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January 26, 1932 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-26

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cation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
e University. Copy received at Uhe office of the Assistant to
resident until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.



No. 89


iduate School: All graduate students who expect to complete
>rk for a degree at the close of the present semester should cal]
office of the Graduate School, 1014 Angell Hall, to check their
and to secure the proper blank to/be used in paying the diploma
e fee should be paid -not later than, the first week in February.
G. Carl Huber, Dean.


aduate School: Graduate students desiring to make their second
;er elections in advance may do so this week. Please call at the
ate pchool office for the necessary forms. The regular registra-
eri6d for the second semester will be from February 10 through
ary 15. New students, or students transferring frpm other Schools
leges, should register at that time. A student planning to transfer
t ask the Secretary of his School or College to prepare and send
office of the Graduate School an official transcript of his under-
ite record. G. Carl Thuber, Dean.


Speech Societies Will
Elect t icers Today
Alpha Nii of 1Ctapp Phi ami"a
literary and debating ;uiety, will
hold its semi-annual election of
officers at a closed business meet-1
ing tonight in the Alpha Nu room.
After a regular closed business
session tonight in the Adelphi room
at which officers for the ensuing
semester will be elected, members
of Adelphi, forensic and literary
society, will be entertained at the
Union by. the new officers.
A Teams.
Psi Omega, 18; Phi Delta Theta,
Tatt Delta Phi, 6; Sigma Phi Ep-
silon, 4.
Pi Lambda Phi, 2; Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, 0.
Alpha Tau Omega, 2; Delta Sig-
ma Pi, 0.
Hermitage, 24; Phi Kappa, 5.
Delta Phi, 7; Alpha Omega, 6.
Delta Sigma'Delta, 2; Sigma Al-
pha Mu, 0.
Psi Upsilon, 9; Alpha Chi Rho, 8.
Beta Kappa Nu, 11; Beta Sigma
Psi, 2.
Beta Theta Pi, 2; Delta Upsilon, 0.-
Phi Mu Alpha, 2; Nu Sigma Nu, 0.
Trigon, 2; Chi Psi, 0.
Theta Chi, 12; Chi Phi, 5.
Alpha Delta Phi, 14; Sigma Nu, 8.
Phi Kappa Tau, 2; Phi Chi, 0.
Alpha Phi Alpha, 2; Delta Tau
Delta, 0.
Delta Kappa Epsilon, 10; Tau
Kappa Epsilon, 8.
Alpha Rho Chi, 2; Sigma Chi, 0.
Phi Gamma Delta, 30; Tau Epsi-
lon Phi, 4.
Lambda Chi Alpha, 2; Phi Epsi-
tlon Pi, 0.
Phi Mu Delta, 2; Phi Kappa Sig-
ma, 0.



rversity Loan Committe: The Loan Committee will meet F lay,
9, at 1:30 p m., in Room 2, University Hall. Students who have
pplications with the Office of the Dean of Students should call
t office for an appointment with the Committee.
J. A. Bursley, Chairman.
anish 1, 2, 31, 32-Examination Rooms: Spanish 1, N.S. Auditor-
spanish 31, 103 Romance .Languages; Spanish 2, 32, in Room 231
Hall. /

(Continued from Page 2)
publications, will discuss "Student
Publication Work in the Univer-
4sity" a 2 o'clock this afternoon
from the University broadcasting
Pierce to Speak.
Prof. Carlton P. Pierce, of the
roentgenology department, will talk
on "X-ray Examinations of the
Chest" on Wednesday, Jan. 27. Thisf
is the second of a series"of talksI
on X-ray to be given by the faculty
of the roentgenology department.
"The Futility of the Civil War"
is the subject of a talk to be given
by Prof. Dwight L. Dumond, of the
history department, on Thursday,
Jan. 28. Professor Dumond is the
author of two books on the civil
war-"The Secession Movement,
1860-1861" and "Seven Editorials
on Secession.",
Has Forestry Topic.
Prof. Ernest V. Jotter, of the for-
estry school, will talk on "Things
that Michigan People Should Know
about Their Forests" on Friday,
Jan. 29. Professor Jotter was for-
merly connected, with the United
States Forest Service and has con-
ducted extension work in forestry
and conservation with the schools
and communities of Michigan.
Dr. Randolph G. Adams, director
of the William L. Clements library,
will discuss "Washington as a Mili-
tary Strategist" at 8:30 o'clock on
Saturday, Jan. 30. This is the third
of a series of talks on various phas-
es of Washington's life.
Dr. George Slocum, professor of
ophthalmology in the Medical
I School, will discuss the "Failing Vi-
sion in Middle Life and After," on
this same program.
Due to the examination period,
the University broadcasting station
will discontinue their programs on
Sunday, Jan. 31. They will begin
again on Feb. 13.
Dr. Lee R. Dice Makes
Study of Singing Mice
Singing rnico are the subject of
research now under way by Dr. Lee
R. Dice, University museums, whose
experiments ' w i t h breedings of
large numbers of rodents have led
him to believe that this musical
characteristic is not an inherited
Mice possessing the characteris-
tic sing in a tone similar to tho
chirping of birds, and the volume
varies. Dr. Dice recognizes the -ps-
sibility that all mice do sing in this
manner, but that the human ear
is unable to hear it.

