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January 31, 1932 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-31

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V 31. 1932









in Shanghai

ivlians Arm With Base Ball
Bats and Clubs as Chinese
Are Hunted Down.
eutral Group in International
Settlement Fear the Worst
Is Report.

Center of Sino-Japanese Conflict

CHA -. .
-' 2 0 0 T U N G
This map indicates the locations of -the various international inter-
e.sts and shows the native city and the Chapei district which have been
the ,scenes of the heaviest fighting. Chinese troops Were swept out of'
these sections after severe fighting. Clashes occurred on the borders of
the international district where the United States holds large interests.
them off and finally they left with- Local Pastors Plan
out getting in. eh;*
This wild disorder swept the few Variety of er on

Daily Official Buletin
(Continued from Page 2)
ing, Jan. 31, Rev. Henry 0. Yoder,
of Portland, Ind., will preach a- trial
sermon at Trinity church, cor. East
Williams and Fifth Ave. This should
be Yf interest to club members.
Liberal Student's Union, at 7:30
p.m., Dr. Walter Bergman of Detroit
Teachers College, formerly on the
University of Michigan faculty, will
discuss "Developing Student Im-
munity to Propaganda." Dancing.
"The Peace-War Movement in the
Orient" will be the discussion spon-
sored by the Buffalo Conference
Group at Lane Hall, 4 p.m. Particu-
larly the visitors present last Sun-
day, as well as all others interested,
are cordially invited.

at the home of Mrs. L. J. Roush,
1137.Michigan Avenue, 7:45 Feb. 1.
Independents and Freshmen At-
tending J-Hop: Meeting Friday,
Feb. 5, in Room 302 at the Union.
Final booth arrangements will be
announced. Bring ticket number.
Astrology Class of the Student
Theosophical Club meets at 8 p.m.,
Monday in Room 1020 A.H. The
horoscope of Benito Mussolini will
be discussed. 11 those interested
are invited.
John Isa, Professor of Economics,
University of Kansas, will speak on
"What Price Power?" Monday eve-
ning, Feb. 1, at 8 o'clock in Natural
Science Auditorium. On Feb. 8, at

the same time and in the same
place Professor William Haber of
Michigan State College will speak
on "Trends in the Labor Move-
ment." The following week at the
same time William Pickens, Field
Secretary of the National Associa-
tion for Advancement of Colored
People will speak on "The Need for
a New Political Alignment." These
lectures are current on the L.I.D.
series during the examination per-
John Ise Dinner: Those of the
L.I.D. Lecture Series 'Committe and
others who desire to have dinner
with Mr. Ise should meet in the
first floor lounge of the League at
six o'clock sharp. The dinner will
be held in the League cafeteria.


By Morris J. Harris
'HANGHAI, Jan. 30.-(A)-See-
ng with the wildest disorder,
anghai. tonight awaited w i t h
ve apprehensiop--unmistakable
irmation of reports from Nan-
g that the national government
d decided to declare on Japan.
hrough the northern portion of
international settlement, still
uded by smoke which swept over
ruins of Chapei, hundreds of
unese marines, plainclothesres-
ists and rowdy elements scourg-
the settlement in -an or'gy of
very man of them carried a pis-
in his hand, his finger oA the
;er. They swarmed through
streets on foot and in automo-
., dashing through the winding
ys, searching' in every corner.
apanese marines on motorcycles
a side cars swept the streets
h machine gun fire an d there
e gangs of Japanese civilians
ied with clubs andsbaseball bats.
s menacing crowd mixed with
kands of Chinese refugeesrid-
n rickshas or staggering along
ot, all headed toward quieter



municipal policemen to the side-
lines but now and then one could
be seen half hidden in a doorway
looking on helplessly.
To neutral observers it appearedl
that nothing could prevent the dis-
order from sweeping into the Hong-
kew Chinese district and there was
a general belief that the vicious
fighting which took place in Chapei
would be repeated in Hongkew.
In the center of the whirlpool
stood one of Shanghai's leading
Chapei itself was rapidly becom-
ing unfit even for battle. Great
columns of smoke rose from the
ruins of the ramshackle Chinese
houses. As darkness fell the flames
engulfed still more buildings and
the sky was lurid for miles around.
Refugees struggling into the set-
tlement said at least a thousand
NANKING, Jan. 31.--(IP)-(Sun-
day). Chinese casualties in the
Fighting and Chapei thus far were
placed at 1,000 in an oficial an-
nouncement . early this morning.
600 of these were killed and the
rest wounded. Most of the casual-
ties resulted from bombing by Jap-
anese airplanes, the statement said.

