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January 26, 1932 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-26

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26, 1932



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Miss Lloyd, Dr. efl to S eak on
Proems o lay; Chairman
Will Preside.
1aic&e Schedules to Be Given by
M'rgaret Scherack4 and
Margaret SMith.
Tentative members of-the oast1
and choruses for the 1932 Junior
Girls' play will meet at 4 o'clock
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre of the League biilding. At-
tendence is compulsory.
Schedule Outlined.
The purpose of the ieeting is to
famliarize the women with the
schedule and routine of rehearsals.
Jean Botsford, general chairman
of the play, will conduct the as-
sembly. Miss Alice Lloyd, dean of
women, and Dr. Margaret Bell, phy-
sician to the health service, and
director of physical education for
women, will s p e a k. Margaret
S herm ack and Margaret Smith,
chairmen of dancing, will give the
schedule for the rehearsals which
are to start immediately after the
second semester.
Any womar' who is not sure
whetber she has been eliminated
should consult the list of names,
in the office of Miss Harriet Bra-
zier, ietor, in the League build-
ing. 'An2 womakn who will not be"
a'le to attend the meeting should
call Margaret Ferrin assistant
chairman, at 7117.
Play Announcement.
These' are to'be placement re-
hearsals and definite announce-
menr o the cast andP choruses will
mace until aQout Feb. 19.
n xe to chel' their names
no in Miss 4razi's office.
ElRibility is 'ncessary to parti-
cipatein the play and it will be
cheed again 'at the end of the
semester. Also a health service
certifi4a is required.
There will be seven weeks of act-
ual rehearsal, and the opening
night of the play will take place
on Monday, March 28, in the Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre.
9 rED
y r Tennant, '29,
Amon the l\ chian women who
are aP e p n'tional fraternal af-
f r ix y Irent-ller Tennant,
o s fi.' tIlfan gradu-
tob e a nginaG oficer of
2, natibnal speech sor-
.e nnantis assistant-editor
e a 'Co, Zeta Phi
'na naIIlc tjons. She is
ox "igan to f1. this position
y created ofee. Zeta
merica ot e pro-
e 0nalsorert.
time s'i oca chapter ftis or-
ganization, in which Elizabeth Mc-
Dowell is president. This capter
was foundedl in 1929.1

Martha Cook.
Miss Margaret Smith, social di-
rector of Martha Cook, is having
as her house guest for the next few
days Miss Eleanor Smith of Boston,'
Tomorrow evening Miss Smith is
entertaining at an informal din-
nier .in honor of her guest. Those
who will attend the affair are Miss
Kathleen Hamm, business manager
of Betsy 'Barbour; Mrs. Gerritt
Diekema, director of Betsy Bar-
bour; Dr. Helene E. Schutz; Dr.
Margaret Bell,and Mrs. Bell.

I ,
Ted Robinson Points Out That
Imitations Show Author's
"The keenest criticism is in par-
ody," said Mr. Ted Robinson in his
lecture before the Ann Arbor Won-
en's Club given yesterday after-
noon in the Michigan Leagueaball-
room. "If you can take an author
and write a parody of his style you
have given him the best kind of
criticism if it is well done."
Mr. Robinson is well known in,
literary circles as he has been lit-
erary critic on the Cleveland Plain
Dealer for the past eleven years.
He is the author of two books of
verse and a lecturer on literary
Criticism by use of the parody
touches upon the weaknesses of the
author's style, believes Mr. Robin-
son. Parody capitolizes upon the
errors, peculiarities, and fads which
make the author individual, he
said. During his lecturer Mr. Rob-
inson parodied numerous famous
authors including: Milton, Words-
worth, Kipling and others. "One
cannot parody Shakespeare or Ho-
mer,." said Mr. Robinson. "There are
few authors which cannot be imi-


Mosher Jordan.

Saturday evening at dinner Miss
Alice Lloyd, Dean of Women; Miss
Alice Crocker, and Miss Rush, who
is the assistant dean of women at
the University of Pittsburgh were
the guests of Mosher Jordan halls.
Theta Phi Alpha.
Theta Phi Alpha enitertained live
guests at a rushing dinner Thurs-
day night at the chapter house.l
Red roses and ivory tapers were
used to adorn the tables.
Zeta Tau Alpha,
The pledging of Miss Lois Zim-
mermn, '35, Detroit took place at
the Zeta Tau Alpha house on

