History Of Musical Sororities
At University Shows Pro
Formal Dances
Are Featured
At Fraternities
Frolic Band Leader
New York Band Plays
At Phi Chi; Kappa Nit
Holds Initiation Formal
Many out-of-town guests attended- ]
the Kappa Nu formal initiation dance
and the Phi Chi formal, last night. -.
Kappa Nu entertained at a formal'
initiation dance last night.
Guests were Florence Roth, '34,a
Emily Luxenberg, '34, Berenice Ka-
vinoky, '35, Helen Grossner, '35, Janet
Neaman, '36, Harriet Fishman, '35,
Doris Rubenstein, '34, Miriam Stark,
'36, Eleanor Schwarz, '33, Phyllis Ja-
cobs, '36, Helen Levison, '35, Terry -
Fiske, '33, Jane Gerstman, '36, Dora Emerson Gill, popuar Cleveland
Eliasonn, '34, Lois Trigg, '36, Judith orchestra leader, will bring his 15--
Lasser, '36, Deborah Miller, '34, Edith piece band to Ann Arbor March 17
Bergman, '33D, Miriam Carver, '33, to play for the annual Frosh FrolicI
Libbie Saline, Leah Ackerman, '34,1 in the Union ballroom.
Phyllis Stewart, '36, Sylvia Dubis, '36,
Pearl Bernhardt, '36, and Ruth Horo-
witz.Coney Rt
Guests from Detroit were Marjorie
Fink, Betty Salisohn, Elaine Sloman, Foundation Of
Mollie Laban, Helen Mark, Clara
Reubin, Anne Dorbe, and Shirley
Clibler. Other out of town guests were Alls Car e er
Cecile Chiert, of Cleveland, and Helen
Novitsky of Fort Wayne.
Chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. Rich-, Once famed as an amateur radio!
ard Weiner and Mr. and Mrs. Sam- station operator and a dot-and-dashj
uel Greenberg of Detroit. expert over his station 8SJ, Emerson
PHI CHII 1Gill, who will bring his nationally-.
Guests at the Phi Chi formal dance famous radiorand dance orchestra night wer e Dr. H. K. Ransom, Isere to the Frosh Frolic 'March 17,
Dr. R. C. Warner and Mrs. Warner, turned his attention to music while
Dr. P. C. Williams and Mrs. Williams, ' attending Ohio State University and
Dr. H. H. Riecker and Mrs. Riecker, today ranks as one of the foremost
Dr. W. G. Maddock and Mrs. Mad- orchestra leaders of the country.
dock, Dr. D. E. King and Mrs. King, He was born and raised in Gibson-
Dr. A_ C. Kerlikowske and Mrs. Ker- burg, 0., attended school there and
likowske, Dr. S. L. La Fever and Mrs. became one of the country's most
La Fever, Dr. R. J. Armstrong and' proficient amateur radio operators.
Mrs. Armstrong, Dr. F. B. Fralick While he was attending grade school
and Mrs. Fralick, Dr; F. H. Lashmet he took up the study of the violin
and Mrs. Lashmet, Dr. P. E. Wigby and made rapid strides M music.
and Mrs. Wigby, Dr. V. C. Johnson Leaves Violin At Home
and Mrs. Johnson, Dr. A. H. Dunlap, When Gill entered Ohio State Uni-
Dr. L. E. Himler, Dr. R. N. Dejong, versity he left his violin- at home, in-
Dr. A. C. Benz, Dr. E. L. Rippy, and tending to devote all his time to the
Dr. E. B. Ferris. study of electrical engineering. His
Women attending were Ruth Gar- fraternity brothers at Phi Kappa Psi,
ner, Lucile Boland, Madge Brook, learning of his musical ability, pre-
Helen Gould, Ruth Gilliand, Kath- vailed upon him to send home for
leen Sturgeon, Ruth Patterson, Mar- his violin.
