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EDlITOR.............P'RAN~K B. GU.LBRETH
R... . ..... KARL SEPF'E T
ITOR...................JOHN W, THQMAS
ORS: Thomnas Connelan, John W. Pritchard,
Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackrley Shaw,
SISTANTS: L. Ross Bah, Fred A. Euber,
vman, Harmon Wolfe.
: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G.
Ithur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, Willfai
Sidney Frankel, John C. Healey, Robert B.s
eor e M. Holmes. Edwin W. Richardson,
n Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
ates, Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor B. Blum, Ellen
ley, Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishmian,
uff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-j
s J. Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan, Marjorie
Telephone 2-1214
NAGER...................HARRY BEGLEY
BT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp
g Contracts, Orvil Aronson ; Advertising Merv-
rurner: Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke: Cir-
Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
3: John Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
rles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
ime, Allen Knuuisi, Russell Head, Fred Rogers,
inner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward.
Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
illy Griffiths, Catherine McHenry, May See-
passed, was an emergency measure to permit the
sale of tax-delinquent property. The fact that it
was an emergency measure entitled it to exemp-
tion from the general requirement of a delay be-
tween the passage of the act and its execution.
It was upon this ground, however, that the
supreme court made the ruling which it later re-
versed, and later developments indicated that
during the entire pleading of the case before that
tribunal no mention of its all-important emer-
gency nature was made. It was the subsequent ex-
planation of this point that caused the court to
immediately reverse its ruling.
Since the fact that the bill was an emergency
bill was of sufficient importance to make the
court reverse itself after it had once decided
against it, it is very obvious that such a point
must have been one of the major considerations
to be presented in the arguments before the court,
and the fact that it was not mentioned at all
seems to indicate that the embarrassment of the
court may be laid to negligence of the attorneys
preparing and pleading the case for the state. We
hope that no kind of a precedent will be estab-
lished by such a regrettable circumstance.
Comedy Club's offering of "Three Times The
Hour," written by Valentine Davies, a former
president of the organization, was well received
Thursday evening.
A clever plot, a unique time sequence, and an
amazing array of characters were the main points
of interest to be noted in the play itself. Con-
sidering these features as the material in hand,
one cannot say that their opportunities were fully
realized. Generally speakiig, the tempo was too
jerky, too nervous. Much more tension on the part
of the adience could have been created had the
emotional reactions of the characters been more
restrained. The lines were light, witty, satirical
and did not warrant the rather heavy treat-
ment given them. Yet one would much prefer this
extreme to one of immovable dullness. The play
l needed quickness. This flaw will undoubtedly be
remedied in further performances, as not a few of
the actors were laboring under the strain of
a first appearance.
One appreciated Uldine Hunt's modulated pic-
ture of Catherine Blake. She was the balancing
factor throughout. A newcomer, Nelson Shaw,
showed unusual promise in his portrayal of Del-
gado. This characterization was consistent and
showed careful preparation. Incidentally, his ac-
centing was consistent, too. In fact, it was so con-
vincing that other members of the cast seemed
to catch the spirit of it, and one could trace
its influence here and there. David Zimmerman,
as Robert Phillips was another good find. His
Hero was one of the very few interesting, righte-
ous young men to grace the campus stage this
year. With further opportunities, he may become
the first in demand for parts of this nature. Ho-
bart Skidmore's Davis was very well liked, as was
Miles Herbert's Colonel Beauchamp. Alfred Gold
was fine as Smith. If one had to choose outstand-
ing performances one would suggest Miss Hunt,
Mr. Shaw, and Mr. Gold. Clarence Moore's Dey
was likeable. Personally, I believe he swore more
gracefully than any of the rest. As to Lawrence
Blake-must American bankers have deep, gruff
voices and indistinct diction? Ann Vernor's Anna,
although it might have been improved, was more
truly sensuous thany any other co-ed's Anna
could have been, to my knowledge. Further refer-
ence must be made to Jay Pozz as an adequate
Angus McKee. And finally one might thank Miss
Carpenter for an interesting bit.
In regard to the setting, the reception hall
of Blake's residence was handled in a rich, im-
pressive manner in which case the upper stories
1 seemed rather out of keeping. Considered sep-
arately they were satisfactory.
For an evening's pleasurable amusement see
"Three Times The Hour" by all means, and while
there take particular notice of newcomers. Some
showed real ability and should advance steadily.
--M. S.
Since the purpose of an educational institution
is to enlighten its students, it seems to me that
the University of Michigan would be making a
notable advance if it would abolish the archaic
disciplinary system of making inefficient note-tak-
ing the average student's only means of getting
information from class lectures, and enable stu-
dents to get the most out of their courses by mak-
ing copies of all formal lectures available.
P. S.: If the University fails to act on The
Daily's splendid scheme, some unemployed stenog-
eaphers might make a living by recording lectures
in shorthand, mimeographing copies, and selling
them to students.
