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May 12, 1932 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-12

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Ali I


Plans Are Completed
for Architects' Ball
(Continued from Page 1h
on salty at the Union, where they




Suddenly Ends Situation
4hich Threatened, Peace
of Eltire World.


Calls on Other Leadi qg Powers
to Enforce Terms of
New Truce.
TOKIO, May 11.-(AP)-The Jap-
anese govcrnmcnt (innounced today
it had decided to withdraw all the
rest of its troops from Shanghai,
ending with an unexpected sudden-
ness a situation which for four
months has threatened the peace
of the world.
The announcement was made by
a government spokesman at mid-
day. He said the cabinet made the
decision at a meeting Tuesday.
The matter was laid before Em-
peror Hirohito this afternoon and
approved by..him, after which the
general stalil tolegrtp dcl orders to
Gen. Shirakawa, Japanese army
commander at Shanghai, to hold all
army forces there in readiness to
return to Japan. The spokesman
said the movement was expected to
be completed within a month.
From then on, the spokesman
said, Japan expected the United
States and other powers interested
in Shanghai to see to it that the
terms of the recently signed truce
agreement were observed by Crina.
The troops, once returned, would
be held in readiness to return
should a "genuine emergency" de-
mandit, he emphasized, but he
added that the government in the
future would probably be slow to
decide such an emergency existed
and would not consider minor in-
fractions of the truce by the Chin-
ese reason for dispatching troops.
"The decision is due to the Jap-
anese government's desire to con-
form to world opinion," he said,
"and to prove that Japan had no
territorial or other ulterior motives
in sending the troops to Shanghai."
The withdrawal will mean a re-
turn to conditions as they existed
before the outbreak at Shanghai
last January which cost thousands
of lives, both Chinese and Jap-
anese, and the destruction of mil-
lions of dollars worth of property.
Since the withdrawal of the 14th
division from Shanghai to be sent
to Manchuria, announced by the
war department Tuesday, only
about 15,000 Japanese troops re-
main there.
I'igh School Cast Will
Present Milne ComedY
"The Romantic Age," a three-
act comedy by A. A. Milne, will be
presented at 8 o'clock, Friday and
Saturday nights at the University
high school. The play is under the
direction of Marion K. Huber, and
it is the annual presentation of the
Ounior class.
The story concerns a girl who is
tnocern, but continues to search
for her medieval "lover-in-armor,"
The leading roles will be played by
Bille Carr, Judy Trosper, Phyllis
Blrumm, George Forsythe, Bob
Rowell, and Ned Loos.

* * * .
(Continued From Page 1)
In 1920 the policy of having regu-
lar monthly meetings was begun.
Usually at these meetings, one or
two short plays were given by mem-
bers of the group and helpful crit-
icisms were offered from the floor.;
The opportunity for practical ex-
perience was thus extended to every
member of the club.
These meetings were opened to
the public for the first time in 1924
and, from that time to the present,
a large attendance has been as-
sured for the plays, which are not
only entertaining but also careful-
ly and ably prepared.
Meanwhile, the club continued
to present its one big play a year,
which had now come to be regard-
ed as one of the principal social,
as well as dramatic, events of the
year. "Alice-Sit-by -the-Fire," in
1920, marked the first of the plays
directed by Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson
of the Engineering English depart-
Mnent. Under his supervision, great
progress was made in securing
greater attention to details of a
technical nature.
Professor Nelson was in charge
of most of the clubs work from 1920
Confers With Senate Members
on Projected Budget Cut
of $300,000,000.i
a bi-partisan White House break-
fast with members of the new Sen-
ate Economy Committee, President
Hoover today set under way a new
money saving program in the Sen-
ate along the same lines as that
riddled by the House.
The drive is intended to save
$300,000,000 or more through re-
duced appropriations and govern-
mental consolidations.
Many of the items of the original
House Economy Bill were discussed,
including the five-day week and
payless furlough plan for Federal
Ogden L. Mills, secretary of the
Treasury, was appointed spokesman
for the group breakfasting with the
President, a role he has assumed
following all of the series of recent
White House larl]eys.

