on in theBulletin Is constructve notice to all member. of the
v. copy rrceived ailtitie offlce of the Assistant to the Prealdeut until
0c !1. in. Saftu7rday.
Ifems 'From Other Campuses
Succeeds Swanson
Purchase Of Fletcher Hall By
University Fulfills Alumni Plans
SATUR iAY, MARCH 4, 1933
No. 41
Wresident and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home from four to six o'clock
unday, March 5, and on Sunday, March 12, to members of the facul-
tnd other residents of Ann Arbor.
Deferred Tuition Notes: Will those students who have not signed the
form of note designed to defer the payment of their tuition beyond
iary, 3 133, please call at my office as soon as possible.
Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary
Jniversity Broadcasting-Sat irday-7:i5 p. m. "Buying Helps for
umers"-Z. Clark Dickinson, Professor of Economics. "The Pioneer
>p of Mexico"-Beniamin W. Wheeler, Instructor in History. (A dis-
, 41n :~"t ftnlnli Hi t~v in the WCestrn Hemnisphere.) .
PRINCETON, N. J., March 3.-As
a result of "Bfcker Monday," the an-
nual brawl which follows the selec--
tion of members of the eating clubs
here, several students found them-
selves in peculiar circumstances the
"morning after."
One individual found himself lying
across the aisle of a prominent
church, another awoke somewhere in
the stacks of the library. A third
found to his embarrassment that he
had spent the night on the ties of
I railroad tracks in the vicinity.
SYRACUSE, March 3.-Students
protested recently against the use of
cribbing machines in honor system
examinations at Syracuse University.
During recent iid-year examinations
five engineers of the College of Ap-
plied Science walked out of the ex-
amination room declaring that they
refused to compete against students
cheating to pass the test.
Rigid investigation by the faculty
showed that "cribbing machines,"
consisting of long strips of onion-
skin paper rolled at either end on
match sticks, were e ¢Id to the stu-
dents. The entire course was outlined
on the paper and students, by skill-
ful mahipulatoirmif the palhs of
their hands, were able to find the
answer to any question asked.
SEATTLE, Wash. March 2. -
Charges of sacrilege were hurled by
religious groups of the: University of
T^Y_ T.lYnT1 Y'4TT. Y rs Vlla?*rr+1T
-: - -1 - .. - - - - r*t- 4 u., - - I - " L.,q - --
.on of mhe E 1.y auholl r1s or1y 1111e-n JG1 iu arss.
The Butler College basketball team
has gone to pieces-in fact 300
Faculty Meeting, College of L., S., and A.: The regular March meeting pieces. A jig-saw puzzle of the team
ze Faculty of the College of Literature,'Science and the Arts will be has been made and is on sale at the
in Room 2225 Angell Hall. Monday, 'March 6, beginning at 4:10 school's bookstore.
ek. John R. Effinger, Dean
By JOSEPH A. RENIHAN single rooms. under this pian 6s men
When the University purchased will be accomodated. Another im-
Fletcher Htll, a men's dormitory on provement to be made in time is the
Sybil St., early in February, it was removal of partitions in a downstairs
a chance culmination of plans made room originally designed for use as a
a decade ago by Michigan alumni. cafeteria, in order to make a suitable
The alumni, whose aim was to do recreation room.
something for their alma mater, were Work to Begin Soon
the founders and builders of Fletcher Most of the work to be done in the
Hall. hall will begin during the coming
Headed by C. H. Mooney, '97. a spring vacation and will be completed
group of men formed a dormitory next summer. The room rent has re-
stock company in 1922 and raised mained at $2.50 per week and it is
approximately $120,000, with which believed that the University will have
they huilt the hall. It was named enough of a return from this to en-
after Frank W. Fletcher, '75E, a for- able it to put money into the build-
mer regent of the university. The ing continuously in the future. The
immediate aid which the building necessary profit will be gained
gave the University was its capacity through management and freedom
to meet the sudden infiux of students from taxes.