F amous Women
-by Ivalita Glascock---
An especial favorite with Ann
Arbor audiences is the Ketropoli-
tan Prima ' Donna, Rosa Ponselle.
Born in Meriden, Conn., the daugh-:
ter of a Naples coal dealer, she was
once known as Rosa Ponzillo. She
began her musical career by play-
ing in a local nickelodeon for $12
a week. Occasionally she- would
sing a few songs, and through her
singing she received $50 a week in
Mellone's restaurant in New Haven.
Carl Dreher, giving a description
of her in, "Radio Broadcast," says
"Ponselle is. a handsome, robustly
built young woman who looks the
Prima Donna, and would get a- seat
in the subway even in this unchiv-
alrous age, if she ever rode in it.,"
Another critic writes, "She has
heavy Italian features difficult to
disguise. But her voice, critics al-
most without exception say, is the
greatest to be heard today."
It hardly seems possible that the
first American to ever make her
debut in the leading role with Ca-
ruso began her stage appearance
in vaudeville. She and her sister
Carmela, also a member of the Met-
ropolitan Opera company, now, had
three years on the Keith Vaudeville
circuit doing a sister act. Carmela
started to study seriously and her.
teacher, William Thorner, happen-
ed to hear Rosa. Thorner inter-
rupted her singing of the Castodiva
aria from "Norma" to call in his
friend Caruso, who prophesied that
in two years Rosa would be singing
with him.
Ponselie joined the Metropolitan
Opera, in 1928 and it is said that
at her debut she weighed 205
pounds. Bicycle-riding has some-
what improved the situation. She
dngs in what is commonly termed
the "Grand Style," and has made
possible the revival of many old
operas with such excruciatingly
difficult roles that only a person
with remarkable character and
physical cndurance as well as pow-
erful voice could undertake them.


Embroidery Featured on Frocks
of Tailored Lines; All
Hues Popular.
By B. A. C., '34.
Woolen dresses are especially
comfortable on days that are rainy
and just cold enough to be in-'
pleasant, and never has there been
a season when bright, attractivel
dresses of soft wool materials weref
.more popular.,
Woolen. embroidery, too has .as-
sumed prominence when used ei-
ther on silk or wool dresses. Bright;
yarn flowers and motive designs
on a background of black are ef-
A dress of bottle-green claimed
our attention on a shopping tour.
recently. It was very simply de-
signed, the flared skirt hanging
from a narrow waist-band. A min-
iature scarf effect followed the
neck-line, and terminated in the
extreme right of the neck in a
tailored. bow. On the tabs of the
bow were embroidered flowers of
white. The rather wide belt of the
same green wool as the dress had
a huge tailored bow extending al-,
most the whole width of the back.
On it were white woolen flowers.
The beret of green wool, was
tucked in at the back and fasten-
ed with- a tiny bow. The mascot
scarf was embroidered with large
white flowers, and wa salso of bot-
tle green.
Since we are on the subject of
woolen dresses, there -is a brown
one we'd like to mention. It is one
of the sweater type dresses, and
makes use of the brown and or-
ange combination. The skirt is at-
tached to a yoke, and is laced on
the left side. The sweater starts at
the neck to be a very pale shade
of yellowish orange, and varyh g
through the various shades of or-
ange, ends in being the same dark
brown as the skirt.
The neck-line is square, and
through it are laced three yarn

cords of yellow, orange, and brown.'
There is a turban to go with this
one, too, and it is of a mixed brown
and orange weave.
A strange combination was one of
a light rose and brown. The skirt
was brown of a coarse weave, the
under bodice was pink, Sthrough
which was drawn an occasional
thread of brown. The very minute
cut-away jacket was of brown, and
was ornamented _with 'rose and
brown buttons. A row of the same
tiny mixed buttons were used on
the sleeves, and down the front
& the bodice.
Another woolen dress was a very
delicate blue. The sleeves were full
to the elbow, and then like so. many
of the newer ones,2 were tight-flit-
ting to the. wrist. Crystal buttons
were used on the cuffs and at the
Lily Pons, Opera Star,
Is Sued for $315,000
by For rA V naer
NEW YORK, Jan. 19.-( -Dam-
ages of $315,000 are demanded of
Lily Pons, opera star, and hex, hus-
band, Auguste 'Mesritz, in an
amended complaint filed today in
Supreme Court, by Giovanni Zena-
tello and his wife, Maria Gay Zena-
tello. The Zenatellos assert tliat
Mrs. Zenatello was discharged as
the singer's manager on March 7,
1931, in violation of a contract.

