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June 02, 1932 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-06-02

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. "

First Class to Leave University
in 1845 Had Only
11 Members.
James Brown Scott Will Address
Seniors at Commencement
At the eighty-eighth annual com-
mencement exercises this June the
university will graduate a class of
approximately 2, 2 0 C. . Numbered
among its members will be students
from all of the 11 schools and col-
leges of the University as well as
graduates of the University Ho::pi-
tal School of Nursing.
The first -class to graduate from
the University, in 1854, after the
institution had been established in
Ann Arbor in its present form,
numbered 11 members--no more
than the number of separate de-
partments cf instruction in the
University now.
In addition to their diplomas, 400
graduates will receive certificates
of special proficiency in teaching
Journalism, sociology, geology; den-
tal hygiene, anesthesia, physical ;
therapy and hygiene and 'public
The commencement progran this
year officially begins Thursday,
June 16. From then until after
graduation Monday, June 20, activ-
ities for visiting parents and plans
for returning alumni have been ar-
ranged by the University adminis-

- - -PL


"The past school year has been show about 1,000 Mlrore dispen
rI NINone of the most successful the calls than last year. There is:
k a L~~nnlfl-. Ctn.+;.gin.....1- I-A 11~~' -AT- ~r ni i txc~ v vim~


a 30

One Hundred Per Cent Tax
Passed by Senate; Will
Aid Law Forces.

Health ervice has had," said .Dr. per cent increase in iniirmary pa-
Bill Warren E. Forsythe, director of the tients, a 60 per cent increase in X-
University Health Service, in an ray exams, and a 100 per cent
interview yesterday. "The organiza- increase in tonsil and nose onera-


Contruction of the navy's newest dirigible, the U.S.S. Macon, sister
ship of the Akron, is progressing in the giant hangar at Akron, Ohio.
This picture was made while workmen were putting the covering on the
huge frame. The dirigible will be completed.in 1933.
Genn rank Denies
Chapple Assertiors
at Mothers Meetin AT
atU" S 9T ES Cet1D

WASHINGTON, June 1.-(/P)--In-
voking tlie age-old axiom that the
power to- tax is the power to de-
stroy, the senate wrote into the
revenue bill Tuesday night a 100
per cent tax upon all incomes ob-
tained by crime.
If this outright confiscation of
the literal wages of sin remains in
the bill, the gangster, bootlegger,
narcotic distributor and gambling
syndicate will be at the utter mercy
of the federal government.
Senator Glenn, of Illinois, the
state that has suffered so conspicu-
ously from gangland, put the harsh
provision into the bill without
meeting objection. He called upon
the government to end the "part-
nership" with crime which he
charged it exercises in accepting
the same share of vice-tainted
profits that it demands of the man
who earns his money within the
Hitherto law violators with con-
spicuous earnings have been able to
protect themselves by boldly de-
claring their occupation and their
income to the internal revenue bu-
reau and paying tax, without fear
that the returns could be used to
prosecute them.
Where they failed to do so, the
government has succeeded in using
the income tax law to imprison
gang leaders and smash their pow-
er in cases where the terror of
gangland guns and torture made
impossible the gathering of evi-
dence to convict them of the dfimes
which yielded the income.
Stage Fright Called
Production Necessity
(Special to the Daily)
DES MOINES, Ia., May 31.-- No
musical comedy, no performance of
the plays of Shakespeare, no pro-
duction of the Drama league or
presentaton of George White's
"Scandals" can be successfully put
on without a due amount of stage
fright, judging from thq replies
found in a questionnaire sent out
recently by the Drake university
psychology department.
"Stage fright" is actually an aid
to actors and lecturers, the survey
showed, but the same nervousness
is harmful in a concert singer, be-
cause the tenseness interferes with
Conrad Nagel, the motion picture
actor, wrote, "Stage fright is ab-
solutely essential to the good per-
formance of an actor. Without it
an artist's playing is lifeless and