guerite Dayton, Ruth Chapman, Mar- Arrival of Gill's violin was the
garet Parsons, Helen Phillips, and signal for someone to suggest that
Irene McGunn, all of Ann Arbor. he form and orchestra. Gill did, and
Others present were lone Anderson, that was the beginning of a career
'33SM., Margaret Siewers, '33SM, which has won him national popu-'
Kate Choate, '36L, Dorothy Stoddard, larity as an orchestra leader. Today
'36, Barbara Van Der Vort, '34, Doro- he is in demand everywhere for radio
thy Kelso, '35, Francine Wright, '34, en g a ge m e n ts, college functions,
Demarius Cornell, '34, Margaret Oes- dances, hotels and night clubs.
terblom, '35SM, Dorothy Jones; '36 His Blues Singer
Dorothy Ann Williams, '34, and Hazel Hms the es ar
Weisenborn, '35. Among the featured artsits in Em-
n~~~ann.!~~~'i sn n se S1T T "
Ruthven To Be,
Guest Speaker
At Club Dinnei
Tapp in Also Will Attend
U. Of M. Annual Banquet,
Of Buffalo Alumni Club
President Alexander G. Ruthven
and T. Hawley Tapping, general sec-'
retary of the Alumni Association, will:
be guests of the University of Michi-
gan Alumni Club of Buffalo, N. Y.,
at its annual banquet next Friday,
March 10, in the University Club at I
The banquet will be informal, and
there will, be music and entertain-
ment features in addition to an ad-
dress by President Ruthven. The club
announces it as "the greatest Mich-I
gan event in Buffalo since 1924,
when over 400 guests greeted Presi-
dent Burton."
The Buffalo club is one of the larg-
est and most active of the out-state
alumni clubs. There are approxi,-
mately 300 alumni of the, University
living in the city of Buffalo, and
many more in nearby towns who sup-?
port the club. Sam D. Wettlaufer, I
28, is its president.
Wm H, Woodi To R.e Treasury Chief
Michigan is noted in the field of
music for the excellence of its cur-
ricula and the calibre of the musi-
cians it turns out. Part of the train-
ing facilities are offered in the vari-
ous musical sororities and fraterni-
ties, together with a social life that
is interlinked with musical interests.
Half a hundred women are benefiting
by the advantages so offered through
Sigma Alpha Iota, Mu Phi Epsilon,
and Delta Omicron, musical sorori-
Sigma Alpha Iota is the oldest na-
tional musical fraternity for women,
according to Baird's Manual. It was
established at the University of Mich-
igan June 12, 1903, by Nora Crane
Hunt, Elizabeth Campbell, Frances
Caspari, Minnie Davis, Leila Farlin,
Georgina Potts, and Mary Storrs,
Since its beginning here it has grown
to a total membership of 5,000 in 57
active chapters, each holding a
professional standing. Faculty rec-
ommendation and a high scholastic
average are necessary for member-
Mu Phi' Epsilon, national honorary
musical sorority, was founded Nov.
13, 1903; by. Elizabeth Mathias, JaneI
Bellis, Ethel Kimball, A. Sterling,
Elizabeth Stewart; Lillian Sutton,
Edith White, Jesse Yuille, assisted
by members of Phi Mu Alpha (Sin-
fonia). In 1915 the organization's
national policy was changed from
Bondes Rated Cheaper
Than Brunettes At Dance
BOSTON, Mass., March 3. -It's
cheapest to be a blonde! Brunettes
are the next best bet, and red heads
are the most expensive of all. That
at any rate was the price smale used
at a dance held recently at the Mas-
saehusetts Institute of Technology.
Blondes had to pay 10 .cents admit-
tance, brunettes 15 cents, and the
red head. were charged 20 cents.
Thed balanceof the admission price
was determined by weight, at the
rate of one cent a pound. Blondes
outweighed the brunettes. The prize
for the evening went to a blonde
weighing. in .at 173 .pounds,
professional to honorary, which
makes its scholastic requirements B
in all subjects. Active membership
is limited to students of junior and
senior standing, teachers and those
actively interested in music.
Delta Omicron, national and pro-
fessional sorority founded Sept. 6-
1909, has at present 21 active and
two inactive chapters. Its member-
ship is of two kinds, active and
alumnae. It is selective, fulfilling
certain qualifications of character,
ideals, talent, and scholarship.
Musicale Featured
By Delta Omicron
Delta Omicron, national profes-
sional music fraternity for women,
continued its rushing season enter-
tainment with a formal musicale at
8 p. m. Thursday at the home of Mrs.