-M. G., '34.
To The Editor:
Almost six weeks ago the men and women em-
ployed at the Briggs Manufacturing Company
went on a strike because of the low wages and
miserable working conditions. Some of the work-
ers at the Highland Park plant have returned
to work, but the former workers. at the Mack
Avenue plant have not gone back.
The newspapers have carried little information
about this strike, especially during the last two
weeks, so I have attempted to present the strik-
er's reasons for going on strike and their de-
Wages and methods of payment constitute one
of the chief grievances. During the past year
wages have been cut very drastically until now
the strikers claim that many men need the assist-
ance of Welfare even though they are working
full time. They also say that some of them re-
ceived more from the Welfare when they were
not working than they did when engaged in full
timne work. They have records which show that
men earn as low as 4c per hour. There are many
others who average 15 and 20c per hour. Their
pay is not on an hour basis but the piece rate
pay is so low that this is all they can earn.
in addition they do not know at the end of a day
how much they have earned because they work on
a group piece work plan and they do not always
know how many men throughout the plant worked!
on the particular group. Thus the wages and
methods of determining them constitute one
A second grievance is the fact that no compen-
sation is made for "dead time." "Dead time" is
that time which men spend at the plant while
they are waiting for materials. The Briggs Com-
pany has insisted that it has abolished "dead
time" but the strikers deny this and say that un-
less they have a shop committee there is no
guarantee that it will not be introduced again, so
their third demand is a shop committee which is
to act for the workers in presenting complaints
and grievances to the employer. This the Briggs
people refuse to grant.
Other grievances center around conditions of
work. The women often work fourteen and fifteen
hours per day even though it is illegal to do so. In
addition the strikers maintain that many safety
regulations are not observed. There are no rest
rooms for the women and no cots in case of ill-
ness. There is only one wash bowl and one drink-
ing fountain in a department in which 300 women
are employed. The strikers also complain against
payments which they must make for metal badges
and tool checks which they occasionally lose.
These are the chief grievances and demands of
the strikers.
To me it seems very significant that in depres-
sion times men are willing to strike. Many of
these men are without adequate food and cloth-
ing; many have no coal or fuel yet they are
carrying on their fight. We do not hear much
about the strike in the newspapers yet it is grow-
ing in importance. The workers in many other
plants in Detroit are striking and the entire auto
industry in Detroit is feeling the effects of this
strike. This means that the Briggs strike is a fight
against a further reduction in wages not only in
the Briggs plan in Detroit but in all the auto in-
dustries and industries in general. As such it
should be of importance and interest to all who
are sympathetic to the struggle of labor.
-Martin Wagner, '33.
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Union Haircuts
The Union is still charging 45 cents for hair-
cuts. Every other shop in town is charging 35
cents. The Union, a student club, is a non-
profit organization and exists solely for the
students. Yet the Union will not meet the town
Time Will Take
Care Of 'Hell Week'.
AS A RESULT of the mildly reprov-
ing attitude toward "hell week"
assumed by the Interfraternity Council at its re-
cent meeting, the problem appears to be discard-
ed until February of next year. If the volumes
of adverse criticism laid against the probation
period have done no good, time alone can accom-
plish the necessary extinction.
The Council "suggested" that the fraternities
tone their "hell weeks" down a bit. "Pillaging"
and "disturbing of the peace" were deplored. The
inability to enforce a drastic rule except through
actual invasion of the several chapter houses lim-
ited the Council to this mild action.
It looks like a safe bet, though, that the pot
and "hell week" will both be a thing of the past in
two years at the most.
As a famous bibliophile once said, "All human
wisdom is summed up in 'wait and hope'!"
Picking The Head
OF ALL THE METHODS of appoint-
ing students to leading positions1
in undergraduate activities, that employed in the
selection of the head cheerleader is probably the
most inefficient and uncognizant of' true merit of
any system now in use in the University.;
There are nine votes cast in such an election.,
The captains of the- football, basketball, baseball,,
and track teams and the managers of these teams
each have one vote. The ninth belongs to the
head cheerleader of the preceeding year.
The fallacy of the situation lies in the fact;
that the majority of those who do the voting have
no interest in the outcome, are ignorant of the
qualifications of the applicants, and often do not
even know the persons for whom they are voting.
Such a system is not in accord with the other
methods of advancement in undergraduate activ-
ities. Usually the other men who have worked
with the applicants and are going to continue to
work with the one selected are given a voice in
appointments. They know the man and his qual-
ifications and so are fitted to judge.
We recommend that the present plan of selec-
tion be amended to give votes to the four sopho-
more cheerleaders who have been associated with
the applicants for a year, that the captains and
managers of the football and basketball teams re-
tain their votes, as the head cheerleader of the
preceding year should. Under such a system it
will be merit and not impulse that will determine
which man will be appointed.