tion has been busier than ever be-I
fore, and it has not been as a
result of an unusual gmount of
sickness, but because the students
are beginning to recognize the im-
portance of preventative measures."
There has been an increase of 12,
per cent in dispensary calls over
last year, which Dr. Forsythe at-
tributes to the increased demand
for examinations and check-ups
and to the Health Service's efforts:
in following up' the students more,
than in former years.
This year is the first year that
all four classes have had special
doctors, who have established a.
personal contact which was former-
ly lacking.
Another innovation which has
been installed this year is the com-
pulsory lung X-ray for medical;
students. From this test, only 'one
active case of tuberculosis was
found in the 500 investigated, while
in a similar test made at the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania medical
school, 6 per cent to 21 per cent
were found to be afflicted. Foreign
students have been similarly ex-
Research shows that colds are
responsible for approximately 25£
per cent of all the service rendered.
A study made this year shows that
about one-half of all students come
to the Health Service for one oi
more colds during the year. More
men than women have been treated
for colds, Dr. Forsythe said.
Statistics compiled up to May 1

tions. In spite ^f the huge increase'
in service, the deaths for this year
are the same in number as last
The Health Service was organized
in 1913, with four people on the
staff, and a budget of $12,000. Today
it has a staff of 40 people and a,
budget of $130,000. Students are
now entitled to practically no limit
of clinical service at no charge at
all except on special occasions, and
then materials are given at whole-
sale cost.
The same building has housed
the Health Service since 1921, and
with the huge increase in service
rendered is giving service, accord-I
ring to r. Forsythe, in unduly
cramped quarters. There are 24
beds in the building which are
always in use. The attic has been
utilized for filing purposes and as
living quarters for the night at-
tendants. The basement has been
used and many of the doctors are
doubling up on offices, Dr. Forsythe'
declared. \
Girl is .Recovering.
Miss Dorothy Swaffer, 19 year
old Vassar, Michigan girl who last
"Friday, night tried to commit sui-
cide was reported recovering yes-.
te'day. Doctors besides combatting
th poison she had taken, had to
fight . against the effects of the
twelve hours exposure she had suf-
fe'ed while lying on the grounds in
a semi-conscious state.

Balcony Seats at Presidentiat
Caucuses to Be Thrown
Open to All.
CHICAGO, June 1. - (Al) -Mr.
'Average Citizen for the first time
in history may be able to take a
seat at the Presidential nominating
bees of both major political parties
here this month-it he can pay the
It was reported Tucsday night
all first and second balcony seats
of the Chicago stadium remaining-
after the usual allotment has been
mode to campaign fund contribu-
tors would be sold beginning Juno
4 at $22 a first balcony and $17 a
second balcony ticket.
Donors to the guarantee fund
raised by the citizens committee
to defray convention expenses re-
ceive one seat for each $100 con-
tribution, in accordance with tinie-
honored custom. In past years their'
numbers were sufficient to fill con-
vention halls after .delegates, al-
ternates, the press and invited
guests were accommodated.
This year the delegates and al-
ternates will occupy the entire sta-
dium main floor, guests and con-
tributors all of the mezzanine and
several hundred paid customers
may be given space in the upper
tiers if the number of contributors-
is not large enough to fill them.
Ohio ranks fourth in the United
States in number of aircraft.

Scott to Talk.
['he graduates will be addressed
the graduation ceremonies by
nes Brown Scott, of Washington,-
C., secretary of the Carnegie En-
wment for International Peace.
e commencement program will
:e place at Ferry field as in past
irs with the alternate place, in
e, of bad Weather, being Yost
ld House.
n the week-end preceding com-
ncement class reunions have
n organized, banquets for the
," club, the Alurmni Advisory
ancil will be held, and special en-
tainments at the theatres will
provided. The "M" club is' also
inning a golf tournament to be
.d at the university course
ursday, June 16. President Alex-
:er G. Ruthven will give the
ecalaureate address.
res.m an Publication
Continued at Illinois
(Special to the Daily)
-HAMPAIGN, Ill., May 31.-The
een Caldron, freshman rhetoric
blication at Illinois University
1 be continued next year, accord-
; to Prof. A. B. Jefferson, head
the division of rhetoric.
the Green Caldron was published
nthlysduring the school year by
students in the various colleges
the campus who were taking
rses in rhetoric and has been
L'ed a great success by the, mem-
s of the staff..
It provided a model for writing
hin the range of the students,"
d Professor Jefferson, "and it was
o'a strong incentive for them to
better work."
n the last issue, despite the pre-
iderance of liberal arts students
the courses, there were articles
four commerce students,; two'
.dents in the agricultural school,
o in engineering, and one from
e arts.
Rainfall Totals 5.81 Inches
ocal rainfall for the month of
y totaled 5.82 inches, according
officials at the University ob-.
vatory. This surpasses by 2.82
hes the average for that month
nputed from records kept since
0. The series of showers from
dnesday to Friday morning of
t week were responsible nor 3.04
lies, or over half' of 'the month's
bie rainfall.

