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May 12, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-12

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)L. XLII. No. 160.



THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1932

WEATHER: Cloudy, possibly rain








Hoover Denounces

Agreements Among Nations
at Present Time.
Representatives Not Surprised
at Executive's Rejection
of Revenue Measure.
WASHINGTON, May 11. - (') -
Reacting immediately to a Presi-
dential veto me'ssage that bristled
with denunciations, the House to-
day voted to uphold President
Hoover's flat rejection of th Demo-
cratic Tariff Bill.
cHardly had the Chief Executive's
blistering communication been read
than Rep. Snell, the Republican
leader, confident that the slim
Democratic majority could not pro-
duce the two-thirds vote necessary
to override Mr. Hoover, demanded
a roll call vote.
Rep. Rainey, floor leader for the
Democrats, knowing the limitations
of his party strength, termed such
action futile. But the roll-call pro-
ceeded. The vote was 178 to over-
ride to 166 to sustain.
Democratic Proposal Dies.
Thus the Democratic proposal
that the President be stripped of
his authority to change import
duties upon recommendation of the
Tariff Commission is dead so far
as this session is concerned. The
measure proposed that the Com-
mission report to Congress for
action by the National lawmakers.
The President's rejection of the
bill occasioned no surprise, but the
tone of his message was unforeseen.
"This type of preferential tariff
agreement which exists abroad to-
day is one of the primary causes
of trade wars between other coun-
tries at the present moment," he
Further, he asserted, the struggle
for special privileges by reciprocal
agreements "has become the basis
of political concessions and alli-
ances which lead to international
entanglements of the first order."
Urges Isolation.
"These very processes," he said,
"are adding instability to the world
today. I am unwilling to enter upon
any course which would result in
the United States being involved
in such complexities and such en-
The Chief Executive pointed out
that a majority of the 60 or 70
countries with which the United
States does not possess "most fav-
ored nation" treaties would be
interested primarily in reducing
American agricultural tariffs. Non-
a gricultural concessions would fail
to interest those particular nations,
lie maintained.
The effect of making such agree-
ments, he added, would be "to
demoralize our agricultural indus-
try and render us once more
dependent upon foreign countries
for food supply."
Athletic Board Asked to Give
Annual Reports to Council
of University.
One new faculty appointment to
the board in control of student pub-
lications, the board in control of the
oratorical association and the Uni-
versity committee on theatre policy,
will be made each year, according
to resolutions passed recently at a
meeting of the University Senate.
Those appointments will be made
for a three-year period in the case
of the theatre committee and pub-j
lication board and for a four-year
period in the case of the oratorical

board, it was learned through the
announcement of Louis Hopkins,
secretary of the Senate.
Another motion passed by the
gathering makes it incumbent up-
on the Board in Control of Athletics
to submit a report annually to the
These changes in the University
organization have been made as
part of an effort to systematize the
present arrangement of committees
and boards which have developed
independently of one another over
a period of years.




Reichstag Cancellation
Payments Is Only
Possible Course.