Th e Sinarer" pCourt
Campus Opinion
Letters publishedi in this colunin should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than
300 words if possible.
To The Editor:
May reason or economic necessity induce mem-
bers of the faculty to publish their lectures and
sell them, as suggested in your editorial Sunday,
on "Easy Money for Professors"! Common sense
demands thatsome such system be adopted.
If my history professor believes that his lectures
are not sufficiently important for me to read; if'
he feels that all I should remember from what he
says can be kept in notes, subject to many inac-
curacies; if he believes that his lectures do not
bear close study-then he is the victim of a se-
rious inferiority complex. To say that class lec-
tures should not be published for student use is
to deny that the naterial contained in them is
valuable to the course.
We are told that we must take accurate notes
on the professors' lectures, and that we should
rewrite them while our memories are still fresh.
This is always inconvenient and often impossible.
When we come to read over our lecture notes,
they are incoherent in places, many important
names, dates, and formulae are omitted, defi-
nitions are incomplete and errors creep in which
may later be taken as fact and cause misunder-
standings. Inadequate notes leave many gaps in
the broader conception of the course; faulty notes
lead to erroneous thinking and do the student
more harm that if he took no notes at all.
Our purpose in attending lecture classes is not
to exercise our skill (or lack of it) in taking notes.
Note-taking has many uses and is of definite
By Kar Seifert.
Your face would stop a clock,
My dear;
Your figure's simply rotten.
There's not a brain in your thick head-
By God you were forgotten.
You are an awful pain,
My dear,
A little bit inane.
My dear.
I don't know why
You take my yeye- -
It must be I'm insane,.
My dear.
* *
Mussolini's order cutting 70 per cent off rail-.
road rates for newlyweds in Italy has resulted
in a marked rise in gross passenger figures, ac-
cording to a news item. If they'd do that here,
with about a 30 per cent increase in the size of
the cut, lots of students would take advantage of
the plan just for the chance to go home for a
That possibly explains why dentists are so
willing to help you part with them.
Dear K. S.: I see that at some university in
rsiifnrn i fov "11P n tllc .t.+ i .lln ore~ie2,
CH U RC H E. W. Blakeman, Director Cor. E. Univ. Ave. and Oakland
State and Washington Streets Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
Ministers 9:30 A.M. -Class on the Principles of
Frederick B. Fisher Jesus with the Director.
Peter F. Stair 3:30 P.M.-Oriental-American group. 11:15 A.M-Regular Sunday services
Subject: Bulgaria. at the Women's League Chapel.
10:45 -Morning Worship 6:00 P.M.-Student Guild. Program Kurt Peiser, Director of the Jewish
of classical music by the kAln Ar- Welfare Federation of Detroit, will
"FULFILLING OU DESIRES" bor Community orchestra: Director, speak. Subject: "JEWISH SOCIAL
Dr. Fisher Frederic Ernst SERVICE TRENDS"
6:30 P.M4.-Graduate Forum. Contin-
7:30-Wesleyan Guild Lecture 4ing the, discussion on "Non-Vio- S:15 P.M.-open Forum at the Foun-
RELTIGION IN CHANGING TIMES" leince a Substitute for War" Gor- dation. Discussion on tZIONISM
President Frank L. McVey don Halstead. AND THE JEWISH NATIONAL
of the University of Kentucky 7F:00 P.M.-Feowship and supper.UND"
PRES YT ERIAN East Huron, West of State
CHRURC H 1. Edward Sayles, Minister
CHURC NOTHoward R. Chapman, University
Huron and Division Streets DOrNPOa ,tr
Merle H. Anderson, Minister °: 30 A.M.-The Church School. Dr.
Alfred Lee Kiner.Associate Minister 1EGL ECT Logan. Superintendent.
9:30 A.M. - Student classes at the 10:45 A.M. -Morning Worship. Mr.
Church. I UI Sayles will preach on
10:45 A.M. -- Morning Worship. -"JESUS, THE SOUL OF
Christian Education Program by
members of the Church School. c .-The student group meets
..ACTI V ITUIES)for forty. inuses at Guild House.
5:30 P.M. --Social Hour for Youn;
People. 6:00 P.M.--Students at Guild House.
A program of special musical num-
6:30 P.M. -- Young People's Meeting. hers, in charge of msic commit-
"T'he Church's Challenge to Its hri hreo ui amt
Young Pcoplss tee. Social hour and refreshments
follow program.
(Missouri Synod)
Third and West Liberty
C. A. Brauer,Pastor
Sunday, March 5
9:00 A.M -Preparatory Service
9:30 A.M-German Lenten Service
Washington St at 5th Ave.
S. C. Stellihorn, pastor
AM.-Bible School. Lesson Topic:
9 AM. Service in the German lan-
(Evangelical Synod)
South Fourth Avenue
Theodore Sclimale, Pastor
9:00 A.M.-Bible School