Comedy club's 193 l organization
.* * *
co 1926 and gave to every one of
the annual plays a professional fin-
ish not often found in strictly ama-
teur performances. "Mr. Pim Pass-
es By," "Pygmalion," "Captain Ap-
plejack"-all were worthy of a
group of actors of twice the exper-
ience and yet retained the spon-
taneity of amateur work.
The play "Great Catherine," in
1926, established several records. It
was the first time that Comedy
club essayed to put on a second
big play in one year, and also
marked. the first of the student-di-
rected productions. The play en-
Joyed a record run of ten days.
Comedy club had by this time
attained a high degree of efficiency
in its organization. Try-outs were
regularly held at the beginning of
the school year, and there was al-
ways a great deal of competition
for the places which were open.
Those trying out for positions on
the technical staff were given work
on the club's own productions.
The club continued giving two or
three public performances a year,
usually in Sara Caswell or Mimes
theatre, doing the best they could
with the facilities at their com-
mand. In 1919 came the comple-
tion of the Women's League theatre
and Comedy club was given the
honor of officially opening the hall.
Clemence Dane's "Granite" was se-
lected for the occasion and present-
ed on May 6.
Since the improvement in facili-
ties brought about by the new the-
gtre, interest in dramatics has been
raised to a high level at Michigan.
Comedy club has benefited both di-
tectly and indirectly since more tal-
ent than ever before is finding its
way into the club.
Last season, Comedy club pre-
'ented "Straight-Jacket," a drama
written by Prof. John L. Brumm
of the journalism department. Oth-
_r plays still remembered from last
year are "Olympia" and "Pierrc
"The Streets of New York" and
Anthony and Anna," presented
this year, have been the club's pro-
ductions up to date. The proceeds
from the first play were donated
to the community fund, for which
action Comedy club was generously
praised. The coming performance
will be the third this season.
e eV


Shifts Activities to Region
Rhode Island; Contacts


may be obtained until Friday noon.1
The patruns are: President Ruth- Adams Gives Talk on George
v ,n and Mrs. Rut-ven; Webster H. Washington; Ming, LeRue
Pe>ac , tate supcrintendcnt of 1so on Pro ram.
djUsatin. and Mrs. Pearce; Regent
Juni_ E. BO' rd Mrs. Bcal: Re- ----
1t Wille L. Ciemients and Mrs. The University of Michigan bi-
1Ce!ert: ige Lucius L. Hub- ;logical station on Douglas lake
)d; eent Jaries; 0. Murtin and yesterday dedicated a memorial
Mri. Murlin; Re'nt Ttlph Stone forest of fifteen acres in obser-
and Mrs. Stone; Regnt R. Perry ance of the Washington bicunten-
Shersand Mrs. Shorts; Regent nial. The exercises of dedication
Richard R. Smith and Mrs. Smith; were featured by an address on
,egent E4sther M. Cram and Leroy V"George Washington" delivered by
V. Cram; Prof. Randolph G. Adams, director
Prof. Emil Lorch and Mrs. Lorch; of the William L. Clements library
Prof. Jean Hebrard and Mrs. Heb- of American history.
rard: Prof. Ernest Wilby and Mrs. Those attending the ceremony
Wilby; Prof. Ralph W. Hammett were given the opportunity of
and Mrs. iammett; Prof. George planting individual trees and of
SN. MConkey and Mrs. McConkey; receiving formal certificates from
Prof. Wells I. Bennett and Mrs. the National Tree association as
Bennett; Prof. Walter V. Marshall recognition of ther particpaton in
and Mrs. Marshall; Prof. Jean Paul a nation-wide program.
Slusser; Prof. H. A. Fowler and Mrs. The trees, more than 15,000 white
Fowler; Prof. F. C. O'Dell and Mrs. and Norway pines, are the donation
O'Dell; Prof. Myron B. Chapin and of the State Department of Con-I
Mrs. Chapin; Prof. Ernest H. servation. The planting will beI
Barnes; and Prof. George B. Brig- completed under the direction of
$ ham, jr., and Mrs. Brigham. members of the faculty of the de-
Guests for the dance are Vice- partment of forestry.
President Clarence C. Yoakum and Hon. George Ming, speaker of the
Mrs. Yoakum; Vice-President Shir- Michigan House of Representatives,
ley W. Smith and Mrs. Smith; Vice- and Prof. George R. LaRue, direc-
President James Bruce and Mrs. tor of the biological station, ap-
f Bruce; Governor Wilber M. Brucker peared on the program with Pro-
and Mrs. Brucker; Dean Henry C. fessor Adams.
r Sadler and Mrs. Sadler; Dean H. M.
- Bates and Mrs. Bates; Dean E. H. Figures Compiled on
e Kraus and Mrs. Kraus; Dr. Freder-
s ick G. Novy and Mrs. Novy; Dean Worth of Education
Marcus L. Ward and Mrs. Ward; -
Dean John R. Effinger and Mrs. A college education is at present
- Effinger; Dean G. Carl Huber and worth from $56,000 to $112,000, ac-
e Mrs. Huber; Dean S. T. Dana and. cording to statistics compiled by
- Mrs. Dana; Dean Clare E. Griffin the U. S. Bureau of Education.
g and Mrs. Griffin; Dean Joseph A. Only eight per cent of the boys
Bursley and Mrs. Bursley; Dean Al- of today go through high school,
- fred H. Lovell and Mrs. Lovell; Dean and only one per cent go through
s Alice M. Lloyd; and Walter B. Rea; college. The total earnings of the
- Prof. DeWitt Parker and Mrs. high school graduate, from the
t. Parker; Prof. H. P. Thieme and tire he goes to work at the age
. Mrs. Thieme; Prof. Louis Hopkins of 18, to the age of 60, average
t, and Mrs. Hopkins; Prof. Henry C. about $80,000.
a Anderson; Prof. Daniel L. Rich and In contrast, those of the college
Mrs. Rich; Prof. Henry I-. Higbie graduates from the age of 22, when
- and Mrs. Higbie; Prof. Waldo Ab- he enters the business world, to1
s bott and Mrs. Abbott; Prof. Peter the age of 60, amount to from $144,-
e Field and Mrs. Field; Dr. George A. 000 to $200,000.
- May and Mrs. May; Dr. Margaret This increase of from $56,000 to
e Bell; Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sink; $112,000 represents the cash value
- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred B. Shaw; Mr. of four years in college, or from
y and Mrs. T. Hawley Tapping; and $77 to $155 for every day that is
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Buckley. spent as a student.