3 which strained rooming facilities in Contrary to rumors before the Uni-
Ann Arbor in 1922. vesity took possession of Fletcher
Financially Unsuccessful IHall, not a single roomer has left
Hthe building. Joseph A. Bursley, dean
However, in spite of the fact that of students, is in charge of the social
furnished with double-deck beds, it management of the dormitory. A
could care for more than 120 stu- married couple is in constant resi-
dents, Fletcher Hall was never a fl- dence there and student proctors en-
nancial success. Its backers ran into force study hours on each of the
insurmountable difficulties in man- three floors. Regulations for conduct
agement, along with high operating of the students in the hall, similar
costs, wihich made the project a fail- to those enforced in all rooming
ure from an investment standpoint. houses under supervision of the Uni-
It was mainly through the con- versity, are posted and proctors see
sideration of Mark Norris of Grand that these are respected.
Rapids, a shareholder in the dorihi- The business management of the
tory corporation, that the University hall will be taken care of by the Uni-
received the opportunity for the re- versity Business Office, under the di-
cent purchase of Fletcher Hall. When rection of Shirley W. Smith, vice-
the building's taxes went unpaid in;president and secretary.
1929 and 1929, it became evident that
it was unprofitable as a private en-
terprie. In 1929 tax title sharks ac- r. . E. Fagerstronm
quired tax titles to the building.
io1)~U~ vinnuM
Chor-al Union Concert: Vladimir Horowitz, distinguished Russian pian-
ist, will give the ninth program in the Choral Union Concert Series, Mon-
day evening, March 6, at 8:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. He will play the'
following program: Bach-Busoni; Adagio and Fugue (from Toccata in C
major); Haydn: Sonata in E flat major, Allegro, Adagio, Presto; Brahms:
Two Iritermezzi, Opus 118, 119; Brahms: Variations on a theme of Pagan-
ini; Chopin: Barcarolle, Two Mazurkas, Etude, F major; Poulehc: Pas-
tourelle; Ravel: Scarbo; Strawinsky: Danse russe (from "Petrouchka").
Tickets are still available at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, and $2.50 each at the
office of the School of Music, Maynard Street.
Choral Union Members: Members of the Choral Union'in good stand-
ing may call for their courtesy tickets for the Horowitz concert, Monday,
between the hours of 9 and 12 and 1 and 4 o'clock at the School of Music,
Maynard Street. Tickets will only be given out to rmembers who call in per-
son. After 4 o'clock no tickets will be given out.
Earhart Foundation Scholarships: The following students have been
recohmmended for Community Training Scholarships under the Earhart
Foundation fund, for the second seinester, 1932-1933: Lewis Allen, Elmer
W. Bachmann, Frank H. Baker, Zeldon Cohen, Milton Fischer, Walter
Oraham, Aelred Gray, Lawrence Halpern, Frazer Hilder, Wilbert L. Hind-
man, Edgar Hornik, Helen Johnston, George Keller, Milton N. Kemnitz,
Charles C. Lemert, Stuart Lottier, Frances Marmarosh, Earl G. Meyer, Hil-
lary Rarden, David Rittenhouse, Thomas R. Solomon, Martin WagnerI
Howard A. Worth.
There will be a meeting of these students Wednesday, March 8, from
4 to 6, Room 408 Library.
University Outing Club: Trucks will leave the Michigan League Build-
ing at 1:15 p. m. today. Be on time.
Notice: If there are any more members of the University Outing Club
who wish to go to Sylvan Estates today please call Miss McCormick at the
Michigan League by 9:45 a. m.-
Badminton Tournament: The draw of the women students' ladder
tournament will be posted on the bulletin board in Barbour Gymnasium,
Saturday, March 4.
Mixed Riding Club for Students: Women students interested in join-
ing a mixed group for indoor riding on Tuesday evenings should leave their
name and telephone number at Barbour Gymnasium, Office 15.
Bowling: The bowling alleys at the Women's Athletic Building have
been closed.
English 143. English 159: The make-up examinations will be given on
Saturday morning, March 4, in Room 3221 A.H. at 9 o'clock.
O. 1. CamPbell
History 42: The Colonization of North America. Beginning Monday,
March 5, at 11 a. m., this class will meet in Room 1025 A.H., instead of
room 35 A.H. A. S. Aiton
Visitors' Night-Angell Hall Observatory: The public is invited to visit
the Angell Hall Observatory to observe the moon from 7 to 10 p. m. this eve-
ning. Children must be accompanied by adults.
f XiTi-4d "-;r f n zThC Y% .aC) A YY l
i C~{;AG blacn - Awomn Washington concerning the cover of
was granted the master's degree from t
the University of Chicago after- sub-the February humorous publication
mitting a thesis on "Four Ways To Trhere.
