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June 02, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-06-02

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Published every morning except Monday during the. University
by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Wester Cmonference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press i. exclusively entitled to the use for rew
ication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
ited inthis paper and the local mews pubLished hehein.
Enteed at the Post Office at .Ann .Arbor, Michigan, as second
s matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
:master General:
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
Oices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
lagan. Phones:- Editorial, 4925 ; BusirresS, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Y EDITOR..................KART, SEIFFER''
'ts Editor ......., .......... .....John W. Thomas
men's Editor............Margaret O'Brien
stant Women's Editor........................Flsie 'eldmnan
graph Editor............................. George A. Stauer

John W. Pritchard
Brackley Shaw

A. Huber

anley W. Arnheim
ward Andrews
yman J. Aronstam
Ellis Ball
arles G. Barndt
res Bauchat
miad R'. Bird
mald F. Blankertz
illard E. Blaser
arles B. Brownson
Garritt Bunting
'thur W. Carstens
isie L. Barton
eanor B. Blum
ne H. Brucker
riam Carver
atrice Collins
ary J. Copeman
uise Crandall
ary Ml. Duggan

Glenn R. Winters
Thomas Connellan
C. Hart Schaaf
Sporti Assistnts
Roland Martin
Theodore K. Cohen
Robert S. Deutsch
Donald Elder
Robert Engel;
Albert Friedman
Edward A. Genz I
l-arold Gross
Eric Hall
John C. Healey
Robert B. Hewett
M. B. iggins
Prudence Foster
Alice Gilbert
Carol J. Hannan
Therese R. Herman
Frances Manchester
Elizabeth Mann
Edith E. Maples
Marie Metzger
Telephone 21214

Albert Newman1

' Joseph ,W. 'Renihan
F. Jerome Pettit

Alexander Hirschfeld
Walter E. Morrison
Ward D. Morton
Robert Ruwitch
Alvin Schleifer
G. Edwin Sheldrick
Robert W. Thorne
George Van Vleck
Cameron Walker
Robert S. Ward
Guy M. Whipple, J
W. Stoddard White


Marie J. Murphy
Margaret C. Phalan
Sarah K. Rucker
Marion Shepard
)feverly Stark
Alma Wadsworth
Marjorie Western
Josephine Woodhan*

CHA2LES T. KLINE ............ Business Manages
XOR IS F. JOHNSO)N ......................... Assistant Managet
Department Managers
Advertising... ............................ Vernon Bishop
Advertising Contracts........................Harry R. Begley
Advertising Service ........A.......... Byron C. Vedder
Publications................................. William T. Brown
Accounts.................................. Richard Stratemeir
Women's Business Manager ........................ Ann W. Vernor

vil Aronson
bert E. Bursley
len Clark
bert Finn
rthur B. Kohn
afton W. Sharp
>nald A. Johnson,
an Turner

Don Lyon
Bernard H. Good
Donna ,Berke*
Maxine Fischrund
Annl Gallmeyer
Katherine Jackson
Dorothy Laylin
IIVirginia McCromb

Caroline Mother
Helen Olson
Helen Schmude
May Seefried
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watts

Night Editor-BR4CKI Y' SHAW
THURSDAY, JUNE 2, '1932'

,. ..


