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March 04, 1933 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-04

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From the
By John Thomas
Japan's Baseball
Art Mosier
George David
baseball game with another Jap-
anese team, the Varsity baseball
players are reminded of their ex-
periences in Japan last summer.
The Wolverine stars were embar-
rassed when Japanese custom forced
them to remove their shoes while at-
tending banquets. Coach Fisher is
quoted as saying that the boys got
out their needles and thread and
really learned how to use them.
And Winchell might say, "And
whose face got awfully red when,
after sliding into home plate in one
of the games abroad, he got up to
discover that his pants just weren't
what they used to be?"
* * ,
ART MOSIER, by virtue of scoring
the lone victory registered by the
Michigan wrestlers over Indiana last
Saturday, took the lead for the in-
dividual point-scoring total of the
year. The 155-pound star has 14
points, Jimmy Landrum is second
with 11, Ed Wilson has 10, and Joe
Oakley 6 1-2.
Two wrestlers will complete their
dual meet competition in their bouts
against Chicago tonight in the Windy
City. Captain Blair Thomas and Ed
Wilson are the seniors who will see
their last dual-meet action. Harvey
Bauss, also a senior, is not certain
to be used, the latest reports say.;
GEORGE DAVID, in our estima-
tion, is one of the hardest work-
ing hockey players ever to represent
the Maize and Blue.
Although many players have
played for Coach Lowrey with more
natural ability than David boasts,
they have never worked harder on
the ice than the little right wing
does. Reid, Crossman, and Sherf out-
shirle him in the game, yet he gives
a larger percentage of what he has
to give, than even they do.
He flashes in and out, following up
the clever-passing duet of Reid and
Crossman and when they are stopped
tby poke-checks, little David is there
to recover the puck for the high-
On defense he may not be as
cleve as the rest of the front line,
but again he works to the limit all
the time. Because he is not quite so
good on defense, he has to get back
into his position covering the oppos-
ing wing fast and take less chances.
Maybe this is a good thing as every-
time a player on 'the front line takes
a chance, there is the opportunity for
the opposition to penetrate the de-
fense and raise havoc with Jewell.
The last man for Lowrey to con-
sider for a rest period is David, as
the rests come so infrequent, he con-
sequently gets but few. Crossman had
to carry such a big load in his first
two years that many claim that his
hockey has suffered this year. In his
sophomore and junior seasons he was
seldom relieved and possibly he is
burned out because of it. Reid, on the
other hand, needed more rests and
is today even better than he was in
his -sophomore and junior years.
David is another Crossman in this
respect. He does not take his full
share of rests, always saying, "Sure
Eddie, I'm alright." A lack of capable
substitutes has caused Lowrey no end

o orry. This lack has taken t
pound of flesh out of Crossm an. He
fights gamely on, passing as he never
passed before, but he has not the
speed or the bullet-like shot that
characterized his first year. Of coursej
he has made up for it with increased
experience, skill, and stick handling,
but the fundamental speed that once
made him stand out above all others,
is gonse.
He starts as quick as usual but he
cannot reach the height he once
knew. Reid has kept h's terrific speed
because of his regular rest periods.
As Sherf now out-skates the two co-
captains, so did Keith and Emmy
once out-skate all opposition.
Hockey is a gruelling sport that
takes its toll. The condition that the
Varsity regulars attain would sur-
prise even Coach Hoyt who condi-
tions the football team and keeps a
careful eye on his tracksters.
* *
NOTICE to Reid and David: It is
not presumed that the Varsity
hockey team will attend the women's
hockey practices regularly.
Y .

olverines Seek To Repeat in Over H
Will Strive To Marquette Game To Close Puck Season
Hold Plane In
First Division Closes CareerI Reid, Crossman Fencers ak~ ins iving Event1

Indiana's Recent Revival I
Brings Promise Of Real
Fight For AnoLher Win
Altenhof To Start
Garner Out To Secure
Standing As Third Of
Big Ten Scorers
Fighting to finish the season in
the first division, Michigan's basket-
,ball team tackles the long-shot
artists from Indiana in a return game
here tonight.
The Hoosiers, after a regular un-
eventful season, have suddenly come
to life during the last ew weeks and
promise to offer the Wolverines a real,
tussle if they want to repeat the early
season victory in which the Wolves
finished on top 32 to 25.
Michigan led the Crimson team 14
to 13 at half time in the game at
Bloomington, and with but 10 min-
utes of play remaining in the second
half the score was tied at 20 to 20.
Captain Eveland took time out, and
in two minutes after play had re-
sumed the Wolves had spurted to
take the lead, 30 to 20, which proved
too much for the Hoosiers to over-
Coach "Cappy" Cappon announced
yesterday that Ray Altenhof, regu-
lar guard, would
- rue in condition to
start in the game
^, t onight. A large
fier pad has been
devised to cover
his injured side,
' and should be am.-
:: 'pl protection
from any further
Ed Garner, Mich-
igan's center and
.ALTENXIOF leading scorer, will
be out to clinch
his position of third place, which he
now holds, in the Conference stand-
ings. Even second place honors in
the standings are possible for Gar-
ner to attain if he can hit the hoop
as consistently as he has in several of
the games. Although playing well in
the contest with Minnesota last Mon-
day night, Garner could only collect
one basket and two free throws, but
intensive practice on his favorite
shots during the week seems to have
sharpened his eye for the basket.
The regular five will take the floor
against Indiana, Coach Cappon in-
dicated yesterday, with Eveland and
Petrie as forwards, Garner center,
and Altenhof and Petoskey guards.
This five will be opposed by Hodson
and Kehrt, forwards, Dickey, center,
and Porter and Heavenridge, guards,
for the Hoosiers.
Eioht Veterans
Work Out With
Diamond Squad
Baseball practice has started in
earnest for Coach Ray Fisher's Var-
sity diamond squad. There are ap-
proximately 15 non-letter men work-
ing out in the Field House each day
in the mesh enclosure. About eight
men from last year's squad are ex-.
pected to report to the Coach in the
next two weeks.
Coach Fisher has 12 pitchers prac-
ticing every other day i alternating
pairs. They are Wistert, McKay,
Manuel, Fish, Patchin, Nelser, An-
derson, Menefee, Tillotson, Lawton,
Lundy, Lahti.
"The practice for the new men will