(Special to The Daily)
MADISON, Wis., May 31.-Speak-
ing before a gathering of mothers
of University of -Wisconsin students,
President Glenn Frank today de-
fended the university and retalliat-
ed against the attacks of John B.
Chapple and his political follow-
"I shall rip the mask of op-
portunism from any person or
group that undertakes, for person-
al or party reasons", to undermine
the central values of this univer-
sity into which the people of Wis-
consin have builded their dreams'
and their devotion over the years,"
said President Frank in direct ref-
erence to Chapple. .'
The president went on to explain
that the university is a guiding in-
fluence to the students and that the
attacks were practically baseless..
"It is a difficult thing," he said,
"to keep a stat university fr9m
becoming a political football. To
me it is a baffling thing, for it is
so shortsighted upon the part of
the attackers, but every so often in
the life of a state university there
will be politicians in office who,
listening unduly to a few loud but
unrepresentative voices and taking
the advice of their least dependent
advisers, think they can capture
votes by slugging hard at the uni-
versity, especially' votes from the
armers, although the alumni lists
of~ state universities reveal that
many of their most distinguished
are sons and daughters of farmers
who might never have been able to
give university trai ing to their
children but for the existence of
these universites of the people." The I
speech was frequently interrupted
by applause.
Child Convalescing.
Five year old Anastasia Savis who
was seriously injured when struck
bya a truck Tuesday was reported,
yesterday, as "coming along, fine,"
by officials at St. Joseph Mercy hos-
pital. She suffered head injuries,
a fracture of the right leg and a
fractured pelvis.

iAnvother Special

CHICAGO, June 1.-A practical
course in advertising procedure and
practice will be presented during
the four weeks beginning July 11
at the Chicago Academy of Fine
Arts, by Hugh J. Newman, manag-
ing director. Newman has been
identified for the past 12 years with
leading New York advertising agen-
cies as production manager, art di-
rector, and account and contact
man. He presented a similar course
for two successive seasons at Hun-
ter college, New York city.
The primary objective in present-
ing this course is to remove it en-
tirely from theoretical training and
to offer a tangible understanding
of aspects of the advertisingi pro-
f'ession as appropriations, human
contact in advertising, layout, typo-
graphy, photo-engraving, electro-
typing, printing, various advertis-
ing media, art in advertising, phys-
ical and psychological aspects of
advertising copy, advertising de-
partnaents of publications, and or-
ganization of agencies.





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Phone 22001

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Regular $5 Values
This is the first time that a, genuine suede jacket with a zipper front open.
ing has ever been offered at this low price. All sizes! Compare ours with
any $5.00 garment!

Startling News for 3'Days
etrot Lquid ato'rs
consisting of 4,000 pairs of men's, women's, and
children's shoes and rubber footwear.
Douglas, Peters, and Torson shoes and other well
known brands to go on sale
atprices never -heardordream~ed of before
Shoes at lo as i cents a par

Suggest ins--
For Commencement Gifts


All leather

Look over our
Sport Hose
3 pair for $1.00
White Shirts
$1.00, $1.50 and
Wash Ties
50c, 3 for $1.25

goods, including date books: Correspondence cases: Brief cases;
and Diaries 'of the best quality-now 50% off.

Fine Bindings-the most exquisite examples of bookmaking-are
indeed rare Commencement gifts. Select a fine binding for the grad-
uate and be certain your gift will be treasured for a lifetime. A fine
Binding is "A Royal Volume-Clothed in Princely Raiment-A
Kingly Gift." Our entire collection is on sale at one- third off.
A fine selection of hi-grade stationery comprising the- utmost in quality,
material, and value is on sale at 40% off. A quality box of stationery
always pleases.
A most practicable gift is, of course, a lifetime guaranteed pen and
pencil set. We offer a noteworthy reduction on an exceptional assort


We alsohave about two thousand pairs of rubbers,
rubber boots,. tennis shoes and slippers, etc.
The Probate . Court ordered Volle's stock sold-we
bought it-and now we have to dispose of the same 'to
the public at prices that will astound you.
You. no doubt remember the wonderful bargains
we had in men's clothing last week-that is nothing
compared to the sensational buys you are going to see
in this great sale.
We have a ciomplete line of sizes and newest styles
for every member of the family.
Store-Opens Thursday from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.

Gifts selected here can be depended upon.



We invite your inspection.

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