By their own statement the Jap-
ese were looking for snipers and
.er Chinese whose actions were
eestionable but it was not appar-
t by what standards they judged
ose actions.
'me after time small groups of
panese. were seen h u s t li n g
rough the traffic with a long
.ihese captive, or perhaps two or
ee, hurrying them no one knew
'n many cases the Japanese burst
o shops, dwellings, buildings of
y kind where they might find a
inese. Often they got in by
Baking down the doors and us-
ually they beat the unfortunate
inese they found Frequentlyl
y killed them.
this wave of lawlessness Tam-
sness over the Chinese business
;trict, all the shops were closed
d planks were nailed across the
op fronts. There were no lights
ide and from the front the plac-
looked deserted but in each one
re dozens of frightened Chinese.
the Japanese circulated reports
at Chinese snipers were picking
Japanese residents in the quar-
and that it was imperative to
t them out. If that was the pur-
se the job appeared to be done
der no .central authority but by1
lividuals and gangs who were a
i unto themselves.
Dne such gang, each member
h a pistol in his hand, tried to
ak into St. Luke's hospital, op-
ted by the American Episcopal
'hey said snipers were in the
ilding but hospital officials. held
you write, 'we have it.
rrespondence Stationery,
Fountain Pena, Ink, etc.
14 writers all .akes.
. ting Cards forgyva bocly#
14 S,,Ste St,.hinn Arbior."

(Continued from Page 1) l
in charge of the pastor, Rev. H. P.
Marley, who will discuss "Let the
Nations Disarm."
Services at the First Methodist
Epis opaj church will be preached
by Dr. Frederick B. Fisher. "Taste
for the Infinite" is the theme of
worship for this morning, while,
"Bolshevism" will be the subject of
the evenings sermon.
A special roll call service is plan-
ned for the First Presbyterian
church by the Rev. Merle H. An-
derson, who will preach this morn-
ing on "The Family and the
Church." The young people'smeet-
in at 6:30 o'clock will be in charge
of an Indian student. ,
The final sErnion in a series of
talks on loyalties will be given this
morning by Rev. R. Edward Sayles
at the First Baptist church. His
subject will be "Conflict in Loyal-
ties." Dr. Bruce Kinney, of Denver,
will tell of his experiences among
American Indiails at 6:30 o'clock.
Services at the Zion Lutheran
and St. Paul's Lutheran churches
will be in charge of the Rev. E. C.
Stellhorn and Rev. C. A. Brauer, re-
spectively. Worship at the Zion
Lutheran church will be on "Faith's
The "discussion" section of the
"Upper Room" Bible class will meet
at 9:30 o'clock this morning in Lane
Hall, while meetings of the Wesley
Foundation will be held at noon
and at 6 p.m.

Sophomore Engineers will be ex-
cused from classes at 9 a.m., Wed-
nesday, Feb. 17, to attend a class
meeting which will be held in Room
348 W.E. There will be class business
and an address by Dean Cooley.
Applied Mechanics Colloquium:
Professor L. C. Maugh will speak on
"Stresses in Curved Bars," giving a
review of experimental work with
illustrations. Mr. E. E. Weibel will
ree the literature. The meeting
is Wednesday, Feb. 3, at 7:30 p.m.,-
in Room 445 West Engineering bldg.
Junior Research Club: Tuesday,
Feb. 2, 7:30 p.m., Room 2082 N.S.,
"The Measurement of High Gust
Velocities in Wind Storms," by Pro-
fessor M. B. Stout.
"An Experimental Study of Blood
Parasites in Birds," by Professor E.
C. O'Roke.
Woman's Research Club: Meeting
Monday, Feb. 1, at 7:30 p. m., in
Room 3024 VMuseums buildirig. Dr.
Hazel Losh will speak on "Spectro-
scopy and its Astronomical Appli-
Faculty Women's- Club, Monday
Evening Drama Section,- will. .meet



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appreciation for their business rendered us dur-
ing the past semester; and hope that we will be able to
continue to serve you in the future.
Our policy of "only the best" in Poultry, Fruits,
and Vegetables will be mainrained along with all reason-
ableness in price.
Con e ProduCo

219-221 East Washington Street



. /




buildings already had been destroy-
ed and the fire was still spreading
Since a bomb from a Japanese
plane started the first blaze Thurs-
day night, efforts to check its ad-
vance have been impossible and
the district tonight was an inferno
roaring a serious threat to all of
Shanghai. f
Should the wind sweep the flames
to the south it was possible a wall
of fire half a mile long would ad-
vance upon the international set-
tlement and it seemed unlikely that
the settlement fire department
could combat it.



(All Makes)
Reasonable Rates
Phone 3694


221 East Liberty Street






day, 'eb.



It will be the feature ofahe class off 1933 J-Hop, giving a complete and

Vp M 4 f " ids !
P f7

authentio accotgnt of the dance.

lead about it Saturday- morning after


2A. M.



the Hop. Its ten pages of News and Scandal of the biggest social func-
tion of the year will add spice tb the occasion. The list of guests in
each booth will help recall ,he evening after many of the details have
faded. The fashion notes will be of interest to the ladies (?) and the
Picture of the Grand MAarch will occupy
an entire half of the front page





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