Liy Henry Meyer
When Lytton Strachey died, one
of the triumvirate of contemporary
biographers which has done most to
bring biography out of the two-
volumn "Life and Works" period
passed out of the literary picture,
Prof. Howard M. Jones, member of
the English department and a
recognized authdrity on the Victor-
ians and Victorian literature, said
yesterday in an interview. Strachey
in England, Maurois in France, and.
Braden in the United States, ac-
cording to Professor Jones, are
beyond a doubt the supreme bio-
graphers of the present day.,
One of the most brilliant of mod-
ern biographers, Strachey combined
wit and an amazing historical im-
agination with natural ability and
talent. It was hisability to see
historic figures humanly and vivid-
ly that characterizes his works,
Professor Jones stated.
When Strachey first became fam-
ous with his "Eminent Victorians,"
according to Professor Jones, the
time was just right for a biograph-
ical introduction to the Victorian
era. The war, which really sepa-
rated the 19th from the 20th cen-
turies, put Queen Victoria's people
far enough back to appear quaint
and interesting. That Strachey
should, come in with his style of
airy biography, at just that time, is
fortunate indeed, in Prof. Jones'
Although he did not introduce
the biographical style for which he
is famous, Professor Jones said,
Strachey did use that of other bio-
graphers to a new and better effect.
The principal aim of the author of
books like "Queen Victgria" and
"Elizabeth and Essex" was to find
the master traits of the characters
and to assemble the material, both
formal and informal, around these
The tone;of superiority which the
past held for Strachey accounts to
a great extent for the irony which
is noticeable in his books. His only
fault can be seen when he attempts
to justify actions of his characters,
and when he attempts to tell whai
a character "might have thought,~
Pack, Tuorn y Address
Hous at Washingtont
State Representative Philip C.
Pack and County Drain Commis-
sioner C. W. Tuomy addressed the
rules committee of the House of
Representatives in Washington yes-
terday to explain a new plan :cn
drain taxation which they hope
will prove of great financial value
to Washtenaw county and other
counties adopting it.,


or might be thinking," Prof. Jones
For English literature in particu-
lar and for biography of all lan-
guage, Professor Jones concluded,
Lytton Strachey has been of great
value, for he has been largely in-
strumental in taking the stiffness
and formality out of biography and
in making it vital and interesting.
(Continued from Page 1)
corner of Mack and Marlborough
avenues was not kept when Mrs.
Hudsoi failed to appear, apparent-
ly fearful that Schaefer would find
them together and kill her. At the
time Hudson, standing in a door-
way, saw the other man in the
neighborhood, but was not certain
that he was seen, he told reporters.
Saw Newspaper Photo.
Identification of the body of Mrs.
Hudson was accomplished by her
husband, who saw the picture of
Schaefer's car with her body in it
irr a Detroit newspaper Sunday
night, and reported the informa-
tion to Sheriff Jacob B. Andres. It
was when the Sheriff sent a posse
of deputies to the Schaefer home
to take the 'fugitive that he com-
mitted suicide, shooting himself
with the same pistol with which
he had ended the life of Mrs. Hud-
son, rather than be taken prisoner.
In reconstructing the movements
of Schaefer from the time he drove'
from his Detroit hiding place with
Mrs. Hudson and left her dead in
his Essex sedan at Pelham road and
Snow avenue, Dearborn and ran
from the scene afoot, deputies have
ascertained that he went first to
the home of his married sister, Mrs.
Claude 'Coon, 2933 Edsel avenue,
Dearborn, where he confessed his
crime and begged that she drive
Yhint home to his wife so that'lhe
could be a dlay with her' and his
children before giving himself up.
Told Sister.
Officers declared that although
his sister knew of the crime when
she drove him home, Schaefer did
.aot tell his wife of the murder, but
swore that he was through with
Mrs. Hudson and would never see
her again, before he was admitted.
When deputies raided the Schaefer
home at approximately 9:30 o'clock
Sunday night Mrs. Schaefer open-
ed the door and said, "Go in and
get him. He hasn't got a gun,"
thi king they were there to arrest
him on the desertion warrant.