Wash Dishes." The cover portrayed 'an art gallery
WashDshs.with two portraits, Napoleon and the
FRATERNITY BROTHER SKUNK Madonna. The Madonna is shown
MADISON, Wis., March 3.-(Big handing the Infant to the general
Ten)-The last word in mascots has with the words "You hold it awhile,
been revealed in one of the fra- I'm tired."
-Associated Press Photo
Harry Flood Byrd, former governor
of Virgiia, il be appointed to the
senate on March 4 when Sen. Claude
A.Swanson resigns to accept the post
of navy secretary in the Roosevelt
Travelers In
Chin a iune
From Dangers
ternity houses at
animal is a skunk,
jected to a minor
he was initiated.
Wisconsin. The
but he was sub-
operation before
BETHLEHEM, Pa., March 3.-The
old tradition that a Lehigh freshman
must not wear a mustache was en-
forced this month and several fresh-
men who had been warned several
times are now clean-shaven.
LOS ANGELES, Calif., March 3.-
At the University of Southern Cali-
fornia even professors work. Both
the professors and students use their
spare time to lay brick walks on the
NEW YORK, March 3.- After!
questioning people on the streets of
New York, Columbia University re-
porters discovered the fact that five
out of six men think that college
students are loafers.
HANOVER, Ind., March 3.-The
president of Hanover College has of-
fered to accept land suitable for for-
estration at the rate of $10 per acre
for the payment of tuition fees. The
land will be held for future develop-
ment and revenue from timber.
ROCHESTER, N. Y., March 3. -
Free lunches are furnished once a
week by an economics professor to
his senior students here at the Uni-
versity of Rochester.
11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer and Ser-
mon, "Have We Forgotten Jesus?" by
Dr. P. L. Urban, D. D. Of New Haven.
Wesley hall: Student Guild. 6 p. m.
Sunday, program by the Ann Ar-
bor Community Orchestra. Graduate
Forum, 6:30 p. m. "A Moral Equiv-
alent for War," led by Gordon Hal-
stead. Fellowship and supper at 7
p.mi. Classes with D. Blakeman at
9:30 a. m.
First Methodist Church: Dr. Fisher
will preach at 10:45 a. m. Sunday on
the subject "Fulfilling our Desires."
Wesleyan Guild Lecture at 7:30 p.
in. at First Methodist Church. Pres.
F. L. McVey of Kentucky University
will speak on "Reli'gion in Changing
Presbyterian S t u d e n t Appoint-
ments: Sunday.
9:30-Student Classes at t h e
Church House.
10:30-Morning Worship. Theme,
Education and the Problems of
6:$0-Social Hour and Supper.
6:30-Student Forum, "The Chal-
lenge of the Church." A panel dis-
cussion carried on by men of the
church and young people.
Lutheran Students: R e v e r e n d
Yoder, the student pastor, will con-
duct a discussion group every Sun-
day at 4:00 o'clock at Zion Parish
Hall, corner of Washington Stree
iand Fifth Avenue. The discussion
will center around the text, "Jesus,
the Unique." Sunday, at the usual
meeting of the club at 5:30, Reverend
Yoder will open the Lenten series
with an appropriate speech. Anyone
who is unable to attend the dinner
at 6:00, is urged to attend the pro-
gram afterwards.1
Reformed and Christian Reformed
Students: Services Sunday at 9:301
a. m. in, the Chapel of the League.1
Rev. Bert Kruithof of Grand Rapids
Liberal Students Union: Prof. A.
E. Wood, of the Department of So-
ciology, will speak on "Observations
of a Traveler in Germany." Uni-
EVANSTON, Ill., March 1.-(Big
Ten) -Students in Contemporary
Thought at Northwestern must hand
in photographs with notebooks here-
after, since the instructor is unable
to remember who they are when he
grades the books.
Academy Wi
Feature Short
Lectures Hr
(Continued from Page 1)
igan. The program of the meeting
is as follows:
1. An Engineer's Approach to the
Land Use Problem. Samuel S.
Wyer, Fuel-Power-Ti'ansportation
Educational Foundation. Discus-
sion led by Arthur Andrews, of
Grand Rapids Junior College.