Owen D. Young, whom friends are
planning to present at the Demo-
cratic natona convention as a
"dark horse" candidate in the event
of a deadlock, is considered by
many political leaders to be the
man best fitted to lead the country
during a period of economic crisis.
Leading democrats have been issued
invitations to attend a dinner in
his honor to be held next Tuesday
at the Metropolitan Club in New
York City.
Roosevelt Administers Murray
Stinging Defeat in West
Virginia Vote.
(My the Associaed Press)
Anti-prohibition victories in Ohio
shared interest yesterday with Gov.
George White's capture of that
state's entire 52 votes in the Demo-
cratic national convention and the
overwhelming defeat of Gov. Wil-
liam H. Murray by Franklin D.
Roosevelt in the West Virginia
Nearly complete returns made it
virtually certain that dry forces
had been defeated by David S.
Ingalls, of Cleveland, assistant sec-
retary of the navy, seeking the
Republican gubernatorial nomina-
tion, and by Attorney General Gil-
bert Bettman, running for the Re-
publican senatorial nomination. In-
galls and Bettman and several
congressional winners were opposed
by the Anti-Saloon League.
Henry H. Curran, president of the
association against the Prohibition
Amendment, had this to say:
"Ohio used to be dry as a mum-
my. Now she is wet as Lake Erie.
If the Republicans pussyfoot in
their platform in June, Ohio will
go Democratic in November from
president down to dog catcher.
Ohio is wet."
S. P. McNaught, superintendent
of the Ohio League, conceded the
primary election to candidates it
rated "unsatisfactory," but blamed
the victory on "indifference" on the
part of the voters.
"The trend," he said, "is not due
to the fact that Ohio wants to slop
itself with liquor, but shows that
the majority of those who voted
have the falacious notion that this
state can get rid of .the lawless ele-
ment by ushering in a wet regime
which has no constructive program
to offer."
Meanwhile, Bishop James Can-
non, jr., of the Methodist Episcopal
church, south, reiterated before an
Atlantic City church conference
that "we will not stand for wet
planks in party platforms."
ILike Gov. White, President Hoo-
ver swept over his slight opposition
to win all 55 delegates from Ohio,
and apparently lined up West Vir-
ginia's 19, while Roosevelt was
gathering in 16 from that state.
Man Seriously Burned;
Tuesday Victim Passes
John Schaffer, 23, was in a criti-
cal condition last night at St.
Joseph's Mercy hospital as a result
of the explosion of a gasoline bur-
ner yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock
in his home on 7th Street.
Schaffer was engaged in attach-
ing the burner to a pressure tank
when the accident occured. He was
admitted to the hospital shortly af-
ter the accident and according to
the report of doctors was in a very
dangerous condition.
The ten year old daughter of Mrs.
Ray Gransden who was brought to
the University hospital Tuesday
night followin a similar eynnloionn

Chancellor Insists C u r r e n c y
Would Be Maintained
at All Costs.
BERLIN, May 11.-(A')-To the
accompaniment of heckling from
the national socialists and commu-
nists, Chancellor Heinrich Bruen-
ing defended his foreign and do-
mestic policies before the Reichstag
today in a long speech in the course
of which he reiterated the German
demand for complete cancellation
of political debts.
There has been no change in the
German position that it is impos-
sible to continue reparation pay-
ments, the chancellor said, since
that policy was first announced last
Without complete cancellation of
political debts, there can be no eco-
nomic recovery for the world, the
chancellor told the Reichstag, and
postponement of payment, or even
final payment in one lump sum, is
not acceptable.
The chancellor reiterated that the
currency would be maintained at
all costs and inflation resisted to
the utmost. He pledged his gov-
ernment to rescind measures re-
stricting commerce and to remove
tariff walls as soon as other nations
do likewise.
Armed Guards Force
Student Studying
in 1918, Is Report
How would Michigan students of
today like to do their studying in
large halls under the supervision of
the United States army? To have
a. shavetail lieutenant who . had
probably never seen a college su-
pervising freshmen and seniors
every night and be sure that books
were being opened? It sounds high-
schoolish, but nevertheless that is
what happened at Michigan during
the War, acording to Marlowe Stev-
ens, '21, a recent visitor on campus.
The first semester during 1919-20
saw the campus turned into a
training camp, according to Mr.
Stevens. The various fraternity
houses were commandeered as
barracks, housing as many as 45
to 50 soldiers. The Union, at that
time not quite completed, neverthe-
less had at least a roof on it, and
was used as a mess hall. The Greek
letter houses had bunks crowded
in bedrooms, studies, and in dining
rooms until there was little space
left for movement. The fraternities
hired outside rooms for their meet-
ings, and one group even held an
initiation in the basement of a
barber shop.
The students, almost all of whom
were in the army, had little time
to themselves. When they were not
in classes, they were being marched
to study hall in the Natural Science
building, the Law building or the
Economics building. When they
weren't studying, they were march-
ing and drilling.
Budget Crisis Causes
Difficulties arising from the
revision of the University bud-
get for 1932-33 have made it
impossible to open the regis-
trar's office for next semester's
classification in the literary col-
lege this spring, Prof. Daniel L.
Rich, director of classification,
said yesterday.
Selection of courses for next
fall will be postponed until
Tuesday, Sept. 20, according to
Professor Rich, who said that
no announcement for the liter-
ary college will be prepared for

use this semester.
Medical experiments
With Convicts Urged
NEW ORLEANS, May 11.-( )-
Use of condemned criminals for
experimentation in vaccine for the
prevention of yellow fever was ad-
vocated before the American Med-
ical Association today by Dr. Bolivar
J. Lloyd, medical director of the
T United States nuhlic health service

