% ' r
Combined Asiatic Fleets
Britain Helpless
Against Japan,
"If the United States and Great
Britain went to war with Japan as
a result of the present embroglio
in Shanghai, the combined fleets of
both nations stationed in the Orient
would be totally ineffective," Pro-
fessor Joseph P,, Hayden, of the
political science department, de-
clared last night in a special inter-
view with The Daily.
"Both nations' Asiatic fleets,"
Professor Hayden said, "consist of
old cruisers and destroyers, and
their combined power against the
large warships and dreadnaughts
which the Japanese have at hand
would hardly make a dent in any
plan the Tokio government .night
make." This, it was revealed, means
the Asiatic squadrons'only and not
the' regular Pacific or Atlantic fleets
of both nations.
The sending of the entire Ameri-
can Asiatic squadron to Shanghai,
Chicago Pastor to Occupy Pulpit
at Congregational Church
Today; Suez to Speak. I
Dr. Robert W. Gammon, of Chi-
cago, speaking on "Life's Great
Fundamental," will occupy the pul-
pit this morning in the First Con-
gregational church, in place of the
pastor, Rev. Allison Ray =Heaps. In
the evening, at 6:30 o'clock, he will
speak on "When a Feller Needs a
Robert Suez, president 'of the
Chinese Club in the University, will
speak at the meeting of the Ariston
League, his talk centering on the
situation that led up to the present
crisis in Manchuria.
At St. Andrew's Episcopal church,
the Rev. Duncan E. Mann will have
charge of the services, occupying
the pulpit in place of the Rev.
Henry Lewis. Following communion
at 8 a.m. and church school serv-
ice, he will preach the sermon at
the 11 o'clock service.
The Liberal Student's Uion of,
the Unitarian church have listed
two discussions that should prove
:of interest to students. Walter G.-
Bergman, of the Detroit Teachers'
College, who was recently the sub-1
ject of criticism by the Detroit
board of education, will speak atj
7:30 o'clock this evening on "Devel-
oping Student Immunity to Propa-;
ganda." The morning servce will be1
(Continued on Page 2) 1
which is being contemplated by the
Navy department and which will
probably be accomplished in a short
time, is nothing unusual, Hayden
went on to say, for in the past 20
years, it has been the custom for
the Asiatic fleet to be sent to all
Oriental ports where disturbances
might affect American nationals or
their, property.
"The Navy department," he said,
"expressly stated that the fleet
would be sent only to protect Amer-
icans and their property and this
does not mean, as is generally sup-
posed, that the United States will
go to the aid of China, or enter the
"At present, the Asiatic squadron
is stationed at Manila, its regular
winter base," Professor Hayden as-
serted, "and consists of 20 destroy-
es and a flagship.. This small fleet
has, been the pracdiice of the Navy
department eves' since the Spanish,
American war and until now, its
duties in protecting American in-
terests have been taken for granted
as a routine matter."
In conclusion, Professor Hayden
stated that the sending (of the
Asiatic fleet is practically unimpor-
tant in itself since it will only be
protecting American citizens and
property. If the strife ' between
Japan and China were not so criti-
cal and located at Shanghai the
whole affair would be unnoticed.
Professor Hayden declined to dis-
cuss exactly what Japan and China
would do or express any opipion on
the whole -matter.
Search in Tehach api Mountain
Region Confused by False
Success Report.
GLENDALE, Cal., Jan. 30.-(P)-
A blizzard broke over the rugged
Tehachapi mountains1 late today,
halting a search for five men and
three women, passengers and crew
of a missing tri-motored air liner.
Several hundred men and three
score airplane pilots, who flirted
with death throughout the day as
they pushed the search for the
liner, were thrown into wild confu-
sion when two women motorists
brought an unverified report that
the ship had been found. The liner
has been unreported since late yes-
Immediate check with all search-
ing parties and officials failed to
find support for the women's story.
Then as night -darkened the storm
clouds, all searching operations
were brought to a temporary halt
by snow swept down on the moun-
tains by a high wind.
Airplanes were flown back to
their bases quickly and ground par-
ties scurried for cover.
With this issue, The Daily will
suspend regular publication un-
til Tuesday, February 16. A spe-
cial issue for the J-Hop will be
published on the night of the
dance, February 12.
Campus Foresees Sober Hop Week-End;
In View of Last Year's Catastrophe,
Houses Prepare for Possible Raids
With the iemory of the liquort
raids of one year ago fresh in their
memories, fraternities on the cam-
pus are preparing for one of the
most quiet and conservative J-Hop
week ends in the history of the
To date only eight houses have
applied for permission to hold
house parties during the period be-
tween exams and only several other
applications are expected before the
deadline which has been set. for-
Wednesday afternoon.
The Interfraternity Council and
the Senate Committee on Student
Affairs have acted to keep the par-
ties as orderly as possible so that a
repetition of the raids seems un-
likely, fraternity men believe. The
presence of intoxicatng liquors of
any sort has been forbidden at the
parties and a mother or father of
an active, member of the house or
Japanese Cruiser in Shanghai Attack
:a member of the senate and his
j wife must act as chaperones.
I ne member of each house giv-
in, a party has been required to
sign a pledge stating that all 'the
rules for parties will be abided by.
This, will require him to report the
misconduct, as interpreted by the
regulation, any outside guest or any
of the active chapter itself.
The decoration committee of the
J-Hop recommends that h o u s e s
which have reserved places for the
affair put a lamp in each booth.
The reason for this is not given.
Fraternities are' making certain
that if the police decide to stage
any more raids this year that they
will be prepared. In 'the majority
of houses there is a rule forbidding
active members to keep liqu6r on
the premises and 'at the present
time there are less than ten fra-
ternities that allow drinking in the
But if a quiet weekend is expect-
ed for fraternities, a noiseless one is
expected for first year men. They
have been refused places in the
booths of fraternities, they aret not
allowed to attend the parties, and.1
they are forbidd.en to enter frater-
nity houses.
So the first year men will go
home and rest up for the intensive
rushing period.
Student Deprecates
Fanfare Over Race
Conditions in Hawaii
Conditions in Hawaii are not hor-
rible. The recent Massie affair has
created a feeling that something is
wrong, that race riots will probably
break out any minute, according to
Harry L. Arnold, 33M, of Honolulu.
"There is no racial feeling in
Hawaii at all," Arnold said. "The
various races living there get along
together, and the troule, if any, is
purely political. Governor Judd is
apparently not reacting to the situ-
ation as he should. Any public in-
dignation which has been mani-
fested in Hawaii during the past
few weeks has been against the
guilty parties in particular cases,
rather than against any 'race as a
whole." f
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