continue until the 15th of this
month," Coach Fisher said yester-
day," and then the five best men of
this grou will be selected to prac-
tice regularly with the Varsity. As
the letter men will be just getting
into shape, the new men will be in
good condition to work with them,"
he said.
The men out for the first time and
on the squad now are Hellert,
Sleight, Forsythe, Caswell, Parker,
Roehig, Fuog, Ware, Bartus, Rich-
mond, Paulson, Feldstein, Thorn-
berg, Kretske, Berger, Hall.

Maize And Blue Hockey
Team Seeks To Repeat
Thursday's Victory

Curtains will be drawn on the col-
lege careers of two Michigan hockey
luminaries tonight when Co-Captains
Reid and Crossman don Maize and
Blue uniforms. for the last time in
the second go between the Wolver-
ines and Marquette at the arena.
Coach Lowrey's star proteges have
been instrumental in putting Hockey
on a firm footing at Michigan. Their
stellar performances during the last
three years have helped attract
crowds and make the sport popular
here. Both have received All-Ameri-
can mention on several teams.
Won Thursday
After leading their teammates to
a 5 to 1 victory over Marquette
Thursday night, they will attempt to
repeat tonight and close their al-
ready bright careers in a fitting man-
In the first game of the series,
Reid and Crossman divided scoring
honors, accounting two goals and

Emmy Reid, co-captain and stellar
wingman of the Wolverine icers, will
be playing in his last college game
when he enters the arena tonight in
the final contest with Marquette.
Swimming Summaries

400-yard relay-Won by Michigan one assist apiece.
(Schmieler, K e n nse d y, Kamienski,
Renner); Second, Northwestern (De- In order to accommodate those
benham, Troup, Coolidge, Highland) spectators who wish to see both
Time-3:38.5. (Betters Conference the basketball and hockey games
Irecord of 3:44.2.) tonight, the start of the Michigan-
200-yard breaststroke -Won by Marquette encounter has been
Horn (N.); second, Lemak (M); third, scheduled for 8:45 p. in.
Lennox (N). Time-2:29. (Betters
National Collegiate record of 2:32.4.) Johnny Sherf, sophomore forward,
150-yard b a c k s t r o k e-Won by continued to display the form he has
Schmieler (M); second, Hahn (N); exhibited all season by scoring the
third, Boice (M). Time-i:46.3. other Michigan tally.
440-yard freestyle-Won by Cristy Both teams played below average
(M); second, Kennedy (M); third, Thursday and the encounter tonight
Taylor (N). Time-4 :57.8. (Betters is expected to be much superior
Conference record -of 5:06.4.) from the spectator's standpoint. The
'yf s - n H team will enter the same starting
100-yard freestyle-Won by High- lineups as they did two nights ago.
land (N); second, Troup (N); third,
li e p s t e i w i h s aoKanienski (M ). Tim e- :54.7.
Fancy Diving (High Board)-Won BASEBALL MANAGERS CALLED
by Degener (M) ; -second, Wilke (N); Students, particularly second se-
third, Fenske (M). Points-150.85. mnester freshmen and sophomores, in-
220-yard freestyle-Won by Cristy terested in trying out for the man-
(M); second, Kennedy (M); third, agership of the baseball team, are
Troup (N). Time-2 :20.3. asked to report at the Field House
Medley Relay-Won by Northwest- this afternoon o" early nedt cel
ern (Hahn, Horn, Highland); second,
Michigan (Schmieler, Lemak, Ren-
ner). Time-3 :04.5. (Betters National
Collegiate record of 3:06.2.)
Final Score: Michigan 43; North-
western 32. Results of Water Polo:
Northwestern 7; Michigan 2.

Fraternity Teams
compete In Relays
Five teams in the Interfraternity
relay meet Wednesday night bet-
tered the time of 1:45 for the half-,
mile. These teams and their times
are: (1) Phi Beta Delta, 1:42 2-5;
(2) Theta Delta Chi, 1:43; (3) Phi
Gamma Delta, 1:43; (4) Phi Kappa
Sigma, 1:443-5; (5) Alpha Kappa
Lambda, 1:44 3-5. These five teams
will compete in time trials soon to
determine the championship.
The Alabama basketball team has
played 14 conference games so far
this season, and ten of them have
been away from home. Of these
played on foreign courts the Tide has
won all but two. One was dropped
to L. S. U. and another to Tennessee.



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