Many Boys to Meiss
Outing; Fund Drive
Is Short of Quota
Contributions made yesterday in
the campus drive for funds in sup-
port of the University Fresh Air
Camp fell far below last year's to-
tal and, as a result, 54 underprivil-
eged boys will be denied a summer
vacation of two weeks at the Stu-
dent Christian Association camp at
Patterson Lake.
The drive, made by members of
the "M" club and students promin-
ent on the campus, obtained$ap-
proximately $1184 of the $2,000
quota, leaving a deficit of $816. The
total of $1184 includes gifts by fac-
ulty members and contributions of
fraternities, sororities, dormitories,
and other student organizations, in
addition to the tag sale,'which net-
ted only $338.50.
Faculty subscriptions amounted
to $197, while the group of organ-
izations contributed $648.50. Unless
additional gifts are received in the
mails by the camp at its Lane Hall
headquarters, 350 underprivileged
boys of the Detroit and Ann Arbor
area will be taken to camp instead
of the customary 400 or more.
The campus drive was in charge
of Norman Daniels, '32Ed. Sixty stu-
dents, stationed at various quarters
on the campus, aided in the collec-
tion of funds.
Students interested in camp work
are to meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight
in Lane Hall. Prof. F. N. Menefee,
of the engineering college, and
chaiman of the camp b oa rd,
George Adler, Grad., director, and
Jules Ayers, president of the Stu-
dent Christian Association, will out-
line the work and purposes of the
Sales Manager of Hudson Store
Cites Personality, Health,
as Requisites.
People with extraordinary ability
are out of place in at great organ-
ization such as the J. L. Hudson
company store in Detroit, Michael
Dowling, merchandising manager of
the Hudson store, stated in a voca-
tional lecture last night in the Un-
ion ballroom sponsored by the Stu-
dent Council.
Personality, ordinary a b i1 i t y,
character and good health are th
principal qualities necessary for
success in the large merchandising
field, Dowling said. The man with
great ability is out of place in such1
an organization.
"The day of the large speciality
store dealing exclusively in shoes,
jewelry and similar commodities is
ended," Dowling said. "In a depart-
ment store all of the sections co-
operate to produce economies in de-
livery and advertising. The special-
ity store must spend the same
amount of money on these depart-
ments and only handle one com-
modity, while the department store
is advertising and delivering stock
from 200 different stores."
There are now in Hudson's store
104 college graduates who have gone
through the course of training that
was instituted a few years ago for
the development of executives, and,
according to Dowling, these college
graduates haye on the whole proved
themselves worthy of what is ex-
pected of them. Up until a year ago
when this course was discontinued
for economic reasons, eight to ten
college graduates were accepted
each year and given this training.
In conclusion, Dowling pointed
out that the Depression had brought
home the fact to the managers of

large concerns that quality not
quantity was needed in their per-

Ground Crew Navy Men Perish



Housel, Jay, Forsythe

Turner Named President
of Interfraternity Group,
Rushing Plan Is Passed

Picked From Faculty.

as Akron Makes
on California


Edwin T. Turner, jr., '33, defeated Ray C. Blocker for the presi-
dency of the Jnterfraternity Council by a wide margin at a meeting
of the body last night. He will succeed Howard T. Worden, '32.
Both candidates were nominated by the Judiciary Committee
of the Council last week but their names were kept secret until last
night to prevent politics from entering the election. They ran on
nearly identical platforms which favored the newly proposed rush-