Alexander G. Ruthven. One of the
guests of honor at the affair was a
new patroness, Mrs. F. Pettyjohn El-
Entertainment was provided by the
Mozart trio of Detroit, and Miss Dor-
othy Benjamin, soprano, also of De-
troit. The trio including Miss Esther
Johnson, violin; Miss Pauline Kay,
piano, and Miss Helen Ward, cello,
played "Bouree" by Bach; "Sunday
Morning at the Fjord" by Benth;
"H u n g a r i an Dance No. 2" by
Brahms; and "Trio No. 6," by Hay-
Miss Benjamin sang "~Oh! Let
Night Speak of Me" by Chatwick;
"In the Time of Roses" by Reich-
ardt; "Nur Wer Die Schnsucht
Kenst" by Tschaikowsky.
The organization will hold a for-
mal banauet at 7 p. m. today in
the League, entertaining six guests.
Decorations will be spring flowers
a.nd silver tapers.,
Chicken Sandwich 10c
Across from Angeli Hall
Ladies nvtLed
Union Dances Trend
To Sim1Iieity
The perpetual importance of black-
and-white proved itself again in the
overwhelming evidence of its popu-
larity seen at the Union last night.
Black satins, chiffons, and all varie-
ties of crepes were set off by a pro-;
fusion of white organdies, mousseline1
de soie, laces and all types of white
lingerie touches.
One of the nicest things we've seen
for spring was a lovely flowing long
affair of black chiffon with a stif-
fened organdy top of white. The low
V decollette met the waist with a
jeweled clip in back.
An altogether different type frock
in black and white satin would be
appropriate for formal afternoonj
wear. The white top was cut surplice
fashion and studded with gold se-
quins, while the skirt was built on
the fashionable straight lines for
An effective interpretation of the
so-called speakeasy dress was done in
pure white crepe touching the floor;
extremely simple lines were followed
with a high boat neck-line and full
sleeves to the waist.
There's one thing about the Union;
every type of dress from daytime
frocks to the point where only a
jacket separates an outfit from be-
ing formal is acceptable. For in-
stance, one skirt and blouse ensemble,
the latter of organdy, with large ruf-
fled sleeves was as smart and appro-
priate as the more formal types.
-Associated Press Pnotos
William H. Woodin, one of the nation's best known industrialists,
who will be the secretary of the treasury in the Roosevelt cabinet, is
pictured;with Mrs. Woodin at their home in New York.
Cosmopolitan Club Riding, Archery
To Begin Activities Featured For Club
The second of the series of activi- The second in the series of oUt-of-
ties scheduled by the Cosmopolitan door parties given by the, Outing
Club during the second semester will Club will be held today, Miss Ethel
be "Philippine Night," to be given by McCormick, social director of the
members of the Philippine-Michigan League, announced today.
Club at 7:30 tonight at Lane Hall. There will be horseback riding; and
Maria Kalaw, Grad., president of hiking as on the last party. Archery
the club, has arranged a program of equipment will be taken along and
native songs, dances, and music. In there will be a golf driving contest
addition to the musical program, for distance.a
Philippine students have arranged a Members of the Club who wish to
novel and unique exhibition of na- go should make their reservations
tive costumes, dresses, objects d'art, 'with Miss McCormick so that they
and pictures. will be given preference to others who
A glimpse into the Philippine so- may wish to go.
cial strata, the evoluitionary stages of The party will leave the Leaguo not
its history,; customs, and traditions later than 1:15 p. in., Miss McCor-
will form the motif of the affair. Imick said.
- - - ------- - ________________
Response to Our EXPANSION SALE
h aAc' cf to'~,ns
Alter ations
Designer of
Ensemblks for
Phone 3468
Gowns and
All Occasions
506 East Liberty
ws osogratifying that
w~e have arrarg,-,
Here's your chance tp make your dollars do double duty!
Here are some Sample Values:
Al Remaiing
Two Groups of
Jcobsnson Smart Frocks
,. . .. .