immer School

_Graamrr's art. Miss Graham is dancing tol~lght
and tomrrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre
on herway to Mexico City as holder of the Gug-
genheim Fellowship. All of the dances mentioned
by Mr.4 Martin are included in Miss Graham's
Ann Arbor program.)
Martha Graham has never danced more briliant-
ly than she has in her New York recitals this winter
in New York. Without compromising her standards
in the smallest degree, success has come her way
in the form of capacity houses and cheering audi-
ences. The public is with her at last, and far from
being an achievement to be sneezed at, it has pecu-
liarly released something within her. She no longer
dances before her audiences-as she used to say-
"with a. whip in her hand." They are now her
enthusiastic adnirers, and she, in tarn, is unearthing
depths in her art never before plumbed.
She has scored tifree fery great and significant
achievements this winter in the final formation of
the "Primitive Mysteries" cycle, in her new cycle
"Ceremonials," and in her stark dance of tragedy
The "Primitive Mysteries" cycle is a composition
which must be ranked among the choreographic
masterpieces of the modern dance movement. Its
simplicity of form and its evocation of the childlike
religious elevation of a primitive people never falter
for a moment. Miss Graham's performance, consid-
ered apart .from the excellences of her composition,
is one of warmth and graciousness.
In her emotional blossoming Miss Graham's tech-
nique bears the mark of great change. She has built
her physical system upon the basis of percussive
movement-a stroke of muscular effort and its con-
sequent vibrations of recovery. In her earlier and
more defensive compositions it was the stroke which
assumed the chief importance, while the aftertones
were allowed to take care of themselves. Now, without
having violated in the least the cannons of the
method, she has found the secret of striking without
clangor, like the stroke of those mellow gongs of the
Orient which begin their vibrations as if without an\
initial piercussion.
"Dithyrambic" is the ancient dance ritual on
which the Greek tragedies are founded and from
which they sprang. From some points of view, it
is actually the outstanding item of her programs,
though it is far less elaborate than her dance cycles.
Frankly, a difficult composition for an audience to
grasp at first sight, it never fails, nevertheless to
evoke an enormous response. Its emotional -impact
is irresista,ble, even though the fine points of its
intricate design may escape observation.,
At every 'reseeing one is impressed more deeply
with the magnitude of this composition, not to speak
of its masterly performance, and with the strange
hard beauty of the music, Aaron Copeland's "Piano
Variations," to which it is danced. Louis Horst, as
in all of'Miss Graham's work, contributes substan-
tially to its success by his playing of it.
RecentlyI was talking, with La Argentina in a
suite aboard ship, just befor s e sailed this spring.
In offering .congratulations to Martha Graham on
the receipt of the first Guggenheim Fellowship ever
to be given -to a dancer she added her enthusiasm
for thepurpose to which the award was to be put.
America,,she feels, has a great dance of its own yet
to be developed; it also has dancers capable in every
day of "developing it from native material.
Mme: Argentina bases her own art entirely on the
foundationsof the dance which' grew out of the soil
of Spain.' She does not present these folk dances on
the concert platform (nor does Miss Graham), but
the highly personal creations which she does present
there derive directly and consciously from them.
She argued that the American dance must be built
up by the 'same processes-a recognition of the valid-
ity of the dance impulses which are an exudation
from the land itself; the absorption of these impulses
by the artist; and his utilization of them consciously
in terms'of his individual inspiration.
She cited the Indian and the Negro as examples
of what had already been produced on our continent.
She also held that the distinctive basis of the Amer-
ican dance, 'like that of the Spanish, was that of its
If one had rot known differently, it might have
been supposed that Mine. Argentina had listened to
Miss Graham's lectures and read her articles on the
subject, fo rallowing the natural differences in tem-
perament of the two dancers, their views were seen
to be identical.
The following program will be given by students
of Matha-Merkle Lyon, of the faculty of the School
of Music, Thursday evening, June 2, at 8:15 in Room
305 of the School of Music. They will be assisted by
Helen Elizabeth Gray, pupil of Nora Crane Hunt, with

Jane Law. as accompanist. The'general public with
the exception of small children is invited:
Sicilienne .....................Bach-Maier
Song of -ove and hope ...............Teller
Kathleen Rinck
Betty Ann Chaufty
Gavotte; Bunnies ..................Lemont
Virginia Baumgardner
Serende ........ .. ................Gilbert
BettrAin Chaufty
Majesty of the Deep ................ Hamer
W himsies ..... ...................Lemont
Maxine Blaess
Prehlde, Nos. 20 and 7 ..... ...,..Chopin
Herbert Schmale
Alla Pollaca .......... ............Arensky
_i'audon .................1MacDowell
Mildred Livernois
Maxine Blaess
Warrior .s Song ,................,....... Ieller
The'-Butterfly ......... .............Lavallee
. Kathleen Rinek
Oi,'iie .................. .Bach-M aceDowell
Moment Musical _.............. Schubert
Mildred Livernois
Preludes, Nos. 4, 3 and 6 .............Chopin
Iallet'Mignon .......................W achs
Mary Walker
M.tarcln Mignonne ..................Poldini
Joy of Autumn................MacDowell
a Margaret lloppert
The Icicle ........... .,......Bassett
Wild Geese ......................Bennett
Rain . ......... ........ ........Curran

Grate Excitement.
Making Up Time.


EW students, while contemplating the more
or less improfitable horizon appearing as sum-
mer vacation, realize the possibilities of summer
session at te University. While graduate students,
have always availed themselves of the facilities
offered during this. session, undergraduates have
not taken advantage of the opportunities 'to the
extent that they might have.
Students attending the summer session have in
many ways access to' fields not open during the
regular school year. Professors who are prominent
in their subjects at other universities give courses
during the shorter term and thus open the way to
a nrew interchange of ideas and thought. .Courses
may be completed in shorter time and many stu-
dents use the credits accumulated at this time to
coast on later. rIn addition to courses'given in Ann
Arbor, additional instruction is offered in summer
camps in geology, 'geography, biology, engineering
and forestry. Recreational facilities are opened
wider to the student by a partial relaxation of' the
auto ban for such purposes, while many trips to
outside places of interest are open to all students.
Summer 'school will be worth attending this
year more than ever. With short time employ-
ment; such as most undergraduates hope to obtain
during the summer months, at a very low point,
the amount necessary for expenditures in the edu-
cational field constitutes an excellent investment.
With many graduates returning to school next
year because of lack of employment, the student
is brought to the realization that too much educa-
tion can never be harnfil. Why spend the suimy
mer doing nothing when the time can be utilized
very profitably in Ann Arbor?