CAMP KEARNEY, Calif., May 11.
-(P)-Misfortune dogging the diri-
gible Akron across the continent
ended in tragedy here today, as two
members of the Navy ground crew
attempting to moor er were swept
aloft and dq hed to death when
they lost their grip on the landing
A spectacular rescue that thrilled
10,000 onlookers saved a third mem-
ber of the ground crew, Bud Cowart,
who also had been swept aloft by
a sudden upsurge of the great bag.
He was hauled up into the Akron
after dangling from a rope for two
hours as the great ship maneuvered
in an effort to land him.
The climax to the westward cross-
ing of the Akron, which left Lake-
hurst, N. J., early Sunday on its
first trans-continental trip, came
during efforts to make an emer-
gency mooring at Camp Kearney
after an aerial voyage fraught with
Several attempts to bring the
great sky liner down had been
made by a determined ground crew
when upward currents suddenly
caught the ship.
Robert Edfall and Nigel Henton,
both of the San Diego Naval Train-
ing Station, and Cowart clung to
the landing line to the horror of
the watching throng as the Akron


Bursley Introduces
Plan to Aid Check
on Freshman Grades1
A new plan whereby fraternities
may obtain definite knowledge as to
the scholastic standing of their
freshmen at intervals during the
year was outlined by Prof. Philip
E. Bursley, of the romance langu-
age department and councilor to
freshmen, at the Interfraternity
Council meeting last night.
He stated that the present system
employed by fraternities of sending
scholarship cards to the instruc-
tors of freshmen was too uncertain
and inaccurate and advocated the
more systematic method of having
certain men on the faculty respon-
sible for the collecting of grades
for fraternities that desire them.


Dana, Bursley,

n *
surge upw r. Edia and Hen- iMany Petty Thefts Here Arouse,
ton lost their grip and fell to death, Suspicion 'That Gang
but Cowart clung on.
Upward the giant ship .swept, Is Operating.
with Cowart dangling on the line
300 feet below the dirigible. A Numerous petty thefts in the
height of 2,000 feet was reached, University section of the city in
but Cowart maintained his precari- the last few days have led police to
ous grip. Through bumpy air the believe that a gang is at work.
Akron sailed but Cowart clung on. Money and clothing have been
stolen from University buildings,
and articles taken from private
In addition to coats taken from
Angell hall and the Union, $80 was
D stolen, Tuesday, from the office of
Prof. Carl L. Hubbs in the Museum
jewelry valued at $300 were taken
Balloons, Streamers, Confetti Tuesday from the apartment of C
Will Feature Traditional N. Davis, 322 N. State street, it was
Costume Dance, reported yesterday.
Costme Dnce.John K. Atticks, '33E, and Leon-
ard Ostrow, '34, 604 E. Jefferson
Amid the traditional gay colored street, prevented a robbery Tuesday
streamers, balloons and confetti evening when they arrived home
that has marked the occasion of just as another roomer at their
the Architect's Ball of former years, house was leaving with a grip con-
300 or more couples will dance to taiing some of their property.
the music of 'Slatz' Randall and __in __m___rprpr_ '
his Brunswick recording orchestra
tomorrow night in the ballroom of Former Michigan Man
the Union. Succumbs in the East,
Conforming to custom, the danc-
ers will be garbed in costumes of PRINCETON, N.J., May 11.-(P)
various descriptions, some formal -Dr. Charles Carroll Marden, pre-
and others exceedingly informal. sident of the Modern Languages
Construction on the decorations Association of America and Ford
has been going on the past week. professor of Spanish at Princeton
It is expected that by tonight the University, died today. He was 64.
huge colored forms will be in place. He was born in Baltimore, Md.
The scheme of this year's dance He was an instructor in French
is called a "bal exotique" and con- at the University of Michigan from
sists mainly of a series of discs in 1900 to 1901. Several of his col-
brilliant hues set off by varied leagues still in this University said
lighting effects, last night that Dr. Marden was a
A few tickets for the affair re- very precise and fine scholar and
main to be sold. They will be placed was well liked by all that knewj
(Continued on Page 2) him.