Out of town guests were-Olive Wal-
ters, of Marion, 0.; LaVerne Zimmer-
man, of Oberlin, 0.; Dorothy Dow-
ner, o~f Royal Oak~, Maurine LaLonde,
of Toledo, Eleanor Green, of Lyons,
Mich.; Barbara Shuker, of Detroit,
Cecelia Farley, of Perryburg, 0.;
Margaret Joiner, of Detroit; Beryl
Farr, of Detroit; Mary Armstrong,
of Medina, O.; Clara Wilson, .of
Howell, Mich.; Janet Cochran, of De-
troit;- Virginia Smalley, of Jackson;
and Helen O'Hara.
Other guests were Kenneth Osborn,
of Ann Arbor; Allen. H. McGee, ofII
Jackson; W. F. Elliot, '33L, Sheridan
Ruge, of Lowell, Ind.; Warren Staeb-
1er, '34E, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cooper,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Clarke, Mr. and
Mrs. F. Basom, and Samuel Erbon,
all of Ann Arbor.
Music was furnished by Stan Mil-
ler and his Harlem Syncopators..
Where To Go
ierson G1is orchestra is Pinky Hunt-
er, bluest of blues singers, banjo and
guitar player. Pinky,, who signs his
name as Cartwright Maxwell Hunter,
attended Bucknell University and is
also a member of Phi Kappa Psi.
Emerson Gill and Guy Lombardo
once made a friendly bet at the time.
they were playing in rival cafes in
Cleveland and were often seen to-
gether. Gill bet Lombardo that he
would have a longer run in Cleveland
than- Lombardo. Emerson Gill won
this bet, for Guy Lombardo took his
band to Chicago a few months later,f
whileGill, except for several outside
engagements, has been in Cleveland
ever since, and remained at that cafe
for four years.
ingenious Co-Ed Makes
Ted Weems Big Offer
GREENCASTLE, Ind., March 3.
A co-ed at Depauw, finding her sor-
ority had only $250 in the treasury
to pay for an orchestra at a dance,
wired Ted Weems and asked how
many pieces he could send for that
amount. Weems replied that he could
send three sheets of music and a
piccolo player.
EVANSTON, Ill., March 3.-(Big
Ten)-"If the world has a lunatic
asylum, it must be the United States.
The lack of national planning is what
makes possible the piles of wheat on
one side of the street and the bread
lines on the other," Paul Blanshard.
of the League for Industrial Democ-'
racy, told Northwestern students in a
speech recently.
E ~ ~ A Z x P AI fit.E S
a 'ker, Sheaffer, V atermi,
botkl in, etic., $1.00 and up.
A lame and choice assorbmnet
314 S. State St., A= Ari ..
Values to
Choice ..
Va l es to
Choice . .
Fashions for Sports, Daytime, Afternoon, Dinner, Evening
DRESSES... Values to $19,75.
Group I
Group II
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Broad-
way Bad"; Majestic, "Strange Inter-
lude"; Wuerth, "Abraham Lincoln."
Plays : "Three Times the .Hour,"
8:15 p. m., Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre. .
E;ihibits: Women as Authors,
General Library; Persian Architec-
ture photographs, Architecture Build-
ing; Leather book bindings, Williarmi
Clements Library; Modern Capalan
painting, West Gallery, Alumni Mem-
orial Hall.
Athletic Events: Basketball, Mich-
igan vs. Indiana, 7:30, Field House;
Hockey, Michigan v s. Marquette, 8:45
p. m., Arena.
Functions: Supper and discussion,
4 to 6 p. M., Harris Hall.
Visitors' Night, Angell Hall Obser-
vatory, 7 to 10 p. m.
Dances: Informal dancing, 9 p. m.,
Union ballroom.
A beautiful and smart collection and a wonderful
opportunity to save on your Spring outfit . . .
10% Di ont
Have a
Made of Yourself
8 x 10 Photographs
of you taken by our
popular artist- and
F IV E FUR-TR I MME COATS. ... .$5.00
Valued formerly to .5.95, Now . . . . . .OO
One of them will
be made into a
75-piece Jig-Saw
All for Only ..
Wayne Knit Hose
Proofs to Choose From
Try working a jig-saw puzzle of
Iyourself, or any member of your
mnoderni waterless ewk-
K v in ., with tempt ig
W ~ 7 7 SE4LED-i'N flavor. It
600 PAIRS of Full F shioned
".1 fairs$