NORFOLK, Va., May ll.-(P)
With a new scene of activities of
the Rhode Island coast reported fo:
his negotiations, John Hughes Cur
tis, Norfolk intermediary in the
Lindbergh kidnaping case, still wa
absent today on a secret trip under
taken last week. The Virginian
Pilot said today it had learned th(
negotiations are now being conduc
ted off Block island, east of Loni
The reported shift in the activ
ities came after repeated cruise
out to sea from Norfolk apparent
ly had failed in forming contact
Last week Mr. Curtis and Lieut
George L. Richard, naval air pilot
left the naval air base here on
secret mission.
On his trip northward, the Vir
ginian-Pilot said, Mr. Curtis wa
taken to a point at sea, where h
went aboard a boat containing rep
resentatives of the kidnapers. Th
paper said Col. Charles A. Lind
bergh left the naval base a da,

F~~~ ~ --____________
Just received shipment of all cur-
rent models, 'coaches, sedans,
{eurx's. We will sell these at bar-
gan prices. Regular new car
wsrranty and service policy.
Asocia ted Motor Services 311 W.
Huron. 22001. 611c

TYPING-Grad. theses a specialty,
M. V. Hartsuff. 9087.
YOUNG LADY who has had ex-
perience selling dresses for part
time work. Box A32, Michigan
Daily. 630
WANTED-Used bailing machine,
hand power, to make bale about
30 by 16 by 1 to 30 inch.' Call
2-3833 between 0 and 7 p. m. or
between 12 and 1 p. m. 633
204 North Main Phone 3916
Spare your hands and keep your
clothes fresher, whiter, cleaner.
hOUSE FOR RENT-Furnished or
unfurnished. 1324 Olivia. Avail-
able June 1. 614c
AN UNUSALLY desirable office for
attorney, doctor, dentist, or engi-
neer. Now available in First Na-
tional Bank Bldg. For informa-
tion call bank office. 560c
1 miles from campus. neat,
clean, modern,$5 and 6 room
houses, $35 to 50. E. E. Calkns.
Phone 7254. 632
search microscope with Abbe con-
denser. Call 9630. 609c
phone 3021. 629
PIANO-Upright, good condition,
excellent tone and action, cheap.
Phone 23745. Noon and evenings.

1 U

a k




Now Playing

"Come in-
He knewthe hyman heart-and
so did she ... He knew its ills
-she knew its thrills .. .When
they qpt togeher-DRAMA,
laughs and tears.
DEVINE. Based on novel by Donald
Henderson Clarke. Produced by Carl
t.emmle, Jr. Directed by JAMES
WHALE. Presented by CarlI Laemmile

A Hero in the Parlor
. . Helpless in the
She wanted a husband to
make love . . . But he was
too busy making history
. . . and WHAT history!
The Talkie of the Town
Mnl~v pl-aan 4

the last "sacred cow" in
cigarette advertising!

a 1




NHALING has long been an "un-
touchable"... a subject taboo in
the tobacco trade... a "sacred cow"!
Why?... Because in every tobacco leaf
-even the finest, the mildest-nature
hides certain impurities which, when
not removed, are unkind to delicate

Luckies created that process. Only
Luckies have it!
Do you inhale? Remember-more
than 20,000 physicians, after Luckies
had been furnished them for tests,basing
their opinions on their smekingexperience,
stated that Luckies are less irritating
to the throat than other cigarettes.

F 'A ,

WI a

- I -.

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