|1 j)1
(Continued from Page 1)
building fixtures also are to
The second division of -the Sch
is in the rear of Hill auditori
whereq badly heated and totally
adequate classrooms are plac
These rooms, whichwere origine
meant for other purposes, are
noise-proof despite attempts on
part of the school to make th
so and instruction is disturl
whenever the organ in the audit
ium is played or whenever any
ganization rehearses on the sty
Classes maust always be dismis
when there is an event taking pl
in the auditorium also.
Morris Hall is Worst.
Morris hall, the third unit of
School, was found to be the rr
inadequate building of the thi
It is a remodelled frame house
uated directly opposite Angell li
two blocks from the main buildi
and houses the band and orches
rehearsal room, two classrooms o
the University broadcasting stati
Because of the one room for
hearsal, both the band and orchl
tra are handicapped for pract
In the building, also, there
no facilities for washrooms or ot
conveniences and frequently clas
have to be given in the office of
structure and in the halls o
Complain of Equipment.
That this is a lack of good equ
,mmnt also was found to be the c
sensus of opinion on the part
those questioned. Worn out piar
both for practice and classrc
work was the common comply
of many students and instruct
as was also the insufficlent num
of wind instruments.
Students questioned, also reve
ed that they thought the instr
tors in the various. departure
were excellent and instructors
pressed the opinion that if th
were better conditions existing
more complete and better edu
tion in the general field of me
and technical work could be gi
Although plans for a new Sch
of Music building to' be built
back of Hill auditorium have b
discussed during the past few ye,
no definite action has been tak
Lack of funds with the non-ass
ance of the state have caused
delay in going forward with
project, it was also revealed.
All Makes - La nde an Potta
Sold Rented kc a r RMepaI
Laarge choice s ytocklc. ty
0" D 14 ARR ILL1
I1 ~ tot St., Aran Arbor.

Bch 1, 2, 11, 31,32,;4,1, 1, , %5, 14-xamination o s.:
., N.S. Auditorium; French 2, 11, in 205 Mason Hall; French 31
at Physics Lect.; French 31 P.M., 25 Angell Hall; French 32, in
ance Languages; French 41, 71, in 231 Angell Ball; French 111,
154, West Gal. A.M. Hall.
Phi Eta: There will be no more meetings until after finals.,
tinen of the Literary School: Will those who have not already
ir class dues, please pay their respective class collectors. All
uld be paid before the end of this semester.

I Foundation-Schedule of Review Classes: Chemistry 3,
26, at 8 p. m. Sociology 51, Wednesday, Jan. 27, at 8
Science 1, Thursday, Jan. 28, at 8 p. m.

p. m.

V Leeturc, 4:15 p mrn, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
of England: "The British Contribution to h Mpic."
y 31: A make-up exam for the last Written quiz in myE
iven at 4:30 in 1121 N.S. L. S. Woodbourne.