2. Agricultural Phases of Bal-
3. Recreation and Wild Life Man-
agement in Relation to Land Use
Planning. S. B. Locke, Izaak Wal-
ton League of America. Discus-
sion led by P. S. Lovejoy, Michi-
gan Department of Conservation.
anced Land. Use'for the Lake
States. Discussiod. led by L. R.
SchoCmann, Michigan Depart-
rient of Conservation.
4. The Chippewa National Forest:
A Demonstration of Planned Land
Use. E. W. TikilT United States
Forest Service. Discussion led by
S. T. Dana, University of Michi-
5. Some Department Land Prob-
lems. Harold Titus, Michigan
Conservation Commission. Discus-
sion led by Kenneth C. McMurry,
University of Michigan.(
2:00 p. m. Section of Language and
Literature. Chairman: Prof. Warn-
er G. Rice, of English department;
Prof. William A. McLaughlin, of
Romance Languages, secretary.
3:00 p. M. Section of Sanitary and
Medical Science. Chairman: N. W.
4:00 p. m. Section of Psychology.
Chairman: Prof. Martha Guern-
sey Colby, of the psychology de-
6:30 p. m. Annual dinner for all sec-
tions of the Academy.
7:30 p. m. Presidential Address ,"The
Place of Parasitology in the Pro-
gram of Conservation," by Dr.
George R. LaRue, professor of zo-
Saturday, March 18
9:00 a. in. Section of Botany. Section
of Forestry. Section of Geology
and Mineralogy. Section of Lan-
guage and Literature. Section of
Psychology. Section of Zoology.
9:15 a. m. Section of Mathematics.
Chairman: R. W. Clack.
10:00 a. m. Section of History and
Politial Science. Chairman: Prof.
L. G. VanderVelde, of the history
12:15 p. m. Luncheon for members of
the Section of History and Politi-
cal Science.
2:00 p. m Section of Mathematics.
Chairman: R. W. Clack.
2:00 p. m. Meeting of the Council.
3:060p.n. Section of Psychology.
Wayne County Training School at
3:00 p. m. Business meeting of the
harness, last seen following two
men from 633 Church toward Hill.
One black eye and one white eye.
Finder call 3748. Reward.
Frederick Randall
Abnormalities In Far
East Seldom Witnessed
Opportunity is Offered
Correspondence in which Norris
pointed out the ideal opportunity
That the average American traveler offered to the University to acquire
through Japan and China is not only a men's dormitory, if the courts were
immune from danger but seldom, if asked to hold a receiver's sale, finally
ever witnesses any abnormality in led to the Board of Regent's voting
Far Eastern affairs is the statement to buy Fletcher Hall this year.
made today by Frederick S. Randall, The cost of the hall was nearly
manager of the travel bureau in $14,000 and approximately $6,000 will'
Alumni Memorial Hall. be spent by the University to reno-
Dr. S. E. Fagerstrom, professor of
history at Michigan State Normal
College, Ypsilanti, will discuss "Man-
churia, America, and the League of
Nations" at 4:15 p. m. Tuesday in
Natural Science Auditorium.
Professor Fagerstrom has recently
returned. from Geneva, where he
spent some time in studying the sit-
uation. A graduate of the University
of Chicago, he received his Ph.D. at
Michigan. He was born in Sweden,
coming to the United States when 19
years old.
The lecture is being sponsored by
the Tolstoy League. According to Dr.
Francis Onderdonk of the School of
Architecture, it should be of special
interest to those opposed to Japan-
ese imperialism in Manchuria.
Oriental travelers, many of them'
but recently returned from interior
points in China and Japan, report E
nothing untoward in their observa-
tions, he said. "This perhaps is quite
natural inasmuch as very few tour-
ists and only a small number of bus-
iness men have real occasion to go
far from the more important Asiatic
"Japan, Korea, Manchuria, and
China from well north of Peiping
downward are as safe to travel in to-
day as any country in the world," he
continued. American representatives
of Oriental tourist bureaus state that
everything is as normal in Japan asj
it is in this country, and the same)
is true of all countries in this area.
Mr. Randall added the further'
comment that the tourist travel in
the Far East in the last year or so,
and particularly in China, has on
been moderately reduced. He s-
however, that most of the travelers
were from Europe rather than from
Dana Will Confer With
Forest Service Officials
Dean Samuel T. Dana of the School
of Forestry and Conservation will be
in Washington today and tomorrow,
it has been learned, to confer with
officials in the United States Forest
Service. Dean Dana was in New York
yesterday to attend a meeting of the
Charles Lathrop Pack Forest Educa-
tion Board, of which he is a director.
