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January 31, 1932 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-31

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Y 31, 1

w Gift to Observatory
Praised by Doctor Curtis!

Louisiana Dictator Invades Capital

The McMath - Hulbert Observa-
ory, deeded Friday to the Univer-
ity by Francis and Robert R. MC-
tath and Judge Henry S. Hulbert,
enior judge of probate, all of De-
rojit, is an observatory excellent in
lesign and containing many me-
:hanical refinements, Dr. Heber D.
wirtis, director of the University
)bservatory, said yesterday.
"These men have designed and
built and excellent small observa-
.ory, which is equipped with a 101/%
nch reflecting telescope, the mir-
ors of which are made of pyrex,"
Jirector Curtis said. "The telepope
s driven by Telechrgn motors in-
tead of the ordinary form of driv-
ng clock, an important and novel
pplication of the principle of the
ynchronous motor which bids fair
o be applied to larger telescopes
n the future. The instrument is
%uipped w*th many mechanical re-
"OtheW men have built themselves
.elesc9pes, though few instruments
Af ig size have been built so ex
:ellEnt in design and in auxiliary
pparatus. Few men who have built
bdlvatories for their pleasure,
iowever. lave really xkork.ed with
hem afterward, 'but have allowed
he instruments to 'lie idle. The
hree men, however, with an en-
liusiasm, 'a devotion and a capa-
ity for arduous night work with
4heir instrument which might put
ome professional astronomers to
hame, have put in several years of
pork on a novel problem, and have
Lchieved results of interest and
"The purpose for which the Mc-f
Vath-Hulbert Observatory was built
s as follows: to obtain through the
Wving picture camera records of
he motions of celestial bodies. We
Ill know that the features of the
noon shor different aspects as the
un rises or sets on the lunar fr-
nations, that Jupiter is 'revolving
rapidly on its axis, and that this
noon is circling about the planets,
but few students of astronomy can
ake the time or rpake the measures
eally to visualize this from actual
bservation. The McMath-Hulbert
project takes movng pictures which'
an be brought to the class-room
ad shown to a high school or col-
ege class, giving them in perhaps
hre to five minutes a better idea
>f suchmotions than they could
secure from telescopic observation
in many hours.
"A film giving the results of their
preliminary motion pictures of sun-
set and' sunrise 'phenomenon on the
lunar craters, the rotation of Jupi-
ter, and the motions of Jupiter's
sattelites, was shown last April at
the meeting of the American
Philosphical Society in Philadel-
phia, andi aroused great interest.
They are now securing pictures of
gxeater perfection."
The men are only waiting for a
good comet to come along to secure
a pictoral record of its rapid mo-
tion. ,Director Curtis is now design-
ing far the McMath-Hulbert tele-
scope an instrument for recording
the changes in the solar surface,
and the changes in the great clouds
of hydrogen or calcium gas called
prom inences which are seen at the
lirbof the sun. This is a much
o e difficult project,sandmthe
natine of the instruient is long
enough to inspire respect. It will
be called, a spectroheliokinemato-

"The mechanical genius of Rob-
ert R. McMath has produced a
number of 'mechanical refinements
to make the'arduous work of taking
such celestial movies easier," Dr. 1
Curtis sai "It must be remnem-
bered that a satisfactory 'run' of
film to show sun rise or sunset;
effects on the moon, the gradual t
lengthening of shadows till they
finally creep completely across a
lunar crater and leave the central
depression in darkness, is a matter
of six to eight hours' work, involv-
ing the taking of anywhere irom
00 to 2,000 separate pictures.
"Ingenious devices give the propcr
exposures on the film of the movie
camera, with the proper "dark" in-
tervals between. The telescope is
made to follow the moon quite
closely in two different directions I
by means of ingenious arrange-
ments of changing gears. Still clos-
er approximation to the actual and
irregular motion of the moon across
the sky are given by electrical fre-
quency changers, which change by
very small amounts the speeds of
the motors which drive the tele-
scope. All the devices are not only
novel, in the sense that they have
never before been applied to tele-
scopes, but useful in that they point
the way to the application of simi-
lar methods on larger instruments."
'A completehdescription of the
telescope of the McMath-Hulbert
Observatory, with particular refer-
ence to these new and original me-1
chanical adjuncts, has just been,
published as Number 4 of Volume
IV of the Publications of the Ob-
servatory of the University.
Union Lobby Sees
Strange Gathering'
A student phenomonon unpre-
cedented in the history of the uni-
versity occurred Wednesday in the
lobby of the union. Probably the
largest single student "bull session"
of its kind to ever assemble spon-
taniously gathered for some strange
reason last night around a few stu-
dent orators and discussed life, lit-
erature and world politics from
seven o'clock until closing time at
At about seven o'clock an ami-
able discussion arose between Sher
M. Quirashi, '32, and Harry H. Kim-
ball, Grad, editor of the, Student
Socialist, on the subject of whether
violence or non-violence was the,
best policy for India. At eleven
o'clock Quirashi was more or less
.wilted in an arm chair and Kim-
ball, standing beside him, was hold-
ing forth to a young mass meeting
on the subject of the treatment of.
working men in factories.
Crowds ranging from a dozen to
over fifty filled the lobby 'in this'
strangely spontaneous student for-
um during the entire evening. Off-
cials at the de sk stated that this,
sort of gathering had never occur-;
ed before.\

Louisiana's colorful politician, Huey P. Long (right), is shown pre-
senting his credentials as United States senator to Vice-President Charles
Curtis. Long's delayed arrival in the senate rounded out that body's full
quota of 96 members.
Most Beneficial to Ituman Race, a condition in which the eye is
le Says in Radio Lecture; longer than it should be.
Adams Talks. "An eye that is perfectly formed
as to dimensions and curvatures is
No invention, ancient or modern, an ideal or normal eye and usually
it needs no correction before mid-
has added so much to human hap- dIe life."
piness as the invention of glasses, Some people need one pair of
said Dr. George Slocum, professor glasses for reading and another
of ophthalipology in the Medical for ordinary use, while others need
'School, wh6 spoke yesterday after- only one pair for reading. For the
neo: oer heUnierstyrado po-convenience of the former, Benja-
noon over the University radio pro- m in Franklin invented bifocal
Failing of the eyesight for most glasses to avoid the necessity for
people usually takes place between changing from one to the other,
the ages of forty and fifty, said Dr. Randolph G. Adams, director
Dr. Slocum. By the ancients. this of the William L. Clements library,
failing of vision was greatly dread- on the same prograi, gave his
ed, but since the invention of third of a series of talks on George
glasses, people have no fear of it. Washington. He discussed "Wash-
Glasses were slow in coning in- ington as a Military Strategist."
to use, according to Dr. Slocum.__
People of the ancient times did not
have the need for them that we -
do today because little reading was
done, except by the scholars. Fur-
thermore, glasses were condemned
by physicians and the clergy when
they were first invented.
"Far sight," continued Dr. Slo-
cum, "is a condition!'which the eye-
ball from front to back is shorter
than it should be. Near sight is




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