Mock Junior Elections.
By Barton, Kane
Considerable excitement has been
aroused by a certain gentlema
who spends the noon hour in the
heat tunne] that runs underneath
the campus and looks up through
the grating near the Engineering
arch at passing students. Recently
two male students discovered his
game; went to get a bucket of
water; returned and found that the
man had disappeared.
Another article from the Health
Service. Two students, one of whom
is John William Thomas, escaped'
from their beds on the second floor
and went to the second show at the
Majestic theatre the other night.
Nurses were waiting for the culprits
when they Teturned, They explain-
ed that if the, boys had asked per-
mission they would have let them
go to the movies and would have
prepared something for them to eat
when they returned.
* * *
Paul Showers, last year's editor
of Gargoyle was in town yesterday.
At about 2 o'clock at night Funny-
man Showei'sdecided to go calling;
went to see all his .old friends;
roused them out of bed; asked
them how studies were going.
* * *
Marjorie Western, B o s w e 11 of
Marion Shepard campus bad girl,
passed the Pharmacology building
last week; heard dogs within bark-
ing; called a custodian and asked
for an explanation; discovered that
the animals were being used for ex-
periments; became very a n g r y
when custodian refused to free
dogs; told him, that he was a eruel
* * e
Martha Graham, dancer appear-
ing at the Lydia Mendelssohn thea-
tre, was interviewed yesterday while
she was getting a shampoo and a
manicure at the League Beauty
shop. Brackley Shaw, the inter-
viewer, took few notes; said he felt
silly; stated that he' was as out of
place in the beauty shop as he
would have been in a ladies Tur-
kish bath.
Peggy Duggan, Sorosis freshman,
and Pep Bursley, Sigma Phi back-
slapper,e decided to play "Romeo
and Juliet" on the steps of Hill au-
ditorium a few nights ago. Politi-
cian Bursley forgot the lines of Ro-
meo; said he would rather play
"Othello"; chased Collegiate Soro-
sis Duggan about the steps.
Miss Duggan slipped; fell down;
hit every step;' ' decided to stop
* * *
Blethel Kelly, sophomore at the
Delta Kapp4 Epsilon house, is a
tryout for the presidency of the In-
terfraternity Council. Fraternity
Man Kelly yesterday called the of-
rice of the dean of students; in-
formed Miss Snyder, secretary to
Uncle Joe, that in case Mr. Bursley
didn't know it, the Judiciary com-
mittee of the Council was going to
meet in his office that night. Sec-
retary Snyder, ever cautious, asked
if Dean Bursley knew about the
meeting; informed Kelly that the
dean could not attend.
The meeting was postponed.
* *
Stories of injustices at Mosher-
Jordan keep on piling up in my
desk. Peggy Duggan had an out of

town guest stay with her in Jordan
hall. The guest went out with Wil-
lian. Nichol, of the Delta Tau Delta
house, and was ,0 minutes late. She
and Nichols were strolling about
the terrace and didn't know about
the time ruling. Miss Duggan has
to make (up time for it this week-
end and Ishe is angry about it.
* * *
The seniors held their mock elec-
tions today. At this time ' wish to
nominate the following for next
Most Attractive Girl, Mary Phil-
Most Popular Girl, Margaret 0'-
Smoothest Politician, Joseph Zias.
Best Appearing Man, Benjamin
Most Effective Brunette, Ann Ver-
Most Ingenous Blonde, Betty Van
Most Literary Senior, J a m e s
Hughes Inglis.
Smoothest Man, Harry Begley.
Most Astutre Grade Beggar, Ned
Turner and Ted McKay.
Best Athlete, Ivan Williamson.
Co-eds Choice, Roderick Cox.

.egisla t ive
.eadership Appears


)NE of the most dramatic incidents in the poli-
tical history of the United States during the
st decade took place Tuesday when President
.oover personally appeared before the Senate
hich had been holding up the revenue bill. By;
ghtfall the budget was balanced.
The opposition has been complaining for some
onths of lack of leadership in the addministration,I
id has not been able to contribute Much towards
alancing the budget itself. This latest move
could certainly prove to the country that it is
>t lacking in the leadership it needs in times like
ese. Some of the methods for raising the revenue
ay not be popular in certain quarters. But when
i elected Congress spends the rublic monies and
en stalls on obtaining the money with which to
ake such expenditures, it is high time for drastic
President Hoover's action finally brought the
calcitrant Senate to balance the budget. The
gour and .tact with which he,handled the situa-
®n shows the country that it has the necessary
adership for these times.


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