Nationwide Buys
- pree Is Pri
CHICAGO, Jan. 20.-(A
T. Hodges, member of th
board of the New York~
president of the Advertis
ation of America, today
nationwide buying spree
ing the Association of
and the Advertising C
Chicago, the New Yorker
"Consumers who have
poning the purchase of
.and luxuries through fE
than lack of means, are
the end of their rope, Ou
biles are beginningto
radios are out of date.{
ture is getting shabby
houses need paint.
* "The 40 million peop
work will soon be forced
the goods they have
Factories soon will have
Fur Accessories
as Dress Comp)
Fiur necklaces have-A
to the long list of for
A new black frock is w
long loop necklace arid n
of panther A panther
scarf and black gloves c
the same fur corn'-lete t
SLINFOLD, England, J
-Anna Rutz, the beautif
girl who played the p,
M~adonna in the Ober
passion play last year,
as a servant for an Eng
here, supporting her v
mother and two younge


Straw Will Be Combined With
Felt; Navy to Be Popular
as Usual.
By J. M. W., '34.
The season in millinery fashion
is brimful of novelities, according1
to Mrs. Harrison of Jacobson's Style
Shoppe who is at present in New
York for her spring shopping. New
brins, the treatment of the crown,
the chinchin types, the beret ideas
and the turbans"'w ll be noted. All
have their dips t and twists, and
they conform to the contour Of the
head as never before.
Novelty weaves in straw with a
wide variation in materials will be
used. Rough, smooth, dull, bright,
and natural straws will be featur-
ed. The crystaline straw, soft pli-
able material, will be fashioned in
the turban types. In the better
hats the montelupo, charmeuse,
and Italian Milan as well as num-'
erous other materials including the
sharskin and the racello will be
seen. Felts, too, will get the usual
play this season, being especially
popular combined with straw.
The Watteau type is a style re-
cently introduced. Narrow brims.
with high backs give the silhouette
effect in this new style that is be-
ing favored. The. Tyrolian" types,
high in the back with a back trim-
ming of quill standing erect giving
added height to 'the wearer is an-
other mode which will be worn.
Sailor types with their dips and
twists will again appear in all the
Colors will enter into the spirit
of the new showing. Black, nas-
sau, and blue will predominate.
Navy blue is expected to become im-
portant. Brown will be seen less.
Concentration is to be made on

Trimmings 'will hold to the pin,
self trims, tailored ideas. In the
latst showings flowers are playing
an important part. They are ap-
pearing in all variations. Bunches
of smalL fruitti, highly lacquered, are'
being stressed. In fact, anything
that has the lacquered appearance
to go in combination with the lus-
ter straws and cellophane mater-
ials. Gay feathers and quills will
be seen. Crystals are being used as
for the

New Matron Hats-Youthful Lines
Large Headsizes
22 South State Street




and up

The 6reatest Values of All Time!
Zwerdli ng Furs
At Savings Averaging %2 Their Former
An abnormal condition in the fur industry has made
it possible for us to offer you superb furs at savings
which we doubt will ever be repeated.
We are .determined that this phenomenal event shall
still further establish Zwerdling's as one of America's
leading and most reliable fur institutions.
All Fur Work at Reddced Prices Now
27 FR SHOv
27years of unexcelled value and service


4 .
i ,








Smart feet at the J-Hop and
other parties and dances will
wear sandals . . . we have just
received several new intriguing
numbers in both black and
AAA to C

'I il


beige, jadestone,
chocolate, and


.. t
The. P ancake Ee
. That's Causing Such Excitement
Such a' little thing-who'd guess that it could cause such a k
excitement! Nothing in the hand-nothing on the head, 'for
matter, unless you wear it at that perilous, and provocative
It resembles the, classic beret Basque, a famous man's shop laudi
it, it was the rage all along the Riviera, the smart Continental
"eating it up," and from present indications the French line will
to put on a special boat to rush shipments.
Wear* it for sports, street or ay informal occasion with a
pull to one side of the head. Wear" it with a veil and a clip
you'll be all dressed up in the formal sophisticated manner. Bu
Sall means WEAR IT!




Don't Forget
, That
606 E. LibertyC Phone, 95
Are always supplied with the
finest of cut blooms .nd
flowering plants.
Flowers for all purposes.
Why not send flowers on
Flowers delivered anywhere
through their mtembershtip in
the Florists Telegraph De-
livery. -Guaranteed service.
Funeral Flowers a





World's Famous

S l st



Ti Of fine handkerchief felt








Quality and
Service in


A limited number of tickets still


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