The Pack board met to pass on ap-
plications for the six to eight schol-
arships it gives each year for the
purpose of developing leaders in for-
estry. These fellowships are unus-
ually liberal, it was said, in that the
winner is not even required to study
in any forestry school.
vate the building, which is sadly in
need of repairs. Heating and lighting
systems are receiving immediate at-!
tention and new plumbing and water
softening apparatus are contemplated'
for the future.
Instead of having the rooms de-
signed for two men and furnished
with a double-decker bed the Uni-
versity has decided to have only
Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at three
oclock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-11c per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
10c per reading line for three or more
Telephone rate-15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
146 per reading line for three or more
101jdiscount' if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.!
By contract, per line--2 lines daily, one
mot........... .. .........S
4 lines L. 0. D., 2 months........8c
2 lines daily, college year, .........7c
4 lines E. 0. D., college year.......7c
100 lines used as desired.........9c
300 lines used as desired.......... 8c
1,000 litres used as desired .......... 7c
j 2,000 lines used as desired......... 6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
1c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
j The aboverates are for 7% point type.
TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad.
theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c
TYPING - Typing carefully done.
V e r y moderate rates. 0. K.
Thacher. Phone 6734. 10c
new suits. Best prices paid. Cash
for old gold. Phone 4306. Chicago
buyers. 34c
WASHING-And ironing. Called for
and delivered. Silks and woolens
guaranteed satisfactory. 2-3478.
611 Hoover. 15c
LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
STUDENT - And family washing
careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. 6c
FOR RENT-Two-room suite for two
students. Airy and light. Close to
campus. Very reasonable. 717 Ar-
bor St. Phone 6754. 338
HAVE--Your snap shots developed
at Francisco Boyce. 719 N. Univer-
sity. Here fine work is the tradi-
tion. 29c
Varsity Band: Section rehearsal for saxophones and first and second
clarinets at 1:30 p. m. at Morris Hall.
Full band will meet at Field House at 7:15 p. m. sharp. Bring march
folio and identification card..
Important Band rehearsal Sunday at Morris Hall at 10:00 a. m. sharp,
All members must attend.
Swimming Club-Women Students: The Swimming Club will hold a
meet for members and try-outs at 9:45 o'clock at the Union Pool.
Craftsman: Meeting at the Masonic Temple at 7:30 p. in. Special work
in the Second Section.
harris Hall: Picnic supper and discussion, leader Dr. P. L. Urban. Cars
will leave Harris Hall for Dr. L. P. Hall's farm between 4:00 o'clock and 6:00
o'clock. Call 7735 or 8613 if you desire transportation.
Cosmopolitan Club: The Philippine-Michigan Club will sponsor the
second series of programs at 7:30 p. in., Lane Hall. Native songs, dances,
and music and exhibition of Philippine things will feature the program.
The public is cordially invited.
Chinese Students: Important meeting of the Chinese Club at Lane
hall, 8 p. m. All fellow students are urged to attend and meet the new
members. Please be on time.
Electrical Engineers: Mr. E. D. Harrington, Engineer of the Air Condi-
tioning Department of the General Electric Company, will speak on Air,
Conditioning Tuesday evening. Time and place to be announced here later.
This is a G. E. Contact Program, given under the joint auspices of the Stu-
dent Branch A. I. E. E. and the E. E. Department. See E. E. Bulletin Board]
by Room 274 for announcement of interview program.
Alpha Nu will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. in 4003 A.H. Prof. 0. J.
Campbell will talk on "The Most Important Things in Undergraduate Life."
All who are interested are invited.
Vulcans: Dinner meeting at the Michigan Union, Sunday, March 5,,
at 5:45.
Sealp and Blade meeting Sunday at 4:30, Union.
Hindustan Club: Regular meeting Sunday, March 5, Lane Hall, 2:30
p. m.
Benny Friedman
"STUFF on the BALL"
Hearts are bared, souls stripped
naked, in the astonishing Talk-
ing Picture made from Eugene
O'Neill's stage classic!
You MUs t See
NoTEAo an el eTCLA
NOTE-Because of an entirely new siep it Talking
de-ri"Ci i teat latVOuse Srnte