ing plan.
Turner has been active on the
campus since his freshman year.,
He is at the present time a mem-
ber of Sigma Phi fraternity, the
president of the junior class of the
literary college, a member of the
varsity track team, and a member
of Sphinx, junior honorary society.
The new rushing plan, which
provides for deferred rushing dur-
ing Orientation week only and
deferred pledging during the first
two weeks of the school year, was
passed unanimously by the Council.
The system will be voted upon, again
at a special meeting to be called
next week and if passed the second
time will be referred to the Judi-
ciary committee for approval and
will next go to the Senate Commit-
tee on Student Affairs. If passed by
the latter body, the plan will go
into operation next year, it was
announced at the meeting.
Hold Nominations.
Nomination of faculty men, the
alumni, and student members to
the Judiciary committee were also
held at the meeting, as provided
for in the constitution of the Coun-
Franklin Everett, of the engineer-
ing school, J. K. Silvey, of the zool-
ogy department, Prof. J. H. Cannon,
of the engineering school, Dean
Samuel T. Dana, of the Forestry
school, Prof. lhlilip Ek Bursley of
,he French department, Prof. F.
Kessler, of the engineering school,
Prof. William Housel, of 'engineer-
ng school, Philip Jay, of the Dental
school, and Dr. Warren E. Forsythe,
mead of the Health Service, were
named from the faculty. These men
will be interviewed and five of them
>lected by the Council at the next
neeting. Of this number, President
Ilexander G. Ruthven will pick one
'o serve on the body.
Name Alumni, Students.
Alumni nominees are James Ken-
aed, Herman Kleene, Allah Con-
iable, William Brown, and Phil C.
?ack. President Ruthven will also
Choose one man from this list.
Student representatives are Rob-
'rt Tayes, of the Theta Xi house,
From gre'ip two; William Elliot,
Sigma Chi group three; Robert
Law, Delt MAlpha Epsilon, group
lour; and Ray Blocker, Phi Kappa
Sigma, group five.
Charles Wood Jewett, '34, Alpha
delta Phi, was.officially inaugurat-
}d as secretary-treasurer of the
Ann Arbor Educators' Salaries
Reduced Eight Per Cent
for 1932-33.
In a regular monthly meeting of
.he Ann Arbor school board last
nght it was voted to cut the salar-
ies of all Ann Arbor school teachers
sight and one-third per cent for
1932-1933, following Governor Bruc-
ler's recommendation.
In addition to this cut it was de-
:ided that the teachers would not
receive the annual yearly increase
of about $50. Up to this year the
teachers have received a yearly in-
crease in salary, depending upon
the number of years of teaching
experience. This will bring the to-
tal salary cut to about eleven per
cent over normal salaries, which
means a total reduction in the bu .
get of $75,000. This year the but-
get was cut $72,000, making a total
reduction of $147,000 of the budget
of 1932-1933 unde: the budget of
It was also decided that the
Board of Education would discon-
tinue summer school for the ele-
mentary grades for the summer of
192 Thic mil man a fi. h,".


Forty Years Comedy Club Activity
to Be Honored Tonight With
By Walter Morrison The early Comedy club apparent- vance, both in the
The oldest and most active ama- ly functioned chiefly as a social dramatic work andi
teur theatrical company on the group w i t h membership largely and prestige as an
Michigan campus, Comedy club, be- based on friendship rather than "The Admiral Cricht
gan its existence forty years ago. d r a m a t i c ability. Nevertheless a Mart," "The Magistr
Tonight in the Mendelssohn theatre great deal of talent found its way spector," and "Mon
the society's banner production of into the club and its annual play showed a growing n
the year, "Meet the Prince," by A. was always well received. Such per- finer points of the
A. Milne will start a three-day run formances as "A Night Off," "The Scarecrow," 1914, ar
in honor of this forty years of dis- Private Secretary," and "All the Walk," 1915, were p
inguished achievement. Comforts of Home" were among the par with the finest pr
Comedy club is by far the oldest factors which kept the club alive. formance.
dramatic organization on the cam- The badly needed reorganization During the war th
pus. Back in 1885 a group of stu- did not come until 1908 when Prof. energies on comedies
dents interested in dramatics form- Louis A. Strauss took the group in afford some relief f
ed the University Dramatic club hand. The present system of try- business of the day.
and produced as their first play outs was initiated with immediate Professor's Love Sto
"The Serious Familv" a comedv di- and aratifvina results at this time was sueesfi1 in th

L Play
quality of its
in its strength
on," "The Title
ate," "The In-
ney," in 1913,
mastery of the
drama. "The
nd "Pomander
aresented on a
rofessional per-
e club bent its
s calculated to
from the grim
In 1916, "The
ry," by Barrie,
is rpenet. hut

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