1 be g


.M. 2a: The written review for all students in E.M. 2a will be given
30 p. m., in Room 311 West Engineering bldg.
hysies Colloquium: Prof. Arthur W. Smith will talk on "Magnetic
eability," at 4:15 p. m., in Room 1041, East Physics building. All
ested are cordially invited to attend.
otanical Journal Club meets 7:30 p. m., Room 1139, N.S. Papers by
upper, C. Grassel, K. Jones, and G. West. All interested are invited.
unior Mathematical Society meets at 7:30 p. m., in Room 3011 A.H.
iematical logic will be discussed by E. C. Varnum, '33. The meeting
en to all.
conomics Club: Prof. Sharfman will speak to the Club at 7:30, in
1 316, of the Union on "Economic Planning and Government Regu-
Aipha Nu of Kappa Phi Sigma: Semi-annual election of officers and
ess meeting will be held tonight promptly at 7:30, in the Alpha Nu
in Angell Hall.,
Fryouts for Girls' Chorus Parts in "Robin' Hood," will be held in
1 216 School of Music, from 5 to 6.^ Members of the University Girls'
Club need' not try out.
tev. Alfred Lee Klaer will speak at 4:15 o'cl ck in Room D, Alumni
orial Hall. He will lead the Religious Forpm and the topic will be:
Church Approach to the University."
'aculty Rifle Shoot tonight at 7:30. All faculty members are cor-
1 invited.
hristian Science Organization meets in the Chapel of the Michigan
ue building at 8 p. m. All students and faculty interested are in-
to attend.
ocialist Club: All students interested in starting a student book
ange will meet at 7:30 p. m., Room 302, Michigan Union. Opinion
able to a student book exchange exists in many quarters. To ac-
lish anything this opinion must be united and put into action.
nternational Relations Club meeting at 8:30, in the Political Science
riar Roort. The discussion on India will be continued. Both points
ew will be supported by men competelit in the field. All members
at 8 for ,z business meeting, elections..
Vichigan Dames: Book section will meet at the home of Mrs. Elmer
tum, 826 McKinley, at 8 p. m.
Idelphi House of Representatives: Election of officers for the next
ster will be held at the regular meeting at 7:30 p. m. All members
equested to attend.
eta Sigma Phi: Initiation cere- TWO PANTS SPRING SUITS
7 tonight at 7:30 at the League. and up

at 7
of t
at t
a p

iterary, 3; Mathematics, 0.
ngineering, 3; Army, 2.,
day, 7-10 p. in., at Pharmacology
hi Sigma: The First Semester
Sigma Initiation will be held
7:30 p. im., Wednesday, Jan. 27,
Room 3024 Museums building.
ean Humphreys, Professor of
;fish and Assistant Dean of the
ege of Literature, Science and
Arts will talk on the subject:
dentist and Artist."
'restry Club ,heeting, 7:30 p. m.,
dnesday, Jan. 27, in Room 2039
ural Science building. Prof. Carl
Hubbs, Curator of Fishes in the
seum of Zoology will give an
strated lecture on the "Game
ies of Michigan." Anyone inter-
d is cordially invited to attend,
[embers of Thursday Group of
n's Luncheon Club: All members
this group are requested to be
sent at the meeting on Thurs-
, Jan. 28. Dr. 0. S. Duffendack
give a demonstration and talk
Liquid Air,
oomance Languages Journal Club
meet Wednesday;, Jan. 27, at
0 p. m., in Room 408 Romance
guages building. Graduate stu-
ts are cordially invited.
rosh Frolic Committee meeting
dnesday, Jan. 27, at 8:30 p. m.,
he Union.
laha'i Study Group: Announcing
.blic talk on "What is the Baha'i
vement?" explaining the l3ahai's
roach to world problems, by
tha Hyde Kirkpatrick, Wednes-
, Jan. 27 at 4:15 p. m., Michigan
gue building. All are cordially


The OratoricaldAssocication


john B.


Speaking on

Sample titles of new books
just added to the shelves
The Printed Page
Rental Library
Mexico-Stuart Chase
The Greek-Tiffany Shayer
Love Goes Past-Usural Parrot
Judith Paris-Hugh Walpole
No membership fee.
No minimum charge.

XThat Makes

i If


For Dad and




You have heard Mr. Kennedy as radio announcer for.

ology 31: Students
the last experiment
report for make-up


Suit. Pres'sed, 20c
'All kinds alterations at cost
1319 South University

French translati

ons. New Fiction

They don't get the kick out of their birth.
day that they used to-in a way. It is a
time when they recall their finest accom-
plishmenta--the things they are proud of
-YOU. Have they a brand new portrait
of you? It will bring them everlasting
joy and is always appreciated.

Collier's Radio Hour.

associate editor of Collier's. -Now hear him in person-
Hill Auditorium

You have read his articles as

(Three for two Dollars)



Wednesday. Tan. 27

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