OLD FUR COAT --- all work done by experts and at
much lower cost.
I'n ne it Will Reeve Vnu raSeletn



the new s'
and the c


new hair-revealing hats
everybody just poise and

have begun to
c(irls again.

CHiROPRACTIC services for all kinds of
othing new. or what?- -Classified ad.
We'll trade a first-class 'utuble scat
(coiple treatments.
-Head lii
Anothlr ease where a ma hixw is takii
job away t'romn a mall.
What s wriong with this sentence.:
DEAN: What we want to do first of4

o-edsjW ee o o
mike G
Molon Pictures: Michigan, "The
men' Wonu-n AC('i- : Majestic, "Cy- I
iiala": Wuerth, "Ghost Valley"
fo a Lectures: Dr. E. C. lerrick on "AI
Challenge of the Church to Christian
Laymen vi th University Training,"
7:30 L , n , Lane Hlal, upper room.
Danes. Iorma .aning9 p. in.
'eto 12 in.. League grill; Informal
g *a danig 9 p. in Union ballrom.
- V
S iEN AVAN . iu
aL' t} t


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